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MIDTERMS going on & we want to treat the infection.

We don’t
ENDODONTICS (LECTURE) want to add more infection into the root canal.

Branch of dentistry concerned with the morphology, 4. Complete Obturation

physiology and pathology of the human dental pulp & Goal is to seal off the apical end of the canal.
periradicular tissues. Morphology is the anatomy & forms. Kailangan ma-seal yung opening na yon para hindi
Physiology deals with function. Pathology deals with diseases na magkaroon ng reinfection ang iyong canal.
of the human dental pulp & periradicular tissues.
Endodontics doesn’t only concern the inner structures but also 5. Proper Restoration
the periradicular (peri; around, radicular; root) tissues. To seal the coronal part by the restoration.I always
Its study and practice encompass the basic and clinical tell my students, obturation is not the final phase in
sciences including the biology of the normal pulp & the rct. It is the restoration. Without putting a good
etiology, diagnosis, prevention & treatment of diseases & restoration on an endodontically treated tooth, then
injuries of the pulp & associated periradicular conditions. it’s bound to fail.
Etiology means cause. Again, pulp & periradicular conditions.
Laging partner yan sa endo. When you study endo, your study 6. Recall
is just confined to the root canal or inner structures of the To monitor healing. It could be after a month, after 6
tooth, NO. Kasama yan lagi is the periradicular tissues & the months, after 2 years. That’s the basic recall.
periradicular conditions. Endodontics - pulp & periradicular Why is there a need to recall? To monitor healing.
tissues. Especially for those cases that started with periapical
infection. You want to monitor if there are signs of
( 3 ) MAIN RATIONALE FOR ENDODONTIC healing or maybe you weren’t able to disinfect it
TREATMENT correctly that's why there is tooth pain.
1. Retain Tooth, Retain Function Note: You can only say that you’ve done a successful
Why do we do RCT? What’s its importance / endodontic treatment when you do a recall after 2
significance? Because we don’t want the tooth to be years & everything was okay. After 2 years, if there’s
extracted. We want to retain the tooth as much as no infection, the patient is satisfied,, tooth is
possible. Ngayon, pag na-retain yung tooth, it should functioning, that’s the only time for you to say that
function. The retain on function is more on posterior. you did a successful endodontic treatment, doon mo
2. Preserve Occlusion palang siya pwedeng i-claim na successful.
No normal occlusion affects mastication, digestion,
and overall health of the patient. ( 10 ) PROCEDURES INVOLVED IN ROOT CANAL
3. Preserve Esthetics - Particularly for Anteriors TREATMENT
1. Diagnosis & TR. First we begin with proper history
( 6 ) PRINCIPLES IN RCT taking & examination of the involved tooth to be able
1. Aseptic Technique to arrive at a correct diagnosis & subsequently be
Sterilization, RDI, proper rubber dam isolation. able to provide the appropriate treatment plan.
Asepsis yan. So, all instruments used for rct should Note: Always remember, you cannot give a proper
be sterile, autoclaved properly. Another way of treatment without proper diagnosis. Ganon ka-
observing aseptic technique is application of your significant ang proper diagnosis.
rubber dam or rubber dam isolation. It should always
be in place & it has to be done properly or else 2. Anesthesia. To provide local anesthetic if necessary.
maddefeat yung purpose. For each diagnosis available, there is a specific
administration of local anesthesia depending on
2. Gentle Handling of Tissues (Periradicular Tissues) the vitality of the tooth being treated. Hindi naman
All instrumentation must be within the root canal lahat ng cases ni endo is vital. Pag vital lang, that’s
only. All instruments whenever we insert those files, the only time you need to put anesthesia pero kung
those obturating materials inside the canal, should be may mga cases na necrotic, anesthesia may not be
confined to the canal & not go over the periradicular required anymore. But make sure when the patient is
tissues & you should not induce damage or injury to in pain, make sure that your anesthesia is effective
your periodontal ligament. Kasi once na lumabas na enough kasi kung in pain si patient, he/she wouldn’t
yung instrument mo, then you’ll damage the cooperate.
periradicular tissue. That could be irritated, could
cause inflammation & infection. 3. Rubber Dam Isolation. Essential to endodontic
treatment. This is done to achieve a clean & dry
3. Adequate Disinfection environment during treatment & also to prevent
Use of irrigants & medicaments to prevent any ingestion or aspiration of the medications /
reinfection. We want to reduce the microorganisms medications & instruments. Irrigants like Sodium
present inside the canals. How? By placing irrigants Hypochlorite “Zonrox” could be prevented.
& medicaments to prevent any re-infection. Kaya ka
gagawa ng endo sa ngipin na yan kasi may infection There have been cases na nalunok yung file and nakita sa
radiograph. Endodontic files and instruments are sharp and
fine. Ingatan niyo nakakasugat yan. Kahit yung clamp, pag di 1. Diagnosis (Pulpal / Apical Origin). Diagnosis,
kayo nag-iingat sa paglalagay pag di mo pa nalalagay yung differential diagnosis and treatment of oral pain.
rubber dam, possible na tumalsik, baka malunok ng pasyente Symptoms either: Pulpal / Periapical Origin
niyo, kaya kayo maglalagay ng dental floss sa clamp para pag
nahulog sa oral cavity or malunok ng patient niyo (wag naman 2. Vital Pulp Therapy (Pulp Capping, Pulpotomy,
sana), you can easily pull it out. Some irrigants in endo can be Pulpectomy, Apexogenesis, Apexification)
irritating. For example, sodium hypochlorite ( Zonrox ). It
doesn’t have a pleasing smell mas lalo na taste. Imagine 3. Non-surgical Treatment (Obturation). You will
working with that sa bibig ng pasyente. You have to be careful only fill the canal & you don’t have to make a flap.
na wag tumulo sa oral cavity or malunok ng pasyente. Kaya Wala masyadong complicated procedure na involved.
tayo may rubber dam isolation.
4. Surgical Treatment (Root End Resection,
4. Access Preparation. We gain access through the Hemisection, Bicuspidization). All of these
pulp chamber by means of drilling through the crown procedures are scope of study of endodontics.

5. Removal of Vital Pulp. Some use files, broaches. 5. Root Repair (for Root Perforation). This is related
to pathologic or iatrogenic damage.
6. Canal Cleaning, Irrigated & Shaping. The canals
are then cleaned, irrigated and shaped. We shape the 6. Replantation (for Avulsed Tooth). If you replant
canal into a form that can be easily obturated & filled the avulsed tooth, high chances are it will become
up. The main purpose of Canal Shaping is for us to necrotic later on. Only a very slim chance of a
perform a good obturation. reimplanted avulsed tooth remains vital. It is very
time sensitive. The shorter the time, the better the
7. Medications. We just don’t use files & these prognosis. It may reattach but since the blood supply
instruments, we also use some medications. The is cut, pulp could lead to necrosis. No other treatment
antiseptic medicines can be placed into the canal & it but only root canal.
should have an antibacterial property because an
endodontically treated tooth is a tooth with an 7. Endo-Perio Interrelationship. Check if bone
infection inside. Kaya I mentioned that most of the support is still fine. Mobility & all.
cases in endodontics are accompanied with infection
that’s why we have to use a disinfectant to reduce the 8. Bleaching. Usually intracoronal bleaching is done
amount of microorganisms that are present & those because most of the endodontically treated tooth’s
medications are placed in your canal hopefully problem is discoloration. So, bleaching is an option.
eliminating the infection after the treatment.
9. Re-treatment. Mga previously treated the root canal
8. Temporary Filling. Then, we put a temporary filling system. Ito yung mga ginawa previously tapos
also which is placed in the access opening to protect nagkaroon ng problema, nagkaroon ng re-infection.
the root canals from infection in between So, kahit na root canal na yan basta nagkaroon ng re-
appointments especially if you’re not doing a one infection.
sitting endo.
10. Restoration. Involves root canal space & access
One-sitting Endo / Single Visit Endo - no need for opening.
temporary filling kasi pagbukas mo, obturate then close edi
final na yung restoration mo. Multiple Visit Endo - ( 1 ) MAIN CONTRAINDICATION
temporary filling is a must). A non-restorable tooth. An endodontically treated
tooth that is not properly restored is bound to fail. You have to
9. Obturation restore the function.
Then, when completely clean & free from infection,
then the root canal is filled & obturated with gutta What to Assess:
percha points & sealants. ● Pulpal involvement?
● Periapical involvement?
10. Crown Restoration ● Condition of the crown?
It should have an adequate seal with a protective ● Possible crown restorations after endodontics?
filling material to cover the crown & satisfy the
functional & aesthetic demands of the patient ( 1 ) PRIMARY OBJECTIVE / GOAL
especially if it is an anterior tooth. Anterior tooth To create an environment within the root canal
sometimes, even before you start your endo, system which allows the healing and continued maintenance
discolored na yan pag necrotic yan. of the health of the periradicular tissue. Healing will only take
place once you get to address the source of infection. (e.g.,
( 10 ) SCOPE OF ENDODONTICS necrotic pulp causing infection).
( 2 ) SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES If the pulp can heal, can we do an RCT to a Reversible
1. To bring the tooth back to a healthy state. It can be Pulpitis?
even if there’s no pulp anymore. Pero needless to say,
meron pa rin dapat yang bone support, gingiva, and No. RCT is not indicated in REVERSIBLE PULPITIS
the needs to be able to function cases. All you need to do is remove the cause of RP which is
caries (frequent cause of RP).
2. To relieve pain. Because endodontically involved
teeth are usually accompanied by pain like for All you have to do is clean the open cavity - clean it & put in
example root canal treatment. a restoration.

( 1 ) ULTIMATE OBJECTIVE / GOAL Placing a permanent restoration provides a seal that would
Restoration of the treated tooth to its proper form & prevent microorganisms entering the dentinal tubules therefore
function (in the masticatory apparatus, in a healthy state). Root it will create a stable environment for the pulp.
canal treatment will not be successful if the restoration is
poorly made because the only thing that would increase the There are cases na kapag medyo malaki ang caries, naglalagay
longevity of the tooth is a sealed restoration. No matter how muna ng temporary filling. If a temporary filling is placed,
good the root canal treatment was, if not sealed properly, it is then you observe the case. It is more prone to failure &
bound to fail. Appreciate & understand the value of what leakage which will allow bacteria to enter kaya hindi din dapat
you’re doing for you to do it properly. masyadong matagal ang filling and you should also inform the
patient na “Pag na natanggal ang filling, you have to come
May link sa Canvas about sa history ng endo, check it out. I back to me asap”. Kasi pag nagkaroon ng leakage yun,
will not elaborate on that anymore. papasukan ng bacteria and magkaroon ng chance to progress
to irreversible pulpitis.
When you diagnose, it’s not enough to just know the 2. Irreversible Pulpitis
pulpal diseases. You should match it with the result of the A. Symptomatic ( Symptomatic Irreversible Pulpitis)
diagnostic test. Diagnosis is similar to matching types. You aka “Acute Irreversible Pulpitis” but we don’t use
shouldn’t just just run some tests without knowing the type of the term ‘acute’ for this anymore.
pulpal disease. You need to know the different diseases & you
should make a diagnostic test & you should have data with the Pain is spontaneous
result. Then, that result will be matched in the characteristics Does not need a stimulus but can be triggered by
of the different diseases that you know. That’s how you stimulus. For example, uminom ng malamig and after
diagnose. uminom, andun pa rin yung pain, lingering for hours.

(5) PULPAL DIAGNOSIS Pain is lingering & spontaneous, pulsating & throbbing &
1. Reversible Pulpitis is usually affected by postural change because this is due to
A normal pulp is symptom free & it will give a the increase of blood pressure in the head which increases
normal response to testing. Like for example a intrapulpal pressure in the pulp. Inflamed na nga yung pulp eh
Thermal Test, a normal pulp would react because it’s tas dadagdagan mo pa ng pressure, sasakit talaga yon.
normal but without the stimulus, it wouldn’t be
possible. Usual Complaints of a Patient: “di makatulog sa gabi”.
Often they wouldn’t say it na “Doc tuwing humihiga po ako,
Hyperemia is the old term of Reversible Pulpitis. It sumasakit” Di nila maoobserve yun. Ang maoobserve nila, di
also means sensitivity to cold. Now, the response is sila makatulog sa gabi. Mapapansin nila yun kapag nakahiga
provoked or stimulated by the cold. na sila bago matulog. It’s not because of the time. Nighttime
has nothing to do with it but it’s the postural change, the
Kapag Reversible Pulpitis, sumasakit siya kapag may bending position.
cold stimulus. There’s discomfort or sensitivity to
sharp pain but pain doesn’t linger kasi nga stimulus In SIP, pain may be referred
dependent siya. So, kapag nandon ang cold stimulus Referred Pain - actual source of infection is different from
atsaka lang siya masakit. where the patient perceives the pain

Common Chief Complaint: Anterior teeth seldom suffer from referred pain, madalas
“Doc, kumain ako ng ice cream eh. Grabe sobra ngilo ng posterior yan. Pain is a prominent feature of SIP kasi nga
ngipin ko.” Then ask mo how long sumakit; “mabilis lang, symptomatic.
nung tumigil ako kumain ng ice cream, nawala naman na
siya”. So ibig sabihin, na-trigger lang siya ng stimulus. Nung Pag nasa advanced stage na and SIP, sometimes the cold
wala ng stimulus, wala na yung pain. stimulus can relieve the pain because it causes constriction
of blood vessels which decreases the intrapulpal pressure,
Reversible pulpitis indicates that it can return to normal. chances are there would be less pain. You can advise them to
There’s a chance for the pulp to heal. put cold compress to the affected area to relieve the pain.
B. Asymptomatic ( Asymptomatic Irreversible CONTACT (1-2 DAYS MAWAWALA YUNG
Pulpitis) PAIN).
No clinical symptoms, no pain, Kung meron mang ● Presence of inflamed periodontal tissue
pain, mild to moderate lang yan, short-lasting, ● Pain on biting, use your finger to test so that
occasional. Could have a history of spontaneous pain the test wouldn’t be too much for the patient
but don’t have anymore at present. Pwede ganun ang compared to butt end of the mouth mirror.
HPI ng patient. ● When percussed, oops masakit. Positive to
Clinical Variations: ● If the patient doesn’t respond, you may
● Internal root resorption (indicates that pulp is switch to a mouth mirror & then you do a
irreversible, inflamed - and the only way that the palpation test it will help you determine if
resorption can be stopped is via RCT) Di naman kasi there is swelling or bony expansion.
to symptomatic, walang nararamdaman ang pasyente. ● Radiographic findings could be normal or
● Pulp Polyp / Pulp Hyperplasia / Chronic not.
Hyperplastic Pulpitis - common in young patients, ● Diagnosis could be reversible or irreversible
young adolescents. low intensity and pain niya. Long etc.
term irritation of pulp, has red pulpal mass in the ● You can do RCT IF THE PULPAL
cavity, common in 1st permanent molar. DIAGNOSIS IS IRREVERSIBLE
3. Necrosis. Asymptomatic. May have a history of pain ● BUT IF THE PULP IS NORMAL and there
na nawala na in the present. May be discolored if is pain upon biting, check if there is
long-standing (brownish or grayish in color). premature contact due to overfill restoration.
Indicated for RCT. Upon removal of this premature contact, in
1-2 days mawawala ang pain
4. Previously Treated (exclusive for endo only).
Tooth that has undergone treatment but has failed. 2. Asymptomatic Apical Periodontitis
RCT, obturated, re-treated. As such RCT should be ● Associated with necrotic pulp. Percussion &
done again, if possible. Is it re-treatable? If yes, you palpation is negative. Radiograph will
need to have the diagnosis that it is. This would be always have radiolucencies pero walang
cases na inobturate, tapos nagkaroon ng re-infection. pain

5. Previously Initiated Therapy (exclusive for endo, 3. Chronic Apical Abscess

additional diagnosis). Partial treatment was done ● Associated with necrotic pulp. There’s little
due to an emergency. Pulpotomy and pulpectomy are or no discomfort since there is a long-
initial treatments. This would be cases na in-open tas standing lesion.
treatment was not final. ● There are radiolucencies.
● There's a pathognomonic sign - sinus tract
Sa lahat ng pulpal diseases, Reversible Pulpitis ang hindi opening (pus usually comes out. Bavarian
indicated for RCT. The rest indicated for RCT or extraction. cream).
● They put gutta percha to show where the
pain on the tooth is, usually there’s no pain
Normal Diagnosis
but you can put topical anesthesia
- You can diagnose as normal.
● There is no pain because there is no pressure
- Normal pulp
build-up because the pus is able to exit
- Normal periapex
through the sinus tract.
- There is little pressure when you do
percussion but there is no pain, tenderness or
If the sinus tract is seen on 22, do not assume that it is the
source of infection because it can be the adjacent tooth (23).
- Radiographically, the PDL space and lamina
dura is intact, uniform and continuous
4. Acute Apical Abscess
- Lamina dura - thin radioopaque line that
● Associated with necrotic pulp. Rapid onset
surrounds the root of the tooth right next to
of severe pain and swelling & long-standing
PDL space.
● Talagang maghahanap ng dentista nag
patient kasi namamaga, super sakit,
( 5 ) PERIAPICAL DISEASES sometimes with fever pa. Sobrang masakit
1. Symptomatic Apical Periodontitis ito.
Radiograph either meron or wala with pain. Need for ● Minsan may lymphadenopathy, inflamed
RCT/only tx? You will only do RCT if the partner of ang lymph nodes (ito ang indications niya)
pulpal diagnosis is necrosis. THE TREATMENT ● Radiograph sometimes has no
DEPENDS ON THE PULPAL DIAGNOSIS. radiolucencies, loss of continuity of lamina
● There can be periapical radiolucency or ● Teeth with pulps that would be compromised during
none dental procedures (we call this intentional / elective
root canal treatment)
5. Condensing Osteitis
● Localized bony reaction to a low grade 1. Overdenture Abutments
stimulus. Asymptomatic.
● Radiographic appearance is radiopaque seen 2. Limited Correction of Alignment
at the apex of the tooth but usually is
asymptomatic. For example, your central incisors are
● Instead of radiolucency, radiopacity. labioverted but the patient cannot afford
● Common in molars & usually involves the ortho treatment.
mesial roots
Now studying all the possible course of
QUESTION: IS RADIOGRAPH SIGNIFICANT TEST IN action, you and the patient have agreed that
PULPAL DIAGNOSIS? CAN YOU SEE THE PULP ON you will be crowning the two central
THE RADIOGRAPH? incisors with the correct alignment given
that the labioversion is minimal.
PULP, WE CAN’T SEE THE PULP IN THE Kaso kapag naglabial reduction ka, pwede
RADIOGRAPH, YOU’LL ONLY SEE THE PULP SPACE, mo ma-expose ang pulp. So, if that is the
TISSUE. WHAT IS IMPORTANT IS THE SYMPTOM. case, you can do RCT and there would be no
limit as to how much tooth preparation you
ALWAYS LISTEN TO YOUR PATIENT. THEN DO A can do labially because you already did
DISEASE, MAKINIG KA LANG SA PATIENT, MAY 3. Restorative Needs. The patient presents a
INITIAL DIAGNOSIS KA NA PERO HINDI KASAMA tooth with an extensive cavity, you assume
DOON ANG RADIOGRAPH. there’s no pulp exposure.
After removing all the undermined tooth
QUESTION: PERCUSSION, IS IT SIGNIFICANT IN enamel, the tooth may not be able to retain
Anlala na pala to do point na need mo
maglagay ng reinforcement, na need mo na
ANSWER: NO. PERCUSSION IS A PERIAPICAL TEST, maglagay ng post so mag-r-Rct ka talaga.
4. Complexion + Questionable Pulp Status.
CASE SELECTION & TREATMENT PLANNING But medyo leaning to pulpal inflammation,
it’s safe to do RCT rather than putting a
Why Do Case Selection? crown & later on patients would complain of
Because not all painful teeth are for endo. Success of endo tx pain edi sisirain mo rin, what a waste of
depends on how you choose your case. money, time and effort.
1. To determine if root canal treatment (RCT) should be
performed. 5. Root Resection, Hemisection,
Bicuspidization. You can do RCT to those
Example: with good support, just remove the poor
- Symptomatic Irreversible Pulpitis + periodontal support then retain the other half
Asymptomatic Apical Periodontitis by performing RCT on this half.

2. To determine if RCT can be performed. 6. Traumatically Displaced or Avulsed

Factors: Teeth E.g., boxers, you could reimplant
- Itsura ng canal right away but it is time bound. It could
- Curvature ng root manageable ba reattach but no assurance that pulp could
- Patient mo ba highly motivated regain its vitality.
- Do you have enough instruments
- Do you have the skill (4) CONSIDERATIONS WHEN THE CASE IS
- Etc. mamaya madiscuss INDICATED
1. The tooth should be restorable
( 6 ) INDICATIONS FOR RCT 2. Does it have adequate periodontal support - take into
● Teeth with irreversible pulp disease or with necrotic consideration the periodontal support of the tooth.
pulp with or without periapical disease. 3. Presence of a pathologic condition - there’s internal
root resorption. RCT not indicated.
4. Whether or not the tooth has strategic value. ● The previous treatment has not been done properly,
(diagnosis is previously treated). yung canal preparation and obturation not done
properly so nagkaroon ng infection sa periapex.
With pictures: ● Retreatment is needed in this case as it is a valuable
1. The tooth should be restorable tooth.
1. Patient Considerations
a. Medical conditions
b. Local Anesthesia considerations - allergy
c. Personal factors - e.g., limited mouth
opening, motivation to preserve dentition
● If not restorable, you can opt for extraction then (who would rather have the tooth extracted,
implant. pero still try to educate them), physical
2. Does it have adequate periodontal support - take into 2. Objective Clinical Findings
consideration the periodontal support of the tooth. a. Difficulty in obtaining films of diagnostic
b. Malpositioned teeth
c. Pulp space
d. Root morphology - dilaceration
e. Apical morphology

a. Problem with isolation
3. Presence of a pathologic condition - there’s internal b. Existing restorations (example: mga
root resorption. RCT not indicated. pasyenteng ayaw ipagalaw yung fixed
In this case, the walls have already resorbed and is c. Fracture resorption
not an ordinary case of open apex. d. Trauma
e. Previous RCT
Internal root resorption is usually progressive so this f. Procedural errors
will resorb overtime. So, RCT will not be applicable
anymore as this is through and through already. 3. Clinician’s Level of Expertise

If yung resorption hindi pa connected sa outside of 4. Availability of Necessary Equipment &

the root, pwede pa i-RCT pero kung ganto ka- Instruments
aggressive, di na to kaya ng RCT. - If 27mm yung haba ng canal mo tas 25mm lang mga
files mo, di pwede yun.

Treatment Objective: To restore health, function & esthetics

Treatment Planning Objective: To achieve treatment goals


● Personalized
○ No two patients are the same in terms of
4. Whether or not the tooth has strategic value. dentition so for each patient, there is an
(diagnosis is previously treated). individual treatment plan
● Flexible
○ The patient has the final say on the choice of
○ We cannot force a patient to undergo
treatment that he/she doesn’t want.

● Prepare the field to facilitate performance of
treatment proper
● When a tooth will be used as an abutment
● OHI, S/P, caries control
● Previously treated - pulpal diagnosis.
○ Never start a treatment without
giving proper education on proper
oral hygiene kasi kahit i-RCT mo
yan tas di nya ittoothbrush, edi
wala rin yung treatment mo
3. Cotton pliers (locking)
○ Make sure that the patient knows
how to maintain proper oral - Para hindi continuous yung finger pressure
hygiene - Without a lock, when you pick up a paper
point, continuous yung pressure mo and it
B. TREATMENT PHASE would stress your finger right away
● Chief complaint - address chief complaint 4. Endodontics spoon excavator
before anything else especially pain, relieve - The neck of ordinary is shorter
pain first on treatment plan
- Unlike ESE, a longer shaft can reach the
● Other possible procedures you might need
● Extraction, RCT chamber in molar and premolar
● Restoration 5. Woodson plastic filling instrument
● Prosthetic rehabilitation - Common mistake of clinicians: not plastic.
● Orthodontic treatment - Actually made of metal
● Periodontal therapy - We use this for loading temporary filling,
compressing cavities into preparation.
● To monitor healing
● To detect new disease
● Recall radiographs


(5) Factors To Consider ( 4 ) Reasons for using rubber dam:
1. Diagnosis 1. Protects the patient from aspiration. ( aspiration of
● Vital cases with normal apical tissues - instruments, clamps, files, solutions)
pwedeng single visit 2. Prevents infection from fluids (saliva, blood) once
● Cases with pulp necrosis & apical
you have opened an access preparation which
periodontitis - multiple visits because mas
maraming bacteria and need a lot of time to prevents increase in microbial load.
reduce and to improve the patient’s 3. It allows retraction of the soft tissues tissues and
periapical condition tongue.
2. Severity of the Patient’s Symptoms 4. Enhances access so bacteria will not be introduced
- Kapag in pain ang pasyente, may lagnat, into the canals. As I mentioned before, the oral cavity
probably multiple visit yan has a lot of bacteria, there are a lot of teeth with
3. Anatomy of the Pulp Cavity - if may dilaceration,
cavities. That's why part of the pre-treatment phase is
tignan mo kung kaya mo
4. Clinician’s Skill restoration of the carious tooth.
5. Retreatment Cases - are problematic that’s why That's why we restore to minimize the amount of bacteria. One
multiple visits to way to help prevent bacteria from entering into the tooth being
treated RCT, is through rubber dam isolation.
** Kapag challenging, probably multiple visit yan


50% skill in dentists, 50% materials. If you’re not using
insert pics)
proper instruments, it’ll affect your performance. Understand
1. Rubber dam sheet - it is used to retract & cover soft
the principles, theories and techniques.
tissues that are supposed to be protected & retracted.
1. Mouth mirror
It comes in different colors, thickness, and scent.
2. Rubber dam frame - could either be Young,
nygaard-Osby, metal. It is used to stretch the rubber
dam sheet in place.
2. Endodontic explorer (DG16)
- Explore floor of pulp chamber
- Path finder for orifices
- Also checks chamber roof & cervical ledges
3. Rubber dam clamps - it also comes from different measure the exact what is only between .5. We don’t
designs and sizes. It functions to hold the rubber dam measure .3, .4, etc.
sheets in place around the tooth.


You check on the cervical diameter of the tooth you’re going
2. Rubber stops / stoppers - it designates working
to isolate & check the pinaka-mouth nung clamp mo & it
length. E.g, a 25 file, you put the stopper in the
should fit on the cervical area of the tooth. You don’t measure
middle of the file & then insert it into the hole then
the crown, kasi hindi mo naman sa pinakang crow i-adapt eh.
push it down. Now, pag nag stop, yun na yon - you
4. Rubber dam forceps - it carries the clamp into the
have the exact measurement of the tooth. When you
put it inside the tooth, make sure it is touching or
5. Rubber dam stamps / template - it serves as a guide
resting on the reference point (cusp tip of molar or
on the correct area on where you are supposed to
incisal edge).
punch the hole.
6. Rubber dam punch - it creates the exact size of the
hole into the rubber dam sheet.
( 2 ) ORGANIZATION SYSTEM (pls insert pics)
1. Endodontic sterilizing box / endodontic organizer
- this is the simplest organizer you can buy just make
sure that it should be autoclavable. Ito yung
tambayan ng files. ( 2 ) ACCESS PREPARATION (pls insert pics)
1. High speed and low speed handpieces
2. Endodontic access burs
a. Round bur #2, #4. Round burs is for the
initial access. Especially if i’m working on
mandibular incisors, I use #1 round bur.

2. Clean stand - After you use the file, you clean it

here. Maraming debris na galing sa canal.
Tatanggalin mo yung debris by putting it here on
your clean stand which has a gauze or sponge with b. Fissure burs. To finish & smoothen the
antiseptic. Wala dapat tumatambay na files sa clean walls of your preparation.
stand. Should be autoclavable. Be particular with c. Special endodontic burs (Diamendo,
asepsis. Make sure you replace the gauze every Howard Martin, Endo 2 Bur). We usually
appointment use this for access prep of posteriors & if
you notice, most of them especially its tip is
non-end cutting (not damage it severely only
scratches but at least you wouldn’t burn out
the floor), but the purpose is to - in molar, it
has a floor right? If you use end-cutting, it’ll
damage the floor. Mortal sin yan kasi next to
( 2 ) MEASURING DEVICE (pls insert pics)
damaging is perforation na.
Every instrument that you put inside the canal should be
properly measured because if you will not measure it & just
insert it inside the canal, there’s a tendency that you would
perforate the apical area of the tooth which could cause further
( 3 ) CANAL IRRIGATION (pls insert pics)
infection. You have to carefully measure the instrument that
you will put inside the canal, it has to have its measurement
2 or 3. 1 for loading of solution & 1 for aspiration.
before you put it inside.

1. Endodontic measuring block - each hole is

measured already to its length. The holes in the
middle represent point 5. In endodontics, we only
3. K files
- #6 (pink), #8 (gray), #10 (violet) -
commonly used as the first instrument that
1. Irrigating syringe - if you will buy the plain one, should enter into your canal. Used if you
you will have to label it. 1 for irrigating & 1 for need to enlarge the canal
aspirating because you should not interchange them. - After probing the canal, use #10 to enlarge
2. Irrigating needle - you have to make use of the side the narrow canal since it is more rigid.
vented needle; yung butas wala sa dulo, nasa side
yung butas kasi kapag nasa side, it would flow evenly
in the walls not on the end. Pag ang butas nasa tip,
lalabas ang solution mo sa apex which we don’t want
to happen kasi pwedeng ma-irritate, lumabas yung
irrigant sa apex at ma-irritate ang periapical tissue.
Your irrigant should backflow. Pag masikip si needle,
you have to retract a little bit, make it lose para may
space for the solution to flow back and that is what
we want to happen. Gusto lang natin iwash ang canal BIOMECHANICAL PREPARATION / CANAL
at ayaw natin lumabas ang solution sa apex. ENLARGEMENT
3. Irrigating solution (5.25% NaOCl) - some would
use EDTA. We use it as a lubricant and for narrow
canals. If the case is non-vital we combine EDTA &
sodium hypochlorite “zonrox” - EDTA it helps
remove smear layer of dentin. Zonrox is plainly just
to disinfect the root canal.

Other patients would think that you’re trying to poison them,

you should be willing to explain to them what that is for. “We
use this po as an antibacterial agent, I will try my very best na STANDARD FILES SIZES
hindi niyo malasahan or malunok. Ayan po ay plainly just to
disinfect your root canal.” #6-#10 Increase of 2 units (6, 8, 10)

( 3 ) CANAL EXPLORATION (pls insert pics) #10-#60 Increase of 5 units (10,15, 20)
After mo mag-access ng canal you would have to explore. #60-#140 Increase of 10 units (60, 70, 80)
Ang RCT is like you’re going to a place you’re not familiar
with, you cannot see. Ganun ka-exciting ang RCT. If-feel mo
lang siya. You will try to explore a certain area. Color-coded
Color coding of files
Sa exploration, ffeel mo lang loob ng canal mo. #6 - pink
Dito mo malalaman if umaabot ba ko sa length ng canal ko, #8 - gray
may nagbblock ba sa canal ko, masikip ba canal ko, curved #10 - purple
canal ba to? #15 - white
1. Endodontic explorer (DG16) #20 - yellow
2. Canal probe #25 - red
● #12 (orange). It is used to locate small #30 - blue
canals not visible to the naked eye. A non- #35 - green
cutting and has adequate size to be inserted #40 - black
in narrow and unprepared canals. Ginagamit
sa super liit na canals.
Standard length
● Posterior teeth - 21 & 25 mm. we use shorter files in
posterior teeth kasi kung sobrang haba nyan,
mahihirapan ka na maipapasok yan.
● Anterior teeth - 28 & 31 mm. ( 3 ) STERILIZATION FOR ENDO. PROCEDURE

( 2 ) Types of file material Techniques Description

a. Stainless steel - less expensive. More rigid. Limited
1. Sterilization Use of physical or
use only. You cannot use it on curved canals chemical procedure to
because it is rigid and hard, not bending. You may destroy all microbial
pre-bend it, but you cannot use it again, it should be life including bacterial
disposed of after use. Ito madalas na napuputol. endospores inside the
b. NiTi (Nickel Titanium) - mas mahal, more flexible. root canal and area of
You can use it on curved canals, it can curve by operation.
itself. You can use it more times than the stainless 2. Disinfection Elimination of virtually
steel files. all pathogenic
ROTARY INSTRUMENTS / ENGINE DRIVEN: ProFile, microorganisms but
Quantec, Hero, PropTaper - is usually used in the clinic. does not eliminate
( 5 ) OBTURATION (pls insert pics)
3. Barrier Technique Use of headcap, face
1. Lentulo spiral - we use this to load the sealer or to mask, rubber gloves,
spread, coat the walls of the canal with the sealer. eye wear, plastic


2. Spreader - used to do lateral compaction during Autoclave or pressure steam - sterilize the majority of
obturation. There is a hand spreader where we use instruments.
our hands; it is usually used for lateral compaction of
anterior teeth. Finger spreader is used for lateral
compaction on the posterior tooth.

Glass bead sterilizer - chairside means of sterilization.

Should be beside your working area.

3. Plugger - used for vertical compaction during

Glutaraldehyde solution - commonly used if there is no
means of sterilization.

4. Gutta percha points - seal the major foramen of

your canal during obturation. Same color coding with
paper points
Full strength 5.25% NaOCl - sterilize only the gutta percha

5. Paper points - it can be used during biomechanical

preparations too. It is used to dry the canals to absorb
the excess irrigant inside the canal and used to dry
the canal completely. It also comes with the same ACCESS PREPARATION
sizes as our files. Same color coding Access Cavity - the initial stage.
● It is the opening in the dental crown that permits 2. Law of Concentricity
localization, cleaning, shaping, disinfection, and
obturation of the root canal system.
● A properly prepared access cavity creates a smooth,
straight-line path to the canal system & ultimately to 3. Law of CEJ
the apex or position of the first curvature.
A proper access preparation can give you a non-problematic
experience. Smooth access from the opening, the orifice up to
the apex or up to the first curvature.

( 6 ) OBJECTIVES OF ACP 4. Law of Symmetry 1

1. Remove all caries when present
- to lessen or minimize presence of bacteria,
- for us to realize the sound tooth structure
- for us to prevent any microleakage in 5. Law of Symmetry 2
between appointments kasi pag hindi mo 6. Law of Color Change - the floor is darker than the
tinanggal yung caries, dito mag leak yung walls.
- Do not remove sound tooth structure as well
as overextend preparation as it can weaken
the tooth
2. Conserve sound tooth structure - when we access
prep, we have to be able to prepare the ideal 7. Law of Orifice Location 1
preparation only. We don't remove sound tooth 8. Law of Orifice Location 2
structure that is not supposed to be removed because 9. Law of Orifice Location 3
it will weaken the tooth.
3. Unroof the pulp chamber completely - you have to
remove the entire roof to expose the entire floor.
4. Remove all coronal pulp tissue (vital or necrotic) -
if it's removal of vital pulp, “Pulp extirpation” & here
we use a barbed broach. We just do “debridement”
which is similar to irrigation - this is a procedure 1.) REMOVAL OF ALL DEFECTIVE
where we flush out all the non-vital or necrotic debris RESTORATION AND CARIES BEFORE
through irrigation. ENTRY INTO THE PULP CHAMBER To
5. Locate all canal orifice - because canal orifice is the prevent further leakage.
opening to the root canal. If you can’t see the
opening, di mo mapapasok yan. All canal orifices
should be visible.
6. Achieve straight - or - direct-line access to the
apical foramen or to the initial curvature of the
canal. This is the main goal for access
STRUCTURE To preserve sound tooth structure.
( 9 ) KRASNER AND RANKOW LAWS OF PULP Stable tooth structure is your reference point.
CHAMBER ANATOMY (pls insert pics)
With access preparation, you could use this as your guide. I
will not elaborate on this anymore, just check and read it on
canvas so you would be guided on your access preparation.
1. Law of Centrality
buccolingual directions.
PROCEDURE (pls insert pics)

1. External Outline Form 1. External Outline Form – Molars: angle is towards the
Removal of caries & Determine the access start largest canal because the pulp
restorations as necessary to location: chamber space is usually
establish sound tooth margins. largest just occlusal to the
The pulp chamber of posterior orifice of this canal; maxillary
The initial external outline teeth is positioned in the center - toward palatal orifice;
opening is on the lingual of the tooth at the level of the mandibular - toward distal
surface. Whether it is CEJ. You have to locate the orifice.
maxillary or mandibular, you pulp chamber.
start at the lingual surface.
Maxillary premolar - point of
Penetrate the enamel & entry is on the central groove
slightly (1 mm) into dentin between the cusp tips.
using #2 or #4 round bur (or a
tapered fissure bur) on a high Mandibular premolar - Penetrate into the tooth to the
speed handpiece. If your lower adjust starting location to roof until a drop into the
incisor is too small, you will compensate for the lingual tilt chamber is felt.
need #1 round bur. You may of the crown. An endodontic explorer is
use low speed for a beginner at used to probe the depth of the
baka ma-overwhelm ka sa Molars - correct starting access.
high speed. location is on the central
groove halfway between the
mesial and distal boundaries. _________________
Always start on the central
groove. 3. Removal of the Chamber
_________________ Roof (Deroofing)
#2 or #4 round bur (premolars) The remaining roof is removed
and #4 or #6 round bur 3. Removal of the Chamber by catching the end of a round
(molars) on a high speed Roof (Deroofing) bur under the lip of the pulp
handpiece may be used to The remaining roof is removed horn and cutting on the bur’s
penetrate the enamel & by catching the end of a round occlusal withdrawal stroke.
slightly (1 mm) into dentin. bur under the lip of the dentin
Bur is directed perpendicular roof and cutting on the bur’s Funnel the corners of the
to the occlusal table. withdrawal stroke. Pag nag access cavity directly into the
drop ka sa chamber, outward orifices using a safety tip
stroke na lahat. Hindi na diamond or carbide bur.
palalim kasi kung ganon,
papunta ka sa ilalim ng orifice
mo which is pwede kang mag
gauge sa pinakang orifice.

_________________ _________________

2. Penetration of the Pulp 2. Penetration of the Pulp

Chamber Roof Chamber Roof
For anterior: with no. 2 or no. After initial penetration, the This enables the internal pulp
4 round bur: penetrate into the angle of penetration changes anatomy to dictate the external
tooth to the roof until a drop from perpendicular to the outline from the access
into the chamber is felt in an occlusal table to an angle opening Tanggalin mo lahat
angle that is perpendicular to appropriate for penetration ng roof. The goal. Kaya
parallel to the long axis of the through the roof of the pulp movement of round bur is
root. chamber. sweeping out.
Drop is reaching the chamber.
– Premolars: angle is parallel How many times should you
to the long axis of the root/s drop in an anterior or
both in the mesiodistal & posterior? 1 drop only
because we only have 1
chamber. We do not create orifices to check if something
the orifice because the orifice is blocking.
is already there & will come
out by itself.
You can use a non-end cutting 6. Straight Line Access
bur to avoid damaging the Determination
floor. _________________ Files must have unimpeded
access to the apical foramen or
_________________ 4. Identification of all canal _________________ the first point of canal
orifices 6. Visual Inspection of the curvature to perform properly.
4. Removal of the Lingual Orifices are located at the Access Cavity Maglalagay ka na ng #10 na
Shoulder & Coronal Flaring corners of the final preparation Inspect for grooves that might file. Check mo dapat straight
of the Orifice (junction of the floor and the indicate an additional canal. at hindi nag bend kasi ibig
Remove the shelf of dentin wall). Evaluate orifice and coronal sabihin may nakaharang diyan
that extends from the portion of the canal for a na tooth structure.
cingulum to a point The access cavity should have bifurcation. Remember, not all
approximately 2mm apical to all orifices positioned entirely anterior teeth are mono rooted.
the orifice. on the pulp floor not into the The anatomy is highly
axial wall. Pag naghahanap ka variable.
Safety-tip diamond or carbide ng orifice, it should be entirely
bur - tip is placed 2mm apical on the floor. 7. Refinement & 7. Visual Inspection of the
to the canal orifice and Smoothening of Restorative Pulp Chamber Floor
inclined to the lingual during Margins Ensure all canal orifices are
rotation to slope the lingual Final step is to refine & visible & no roof overhangs
shoulder. “Mouse hole” effect is the smooth cavosurface margins. are present.
extension of an orifice into the Smoothen walls using fissure
axial wall which indicates that burs.
your access prep is still _____________________
underextended. Meaning, you
In anterior, you have to bevel have to bawas sa wall para 8. Refinement &
the margin in the incisal but maging ideal orifice mo, Smoothening of Restorative
don’t flatten the incisal entirely on the floor. Margins
because nothing now will hold Restorative margins should be
your temporary filling & will refined & smoothened to
cause dislodgement of minimize potential for coronal
temporary filling. leakage.

Frequent dislodgment of
temporary filling - kaya hindi ACCESS OUTLINE FOR INDIVIDUAL TEETH
ito finflatten ang incisal Maxillary Central & Lateral Maxillary Premolars
margin Incisors (triangular) (extended ovoid
5. Removal of Cervical
Dentin Bulges & Orifice & buccolingually) extended
Coronal Flaring ovoid na buccolingual, ha.
_________________ BAKA MAGPREP KAYO
Cervical bulges are shelves of
dentin that frequently NG MESIODISTAL, ANG
5. Straight Line Access CANAL NIYAN AY
overhang orifices restricting
Determination BUCCAL AT
access into root canal and
Using a small intracanal file PALATAL.Oki? It should be
accentuating existing canal
that can reach the apical extended ovoid
curvatures. You will check if
foramen or the first portion of buccolingually.
there's a need to lessen to
canal curvature with no
achieve the straight access.
Removes bulges safely with
Anterior tooth with big canal:
burs or ultrasonic instruments
placed at orifice level and with Maxillary Canines (ovoid to Maxillary Molars (triangular)
light pressure cut laterally triangular kasi depende sa Always remember that you
If small or laterals: #6 or #8
toward the dentin bulge to shape ng roof ng pulp seldom would find a maxillary
depending on the initial size of
remove overhanging ledges. chamber) always remember molar with only 3 canals.
the canal.
You are going to clear the what dictates the external More frequent yung 4 canals.
So, ganun rin sa internal anatomy ng ngipin. Pag nakita mo ng
outline of your access
preparation. It is always ang orifice mo ay nasa gitna, wag ka na maghanap ng iba pa.
dictated by the shape of the Mag-isa lang yan kasi it’s at the center. But if you have it at
roof of the pulp chamber kasi the side, nasa lateral yan, asahan mo meron pa sa kabila yan
pag natanggal mo ng buo yung kasi it is always symmetrical. That’s applicable only to
roof, that is the correct access mandibular molars.
outline. Your access outline is
always dictated by the shape
I would suggest, if you have extra natural tooth/specimen, mag
of the roof of your pulp
chamber. practice kayo, Kahit hand held na muna kung meron kayong
mga ngipin diyan na sira or ginagamit niyo na dati. If you
want to seek comments from me before Thursday, you can do
so. Kunan niyo ng picture then send it to my inbox, i’ll try to
make some comments if it needs to improve.


Mandibular Central & Mandibular Premolars The following are procedures and guidelines in scouting &
Lateral Incisors (usually mono rooted kaya round exploration:
(always triangular. lang, minsan ovoid kapag malaki 1. Probe the canal orifice with an endodontic
Misan ovoid din) yung canal niya) explorer (pathfinder/Stewart probe) to determine
depende. How will you the direction of the canal at the cervical third.
know if it is triangular
or ovoid? Check it with
your explorer.

2. Establish the Trial Working Length (TWL).

Mandibular Canines Mandibular Molars (rhomboidal:4 a. Using the endo tooth model specimen
(usually ovoid or pwede / triangular: 3) will depend on how (JChenny), measure the tooth length (TL)
rin triangular kung many orifices you will have
from the reference point (incisal; anterior or
bata pa ang pasyente at
meron pang pulp horns) cusp tip/occlusal; posterior) to the apex or
end of the root. Whatever the measurement,
.YUNG subtract 2 mm as a safety factor to get the

The Law of Symmetry applies on mandibular molars. Ang

galing kasi ni Lord eh, isipin mo - even the internal anatomy
of our tooth talagang na-design niya yun na may ganong
configuration na kahit ang loob ng anatomy ng ngipin, should NOTE: TLI means Tooth Length Image applies to
be symmetrical o pantay. It is very true on the mandibular radiographs. Wala naman tayong x-ray. So, TL lang.
molar. Pag ang orifice mo nasa gitna kagaya nito, ibig sabihin Example ang measurement ng central mo is 25 edi minus 2 =
isa lang yan. Pag ang orifice mo nasa side, dalawa yan kasi 23 mm TWL mo.
dapat meron siya laging partner sa kabilang side. Okay?
Sa molar naman, ito palatal ha, make sure natatandaan mo
Parang mukha lang natin yan. Ilang nose ba ang meron ka, anong cusp tip ang ginamit mo for reference point kasi sa
Rochelle? 1 po. Oh diba kaya isa lang yan kasi nasa gitna yan. molar, maraming cusp tip ang laman isa lang yan and every
How many eyes do you have Alfred? 2 po. Oh diba dalawa cusp tip, iba ang height.
yan isa sa kanan isa sa kaliwa.
How many heads do we have? Only one. Kaya nasa gitna. Halimbawa sa palatal, ito ang ginamit mong reference point -
How many hands do we have? Dalawa. Kaya both sides. tandaan mo, na ito ang ginamit mong cusp tip kasi dapat
consistent ka para hindi ka mamali sa measurement mo.
b. Record the measurement on your printed
I think the portfolio I have posted is on canvas. You may print
or download it for you to fill it up. Your final grade will be
based on the completion of your portfolio. As we go with
the procedure, you will be able to fill that portfolio with the
a. In a clear & clean container, dilute 1 part of
information that is needed depending on the exercise that
5.25% Sodium hypochlorite (NAOCl) with
we’re about to be doing.
5 parts distilled water (1:5 ratio). If full
concentration is preferred, simply transfer
There’s one portfolio for central, one for premolar and one for
the commercially prepared 5.25% solution
in another container to conceal the brand. Ito
3. Mark on the scouting instruments of the TWL.
yung sinasabi ko na hindi dapat nakikita ng
a. Mark the TWL on SS K-type files #8 and
patient mo yung Zonrox.
#10 with rubber or silicone instrument stop.
b. Fill up one syringe with the solution. Lift the
syringe with the needle in an upward
b. Select which from the two files can glide direction and tap the barrel to remove the
freely through the canal. The file that glided bubbles toward the surface of the solution.
through will be referred to as the scouting Tap mo para kung may air, bubble, space.
instrument. Dapat walang empty space doon sa top at
walang bubbles kaya pinipitik yun.
4. Confirm the canal morphology as the scouting c. Push the plunger & express out the trapped
instrument was inserted apically. air. Minsan may lumalabas na konting
solution, that’s fine.
That’s how you prepare your irrigating solution. It should be
freshly mixed every appointment kasi nag contaminate rin yan
pag matagal nang naka prepare, it precipitates under. Prepare
just enough for today. If there's an irrigating solution left,
a. Feel the patency of the root canal using the dispose of it.
scouting instrument. I-fill mo ngayon. 3. Irrigation of the canal.
Pumapasok ba? Nag-glide ba ng canal yung a. Position the needle into the widest portion of
instrument mo. the canal allowing an adequate space for the
b. Taking note of any abrupt changes in the backflow of the solution. For narrow canals,
canal anatomy. At this point, you have to simply flood the pulp chamber with NAOCl.
identify what is blocking the canal.
c. Interpret the tactile information and take
note of the probable direction or location of
resistance and curvatures. Baka kailangan
mo lang i-redirect or di mo na-irrigate
properly kaya na-block ang canal mo ng b. Place a cotton ball next to the access
debris, need mo i-irrigate more. There is preparation to catch the backflow of the
some information that you have to observe solution.
to do this procedure. c. Very slowly and without pressure, push the
syringe plunger to introduce at least 1 cc of
PROCEDURE AND GUIDELINES IN IRRIGATION the solution into the canal. For narrow
1. Prepare two (2) disposable hypodermic syringes. canals, simply flood the chamber with the
Color code or label each of the syringes for easy solution.
identification. One will be used to introduce the d. Place a drop of lubricant.
irrigation solution & the other to aspirate excess e. File the canal once it’s ready.
solution when the oral cavity is ready for sealing. f. Leave the solution inside the canal while
filling. Constantly irrigate before changing
the file size.
g. At the end of the instrumentation, and as a
2. Prepare the irrigation solution. final rinse before sealing the canal either
temporarily or permanently, repeat the
procedure, except for the application of the How long? Seconds? Minutes? Hours?
lubricant (step d), until all dentin shavings Days?
or debris are flushed out of the canal. Intensity of pain? (rate the patient to rate the
pain, 10 being the most).
4. Aspirate the excess solution when the canal is
What provokes it, hold cold?
ready for drying & sealing. Is there something that relieves the pain?
a. With the second syringe, express out the air Other symptoms?
from the barrel by pushing the plunger to the 3. Medical & Dental History
fullest before insertion into the orifice.  Systemic conditions
b. Position the tip of the needle inside the root  Ask, “Naospital na po ba kayo?”
canal. “May iniinom na po ba kayo?”
c. Pull the plunger to aspirate the access “Why are you taking it?”
“Do you know why you’re taking it?”
irrigation solution & air.
 Your knowledge in pharmacology is
d. Repeat the procedure when necessary. necessary.
5. Dry the canal with sterile absorbent paper points.

 More invasive than RCT.
 If a patient has a medical condition, ask yourself kaya
mo ba i-manage? If yes, go with RCT
 Always seek for doctor’s clearance if patient is
medically compromised for him or her to undergo
a. Sterilize the absorbent paper points in an any dental procedure
autoclave. Paper points must have the same
b. Mark the WL on the paper points. 1. General appearance
c. Pass the paper point over the flame of an  Gait
alcohol lamp 3x or immerse in glass beads  Physical deformity
sterilizer for a few seconds.  Special needs
 Limp
d. Insert the sterilized absorbent paper into the
 Swollen parts of body
canal & swab the walls to the full WL
 Skin color (Unusual, black and blue)
marker to absorb the fluids from the canal. 2. Extraoral examination
e. Repeat the procedure until the canal is “bone  Check for swellings, lesions around the
dry” mouth.
6. Seal the canal either temporarily with Calcium 3. Intraoral examination
hydroxide (only when canal shaping was  Don’t go agad to the suspected tooth.
completely done) or with final root canal  Check the oral health muna of the patient.
obturation materials. Dami ba calcular deposits, caries?
 Oral Health Status is an important factor in
Endodontics dahil kahit gano kaganda yang
ENDODONTIC (LABORATORY) pagka-RCT mo, kung di marunong mag-
alaga yung patient ng oral hygiene, balewala
These diagnostic procedures will help you arrive at a diagnosis
with confirmatory tests to your tentative diagnosis and arrive Clinical condition of suspected tooth:
at a definitive diagnosis.  WNL “within normal limit”,
 pulp exposure,
You need to record and analyze the results.  discoloration,
 prior access “e.g., in attempt in-root canal”,
INTERVIEW  caries, restoration).
1. Chief Complaint  Soft tissue exam: sinus tract, swelling
 “Doc, masakit po ipin ko.”
2. History of Present Illness You can use this data later on when you try to diagnose.
 Ask questions
 History of present condition DIAGNOSTIC TESTS
 Try to dig in the background of pain  These tests are done to be able to diagnose
 Does the px experience pain? When? what the problem is.
 This will help you arrive at a right diagnosis. sure you do not come in contact with the gingiva. You’re
 Before doing anything to the patient, explain supposed to put it on an area that has the thinnest enamel,
it. manipis sa cervical kaso ayun nga malapit sa gingiva. Kaya
 Perform more than one test on one tooth. mas safe sa middle third. Kung sa middle third ka, dapat both
 There should be a controlled tooth for your control and suspected tooth sa middle third lang.
 Know what the normal response of the 5. When the patient raises his/her hand, withdraws the cold
patient is by using the response of the stimulus then starts counting in seconds, until the patient puts
control tooth down his/her hand. (Count 1001, 1002, 1003….)
6. Record the duration of time from stimulus removal until the
Controlled vs. Suspected Tooth time the patient puts down his or her hand. Also not the
 There is no single test that will tell you intensity of the response of the patient.
everything you need to know, you need to a. Mild sensation = record as (+)
do several tests. b. Moderate pain = record (++)
 Know when the normal response is of a c. Severe pain = record as (+++)
normal tooth.
If you’re going to give out a rating:
 Don't use controlled teeth with restorations.
1-4 = mild
Use the one within normal.
5-6 = moderate
 You can use adjacent tooth or contralateral
10 = severe pain
tooth as long as they are normal
It’s better to do control tooth first as to avoid bias on pain.
Vitality Test - determine blood supply if normal, intact.
7. Do steps 1-6 on the Suspected Tooth
Pulp Test
8. Do steps 1-6 on another Control Tooth (CT - CT may mean
 We depend on stimulus contralateral tooth)
1. Thermal
“common, reliable.”

1.1 Cold Test

1.2 Heat Test

Has gutta percha wall
Tetrafluoroethane (Endo Ice) 1. Give instructions to the patient
ALTERNATIVE: sterile anesthesia empty carpule with water  “Pag may ngilo or sakit, taas kamay. Pag wala,
then refrigerate baba.”
 Pag taas kamay, start counting, pagbaba ng kamay
Procedure: stop counting.
1. Give instructions to the patient. 2. Isolate the area of the CT with cotton rolls and saliva
 “May ilalagay po ako na malamig sa ngipin niyo”. - ejector. Dry the tooth with cotton/gauze.
IMPORTANT. 3. Apply petroleum jelly to the labial/buccal surface of the CT.
 “Pag may ngilo or sakit, taas kamay. Pag wala,
baba.” Why? Because gutta percha is rubber medyo sticky pag
 Pag taas kamay, start counting, pagbaba ng kamay uminit, pwede siya dumikit sa ngipin
stop counting.
4. Heat the gutta percha ball in an open flame until warm, soft
2. Isolate the area of the CT with cotton rolls & saliva ejector. and start to glisten or kintab.
Dry the tooth with a small cotton ball/gauze. (Do not use 5. Apply the GP ball to the labial/buccal surface,
compressed air to dry! Bc may mga ngipin na nangingilo pag approximating the middle or cervical third of the tooth.
nahahanginan) 6. When the patient raises his/her hand,withdraws the hot
3. Spray the refrigerant on an approximately-sized cotton stimulus then starts counting in seconds until the patient puts
pellet. down his or her hand
4. Apply the cotton pellet on the labial/buccal surface,
approximating the middle or cervical third of the tooth. Not on
the incisal edge. If you’re applying on the cervical third, make
7. When the patient raises his/her hand, withdraws the cold po ang kamay kapag may nararamdaman po
stimulus then starts counting in seconds, until the patient puts kayong kakaiba”
down his/her hand. (Count 1001, 1002, 1003….)  EPT has a fast mode & slow mode. Should
8. Record the duration of time from stimulus removal until the always be slow mode
time the patient puts down his or her hand. Also not the  Put a blob of toothpaste on the tip of the
intensity of the response of the patient. EPT
a. Mild sensation = record as (+)  Complete the circuit by letting the patient
b. Moderate pain = record (++) touch the metal part of the EPT with the
c. Severe pain = record as (+++) pointer and middle finger, then turn the EPT
9. Do steps 1-6 on the Suspected Tooth o There are also EPT’s with “lip-
10. Do steps 1-6 on another Control Tooth (CT - CT may clip” that may be attached to the
mean contralateral tooth) lower lip (no need to touch metal
 Different response levels DO NOT indicate
different stages of pulp degeneration
 It’s just a rough indicator of presence or
absence of vital nerve tissue
 YES or NO only (vital or not)
Procedure when using EPT:
2.) Test Cavity

1. Make sure the patient does not have a pacemaker, or fixed

orthodontic appliance. Remove RPD’s with metal framework -
not allowed
“Real test for vitality” 2. Give instructions to the patient
Pwedeng wag na gawin if satisfied ka sa cold & heat test. 3. Isolate the area of the CT with cotton rolls and saliva
ejector. Dry the tooth with cotton/gauze.
Procedure: 4. Put the setting of the EPT to slow mode
You drill until dentin * you will know the pulp is vital if there
is sensitivity felt by the patient.
 Not routinely done, because it is irreversible, invasive METHOD A METHOD B
& destructive.
5. Hang the lip clip on the 5. Apply toothpaste
 Sometimes if the previous tests mentioned are all
side of the patient’s mouth to (conductor) on tip of tester
inconclusive, there is no choice but to do a test
complete the circuit 6. Apply the electrode lip to
cavity. Pag mahirap i-interpret yung cold or heat test
6. Apply toothpaste dry tooth enamel on the
mo or inconclusive ang results, you can do this test
(conductor) on tip of tester labial/buccal surface,
7. Apply the electrode lip to approximating the middle or
dry tooth enamel on the cervical third of the tooth
3.) Electric Pulp Test
labial/buccal surface, 7. Have the patient touch the
approximating the middle or EPT with the pointer and
cervical third of the tooth middle finger tot complete
the circuit

8. Press the button and observe while the reading on the EPT
increases (one unit increase per second)
***NOTE: For Method A, inform the patient that when he/she
Isolation of the teeth is very critical feels something, the EPT will stio the tingling sensation
 Saliva is a conductor of electricity
 Isolate, then dry with a piece of gauze Pag hindi gumagalaw, ibig sabihin tooth is non responsive
 Always warn px about procedure
o “Gagamitin ko lang po itong gadge na ito sa Note: Among the 3, the thermal test is the easiest.
inyong ngipin. Medyo may mararamdaman
po kayong pain tingling sensation. Pakitaas Periapical Test
1. Percussion Not necessary in pulp.
You can see in this case that this has disrupted lamina dura,
less bone support, and the extent of caries.
#1 indication of a non-restorable loss of bone support
and extensive caries

NOTE: Radiograph is insignificant to pulpal test. Only for

 When you give instruction, tell patient they will feel periapical area.
something removing contact of the fingers from the
EPT wall Tells you about the anatomy of the tooth, continuity of lamina
 For the condition of the periapex/periapical area. dura & periapical radiolucencies.
 Even if +++ pain, pulp isn’t the related cause here.  Gum boil: if there’s sinus tract, ALWAYS TRACE
 Ask them if they feel tenderness or pain?  Gum boil / parulis / open sinus tract
 If it's different from what the control teeth  Gum boil manifests in chronic apical periodontitis
felt? Don’t be suggestive. Just extract on the  Using a #20 or #25 GP - because soft and flexible
narrative of the patient
 Controlled > suspected > contralateral tooth Use thin Gutta Percha. Do not use expired Gutta
 You can change the sequence to prevent bias Percha, they are brittle when bended.
 IS THE TOOTH VITAL WHEN YOU  Insert GP gently in the opening (the pus follows the
PERCUSS IT? path of least resistance) there is no pain but you can
 WHAT IS THE GOAL WHEN WE use topical anesthesia
PERCUSS THE TEETH?  Stop if you can’t insert the GP anymore
 Goal of percussion: To test the condition  Then take a radiograph to know the source of
of the periapical. infection
 If positive, something is wrong with the  Be careful of some errors like using the wider end of
periapex but not with the pulp. the GP or using a different size
 Anterior teeth: percuss from the incisal & labial  Can also tell if there is a possible endo-perio lesion
surfaces affecting the tooth
 Posterior: percuss from the occlusal, buccal & lingual  Can tell you if the tooth can undergo RCT
surfaces (sometimes the tooth is not restorable anymore)
 Do not tell the patient if you're percussing the  If it is indicated, prescribed doing a CBCT.
suspected tooth, to prevent bias. Especially if it will help you understand the complex
anatomy of the tooth you will work on.
Note the intensity of the response of the patient:
a. Mild sensation = record as (+) 4. Periodontal Probing
b. Moderate pain = record as (++)  Useful in knowing if there is an endo-perio lesion
c. Severe pain = record as (+++) involved
 6 Sites to probe: mesial, mid-labial, distal,
2. Palpation mesiolingual, mid-lingual, distolingual
 Normal pocket depth : 2-3 mm

 Apply the pressure, approximating the apex of the 5. Mobility Test
tooth  Determine the periodontal support
 Aside from telling you if the inflammation has  Usee butt ends of 2 instruments (don’t use your
extended the periapical area, you will also be able to finger).
feel if there is a very soft or hard swelling.  Grade 1 , Grade 2 , Grade 3
 Make sure that your gloves don’t have excess rubber  3 is severe mobility
at end of fingertips
 Palpate the mucosa, vestibule and the lingual

3. Radiographic

One of the most common basic necessity tests.
1. Transillumination  Used when you cannot localize the location of the
Done if you suspect a presence of fracture  It is easier to anesthetize the maxillary area.
Could give you an idea whether the tooth is vital or not.  For example, you anesthetize an area, then the pain
Additional test if there is history of trauma or fracture suddenly disappears, then probably the pain comes
You can use light curing system or a strong light from that area.
Fractures can be seen in radiographs but it does not offer
definitive diagnosis for fracture. Better do transillumination to Record your data for every test and match it with pulpal and
confirm. periapical diagnosis.
Limited only fractures to the crown. If suspected root fracture,
do staining test Radiographic: destruction of lamina dura, periapical

Among the periapical diseases, alin doon may periapical

May fracture to. If wala tong fracture, dapat nailawan or You cannot give proper treatment without proper diagnosis.
tumagos yung light hanggang lingual. Kaso hindi, so may
fracture to.
 Light will not traverse the fracture line
 Part beyond the fracture will be dark FINALS
 If there is no fracture, the entire tooth will be bright
Transillumination can also determine is the pulp is still vital or CANAL PREPARATION
not. Reddish or pinkish color indicates blood supply hence other terms:
vital. Black or brown color indicates no blood supply hence - biomechanical preparation,
not vital anymore. - canal cleaning & shaping,
- canal enlargement.
2. Staining
Question: Why do we do canal preparation?
Answer: In order for the canal to receive a good obturation.
We clean & shape the canal so that it would be able to receive
a good obturation. We clean the canal to disinfect and remove
all the debris, smear layer, and bacteria inside the root canal.
Clean and shape magkasama yan.
Test for a suspected crown fracture using methylene dye.
Could show you the exact fracture line. Additional test if there Ako, I always compare this with cleaning the bathroom.
is history of trauma or fracture. Dye seeps through the crack Imagine that the bathroom is the root canal. It isn’t enough to
so when washed, the fracture can be seen. clean your bathroom by just scrubbing (equivalent to shaping)
it. Ang partner ng scrubbing involves soap, water, detergent
3. Bite Test. (cleaning). Or how about the other way around? It isn’t
enough to just brush detergent and water without scrubbing.

They must come in pairs, you have the detergent and water as
well as you must do the scrubbing.
Additional test if there is history of trauma or fracture. This
can determine if the fracture has reached the pulp manifesting
through sharp pain when releasing from a bite. SLIDE #2.
First procedure
 Tooth slooth is used (place the concave part of it on Objectives:
the cusp, then ask the patient to bite). 1. To enhance canal orifice.
There are some orifices that are too small. You need to make the
4. Selective Anesthesia Test size of the orifice a little bigger for accessibility.
2. Provide direct insertion of instrument to the apical third
of the root canal.
This is one of the goals in access preparation of the teeth. In
order for us to gain a straight line access from the opening, from
the chamber, or from the crown up to the apical third of the
 Anesthesia by elimination, when pain cannot be
1st photo: the instrument is deflected because there’s an area
in the wall called the Dentin shelf that wasn’t removed yet. E.g. TL: 27 mm
So, you have to remove it - this one is a Gates Glidden Drill. Once you measure the TL, you will now Subtract 2 mm
You may use a rotary system (has orifice shaper) or a file. If from the tooth length as a safety factor because there might
you have a rotary system, you may not use GGD or a file be a discrepancy (image is elongated or shortened) in the
anymore; orifice shaper is enough. radiograph. Others subtract 2 mm because the curvature of
When removing the dentin shelf manually, using a file, it is a the canal is there & we don’t necessarily need to reach the
bit difficult as you will have to really exert effort. end of the canal assuming that there’s a possible curvature.
You see now the difference of the orientation of the file from
the 1st photo to the 2nd photo when the dentin shelf was TL: 27 mm - 2 = 25 mm
removed, now your file is a little bit straight. So, that’s the TWL: 25 mm
purpose of orifice opening.
The radiograph will be referred to as TWL.
SLIDE #3. TWL becomes the basis of all the instruments that will be
ORIFICE OPENING inserted into the canal. All instruments inserted should be
Procedure measured.

This procedure is applicable only if we have an x-ray. I will In access preparation, you only irrigate the chamber.
be skipping this part.
After establishing the TWL you have to;
c. Approximate the cervical third of the root canal by
subtracting 8 mm from the TWL.
You have to approximate the cervical third or coronal ⅔ of
the canal. Pag orifice opening, you should only reach the
cervical third.
E.g. TWL: 22 mm
TL: 24 mm - 2 mm
TWL = 22 mm
22 mm - 8 mm = 14 mm is the length goal you should be
1. Estimate the trial working distance for trial working able to reach to open your orifice.
a. Determine TLI & approximate length of crown
from the radiograph.
Once you measure the incisal edge (reference point) up to
the apex of the tooth, we call this Tooth Length Image
only if we used an xray because there’s an image. But since
it’s only a specimen, we call this Tooth Length because
there’s no image. It’s just the tooth itself that we’re

● Incisor - Incisal Edge
● Premolars / Molars - Cusp Tip

Measuring the specimen,

remember the cusp tip you used as your reference point
because you’ll be using the same reference point when you SLIDE #4. (pls insert pics)
insert your instrument.
b. Subtract 2 mm from TLI as a safe factor for errors Procedure (cont…)
in radiograph.
2. Orifice opening
a. Use of gates glidden drills. If you’re going to use
GGD, you need at least 3 consecutive sizes. This is to be
are you gonna do it? First, irrigate. Don’t insert it first ,
operated by a low speed handpiece. You first have to use
especially molars. Irrigate first. With the JChenny CI, I don’t
the biggest, next smaller size then the smallest. When using
think you need EDTA or lubricant because the canal is big
the GGD, it should be rotating once you insert it &
enough. With the CI, irrigation is enough.
sweeping out 3x. Drill, out, drill, out, drill, out then done. It
has to be continuously rotating as you put it in & out.
SLIDE #7. (pls insert pics)


● Ensure that the chamber and canal is full or

irrigant (2.5 - 5.25% Sodium Hypochlorite).

SLIDE #5. (pls insert pics)

● Use a chelating agent / EDTA (liquid or paste).
Procedure (cont…)
2. Orifice opening
b. Use of orifice shapers. One drill is only used to shape.

Once you’re done irrigating, you may check the patency of

the canal if you wish to. In big canals, you may use #15. In
smaller canals, you may use #10.

SLIDE #6. (pls insert pics) Q: How are you gonna do it?
A: Get file #15, put a stopper then measure it on your TWL 22
ORIFICE OPENING mm & insert it inside your canal & make sure papasok siya
Procedure (cont…) until 22 mm

2. Orifice opening Q:Doc, paano po kung 22 mm yung TWL pero hanggang 20

c. Use of K-type files. In mono rooted (central incisors mm lang siya at ayaw na pumasok?
having big orifices), you may start with file #80 because this A: There could be a curvature, there could be a blockage
is the biggest file that you have. meaning you should irrigate more or there’s a calcification
Now, the ones with small orifices like molars especially blocking. If so, take a radiograph to see what’s blocking the
MB1, MB2 & sometimes the DB canal has small orifice, you canal. You have to feel if it's hard or soft, if soft it could be a
shouldn’t start at #80. You may start with #60 or #70. pulp tissue.
Kung anong file ka nag uumpisa depends on the size of the
orifices. Big orifices = big file. Small orifices = tiny file. SLIDE #8. (pls insert pics)


Objective: To check if your canal is patent. If there’s nothing

blocking the way. Once done, now you’re ready for an
orifice opening.

On Thursday, you’ll be working on a CI, begin with #80. How

What if yung file #70 is 13 mm lang umabot. Osige, file mo
siya, tabulate. Yung #70 mo only 13 mm, okay? Then file
your canal. Do passive filing and then irrigate and then
proceed to the next file size which is #60. Check mo naman
ngayon ang file that would reach your computed length.
Kailangan mong mareach yung computed length.

Q: Doc, ano po yung 14 mm?

A: That’s your coronal 1/3 length. The one that you minus
from the TWL.

After mong ma-reach yung cervical third length mo. If you

ORIFICE OPENING want, you can do a patency checking again. Kasi mamaya
● Get file #80 baka hindi ka naka-irrigate enough, nablock yan ng degree at
● Note: Coronal ⅔ is 14 mm hindi na-patent canal mo. At least early at this point, mac-
● Measure mo sa 14 mm correct mo. So, irrigate mo lang. Basta make sure before you
● Put a stopper until 14 mm only proceed, patent parin ang canal mo. Basta pag medyo duda ka,
● Insert it inside the canal patency check.
● Pag umabot siya sa 14 mm length mo na loose, it
means that your orifice is big enough. So, hindi ka SLIDE #9. (pls insert pics)
pwedeng mag orifice opening. If you can insert it
straight at umabot siya sa length mo na 14 mm, not CROWNDOWN
deflected - it means that your orifice is big enough. Subtract 4mm from the TWL to get the WD for the
Wait lang ah I have to answer this call xD coronal ⅔.

Going back, if your file #80 reached 14 mm, it means that Q: How are you going to estimate the coronal ⅔ of your
your orifice is open and big enough. canal?
Q: How about you out file #80 & bitin yung stopper? Kasi A: You subtract 4 mm t o your TWL “22”.
yung stopper mo hindi siya magttouch sa reference point mo TWL - 4 = 18 mm is your coronal ⅔ length and ito na yung
ibig sabihin hindi ka umabot sa 14 mm mo. What to do? goal mo na kailangan mong i-reach.
A: Push the stopper, it should touch the reference point & then
measure it using your measuring device. Yung crown down technique, we start at the opening /
orifice going down. From the crown pababa.
Lets say your goal is 14 mm & you only got 12 mm. It’s fine. We open first the taas, ibabaw bago natin i-touch the
Then you just tabulate. In the portfolio, there’s a tabulation narrowest portion of our root canal.
that you need to fill up.

In the coronal ⅔, file #80 reached 14 mm, then tapos na. Pero 18 mm is our coronal’s ⅔ length. To reach this length, this is
halimbawa hindi. File #80 mo, 12 mm. Edi file #80 and the what you’re going to do; (kindly refer to the next slide)
length 12 mm.

Lagay mo yung file mo hanggang sa 12 mm & then you do

passive filing - when you turn your file ¼ turn only, pull,
insert again, ¼ turn, pull, insert again, ¼ turn, pull, insert
again for 3x. You will stop pag loose na yung file but make
sure you stay at 12 mm kung ano lang ang measurement niya
do not push on that kasi pag pinush mo gagalaw na yung
stopper mo, mali na yung length mo non. You have to stay to
your length until the file becomes loose. Kapag loose na, take
it out and put it on your clean stand, linisin mo because there’s
debris, dentin shavings.. Linisin mo sa clean stand mo and
ibalik mo sa organizer mo & the irrigate. Pagka-irrigate mo,
napansin mong short ka pa ng 2 mo, so after file #80 you now A higher file size is used at the cervical third and
proceed to #70 and do the same procedure. Halimbawa ang progressively moves apically up to the cervical ⅔ of the
file #70 nagreach na ng 14 mm. Measure mo file #70 mo, canal in a sequence from big to small size files.
lagyan mo ng stopper and measure it at 14 mm, lagay mo na
sa canal at pag lagay mo oops nag touch na stopper mo doon ● You will start with the biggest file #80.
sa reference point mo. Ibig sabihin yun na yun. All you have ● Measure it to your coronal ⅔ length which is 18
to do is to file it. Passive file, passive file until it becomes mm
loose, irrigate your canal then tapos ka na sa orifice opening. ● Then put it inside the canal
● Tignan mo kung hanggang saan maabot niya;
check mo where is that point where the file can fit
snuggly. Yung snug fitting lang yung hindi mo
kailangang i-push yung kung saan siya papasok na
may snug fitting hindi maluwag na maluwag at
hindi rin masikip na masikip.
● Pag na ipasok mo na siya doon, nandun yung
length na naabot ng file #80 & then move the
● Kailangan yung stopper mo magreach or touch sa Naintindihan kung paano mag prepare ng coronal ⅔? So,
reference point. Kailangan ganyan ang position from big to small files yun hanggang mareach mo yung
(kindly refer to the right photo). point na to (refer to cursor).

● Pano mo malalaman na nareach mo na yung poit

● Then take it out, tabulate ka ng file #80. Iba iba
na yun? Pag umabot ka na, di ba nagmeasure ka ng
kasi ang tabulation, meron for orifice opening or
18 mm naglagay ka ng file yung stopper ganyan na
coronal ⅓ meron din sa coronal ⅔, iba rin yun.
itsura sa pic, walang space on top. Ibig sabihin
Dito ka na sa tabulation ng coronal ⅔.
umabot ka na nga.
● So, file #80 ilang mm ang nareach niya.
Halimbawa ang nareach niya is 13 mm. Edi 13
● Pero kapag pinasok mo and measured na 18 mm,
mm lang. So most likely andito (cursor) lang file
ayaw na pumasok nung file, may space in between
#80 mo:
the reference point and rubber stopper, ibig sabihin
di mo pa narreach length mo. that’s why you have
to measure, push down the stopper para makapag
tabulate ka kung anong length lang nareach nya.
Hanggang mareach mo 18 mm.
● By th way, kung makikita niyo dun sa materials,
meron dun materials for rubber dam isolation.
● You will be working on it with a rubber dam
isolation. Yung access prep di kailangan na naka
rubber dam yun. Minsan kasi naooverlook yung
perforation kapag naka rubber dam agad. When
you will irrigate kelangan isolate yung tooth.
● Then, balik mo yung file, passive file until it ● Never irrigate na hindi nakarubber dam. Sa access,
becomes loose. Kasi kanina diba may snug fitting? pagkadrop and deroofing pwdeng di naka access
Medyo masikip lang ng konti so ngayon yun. Pag may initial checking na and okay na
ipapaloosen mo konti by doing passive filling, the outline, tyaka lang nagpapalagay ng rubber dam.
¼ turn and pull until it becomes loose and then ● During canal preparation dapat naka rubber dam
clean the file, put it in your organizer then irrigate all the time.
your canal.
● When do you irrigate? Every time you finish Before you touch the apical portion or the apical preparation,
one filing before you proceed to the next file, you have to establish your final working length. Kasi what we
make sure you already have irrigated your canal. have is just the trial working length minus 2. So, this time,
● Then proceed, #70. Measure, fit inside the canal & after you open and prepare the coronal ⅔, then you will now
if it doesn't reach, move mo lang yung stopper proceed to the apical portion - this is when we establish our
magtouch lang sa reference point mo & then final working length.
measure, tabulate, file, passive file, irrigate.
● Then proceed ka nanaman sa next file until Now, paano mag establish ng final working length? Maraming
mareach mo yung coronal ⅔ length mo which is in method, ways to determine. (kindly refer to the slide below);
our example, 18 mm hanggang mareach mo itong
point na ito (refer to cursor) the cervical ⅔.

Ways to Determine the Working Length

Yung picture sa right is a picture pag x-ray. But if you want to
1. Ingle’s Method (Add-Minus)
learn this meron sa canvas. Itong pic sa baba yung finafollow
2. Grossman’s Method (Mathematical equation)
pag may available na radiograph.
3. Weine’s Method (Subtract 1 mm from WL)
4. Tactile sense
Pag may radiograph and actial patient di no pwede bunutin
5. Paper point method
yung ngipin sa patient. We all base the measurement sa
6. Electronic devices (Apex locator, Root ZX, etc).
radiograph. Ito (sa baba) yung procedure which i will SKIP
We cannot do the add-minus because we don’t have the
radiograph. In the clinic, in actual patients, pag may x-ray,
what we do is either the add-minus or the mathematical
equation by Grossman. Now since wala tayong x-ray, we are
using a model, we can directly subtract .5 mm not from the
WL but from the Tooth Length. Let’s say your TL is 24 mm,
we will just subtract .5 mm & the final working length would
be 23.5 di na ginagamit yung 1 mm kasi mas gutso nila na
nasa dulo ka, 0.5 from the terminus.

But as a beginner, mas gusto namin na may safety factor dun.

Pang pro and pang endodontist na yung exact apical position
or apical terminus. PROCEDURE

Sa beginner dun tayo sa safest, we subtract not 1 mm, but Use the Grossman’s method - mathematical equation.
0.5. Dun tayo sa middle, hindi 1 mm kasi we believe na that 1 TWL = AFL X TLI / SF - 1 mm
mm could still harbor bacteria. Hindi rin yung wala na,
eksatong eksakto kasi the fear that u might extrude kaya dun FWL (Final Working Length)
tayo sa 0.5 na gitna. AFL (Actual Final Length) measurement of actual file
from the tip to the rubber stopper.
With your model tooth, you don’t take out the tooth. TLI (Tooth Length Image) measurement of the tooth on
Nameasure mo na yan e. So kung ang tooth length mo ay 24 the radiograph from the radiographic apex to the reference
mm, magmaminus ka lang ng 0.5 mm. Your final working point or rubber stopper.
length is now 23.5. SF (Shadow of File) measurement of the file on the
radiograph from the rubber stopper.
Itong final working length mo andito (cursor) ka na ngayon:

So, from 18 mm kanina sa coronal ⅔, yung final working SLIDE #13.

length mo ngayon is 23.5 dito sa apical portion.
FWL = AFL X TLI / SF - 1 mm
FWL = 23 mm X 25 mm / 23 mm - 1mm
FWL = 25 mm - 1 mm
FWL = 24 mm

Kung walang radiograph, just measure the model tooth. Yung

measurement mo ng tooth length minus 0.5

Now, sa apical preparation, meron ka nang FWL. After

coronal ⅔ preparation, FWL determination, apical preparation
na kasunod.

Sa portfolio niyo meron na naman ulit dun ng tabulation.

Here in apical preparation, iccanal, clean and shape na natin
yung apical portion kaya apical preparation;
Now, doon naman sa mga specimen ninyo, check ninyo
kung may curvature. Next, file mo. So, passive filing.
Anticurvature filing kung may curve ang canal mo with

Q: When do you stop?

A: Kapag lose na.

& then don't forget to irrigate. After IAF, there’s another

table for the identification of the MAF or Master Apical

● Identify the MAF (#40)

Purpose of MAF is to prepare the apical third of
your canal, 3 sizes bigger.
APICAL PREPARATION Diba kanina ang IAF is 25? After 25, you will use 30. Your
30 should be measured based on your FWL which is 23.5
Procedure: So, the file #30 should be 23.5. Measure it, put a stopper
● Identify the IAF (#25) “Initial Apical File” This then insert it inside your canal.
is the first thing that you need to establish.
1. You may start with file #15. Put a Sa umpisa masikip yan kasi ang pumasok lang na maluwag
stopper, measure the FWL which is 23.5 is 25, that’s why you have to passive file (straight) or
then insert it in the canal & see if file #15 anticurvature filing if curved, ¼ turn, ¼ turn hanggang
will snuggly fit in 23.5 mm na length & if malose ang #30 mo at magreach siya sa 23.5 and then
it’s snug fitted, then file #15 could be tabulate it.
your IAF.
Q: Pano pag very loose? Then you get So, file #30 at length 23.5.
the next bigger file. Gamitin mo #25 Hanggat hindi abot ng #30 mo ang FWL, don't proceed with
Q: Paano kung masyadong masikip or file #35 kasi pag nagproceed ka, baka magcreate ka pa ng
hindi umaabot? 23.5 mm ang FWL pero ledge so make sure na yung #30 nareach yung FWL before
23 mm lang, hindi eksakto? Edi you use ka mag #35. Then use the next file, #40.
#10. The 4th file from the IAF is your MAF which is file #40.
Pag masikip, go to maliit. Pag maluwag,
go to malaki. Logical diba. From IAF to MAF, ang mga length niya should be your
FWL, pare pareho sila ng length.
Once you are established with IAF, you do a passive file. ¼
turn lang, ¼ turn, pull 3x. ● Prepare the apical third 3 sizes bigger
Ngayon, kung mayroong curvature ang iyong canal, you Another purpose of IAF to MAF is we want to create a
cannot do passive filing on a curved canal. Pag inikot mo dentin matrix or apical matrix. Sa apical portion, you’re
yan kahit ¼ lang, putol yan. What you should do here is an trying to create a ledge sa pinakang apical constricture mo.
anticurvature filing. Diba, 25, 30 eh mas malaki diameter ng 30. Tapos gumamit
ka naman ng 35. Parang nag ccreate ka ng step doon sa
Anticurvature filing is done by inserting the file then apical constricture. We call that the apical matrix or the
ihahagod mo siya kung saan may mas thicker na dentin. apical stop.
Ang mas thicker na dentin is always on the outer. Never
file on the inner curve kasi on the inner curve, mas manipis Significance of Apical Stop: everytime maglalagay ka ng
ang dentin diyan, pwede kang magkaroon ng stripping. So, instrument or material that is same size with your MAF,
you should always file doon sa may outer curve where you hindi siya lalabas kahit ipush mo siya kasi meron siyang
have a thicker dentin. So, ang hagod ng file mo is insert out, stopper don basta same size ng MAF ha and that is the
hagod mo palabas, palabas, palabas. That is anticurvature purpose why we file from IAF to MAF.
filing when you have a curved canal. Again, on a curved
canal you don’t do passive filing, you do anticurvature

Q: How will you know kung may curvature ang canal mo?
A: Pag sa actual patient makikita mo yun, you could have
examined the radiograph beforehand. So, alam mo na may
curve ka on a certain canal.

Objective: To create a taper at apical third after

Apical Constricture is the narrowest portion of your canal establishing the MAF.
where all of your instrumentation should stop & if you go
beyond it, there are blood vess els that might cause severe
bleeding or hemorrhage kasi ibig sabihin, naperforate mo na. SLIDE #17 (pls insert pics)
Lumagpas ka na. Pwedeng mag continuous bleeding si patient.

IAF is #25. To get the MAF, kunin natin yung susunod na 3

sizes. 40 is the MAF.

On Thursday, pagka established mo ng IAF mo, you have to From MAF, identify succeeding four bigger sizes.
take a photo of your IAF. Pwede mong tanggalin sa pagkaka
mount and take a photo. Labial or lingual nakalagay sa Subtract 1mm from the WL every increase in file size. As
portfolio pero I will not allow labial only lingual. Why? the file goes bigger, the WL becomes shorter
Because nandoon ang inyong engraving. Then proceed ka sa
MAF. Diba kanina ang MAF natin kanina ay 40?
● So, you have to identify four bigger sizes.
● So, 45, 50, 55, 60.
● Pagkatapos mong gamitin ang 40, diba ang 40
ginamit mo to sa 23.5 na FWL?

SLIDE #15. (pls insert pics)

TAKE A RADIOGRAPH WITH MAF IN PLACE, ● Paano mo ngayon gagamitin ang 45? You will
THIS CONFIRMS subtract 1 mm for every increasing file size as the
file goes bigger, the working length becomes
A. Length shorter. So lagi, minus 1 to 45, 50, 55, 60.
B. Placement ● Kung minus 1 sa 45, 23.5 - 1 = 22.5 ang length.
Insert it now to your canal then do a passive file,
make it loose, then irrigate. Then proceed to the
So, after apical preparation, naprepare mo na yung apex. You next file which is #50.
have to take a step back preparation. ● Anong length ng 50? 22.5 - 1 = 21.5, measure mo,
insert it inside the canal, then file, passive file,
irrigate your canal. canal.
● Next file. 21.5 - 1 = 20.5, itong file #55. Then
passive file, irrigate. Then proceed to the last one; The common misconception of clinicians, kasi they always
● 20.5 - 1 = 19.5, file #60 mo is 19.5, passive file, think of the word “circumferential” meaning pabilog. So ang
irrigate, make sure na kumpleto ang tabulation mo thinking nila, ang movement ng file sa loob ng canal is
for stepback. paikot kasi nga circumferential filing.
Now, isipin niyo yung logic. Pag ginawa mo ang paikot na
Kaya ang canal preparation natin is a combination of crown yon, yung file na yon puro floops yan sa paligid kaya nga
down and stepback technique. Because this is the crown siya pacut eh. Tapos, pag nilagay mo yan sa canal mo at
down, and this is the step back portion. hinagod mo ng paikot, nasmoothen mo kaya yung canal mo
or mas lalo kang nagcut? Mas lalong nag cut.
So, after step back.. Have you realized that filing na ginawa
In passive filing, ang file is at the center ip-push mo lang
natin is passive filing? Pwera nalang kung curved ang canal
doon sa pinakang constricted na part and then you turn it, ¼
mo, pwedeng mag anticurvature filing ka.
turn, ¼ turn kaya masshape mo yung area na yon, magc-cut
So, the passive filing that you’ve done, lahat yon mag create
ng cuts. Nagkaroon ng cuts sa canal everytime na
But with circumferential filing, ang file mo nasa side. Nagt-
magppassive file ka kasi nilalaki mo yung canal mo.
touch sa wall, sharp yan. Pag inikot mo to, eh diba mas
maraming kang cuts na ginawa?
Q: Ano na kayang itsurang canals mo? Is it smooth or rough
after all the filing you did?
Kaya sabi ko, kung ganyan ang thinking niyo of the
A: Rough. Kasi you have cuts all over every time you passive
circumferential filing, mas aggressive ito. Kasi it’s not just
the tip of the cuts, it’s the entire file. Basta naka attach sa
wall at inikot mo, magccut yan.So, you’ve created more cuts
Q: How will you smoothen it?
on the walls rather than making it smooth.
A: You do that by doing final flaring.
So, yung circumferential filing, ang file nakadikit siya
dapat sa wall. Don't turn the file because it will cut more.
Ang movement ngayon ng file mo is in & out but you don't
turn kasi nandito yung roughness or irregularities. Yung
buong circumference, you need to smoothen it.
The file we use in circumferential filing is only your

Doon sa iba, dito sa step back, pagkatapos ng isang file..

e.g., #45 it recapitulates sa MAF para whatever irregularity
was created by #45, massmoothen out agad ng #40; meaning
babalikan mo. may babalikan ka. So, after ng #45, file #40.
Pagkatapos ng #50, file #40. #55 then #40 ulit. & pagkatapos
ng file #60, MAF, file #40 ulit. Just to make sure that you’re
not deviating from your final working length nar reach parin
siya even if you’re using bigger files. Pag ginawa niyo yon,
then you have lesser ledges na sa circumferential filing.
Pwedeng mag recapitulate, pwede ring hindi. Sakin pwedeng
hindi na basta maayos ang circumferential filing mo, you’ll be
able to achieve that glassy smooth walls.

Make sure when you do circumferential filing, your canal is

FINAL FLARING irrigated properly. Wet ang iyong canal with irrigant.

CIRCUMFERENTIAL FILING During canal preparation, diba lagi kayong mag irrigate?
Every time you change a file, irrigate. It’s enough to
Objective: magflowback or flush out lang yung debris but you don't have
1. To file out irregularities on the canal walls to dry out your canal, no need to aspirate because if you dry
created by passive filing. So, lahat ng roughness, yung canal mo & we don’t file on a dry canal because we will
irregularities doon, tatanggalin. produce heat, there could be friction inside and heat is
2. To finish the walls in a “glassy feel”. A glassy feel something not friendly to the periodontium. So, never file on a
is like a glass slab with water then try to run your dry canal.. It should always be wet & irrigated para walang
file in there, that should be the feeling inside your maproduce na heat. Just irrigate then hayaan mo mag flow
back yung mga debris then file. Hindi dapat aabot ng apical
portion ang needle, okay? The farthest that your needle can
must be intact, rinse the Ca(OH)2 from the canal
reach is the middle third of your canal.
with NaOCl and proceed with the obturation
after canal evaluation.
Sodium hypochlorite may not be enough to remove the smear
layer. EDTA is effective. You don’t use EDTA as your final
irrigant, it’s always sodium hypochlorite because EDTA is a
SLIDE #20 (pls insert pics)
chelating agent (like a dentin softener), when it stays in your
canal for too long, pwedeng malusaw dentin walls mo.
Disinfection during multiple-visit RCT with necrotic
Combination lagi yan.
1. Clean and shape with NaOCl and EDTA.
Ngayon may EDTA na gel type, you can place a portion, just
2. Place Ca(OH)2 in the canal.
drop it in the orifice & then insert your file but still you have
3. Seal the access opening well with temporary
to irrigate that out after kasi hindi pwedeng maiwan ang
EDTA sa loob ng canal. How long? Just a few minutes. Kasi
4. Upon reentry (after 7 days), temporary filling
paglagay mo naman it will take effect na agad.
must be intact, rinse the Ca(OH)2 from the canal
with NaOCl and proceed with the obturation
after canal evaluation. Necrotic pulp has much
more bacteria than inflamed.
Ca(OH)2 will act as an antibacterial agent. Then
finish. That’s the end.
Your photo should be after circumferential filing
Pag labial or lingual, lingual lang.
Q: Pag anticurvature, insert then labas?
After Final Flaring, your final procedure would be A: Yes. Ang hagod mo lang, you have to identify the direction
disinfection & temporarization after dismissing your patient; of the canal, nasaan ba yung curvature niya? Kailangan mong
i-identify saan banda yung curvature. Kasi dapat, ang hagod
ng file mo don is outer thicker portion. Dapat alam mo yung
curvature ng iyong canal when you do curvature filing. Tapos
in out in out lang yon. You don’t turn out the file kasi kapag
tinurn mo yung file, eh curve yung canal mo eh edi putol yan.
Alam niyo sa endo, very important ang tactile sense. Never
SLIDE #19 (pls insert pics)
force a file inside the canal. Wag niyong ipipilit kasi
mapuputulan kayo ng file.
Q: Paano kapag naputulan kami ng file?
Disinfection during multiple-visit RCT with inflamed
A: Then you have to retrieve it. There are a lot of techniques
to retrieve a file but again, it’s easier said than done.
Pag inflamed pulp, ang diagnosis mo when you start is
irreversible pulpitis whether it’s symptomatic or
Q: Paano kapag hindi namin natanggal yung broken file
asymptomatic irreversible pulpitis. Basta kapag nag umpisa
inside the canal?
ka na vital ang pulp, inflamed lang.
A: If you’re working on a model tooth, then you have to work
1. Clean and shape with NaOCl and EDTA.
on another one. You have to repeat.
2. Place Ca(OH)2 in the canal. Calcium hydroxide.
You will mix it with distilled water. The mixture
Q: Paano kapag hindi namin natanggal yung broken file
should be mayonnaise-like. It shouldn’t be watery,
inside the canal sa actual patient?
so medyo thick ng konti.
A: You inform the patient that you have such an incident.
After mixing, you will put it inside the canal using
Exert all effort to retrieve. If not, well it depends kasi sa
your lentulo filler by coating it with Ca(OH)2,
location. Pag nasa apical portion yung broken instruments &
insert it inside the canal & then wiggle the lentulo
somehow medyo nalinis mo naman na yung canal, if really
filler para mag spread lang all over the canal.
unretrievable siya, we make it part of the material but we
Punuin mo yung canal mo with Ca(OH)2.
observe the case kasi pwedeng i-reject yon ng tissue.
Kailangan puno yung canal hanggang orifice lang.
Syempre hindi maiiwasan na malalagyan ng
A lot of cases naman sa clinic, minsan may broken instrument
chamber so remove it with your excavator na
but several years na nandon. Nir-recall naman yung patient,
napunta doon sa chamber - it should be clean at
wala namang symptom, so fine lang yun ibig sabihin inaccept
hanggang orifice lang. After that, put a sterile cotton
siya. Pero kasi pwedeng i-reject lalo na kung hindi sterile
pellet on the orifice, then take a photo of the
yung naputol na file kahit gawin mo yang part ng filling mo, it
position of the cotton., then the rest of the chamber
will harbor bacteria and it will grow.
will be placed with IRM.
3. Seal the access opening well with temporary
Q: Paano kung naging symptomatic? Namaga?
A: Then you have to do some surgery. Either you remove the
4. Upon reentry (after 3-4 days), temporary filling
entire tooth or you do apicoectomy wherein binubuksan ang
pinakang root at nir-retrieve from there yung broken
instrument. See how complicated it will be if you commit such ● Calcium up to orifice of canal
an error. ● Clean up floor of chamber because wala dapat
Calcium hydroxide sa floor of chamber
Q: Sa passive filing po, ¼ turn, ilalabas po ba muna? ● Plug cotton pellet into the orifice
A: Hindi mo siya ilalabas totally. Insert it in your canal, ¼ ● Place IRM, do not overfill or underfill
turn, just pull it a little, retract lang a little. Nasa loob yung file
all through out, retract mo lang a bit. Until mafeel mo siya na Common error: placing large cotton pellets
loose, that’s the time for you to pull it out.
Placing large cotton pellets will take up space in the chamber
Q: Since naiwan po yung file sa loob, gaano katagal po and the tendency is that there will be thin space for the IRM.
bago malaman if ni-reject po ng tissue? What will happen is that the IRM will be easily dislodged.
A: Well, it depends on the patient and it depends on the Your patient will go home and the IRM might break or
location of the broken instrument. Minsan, yung broken dislodge. If there is no more IRM, the cotton pellet will be left.
instrument kasi lumalabas sa apical foramen minsan yung The cotton pellet will be contaminated with saliva and
kalahati nakabaon & when that happens, minsan may reaction eventually, your calcium hydroxide will also be affected.
agad. A day after, masakit na agad or minsan after 2 days,
masakit na masakit na. Ibig sabihin, hindi accepted nung Remember, this procedure is for disinfection and
tissue. Kasi foreign body yan eh so malalaman mo kaagad kasi temporization. If the cotton pellet is saturated with fluid and
magkakaroon ng symptom. Minsan naman sa loob ng canal, calcium hydroxide is affected then no disinfection will occur.
wala na agad reaction yan kasi kung may bacteria man, hindi This will introduce infection and may worsen the previous
naman kaagad lalabas yung bacteria. It will still take time. The infection.
bacteria may break the filling material then after that atsaka
palang siya lalabas sa apex and after atsaka palang With dislodged IRM, obturation will not be allowed because
nararamdaman ng patient ang symptom. your canal is now again infected. What you will do is remove
the cotton pellet, re-file the canal removing the calcium
May mga times naman na hindi, accepted siya. Pwedeng yung hydroxide, irrigate, re-file and re-do the procedure again.
naputol mo na instrument is sterile enough. Isa yun sa mga
advantage why we want all your instruments to be sterilized to —------END—------
lessen the bacteria. If you have broken instruments but they
are sterile, it is possible that bacteria will not grow.
Canvas (Lecture)
There’s a case where the tip of the file is left and the bone just
grew around the file. It was accepted. So, that happens. MODULE 1: INTRODUCTION
Endodontics is the branch of Dentistry concerned
On Thursday, we will do from rubber dam, to orifice opening, with the human dental pulp and periradicular tissues. This
coronal 1/3 preparation HANGGANG temporization. module will introduce you to the field of Endodontics, its
scope, its general objectives and its interrelationship with the
Manufacturers recommend that the maximum times of use for
Stainless Steel Files is for 3-4 canals only. But if you have other disciplines of Dentistry. As you will be doing
already pre-curved the file, you can only use it once. Di mo independent learning, this module will involve tasks and
pwedeng ipilit yung straight sa file sa curved canal because activities that require you to immediately apply what you
you will create another canal kapag ginawa mo yun. Di mo na learned in your reading assignments. Your involvement in
pwede hilutin yung curved na file kasi may tension na yan and your learning is expected to facilitate retention of the concepts
magweweaken na so may tendency na maputol. So, use pre- for your future use as clinicians.
curved files and then dispose.

With NiTi Files, no need to pre-curve anymore. They advise ENDODONTICS

NiTi files for curved canals. They can also be used more times ● is the branch of dentistry concerned with the
than stainless steel files. morphology, physiology and pathology of the human
dental pulp and periradicular tissues.
Place Calcium Hydroxide into the whole pulp canals until the ● Its study and practice encompass the basic and
orifice only by loading it to the Lentulo Fillers. Then place clinical sciences including the biology of the normal
cotton pellets, plug it into the orifice. Then place your IRM
pulp and the etiology, diagnosis, prevention and
covering the access preparation. Make sure it is not overfilled
or underfilled. treatment of diseases and injuries of the pulp and
associated periradicular conditions.
With regards to loading of Calcium Hydroxide, you can also
use your MAF. You have to coat MAF with Calcium The scope of endodontics includes, but is not limited to,
Hydroxide, insert into the canal and turn counter clockwise to the:
dislodge the Calcium Hydroxide and leave it in the canal. This
is because the flutes of the MAF are clockwise.
● differential diagnosis and treatment of oral pains of anatomic and vascular connections between the pulp
pulpal and/or periapical origin; and the periodontium.
● vital pulp therapy such as pulp capping and ● Extensive periodontal lesions may complicate
pulpotomy; endodontic prognosis.
● nonsurgical treatment of root canal systems with or ● Lesions with endodontic and periodontal components
without periradicular pathosis of pulpal origin, and may necessitate consultation with an endodontist or
the obturation of these root canal systems; periodontist in order to gather more information
● selective surgical removal of pathological tissues about the tooth’s prognosis.
resulting from pulpal pathosis;
● intentional replantation and replantation of avulsed
● surgical removal of tooth structure such as in:
○ root-end resection
○ hemisection
○ root resection
● endodontic implants;
● bleaching of discolored dentin and enamel (teeth);
● retreatment of teeth previously treated
● treatment procedures related to coronal restorations 2. Endodontics, Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics
by means of post and/or cores involving the root ● The quality of the coronal restoration is as important
canal space as the quality of the root canal treatment.
● Therefore, to increase the success of the treatment, it
General Objectives of Endodontics is strongly suggested that the clinician discuss the
The following are the primary objectives of Endodontic restorative plan of the tooth with both the patient and
Treatment: the referring dentists (if referred patient) before
● Prevent pulpal/periradicular pathosis initiation of treatment.
● Intercept pulpal/periradicular pathosis ● Some teeth may be endodontically treatable but non-
● Preserve the natural dentition when affected by restorable, or they may represent a potential
pathosis restorative complication because of a large
That is, the dentist should be able to relieve pain (if present), ● Whenever possible, restorations should be removed
bring the tooth back to a healthy state in order to retain the before endodontic treatment.
tooth and prevent re-infection. Retaining the tooth in the oral
cavity not only preserves aesthetics but also preserves Full coverage restorations are usually suggested after
occlusion which results in proper function and mastication. endodontic treatment. A systematic review on tooth survival
following non-surgical root canal treatment, four factors
The primary cause of pulpal and periradicular pathosis are the were found to be of significance in tooth survival:
microorganisms. Through cleaning of the root canal system,
endodontic treatment reduces the volume of microorganisms ● A crown restoration after root canal treatment
in a pathosis to a level compatible with healing. It is important ● Tooth having both mesial and distal proximal
that the root canal system is filled (obturated) to prevent re- contacts
infectionS ● Tooth not functioning as an abutment for removable
or fixed prosthesis
Significance of Endodontic in other field of Dentistry ● Tooth type or specifically non-molar teeth
This module presents an overview of the interrelationship of
Endodontics with other fields of Dentistry. For a more detailed Problems with restoration must be recognized before
discussion, please refer to pp. 82-86 of Cohen's Pathways of endodontic treatment is initiated. For complex cases, a
the Pulp restorative treatment plan should be in place before initiating
endodontic treatment
1. Endodontics and Periodontics
● The interrelationships between pulpal and periodontal 3. Endodontics and Surgery
disease primarily occur by way of the intimate ● Surgical evaluation is particularly valuable in the
diagnosis of lesions that may be nonodontogenic.
● When retreatment is being considered, the clinician
2. The clinician questions the patient about the
must determine whether nonsurgical, surgical, or
symptoms and history that led to the visit.
combined treatment is appropriate
3. The clinician performs objective clinical tests.
● Endodontic surgery is most often performed in an
4. The clinician correlates the objective findings with the
attempt to improve the apical seal and correct failure
subjective details and creates a tentative list of
of nonsurgical therapy. Bacteria are the essential
differential diagnoses.
cause of failure.
5. The clinician formulates a definitive diagnosis.
● Endodontic surgery may also be performed as a
● No appropriate treatment recommendation can be
primary procedure when there are complications such
made until the clinician has arrived on a definitive
as calcific metamorphosis.
diagnosis. (Hargreaves, et. al, 2011).
MODULE 2: M2 Objectives and Basic Principles of Root
Canal Treatment (Introduction)
As with all other disciplines of Dentistry, there are principles 3. BIOMECHANICAL PREPARATION
governing Endodontic Treatments. This module will briefly
The clinical management of infected root canals undergoing
discuss those principles and provide an overview of concepts
nonsurgical root canal treatment involves instrumentation and
that will be discussed in detail in the succeeding modules. As
disinfection. Instrumentation disrupts biofilms which colonize
you will be doing independent learning, this module will
infected soft and hard tissues, and provides access for irrigation
involve tasks and activities that require you to immediately
and exposure to antimicrobial solutions for disinfection of the
apply what you learned in your reading assignments. Your
root canal system.
involvement in your learning is expected to facilitate retention
Instrumentation also shapes the root canal system. The purpose
of the concepts for your future use as clinicians.
of shaping is to facilitate debridement and disinfection and to
provide space for the placement of obturation materials. The
( 7 ) STEPS
main technical objectives of shaping are to maintain the apical
foramen in its original position, allowing it to remain as small
as possible, and to develop a continuously tapering funneled
The primary etiologic agents of pulpal and periapical pathosis preparation from the canal orifice to the apex allowing the
are microorganisms and their byproducts Biofilms are involved tapered shape to provide apical resistance during obturation.
in all stages of root canal infection and can be found on root ● Only a well-prepared canal system can provide ideal
canals walls, in dentinal tubules, and on extra-radicular conditions for appropriate obturation. A well shaped
surfaces (AAE, 2018). and well-debrided canal system will potentially create
Successful endodontic treatment depends on effective measures the conditions for healing periapical tissues (AAE,
to eliminate and prevent infection of root canals. Initially 2018).
treatment should start with isolation and disinfection of the
operating field (Malmberg, Bjökner, Bergenholtz, 2016).
● This simply means using a rubber dam during the Disinfection is achieved by the use of both antimicrobial agents
duration of endodontic treatment. No endodontic and the mechanical flushing action of irrigation, with the goal
treatment must be done without placing a rubber dam. being the disruption, displacement and removal of pulpal
Additionally, all of the armamentaria must be remnants, microorganisms, metabolic byproducts, debris and
sterilized or disinfected to prevent microbial infection. the smear layer created during instrumentation. When
treatment is provided over multiple appointments,
interappointment intracanal medicaments provide additional
opportunities for disinfection (AAE, 2018)
Diagnosis is the art and science of detecting and distinguishing
deviations from health and the cause and nature thereof. The
process of determining the existence of an oral pathosis is the
culmination of the art and science of making an accurate
In general, canals should only be filled when the patient is
asymptomatic, there are no signs or symptoms of pathosis,
The process of making a diagnosis can be divided into five
and the canal can be dried. A good primary fit with apical
tug-back of a master cone is one adjusted to fit both the
1. The patient tells the clinician the reasons for seeking
apical size and the taper of the preparation. This is critical to
some other therapy when root canal treatment is truly
promote a good obturation.
● Prepared and filled canals should demonstrate a
● Another important purpose of establishing a universal
homogenous radiopaque appearance, free of voids
classification system is to allow for communication
and filled to working length (AAE, 2018).
between educators, clinicians, students and
6. CROWN RESTORATION AFTER ROOT CANAL ● A simple and practical system which uses terms
TREATMENT related to clinical findings is essential and will help
clinicians understand the progressive nature of pulpal
As per the discussion in the previous module, the quality of and periapical disease, directing them to the most
the coronal restoration is as important as the quality of the appropriate treatment approach for each condition.
root canal treatment.
● Root canal treatment should not be considered PULPAL DIAGNOSIS
● Normal Pulp
finished until the tooth in question is restored in a
● Reversible Pulpitis
timely and adequate fashion. It is clear from the ● Symptomatic Irreversible Pulpitis
literature that any delay between endodontic ● Asymptomatic Irreversible Pulpitis
treatment and tooth restoration should be as brief as ● Pulp Necrosis
possible, since numerous studies report that there is ● Previously Treated
notably reduced survival after endodontic treatment ● Previously Initiated Therapy
for teeth restored with temporary restorations,
compared to those receiving a permanent
● Normal Pulp is a clinical diagnostic category in
restoration. Providing a fluid-tight seal, preventing
which the pulp is symptom-free and normally
bacterial leakage, and protecting the remaining
responsive to pulp testing.
tooth structure will provide long-term stability
● Although the pulp may not be histologically normal,
following the root canal treatment. (AAE, 2018)
a “clinically” normal pulp results in a mild or
transient response to thermal cold testing, lasting no
more than one to two seconds after the stimulus is
It is necessary to recall ALL completed cases in order to ● One cannot arrive at a probable diagnosis without
detect the small percentage of failures and re-treat them comparing the tooth in question with adjacent and
(Riley, 1974). This is the only way to monitor if you were contralateral teeth.
successful in controlling the pulpal/periapical pathosis ● It is best to test the adjacent teeth and contralateral
teeth first so that the patient is familiar with the
experience of a normal response to cold.


TREATMENT PLANNING ● Reversible Pulpitis is based upon subjective and
objective findings indicating that the inflammation
Introduction should resolve and the pulp return to normal
● Historically, there have been a variety of diagnostic following appropriate management of the etiology.
classification systems advocated for determining ● Discomfort is experienced when a stimulus such as
endodontic disease. cold or sweet is applied and goes away within a
● Unfortunately, the majority of them have been based couple of seconds following the removal of the
upon histopathological findings rather than clinical stimulus.
findings, often leading to confusion, misleading
terminology, and incorrect diagnoses. Typical etiologies may include:
● A key purpose of establishing a proper pulpal and ● exposed dentin (dentinal sensitivity)
periapical diagnosis is to determine what clinical ● Caries
treatment is needed. ● deep restorations
● For example, if an incorrect assessment is made, then ● There are no significant radiographic changes in the
improper management may result. periapical region of the suspect tooth and the pain
● This could include performing endodontic treatment experienced is not spontaneous.
when it is not needed or providing no treatment or
● Following the management of the etiology (e.g. ● Some teeth may be unresponsive to pulp testing
caries removal plus restoration; covering the exposed because of calcification, recent history of trauma, or
dentin), the tooth requires further evaluation to simply the tooth is just not responding.
determine whether the “reversible pulpitis” has ● As stated previously, this is why all testing must be
returned to a normal status. of a comparative nature (e.g. patient may not respond
● Although dentinal sensitivity per se is not an to thermal testing on any teeth).
inflammatory process, all of the symptoms of this
entity mimic those of a reversible pulpitis. 6. PREVIOUSLY TREATED
● Previously Treated is a clinical diagnostic category
3. SYMPTOMATIC IRREVERSIBLE PULPITIS indicating that the tooth has been endodontically
● Symptomatic Irreversible Pulpitis is based on treated and the canals are obturated with various
subjective and objective findings that the vital filling materials other than intracanal medicaments.
inflamed pulp is incapable of healing and that root ● The tooth typically does not respond to thermal or
canal treatment is indicated. electric pulp testing.
Characteristics may include:
● sharp pain upon thermal stimulus 7. PREVIOUSLY INITIATED THERAPY
● lingering pain (often 30 seconds or longer after ● Previously Initiated Therapy is a clinical diagnostic
stimulus removal) category indicating that the tooth has been previously
● spontaneity (unprovoked pain) treated by partial endodontic therapy such as
● referred pain. pulpotomy or pulpectomy.
● Sometimes the pain may be accentuated by postural ● Depending on the level of therapy, the tooth may or
changes such as lying down or bending over may not respond to pulp testing modalities.
● over-the-counter analgesics are typically ineffective.
Common etiologies may include: APICAL DIAGNOSIS
● deep caries ● Normal Apical Tissues
● Symptomatic Apical Periodontitis
● extensive restorations, or
● Asymptomatic Apical Periodontitis
● fractures exposing the pulpal tissues. ● Chronic Apical Abscess
Teeth with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis may be difficult ● Condensing Osteitis
to diagnose because the inflammation has not yet reached the
periapical tissues, thus resulting in no pain or discomfort to 1. NORMAL APICAL TISSUES
percussion. In such cases, dental history and thermal testing ● Normal Apical Tissues are not sensitive to percussion
are the primary tools for assessing pulpal status. or palpation testing and radiographically, the lamina
dura surrounding the root is intact and the periodontal
4. ASYMPTOMATIC IRREVERSIBLE PULPITIS ligament space is uniform.
● Asymptomatic Irreversible Pulpitis is a clinical ● As with pulp testing, comparative testing for
diagnosis based on subjective and objective findings percussion and palpation should always begin with
indicating that the vital inflamed pulp is incapable of normal teeth as a baseline for the patient.
healing and that root canal treatment is indicated.
● These cases have no clinical symptoms and usually 2. SYMPTOMATIC APICAL PERIODONTITIS
respond normally to thermal testing but may have ● Symptomatic Apical Periodontitis represents
had trauma or deep caries that would likely result in inflammation, usually of the apical periodontium,
exposure following removal. producing clinical symptoms involving a painful
response to biting and/or percussion or palpation.
5. PULP NECROSIS ● This may or may not be accompanied by
● Pulp Necrosis is a clinical diagnostic category radiographic changes (i.e. depending upon the stage
indicating death of the dental pulp, necessitating root of the disease, there may be normal width of the
canal treatment. periodontal ligament or there may be a periapical
● The pulp is non-responsive to pulp testing and is radiolucency).
asymptomatic. ● Severe pain to percussion and/or palpation is highly
● Pulp necrosis by itself does not cause apical indicative of a degenerating pulp and root canal
periodontitis (pain to percussion or radiographic treatment is needed.
evidence of osseous breakdown) unless the canal is
● Asymptomatic Apical Periodontitis is inflammation climbed from an estimated six million root canal procedures
and destruction of the apical periodontium that is of 30 years prior. With demand as high as it is for the treatment
pulpal origin. of pulpal disease, general practitioners should at a minimum
● It appears as an apical radiolucency and does not be comfortable with diagnosis of pulpal and periradicular
present clinical symptoms (no pain on percussion or pathosis, and endodontic treatment planning.
Treatment Planning
● Chronic Apical Abscess is an inflammatory reaction The first step in treating the patient is planning the
to pulpal infection and necrosis characterized by case in full. This initially involves a comprehensive medical
gradual onset, little or no discomfort and an review to predict any conditions that may require modification
intermittent discharge of pus through an associated of the usual treatment regimens. The identification of medical
sinus tract. conditions that may complicate endodontic treatment will help
● Radiographically, there are typically signs of osseous the dentist avoid potential medical emergencies during
destruction such as a radiolucency. treatment. In addition, consideration of complicating patient
● To identify the source of a draining sinus tract when factors such as anxiety, limited opening or gag reflex will
present, a gutta percha cone is carefully placed allow the dentist to avoid situations that may compromise
through the stoma or opening until it stops and a treatment outcomes. Following the medical evaluation, a
radiograph is taken. subjective examination and a radiographic survey should be
completed. The practitioner should then be able to perform
5. ACUTE APICAL ABSCESS and interpret diagnostic tests to arrive at a diagnosis and high-
● Acute Apical Abscess is an inflammatory reaction to quality treatment plan that addresses the patient’s needs and
pulpal infection and necrosis characterized by: desires. Collection of this data makes it possible to avoid
○ rapid onset misdiagnosing and therefore mistreating a patient—actions
○ spontaneous pain that could lead to a loss of the patient’s confidence in the
○ extreme tenderness of the tooth to pressure practitioner, the prescribed treatment and ultimately the dental
○ pus formation and profession. Proper treatment planning not only helps the
○ swelling of associated tissues. practitioner avoid procedural shortcomings (e.g., missed
● There may be no radiographic signs of destruction canals, excessive removal of dentin, perforations, ledges,
and the patient often experiences: separated instruments or over/underfill of the canal space), but
○ Malaise also allows the dentist to choose cases based upon his or her
○ fever experience, skill set and comfort level. Every clinician must
○ lymphadenopathy constantly evaluate his or her diagnostic and technical skills.
The practitioner then has a legal and ethical obligation to
6. CONDENSING OSTEITIS determine, based on the case at hand, whether he or she
● Condensing Osteitis is a diffuse radiopaque lesion possesses the skills necessary to predictably manage the
representing a localized bony reaction to a low-grade patient’s endodontic needs, and assure the delivery of timely
inflammatory stimulus usually seen at the apex of the and effective care. Practitioners electing to perform
tooth. endodontic treatment are held to the same standard of care as
endodontists. Cases that exceed the comfort level or skill set
M3 LESSON 3 Treatment Planning and Case Selection of the dentist should be referred to a specialist with the
requisite skills and experience to manage the patient.
Contemporary Endodontic Treatment Recent
technological advances in endodontic treatment have resulted Case Selection Using AAE’s Case Difficulty Assessment
in the retention of teeth that were previously deemed Forms and
untreatable. However, technology, instruments and materials
are not a replacement for clinical skill and experience, but M3 LESSON 3 CONTINUATION
rather adjuncts that a practitioner can employ to reach a The American Association of Endodontists has
desired goal. With that in mind, it is imperative that a careful developed a practical tool that makes case selection more
sequence of case selection and treatment planning is carried efficient, more consistent and easier to document. The
Endodontic Case Difficulty Assessment Form is intended to
out based on clinical factors and the dentist’s own knowledge
assist practitioners with endodontic treatment planning, but
of his or her abilities and limitations. A recent ADA survey can also be used to help with referral decisions and record
estimates that some 15.8 million endodontic procedures were keeping. The assessment form identifies three categories of
performed in the United States alone in 1999. This number has considerations which may affect treatment complexity: patient
considerations, diagnostic and treatment considerations, and appropriate to include information regarding the
additional considerations. Within each category, levels of planned restoration—if a post and core is necessary,
difficulty are assigned based upon potential risk factors. The describe how much post space is desired so that it can
levels of difficulty are sets of conditions that may not be be prepared at the time of treatment. If verbal
controllable by the dentist. Each of the risk factors can communication is not convenient, information can be
influence the practitioner’s ability to provide care at a provided by written referral.
consistently predictable level. This may impact the appropriate
provision of care and quality assurance. For each level of 3. If possible, schedule the restorative appointment
difficulty, guidelines are given to aid the dentist in within one month of the endodontic treatment. For
determining whether the complexity of the case is appropriate example, if a buildup and crown are planned
for his or her experience or comfort level. following endodontic therapy, this should be
scheduled with the referring dentist in advance to
* Dentists should be familiar with the information in the form, avoid lengthy delays between completion of the
and be able to assess each case to determine its level of endodontic treatment and placement of the final
difficulty 1 restoration. Significant delays in the placement of the
final restoration can lead to coronal microleakage and
nonhealing. 6. Following endodontic treatment, a
Please click and study carefully the following:
report including pre- and post-treatment radiographs
should be returned to the patient’s general dental
Patient Difficulty AssessmAssessmentForm.pdf (Links to an office. The prognosis and additional treatment needs
external site.) (Links to an external site.) should also be clearly stated. For example, if a canal
is previously blocked and the endodontist believes
Extra Readings: that a root end resection may be necessary, this
should be communicated in the report.
In today’s society, patients are better educated and
https://f3f142zs0k2w1kg84k5p9i1o-wpengine.netdna- have higher expectations regarding the dental care they receive. Dental professionals have the technology,
2/2019/02/19_TraumaGuidelines.pdf methodology and scientific rationale to repair damage to the
dentition that was viewed as irreversible only years ago. These
M3 LESSON 3 CONTINUATION-2 advances allow patients to keep their natural dentition, with a
If Referral is Necessary few exceptions, for a lifetime. Teeth that have had surgical
If the level of difficulty exceeds the practitioner’s experience and nonsurgical endodontic treatment that has not allowed
and comfort, referral to an endodontist is appropriate. There healing can often be disassembled and “re-engineered” to
are several components to an effective referral that make the allow healing, preservation and function of the tooth. Any of
process a positive experience for the patient, referring to the the treatment options offered to the patient must have the
dentist and endodontist. patient’s best interests and health as a primary goal. The
1. Develop a referral relationship with an endodontist treatment must be delivered in a predictable manner by the
prior to the need for referral. Endodontists and treating practitioner to optimize the healing potential.
general dentists are part of the same team and Nonsurgical root canal therapy results in one of the highest
reinforce each other’s value. Establishing a retention rates of any dental procedure when completed under
relationship with an endodontist will allow the optimal conditions. As clinicians, we can ensure the highest
endodontist to serve as a consultant and a resource, quality treatment with our ability to plan a treatment plan for
and will encourage communication, which will better the patient in such a way that we honestly assess the difficulty
serve the patient. 2. When it becomes apparent that a of the case and our personal skill levels, and then determine
referral is necessary, make the referral in a timely whether to treat or refer. In the final analysis, when the
manner. An efficient referral minimizes the treatment proceeds without complication and healing occurs,
possibility of potential complications such as pain or the patient and the dentist benefit
swelling associated with untreated endodontic
pathosis. 3. Explain the reason for referral to the
patient. If possible, the referral should be made with M4 Armamentarium and Pre-treatment
the patient in the office, so that any literature, maps (INTRODUCTION)
and preoperative instructions may be provided at that Before initiation of a nonsurgical root canal
time. treatment, a number of treatment, clinician, and patient needs
must be addressed. These include proper infection control and
2. Discuss your diagnosis with the endodontist, and tell occupational safety procedures for the entire health care team
him/her exactly what you have explained to the
and treatment environment; appropriate communication with
patient. If applicable, discuss the treatment plan and
the desired outcome with the endodontist. It is the patient, including case presentation and informed consent;
pre-medication, if necessary, followed by effective ● Smooth broach
administration of local anesthesia; a quality radiographic ● Barbed nerve broach
survey; and thorough isolation of the treatment site. ● Irrigating syringe
● Sodium hypochlorite solution
M4 Objectives ● Aspirating syringe
● Identify the different instruments used in C. Cleaning and Shaping
Endodontics ● Endodontic files
● Categorize the instruments as to its function. ● Irrigating syringe
● Explain the importance of Disinfection and ● Sodium hypochlorite solution
Sterilization in Endodontics ● Aspirating syringe
● Recognize the significance of Preparatory Phase in ● Paper points / absorbent points
Endodontic Treatment. D. Disinfection & Temporization - a procedure done
● Understand the benefits of good asepsis through good after root canal cleaning and shaping to ensure the
oral hygiene and properly isolated, disinfected field reduction of bacteria inside the root canal.
of operation during treatment. ● Intracanal medicaments
- Calcium hydroxide intertreatment
M4 LESSON 1 Classification of Armamentarium dressing / eugenol / camphorated
According to Procedure monochlorophenol
1. Basic Instruments for Endodontic Treatment - Temporary filling material /
● Mouth mirror hydrophilic cement
● Endodontic explorer E. Obturation - is the placement of root canal filling
● Endodontic excavator material inside the canal to ensure sealing of all
● Endodontic locking pliers portals of entry of bacteria.
● Woodson plastic filling instruments ● Gutta percha points
2. Rubber Dam Isolation - a procedure where to be treated is ● Root canal sealer
isolated from saliva and other structures in the oral cavity. ● Lentulo filler / lentulo spiral
● Rubber dam sheet ● Finger plugger
● Rubber dam clamp ● Finger spreader
● Rubber dam template
● Rubber dam clamp forcep M4 LESSON 2 Sterilization of Instruments
● Rubber dam puncher
● Rubber dam frame Sterilization – is the process of making something /
● Rubber dam napkin instruments free from bacteria or other living microorganisms.
● Disposable saliva ejector tip
3. Access Preparation - a procedure done to gain an opening Methods of Sterilization
to the internal structure of the tooth.
● High handpiece with burs 1. Steam Sterilization / Steam Under Pressure
- Round bur no. 2 or no. 4 2. Dry Heat Sterilization
- Safe tip tapered fissure bur ● Static-air type
● Gates glidden drill ● Forced-air type
● Basic instruments for endodontics 3. Cold Sterilization/ Chemical Sterilization
● Irrigating syringe
Steam Sterilization / Steam Under Pressure
● Irrigating solution
● Aspirating syringe
(Autoclave) a strong heated container used for chemical
● Sterile cotton pellet
reactions and other processes using high pressures and
4. Exploration, Cleaning & Shaping of Root Canal -
temperatures, e.g. steam sterilization.
procedure done to clean and shape the root canal in
preparation for obturation.
Dry Heat Sterilization
A. Work Length Registration
● Smooth broach / path finder he high heat and extended time are major factors in achieving
● Rubber stopper sterilization.
● Endodontic ruler
● Periapical x-ray film Dry heat may be used to sterilize patient-care items that might
B. Pulp Extirpation be damaged by moist heat (e.g., burs and certain orthodontic
instruments). Although dry heat has the advantages of low All dental personnel are at risk of exposure to a host
operating cost and being noncorrosive, it is a prolonged of infectious organisms that may cause a number of infections,
process and the high temperatures required are not suitable for including influenza, upper respiratory tract disease,
the sterilization of many instruments and devices. tuberculosis, herpes, hepatitis B, and AIDS, it is essential that
effective infection control procedures be used to minimize the
risk of cross-contamination in the work environment.

There are two types of dry-heat sterilizers used in These infection control programs must not only protect
dentistry: static-air and forced-air types. patients and the dental team from contracting infections during
dental procedures but also must reduce the numbers of
1. The static-air type is commonly called an oven-type microorganisms in the immediate dental environment to the
sterilizer. Heating coils in the bottom or sides of the lowest level possible.
unit cause hot air to rise inside the chamber through
2. The forced-air type is also known as a rapid heat-
transfer sterilizer. Heated air is circulated throughout Aside from emergency situations that require
the chamber at a high velocity, which permits more immediate attention, endodontic treatment usually occurs early
rapid transfer of energy from the air to the in the total treatment plan for the patient, so that any
instruments, thereby reducing the time needed for asymptomatic but irreversible pulpal and periradicular
sterilization. problems are managed before they become symptomatic and
more difficult to handle.
Cold Sterilization/ Chemical Sterilization
The most important rationale for the high priority of
Chemical sterilization is a method used for the endodontics, however, is to ensure that a sound, healthy
decontamination of thermosensitive instruments, which cannot foundation exists before further treatment is undertaken. A
withstand cycles of autoclaving. For the rest, autoclave stable root canal system within sound periradicular and
sterilization should be considered the elected procedure periodontal tissues is paramount for the placement of
definitive restorations.
Pitfalls in achieving sterilization
Regardless of the specifics of the case, it is the
● Interrupting the sterilization cycle, or inadequate responsibility of the clinician to explain effectively the nature
time, temperature, or pressure of the treatment as well as inform the patient of any risks, the
● Inadequate pre-cleaning of instruments prognosis, and other pertinent facts.
● Overloading of sterilizer
● Inadequate drying cycle (autoclaves) As a result of bad publicity and hear say, root canal
● Faulty gaskets or seals treatment is reputed to be a horrifying experience.
● Improper packaging Consequently, some patients may be reluctant, anxious, or
● Bulky packaging even fearful of undergoing root canal treatment. Thus it is
● Inadequate spacing of instruments imperative that the dentist educate the patient before treatment
● Improper operation of unit (i.e., informing before performing) to allay concerns and
minimize misconceptions about it.
M4 LESSON 3 Pre-treatment Phase
Case Presentation
1. Preparation of operatory (Infection Control)
2. Patient Preparation (Treatment Planning) Good dentist-patient relations are built on effective
● Case presentation communication. There is sufficient evidence to suggest that
● Informed consent dentists who establish warm, caring relationships with their
3. Pain Management patients through effective case presentation are perceived
4. Preparation of tooth for access more favorably and have a more positive impact on the
5. Oral Prophylaxis and Rehabilitation patient's anxiety, knowledge, and compliance than those who
● Caries control and Crown build up maintain impersonal, noncommunicative relationships.
● Tooth Isolation
Most patients also experience an increase in anxiety
PREPARATION OF OPERATORY (INFECTION while in the dental chair; a simple but informative case
CONTROL) presentation that leaves no question unanswered not only
reduces patient anxiety but also solidifies the patient's trust in radiation exposure, should be followed as closely as possible
the dentist. to minimize the amount of radiation that both patient and
treatment team receive. ALARA also implies the possibility
The American Association of Endodontists (AAE) that no matter how small the radiation dose, there still may be
and the ADA publish brochures such as "Your Teeth Can Be some deleterious effects.
Saved by Endodontic (Root Canal) Treatment"1 to help
patients understand root canal treatment. Valuable educational PAIN MANAGEMENT
aids of this nature should be available to the patient, either
before or immediately after the case presentation. This It is paramount to obtain a high level of pain control
supportive information addresses the most frequently asked when performing root canal treatment, and in no other
questions concerning endodontic treatment. These questions specialty is this task as challenging or as demanding. The
are now reviewed. Accompanying each question is an example clinician must strive for "painless" local anesthetic injection
of an explanation that patients should be able to understand. In technique with relatively rapid onset of analgesia.
addition, the dentist will find it useful to have a set of
illustrations or drawings at hand to help explain the procedure. The problem of managing pain and anxiety in the
practice of dentistry is a significant one. Studies have
Informed Consent demonstrated that the major reason that over 50% of adult
Americans do not seek routine dental care is fear of pain.
A great deal of controversy surrounds the legal Interviews with patients indicate that although they may
aspects of informed consent. The current thinking of the courts not be in pain when they visit their dentist, the overwhelming
holds that, in order for consent to be valid, it must be freely majority truly believe that at some time during a dental
given; that all terms must be presented in language that the appointment they will experience pain. The person most
patient understands; and that the consent must be "informed." frequently cited as being responsible for this discomfort is the
for consent to be informed, the following conditions must be dentist.
included in the presentation to the patient: the procedure and
prognosis must be described (this includes prognosis in the Pain and anxiety are entirely different problems, yet
absence of treatment); alternatives to the recommended at the same time they are closely related. Pain produced by
treatment must be presented along with their respective dental treatment can usually be minimized or entirely
prognoses; foreseeable and material risks must be described; prevented through thoughtful patient management and the
and patients must have the opportunity to have questions judicious use of the techniques of pain control, especially local
answered. It is probably in the best interests of the dentist- anesthesia. Anxiety, too, can usually be managed effectively;
patient relationship to have the patient sign a valid informed however, before anxiety can be managed, it must be
consent form. With today's continuous rise in dental practice recognized. Discovery of the cause of a patient's anxiety is the
litigation, a good rule to follow is to realize that "no amount of major factor in managing the problem. Once aware of a
documentation is too much and no amount of detail is too patient's fears, the dentist has many techniques available with
little”. which to care for the patient.

A critical portion of the endodontic case presentation In most areas of dental treatment, the problem of
and informed consent is educating the patient about the anxiety control is greater than the management of pain. Pain
requirement for radiographs as part of the treatment. The control is usually readily obtained with a local anesthetic.
dentist must communicate to the patient that the benefits of Once effective pain control is established, anxiety control
radiographs in endodontics far outweigh the risks of receiving usually is more readily achievable. In endodontics more than
the small doses of ionizing radiation, as long as techniques and in any other specialty of dentistry, pain control often proves to
necessary precautions are properly executed. Although levels be more of a difficult problem than the management of
of radiation in endodontic radiography range from only 1/100 anxiety. Because of this difficulty in achieving effective pain
to 1/1000 of the levels needed to sustain injury, it is still best control, the patient undergoing endodontic treatment often
to keep ionizing radiation to a minimum, for the protection of anticipates the experience with a great deal of apprehension.
both the patient and dental delivery team. A simple analogy
can be used to help the patient conceptualize the minimal risk Although achieving adequate pain control for
levels with dental radiographs. A patient would have to endodontic care is not usually difficult, there appear to be all
receive 25 complete full-mouth series (450 exposures) within too many instances when a satisfactory result eludes the
a very short time frame to significantly increase the risk of doctor. The most likely explanation for the greater percentage
skin cancer. Nevertheless, the principles of ALARA (as low as of anesthetic failures in endodontics than in other areas of
reasonably achievable), which are essentially ways to reduce dental care lies in the tissue changes that commonly develop
in and around pulpally involved teeth
Although this procedure is somewhat effective, The tooth to be treated endodontically must be cleaned and
injection of anesthetic solutions into infected areas is freed of carious lesion as part of the preparatory phase.
undesirable because of the possibility of the spread of
infection to a previously uncontaminated area. Deposition of Tooth Isolation
the anesthetic into an area at a distance from the involved
tooth is more likely to provide adequate pain control, because The use of the rubber dam is mandatory in root canal
of the normal tissue conditions that exist there. Regional nerve treatment.
block anesthesia is therefore a major factor in pain control for
pulpally involved teeth. The best way to prevent seepage through the rubber
dam is meticulous placement of the entire system. Proper
There are also occasions, fortunately rare, when even selection and placement of the clamp, sharply punched,
regional block anesthesia at a distance from the infected tooth correctly positioned holes, use of a dam of adequate thickness,
fails to produce adequate pain control. Omitting for a moment and inversion of the dam around the tooth all help reduce
the most likely cause of this situation, faulty injection leakage through the dam and into the root canal system.
technique, has proposed that inadequate pain control may be Nevertheless, there are clinical situations in which small tears,
due to the fact that morphologic changes (e.g., holes, or continuous minor leaks may occur. These often can
neurodegenerative changes in the axon or the presence of be patched or blocked with Cavit, Orabase, rubber base
inflammatory mediators) are developing. adhesive, "liquid" rubber dam, or periodontal packing. If
leakage continues, the dam should be replaced with a new one.
Yet another unfortunate situation in endodontic pain
control relates to the inflamed tooth that when anesthetized LOSS OF TOOTH STRUCTURE
becomes asymptomatic but, on attempts to gain access to the
pulp chamber and canals, becomes exquisitely sensitive to If insufficient tooth structure prevents the placement
manipulation. Although no entirely satisfactory explanation of a clamp, the clinician must first determine whether the tooth
exists for this circumstance, it may be explainable on the basis is periodontally sound and restorable. Meticulous and
of an increase in the rate of stimulation to the nerve endings thorough treatment planning often can prevent embarrassing
that occurs with use of the high or low-speed handpiece. The situations for both doctor and patient. One example is the not
degree of neural blockade may be adequate for a lower level uncommon case in which the endodontic treatment is
of stimulation prior to preparation yet prove inadequate to completed before restorability is determined and it is then
block completely the rapid flood of impulses arising with use discovered that the tooth cannot be restored.
of the handpiece. This is equivalent to the so-called anesthetic
Once a tooth is deemed restorable but the margin of
window noted in obstetric anesthesia following epidural nerve
sound tooth structure is subgingival, a number of methods
block during delivery: The degree of pain control is quite
should be considered. Less invasive methods, such as using a
adequate except during the most intense uterine contractions.
clamp with prongs inclined apically or using an Ivory no. 21
The same intense increase in the rate of neural stimulation is
clamp, should be attempted first. If neither of these techniques
thought to be responsible for this phenomenon in endodontics.
effectively isolates the tooth, the dentist may consider the
The tissue changes and their possible actions on the clamping of the attached gingiva and alveolar process. In this
effectiveness of local anesthetics influence the choice of local situation, it is imperative that profound soft tissue anesthesia
anesthetic technique used in attempting to prevent discomfort be induced before the clamp is placed. Although the procedure
during treatment. A variety of techniques are available in the may cause some minor postoperative discomfort, the
maxilla and mandible. periodontal tissues recover quickiy with minimal
postoperative care.
Oral Prophylaxis and Rehabilitation
If none of the techniques mentioned above is
Elimination of sources of infection is essential in Endodontics. desirable, a variety of restorative methods may be considered
to build up the tooth so that a retainer can be placed properly.
Prior to Endodontic treatment removal of plaque and calcular A preformed copper band, a temporary crown, or an
deposits is required. Carious teeth must be restored and orthodontic band may be cemented over the remaining natural
severely carious teeth must be removed. crown. This band or crown not only enables the clamp to be
retained successfully; it also serves as a seal for the retention
Caries control and Crown build up of intracanal medicaments and the temporary filling between
MODULE 5 ACCESS PREPARATION M5 Lesson 1.1: Pulp Chamber

Access preparation focuses on the tooth crown. It is The tooth is divided into the crown and the root demarcated by
the first step in root canal treatment. It exposes the inner core a cervical line. The crown is further divided into 3 parts:
of the tooth through the pulp cavity. The pulp cavity is made ● Incisal/Occlusal third: which is the functioning
up of 2 parts, the pulp chamber located at the crown area of surface of the tooth during mastication
the tooth and the root canal found within the root portion. By ● Middle third: beneath the occlusal third and between
removing the roof of the pulp chamber, the pulp cavity is the mesial and distal third
opened allowing entry for endodontic instruments to reach the ● Cervical third: is the base of the crown located at the
entire root canal system. This step will help facilitate an border between the crown and the root at the area of
effective cleaning and shaping of the pulp cavity to eliminate the cervical line.
infection throughout its length. ● Mesial Third: is the mesial side of the crown from the
incisal/occlusal to the cervical
● Distal third: is the distal side of the crown from the
incisal/occlusal to the cervical

And the root into:

● Cervical third: at the cervical line area
● Middle third
● Apical third or 3-4 mm from the tip of the root
M5 Lesson 1: Morphology of the Pulp Cavity
In the study of Anatomy, it has been emphasized that
the external shape and form of structures compliments its
internal shape and form. Since Endodontics is involved with
structures within the tooth, the external anatomy can provide
clues or guides as to the morphology of the inside of the tooth
particularly the pulp cavity. Tooth’s external anatomy will
provide a three-dimension mental image of the approximate
location of the center of the chamber and its bounderies. This
is essential in establishing the location of the initial
penetration of the roof of the pulp chamber as you drill
through the solid tooth crown during actual access preparation.

In an outward sweeping motion of the bur, the pulp

chamber is completely "deroofed" up to the limitation of the
walls, and only then will the true size, shape and form of the
pulp chamber will be established. Therefore, it is the anatomy
of the pulp chamber that will dictate the final outline form of
the access preparation.

The pulp chamber, on the other hand, is a cavity

located within the center of the tooth crown starting from the
middle third extending to the cervical third. It is bounded by
the roof of the pulp chamber, floor of the pulp chamber and
the 4 lateral walls (Labial, Lingual, Mesial and Distal walls).
On the floor of the pulp chamber located at the cervical third
Youtube vid:
of the tooth, slightly below the cervical line, is where the canal
orifices are found. These are the openings of the root canals.
According to the 9 Laws of the Cervical third, this area has the
most consistent anatomy unaffected by physiologic changes. a line drawn in a mesial-distal direction across the
Exposure of these orifices is the objective of access center of the floor of the pulp chamber
preparation. To expose them correctly will help facilitate 6. Law of Color Change: The color of the pulp
success in succeeding steps of root canal treatment. chamber floor is always darker in comparison to the
vertical surrounding dentin walls
7. Law of Orifice location 1: The orifices of the root
canals are always located at the junction of the dentin
walls and the floor of the pulp chamber
8. Law of Orifice location 2: The orifices of the root
canals are located at the angles of the junction of
dentin wall to the pulpal floor
9. Law of Orifice location 3: The orifices of the root
canals are located at the terminus of the root
developmental fusion lines.
Since the pulp chamber is enclosed within the solid
external tooth structures, correct preparation is dependent on
the external anatomy of the occlusal third particularly the M5 Lesson 2: Coronal Access
occlusal table, where important land marks guide the extent Access preparation is the initial entry into the root
and possible location of the pulp chamber without unduly canal system. This lesson will focus more on understanding
removing crown tissue during preparation thus preserving and the significance and principles of each step of preparation
maintaining the strength and integrity of the tooth crown rather than the technical aspect to help arrive at a correct
structures. coronal access preparation. Guidelines and pointers will be
emphasized in order to avoid errors. Appreciating the
For further discussion on the 9 Law of the Anatomy of the importance of the preservation of the remaining tooth tissue by
Pulp Chamber, click the link below: starting with correct access preparation is a very significant factor in the success of root canal treatment.


1. Law of Centrality: The floor of the pulp is always
located in the center of the tooth at the level of CEJ
(cementoenamel junction). This law helps in
determining the depth to which you can go without
causing any perforation. You can use an IOPA X-ray
or just place the bur against against the tooth and
measure it against the Bur length to have an idea of
the depth to which you can extend in search of the
pulp orifice
2. Law of concentricity: The walls of pulp chamber are
always concentric (or around the pulp chamber
following its shape) to the external surface of the
tooth at the level of CEJ.
3. Law of CEJ: It should be used as a landmark to
locate the pulp chamber as it is repeatable and
consistent in its position in any tooth.
4. Law of Symmetry 1: Except for maxillary molars,
the orifices of the canals are equidistant from a line
drawn in a mesial distal direction through the pulp- Guidelines:
chamber floor. ● Develop a mental image of the pulp cavity in three
5. Law of Symmetry 2: Except for maxillary molars, dimension with the aid of the radiograph and
the orifices of the canals lie on a line perpendicular to knowledge of canal anatomy
● Know the possible morphology of the root canal Rules of Access Preparation:
system 1. Remove the roof of the pulp chamber.
● Determine the point of penetration ○ After the "drop" remove the remainder of
● Assess the occlusal and external root form the roof in an outward sweeping motion.
● Radiograph measurement of the depth of the pulp ○ Check the location of the ledge after initial
chamber roof from the occlusal table access using the basic explorer.
● Assessment of complicating factors
● Develop a mental image of possible positions of the
canal orifices
● Be guided by the 9 Laws of Anatomy at the cervical
third of the tooth according to Krasner and Ranskow

Youtube vid link:

M5 Lesson 2.1: Objectives, Rules and Principles

Coronal Access Opening:

Provides a convenient entrance to the root canal/s via the
canal orifice/s to facilitate cleaning and shaping.

Objectives of Entries:
● To provide visualization (location) of all canal
2. Create a straight line access (SLA)
● SLA to the apical portion of the canal

With straight line access

● To provide direct insertion of instruments to the

apical third of the Root Canal System (RCS)

No straight line access

M5 Lesson 2.2: Common Errors in Access Preparation

Common Errors in Access Preparation

1. Intact roof of pulp chamber

3. Avoid damage to the floor of the pulp chamber

Presence of intact roof of the pulp chamber

4. Conserve tooth substance

5. Establish a resistance form

The Access Preparation is Completed when it is:

1. Chamber walls are smooth and continuous with the
radicular portion of the pulp canal
2. When it provides direct access to the apical third of
the root canal
A completely deroofed pulp chamber will expose its floor
The Outline form of the Access: showing the fusion lines of the dentin map
1. Reflects the shape of the internal anatomic structure
of the chamber 2. Intact dentin shelf
2. Limited to the walls of the chamber
3. Confined within the marginal ridges

3. Perforation at the furcation

● Hippocrates
- “”First, Do No Harm”.
- From (what is) to their harm or injustice, I
will keep (them)

Hippocratic Oath: DO NO HARM.

It is acceptable and even ethically required that a clinician
not guess at the diagnosis when you need to refer or ask your

Standard Diagnostic Framework: SOAP format

4. Crown Perforation ● Subjective information
- What the patient tells you
- Chief complaint
● Objective findings
- What is seen by clinicians
- Results of tests
● Assessment
- Information are put together to come up
with a formula of diagnosis
● Plan of treatment
- Follows the diagnosis

We want to know if things match up to what the patient tells us

and what we see matched up and backed up by the results
from the tests.

Canvas (Laboratory)
- Completed by patient
Diagnosis and treatment planning are two of the most - Signed and dated
important facets of endodontics. - Reviewed completely
Without accurate diagnosis and proper treatment planning, - Follow-up questions
all other aspects become of little importance. - Highlight significant conditions
A clinician can perform the most skillful treatment but if it is
on the wrong tooth, then you may find yourself drowning in Example: a patient takes an arthritic drug which may or may
those difficult waters. not mask the symptoms that they are complaining about or
There have been a lot of changes in the last several years due results of your testing on that day.
to the developments in science, technology, and
understanding. CHIEF COMPLAINT
- Must be written in the patient's own words.
PRIMARY DIAGNOSTIC OBJECTIVES - Reason for visiting the dentist
● Reproduce chief complaint - Problem that urged the patient to have a dental
● Determine the cause check up
● Eliminate the cause - It is not uncommon for patients to have multiple
● Address patient symptoms problems.
● Prevention of endodontic disease - Identify problems that are endodontic in nature and
problems which may be related to something else.
If the first two can’t be done then the astute clinician does not
proceed with treatment. It is where the process starts. a. SUBJECTIVE INFORMATION
● History of pain
Ultimate Goal: help patient symptoms, and prevent & - When did it start? How has it
eliminate endodontic disease. progressed?
- Was the pain related to a specific
Despite a thorough assessment, the clinician may or may not experience?
be able to determine the exact nature of the patient's chief - Recent dental treatment, trauma,
complaint. or no specific incident
● Location of pain
OF THE CHIEF COMPLAINT. - Poorly localized to one quadrant
- Poorly localized to one side of the ● Radiographic assessment
face (may or may not be
endodontic problem)
- Poorly localized to both sides of Get that and the tell us we’re gonna figure out the rest out in
the midline (NOT an endodontic our testing specifically but we want to know what they think
problem) and what they are feeling on a day to day basis in terms of the
● Severity of pain pain when they’re having episodes how long does it last, in
- Scale of 1 to 10 particular with the cold we want to know when you had drink
- 1 = NO pain a cold glass of water, does that pain last 30 seconds, less than
- 10= WORST pain imaginable that just well the colds on there or is it something that lingers
- Subjective patient judgment that persist on when cold sensitivity persists greater than 30
● Nature of pain seconds or minutes or hours we know that that’s indication of
- Throbbing, burning, shooting, reversible pulpitis
- Very subjective descriptors CLINICAL EXAMINATION EXAM:
- Different types of pain in
endodontic: Extra-oral exam
Neuralgic, Muscle
● Frequency of pain
- Intermittent or continuous?
- How often do episodes occur? And
for how long?
● Spontaneity of pain
- SPONTANEOUS: no stimulus
related to it, wakes patient up at
- TRIGGERED: always needs a
stimulus, does the stimulus cause
the pain?
● Stimulus of pain
● Duration of pain Approach the patient with 12 oclock position, it give you a
chance to palpate the neck nodes, submandibular nodes,
Severe spontaneous pain is an indication of irreversible submental nodes, we know that of course if somebody has
pulpitis. pain to palpation of the muscles, and mastication we may not
dealing with an endodontic problem at all , and on the other
Chewing can act as a stimulus (aggravating factor). hand if they are have tender or enlarged nodes in the neck or
under the jaw, the of course we may be dealing with spreading
Triggered pain could be an indication of pulpitis or something infection and something that is definitely endodontic in nature.
non endodontic. It could be a biting sensitivity from
malocclusion or bruxism or a periodontal problem. - Intra-oral examination (oral cancer screening)

- we want to collect all this information and get it together to

make diagnosis

Subjective Information

Stimulus of the pain

- Cold/heat
- Biting/chewing/ touching/ pressure
- Pushing on the gums

Duration of the pain

Looking for asymmetries swelling areas of redness or
- How long does it persist after removing the stimulus? inflammation, i like to compare the right and the left sides of
- 0 to 30 seconds >30 seconds. the mouth and at the same time while we’re examining these
- Persists minutes to hours after stimulation. soft tissues now is the time to check the palate and tongue and
do our oral cancer screening as well.
● Clinical examination
○ Extraoral As for soft tissue findings, one important sign to look for is a
○ Intraoral draining sinus tract, if a sinus tract is present must be traced
● Comparative testing with a gutta percha points and a radiograph taken you will be
surprised how often the draining sinus tract does not arise
from the tooth that you think it should be arising from in other
words the draining sinus tract may not be right the side of the

- Gingival recession
- Exposed dentin

Another thing to know is gingival recession, exposed dentin

can be quite sensitive to cold and it may be an indication of
- Soft tissue findings reversible pulpitis and if it is reversible then it is something
- Redness, swelling draining sinus tract. where endodontics not needed and there may be a more simple

General conditions:

- Caries - a sign of bacterial invasion of the tooth and if

the caries and the bacteria are getting into the pulpal
tissue then we’re dealing with an irreversible pulpitis
which will eventually lead to necrosis.

- Wearing facets - may be indicating the present of

strong occlusal forces and perhaps a pair of
functional habits such as bruxism and occlusal
trauma is frequently misdiagnosed endodontic
disease so this finding is very relevant

- Extensive restoration or leakage.

Here we have a case, the patient was sent for endodontic
- Tooth fractures.
treatment for a toothache. It’s a good idea to consider
measuring at least 6 points around the tooth and we also want
Areas of recession may be also associated with tooth fractures
to look for things such as are we dealing with an isolated
and tooth fractures is another that the bacteria get into the pulp
pocket where we’ve got normal periodontal probing and then
where there’s recession check carefully using magnification
all of a sudden, the probe drops into a 10 mm depth. This
and a perio probe to examine and see if there may be a fracture
could be an indication of a fracture perhaps this tooth isn’t
present on roots especially below crown fractures.
savable if we’re probing at those 6 points and we find a broad
area of bone loss, then that can be something that is
periodontal bone loss. We want to refer for that or be looking
at periodontal support to determine whether or not prognosis
for long-term outcome is good for this tooth.


- transillumination of a fractured tooth.

I turn off the operating lights and sometimes turn off my

overhead lights and I'm shining the light through the dentin of
the crown and where there is a crack that light transmission
will be disrupted and you will be able to see that crack. Palpation is done in the quadrant and it’s done to detect
periapical inflammation that spreads to the surface of the
So now that we look at the general oral conditions we want to mucosa and it may indicate an underlying problem.
move on to our clinical testing of the suspected tooth and its
entire quadrant, we’re often going to find secondary problems I think it’s useful also to note the precise area of the mucosa
or that symptoms are related to more than one thing, it could that may be sensitive, for example, if your patients are finding
be endodontics and periodontics for example. that they’re sensitive but it;s along the gingival margin, we
may be dealing again with a periodontal problem not an an
Comparative Testing endodontic problem. This is quite different from when they’re
I like to consider the periodontal probe as the first instrument sensitive to palpation at the root ends. Note the area and
of my endodontic testing. It's a critically important step. location of that sensitivity to palpation. To be aware with
upper molars particularly that there’s muscle insertion in this
area at the root apices and patients will often say that this area
is sensitive to palpation. Compare the right side and left side
in these areas to make sure there is a difference.

Percussion testing is used to more specifically examine for
inflammation at the root ends. One should bear in mind, I would like to use endo ice spray, it’s a tetra fluoro ethane
however that this is in fact a periodontal test, periodontal spray and it’;s very convenient and easy to use. It comes out of
inflammation can be caused by endodontic infection certainly a can, you spray it onto a cotton pellet or a cotton swab and
if it’s spreading to the apical tissues from the pylp space going then you can test the teeth very specifically and individually
to get sensitivity to percussion but also things such as bruxism, without having melting where cold is transferring from one
malocclusion, pair of functional habits, these can also stretch tooth to another. Be aware that as you’re using the can, a
and traumatize those periodontal fibers causings sensitivity to temperature can vary so give it a really good shake before you
percussion. spray it onto your cotton pellet. CO2 snow which is dry ice
can be used as well but the temperature is very extreme and
THERMAL TESTS also you need a lot of armamentarium, a big canister in your
office to be able to have that available.

● COLD (H2O, CO2, Endo Ice)
● HEAT (Warm Gutta-Percha)

Every tooth that’s considered for endodontic therapy should

have a cold test. Cold testing is an essential element of our
tests. There are several ways that we can do it so you can use
water. Water is ice so to do this, you take your cleaned and
disinfected empty anesthetic cartridges, you fill them with
water put them in a little plastic cup upright and freeze them
and then when you want to take them out for your cold testing
then you make a little ice pencils which you can hold in a 2x2
gauze. When you’re using this method, it is important to start
with teeth distal and then move mesially because as you are
testing the ice will melt onto the adjacent teeth and we don’t
want to get any false positives. A heat test, so if someone complains of hot sensitivity then we
should be doing a heat test and there are several ways to do
that. One of the ways that you can do this, is by using a rubber
cup and creating friction on the tooth to create heat. I don’t
find this works as well as safe for example as using warm
gutta-percha on a tooth and a heated instrument or using a
COLD (H20, CO2, ENDO ICE) rubber dam test in hot water.
HEAT (Warm Gutta Percha) to heat test. for example the
calamus tool has a specific heat desk tip and you can apply
that to teeth as well for heat testing.

So we've used our thermal tests for vitality testing the pulp.

Objective findings - comparative testing

The heat test when we’re using a heated instrument or warm

gutta-percha is used similar to the way we would do the cold
test where we hold that hot or cold stimulus on the tooth for Another vitality test is the electric pulp test and it's
about a second or until the patient feels that stimulus and then unfortunately of limited value if you've got teeth that are
remove it right away. heavily restored which is often the case when we're testing for
endodontic problems. So it's not all that frequently used but it
So when we’re doing the heat test, with a hot gutta-percha and does become very important with trauma cases and in trauma
heated instrument, what we want to remember is to put a little cases we want to establish a baseline of what our electric pulp
vaseline on the tooth first to prevent gutta percha from tests say and then follow that through over the weeks or
sticking. months of follow-up assessments that we're doing.

Bite tests are performed using a tooth sleuth or a similar

instrument a wooden stick or a cotton swab again and a
positive test result here may indicate periapical inflammation
but it may also indicate something like a crack for example in
the tooth.
What we want to remember is to put a little vaseline on the So with the bite test as well to establish your baseline of what
tooth first to prevent gutta percha from sticking. is normal and where a patient may be specifically bite
When we are doing the rubber dam test, what we are doing is sensitive it's a good
placing rubber dam and flowing hot water onto one specific idea to test all the cusps of all the teeth in that quadrant and
tooth at a time. again doing that in a random order.
So while rubber dam placement is not comfortable for So do be aware with all of these testing the percussion, the bite
everyone you'd be surprised at how often you can get that on testingm, and our temperature testing it's a good idea not to go
comfortably to be able to do a nice accurate hot test . in order. We want to establish what's normal around the tooth
before moving to the tooth in question and we don't want the
CLINICAL EXAMINATION - HEAT TESTING patient to necessarily anticipate the test result.

With the bite test also we have the advantage of being even
more specific than that because these tooth sleuths allow us to
place forces on specific cusps and we can document exactly
where that sensitivity may be coming from.

There is equipment available as well that will have the ability

because we're able to get a better view for endodontic
purposes when we compare to using a bisecting angle
technique for example. So here's an example of a radiograph
that was taken using a bisecting angle technique which is on
the left and a radiograph taken by the endodontists on the right
using a Rin device.

Selective anesthesia is not used often but can be used where

we have patients that are complaining of pain to the entire side
of the face where they can't tell if the pain is coming from a
top or a bottom tooth. In this case what you can do is So the suspected tooth is tooth number three and we note that
anesthetize the arch that you think the pain is in and if the on the radiograph on the left the zygomatic arch covers the
patient's pain goes away entirely then at least you know that palatal root end and the buccal roots are quite foreshortened so
that is the area from where the pain is coming. not as clear as I'd like to see to determine whether or not this is
the tooth in question whether this has a tooth that has difficult
Now if you're not only able to eliminate the pain then you may anatomy. when I take look at the radiograph on the right
be dealing with pain from the opposite arch of course but also which is the one that was taken by an endodontist at the
you may very well be dealing with a non endodontic pain or a corrected angulation we can see that there's extensive caries
non dental pain which of course we can't anesthetize away. it's approaching the furcation.

● Cold
○ Blowing air is inaccurate
○ Use endo ice, ice stick, or CO2 snow
● Heat
○ Use dab of petroleum jelly to keep gutta
percha from sticking to tooth
● Anesthetic test - anesthetizes adjacent teeth, useful to
elucidate upper vs lower pain, or non-endodontic
pain. There’s a severe distal periodontal defect there's quite a
curvature of those mesiobuccal roots and the palatal roof is of
So to review some of the clinical tips just to note that blowing course easier to see and can see that the amount of
air is very inaccurate for cold testing as can be the ice stick if calcification there the corrected angulation on the image on
you're not careful about it and letting the melted water drip. So the right hand side has enhanced clarity and this may be a
use endo is something that you can use specifically to touch tooth that i want to think twice about what I'm going to do in
the tooth in question and remove immediately. my treatment my endodontic treatment here.

When doing the hot test do put some petroleum jelly on the so we can also see how two different types of images can
tooth to prevent the gutta-percha from sticking and be aware show two different types of information and it's for this reason
that anesthetic tests are not able to anesthetize just one tooth that in my office I always take two views of every tooth and we
but they are very useful when you can't tell whether pain is take a straight-on view and then a distal angulated view now
coming from an upper versus a lower arch. this also reminds us of something we may have learnt in
dental school which is the buccal object rule

so here's an example of a previously treated tooth and we're

seeing a periapical lesion on the medial roots and we're
suspecting that there may or may not be a miss canal either
way we want to see more information about this tooth the
image on the right is a distal angulated view of that tooth
So moving on to our radiographic assessments when exposing
radiographs it's a great idea to use some form of film device
so the tube head is moved distally to take the image of the
and this way you can get reproducible angulations. It's also
tooth what that will do is it will move all the objects that are
closest to the tube head away so my analogy for this is if
you're driving down the highway the trees in the front move
quickly and they move by you fast they but the moon which is
far away it stays relatively still

now where we have foreign objects that we can remove which

is more common these days as well nose piercings and lip
piercings do have patients remove them so that we can just see
what we need to see in the image without it being obstructed

so in this second view on the right what we see is the mesial reviewing some of our clinical tips:
root which is filled is closer to the distal aspect of that mesial ● Perio probe- record your depths measurements at 6
root it's not centered in that root anymore so my suspicion is points at least also take an assessment of the
that there may be canal anatomy unfilled which is centered in ● Mobility- of the tooth whether it's slight moderate or
that mesial root and that would be to that right side of that extensive remember that grade three mobility always
image to the mesial side refers to a tooth that can be compressed in an apical
so knowing that that has now moved away in my distal and ● Percussion and palpation testing and temperature
angulation I know that that must be the mesial-buccal root testing start with the uninvolved teeth and be random
end working towards the of all involve tooth get the
patient accustomed to normal perhaps test the right
side versus the left side
● Images- for your imaging remember you must
always have a current image and you should show
both the tooth and all its surrounding tissues if there's
a lesion present you want to show the entire lesion in
your radiograph

so we've gathered all the information from our patient and

here in our post-operative view of that radiograph we can see
we've gathered all the information for ourselves so now it's
now both the mesial-lingual and the mesial-buccal roots are
time to put everything together into our diagnosis
both filled
● Pulpal diagnosis
we can use the same concept to move other objects away from
● Periradicular diagnosis
root end
● Non-endodontic pathology

the diagnosis actually separated up into two areas and then

non endodontic pathology meaning there's something else
going on but the endodontic diagnosis we want to look at the
pulpal diagnosis and the perioradicular diagnosis

so there are six classifications for Pulpal diagnosis and these

are the first three:
so here we've had an orthographic surgery and some pins and
retention devices which are covering the root apices in our
● Reversible pulpitis
straight-on view
- Non-lingerinng (thermal tests)
- Not spontaneous
i want to move those elements which are on the front face
away from root ends so by moving the tube head down I can
They have to do with vital pulp, pulp that is still alive but may
get those elements to move up away from the root ends and
or may not be bacterial II infected so in a reversible pulpitis
there we can see the root apices
we have sensitivity usually to thermal but it's not lingering and
it's not spontaneous this is an inflammation of the pulp.

Irreversible pulpitis (symptomatic)

● A bacterial infection usually of the pulp and it’s
causing pain for the patient
● Symptomatic
● Spontaneous pain be needed in theses cases.)
● Pain lingers after stimulus (lingers after cold usually Irreversible Pulpitis (symptomatic)
a very severe type of pain)
● Usually severe

Irreversible pulpitis (asymptomatic)

● The bacteria have infected the pulp tissue but there
are no symptoms and it’s quite common as we’ll see
when there are deep caries and sometimes in trauma

(So our pulp test would elucidate that there is an in-depth

indeed and irreversible pulpitis even though the patient may
not complain of that.)
Pulp necrosis
● No response to thermal or electrical stimuli Percussion + or -
Bite + or -
Previously root canal therapy Cold +++
● Canals are obturated (linger > 30 sec)
Previously initiated therapy Heat +++ or -
● Start to do some sort of emergency treatment such as Radiograph usually unremarkable
pulpotomy or pulp ectomy
● Parital endodontic treatment (We start to get percussion sensitivity perhaps and bite
sensitivity perhaps. Our cold sensitivity would be more severe
Case Examples: and then we start to get that lingering quality. Patients may
also have or not have heat sensitivity associated. When
Reversible pulpitis looking at a radiograph of a tooth that has irreversible pulpitis,
we may or may not see some small signs in the x-ray. In this
radiograph, there may be a sign of some condensing osteitis, a
little widen PDL space so be aware of those changes as well.

Irreversible Pulpitis (Asymptomatic)


Percussion -
Bite -
Cold ++ Findings:
Percussion -
Radiograph <-really?? Bite -
Cold + or -
(No sensitivity to percussion, no sensitivity to bite because (may linger)
there is no periapical inflammation at this point. We’ve got a
pulp tissue that’s inflamed and it could have some cold Heat + or -
sensitivity. Maybe if it’s more severe sensitivity or starting to Radiograph caries approaching pulp
linger, we may start to think well is it moving to revert
irreversible pulpitis but if it’s just sensitive for a short time (The patient is not complaining of any symptoms but here
without percussion or bite sensitivity we’re probably dealing we’re seeing quite a large carious lesion. It’s very close to the
with a reversible pulpitis and no endodontic treatment would pulp space and our testing may either find that there’s a
lingering response same with the thermal testing of hot or cold
and again we want to look for those radiographic signs
perhaps we will also see small signs of condensing osteitis or Periapical diagnosis
widened PDL space in a case like this.
Normal apical tissues
Pulp Necrosis ● Asymptomatic, intact lamina dura

Findings: Symptomatic apical periodontitis

● Pain to biting and percussion
Percussion - to +++ ● May or may not have associated PA radiolucency
Bite - to +++
Cold - Asymptomatic apical periodontitis
(non-lingering) ● Cannot elicit pain or altered sensation (By tapping or
Heat - ● Apical radiolucent area
Radiograph evidence of apical periodontitis frequently
Acute apical abscess
(Once the infection progresses to pulp necrosis, now we’re ● Localized swelling, pain, pus formation
gonna start seeing more signs of periapical inflammation. ● Tender to pressure
We’re going to see bite sensitivity, and percussion and ● fever ? Lymphadenopathy?
sometimes that can be fairly minimal but sometimes quite ● PA radiolucency?
severe. Since there’s no live tissue, we’re going to have a
negative response to both hot and cold testing. In the Chronic apical abscess
radiograph, we see the sign of that periapical inflammation ● Minimal or no pain
and periapical bone changes associated with infected as that ● Pus drains from a sinus tract
darkness forms around the ends of the root) ● getting that same pressure build up like we do with
the acute apical abscess here we've got pass and it
Previously Treated may be draining from a sinus tract and now we're
looking for draining sinus tracts

Facial cellulitis
● Extraoral spread of infection
● Dangerous- treat aggressively
● want to treat this aggressively we're going to see
swelling of the face there may be redness tenderness.

There are other things that can mimic endodontic symptoms

and we want to be very aware not to create any misset
diagnosis, so here are some of those entities. We can have
● periodontal abscesses or other periodontal
problems even food impaction can mimic and
endodontic symptoms
Findings: ● vertical root fractures
● Acute/chronic sinusitis- sinusitis so pressure in the
Percussion - to +++ sinuses causing pressure on the ends of the roots and
Bite - to +++ upper molars will sometimes cause a dental pain we
Cold - can have
Heat - ● Muscular pain, TMD/MPD (inc. occlusal trauma) -
Radiograph appearance variable (root filling evident) TMJ pain or muscular pain and this can include
occlusal trauma or pair of functional habits
(There is no percussion or bite sensitivity, it may be minor, ● Neuropathic pain- pain that's not actually occurring
severe. Again we’re gonna have no response to thermal test in the dental structures themselves but in the nerves
because there is no living tissue in this tooth but and in the in the blood vessels around up around the
radiographically we start to see signs of disease, signs of dental tissues and then we can have
endodontic infection. We’ve got periapical radiolucency. With ● Atypical facial pains - so pain that's associated with
previously treated teeth, we also want to look for other types nothing dental a little
of elements like caries, where are the post, are there signs of
fracture, are there untreated canals. Going back to what I said All of those conditions listed on the previous slide can mimic
before about the radiographs here’s a really great time to have endodontic disease and you have to rule those out prior to
more than one view of a tooth. instituting root canal therapy. If you're not sure refer or ask
many misadventures have occurred and thousands of
unnecessary treatments performed because of misdiagnosis of Case #1 - Pulpal diagnosis?
non dental pain ● Spontaneous pain - severe
● Lingering pain after heat
Plan of treatment ● Relieved by cold
● Endodontic therapy ● Heat sensitivity reproduced with tests
○ Emergency treatment
○ Elective treatment Symptomatic irreversible pulpitis
● Extraction
● Referral

The treatment planning part of this presentation we've got our

subjective findings. We've got our objective findings. We've
made our assessment in our diagnosis so we're looking at
endodontic therapy. If we've assessed that we've got a tooth
that needs it then we can go ahead and do that endodontic
therapy. If the tooth is restorable and the periodontal condition
is sound the tooths not restorable or we don't have a good
periodontal prognosis and we may want to consider extraction
and in cases where either you think the tooth is a child is
presents a challenging case or you have any doubts about the
diagnosis that you've made then this may be a good time to
We know that that the pain was severe, we know that there
Case #1 was lingering pain after heat that was relieved by cold and our
● 28 y.o female heat sensitivity and testing reproduced what the patient had as
● Caucasian their complaint
● Office worker
● She is obviously in pain So based on all of this we know we have a symptomatic
● She is holding a cup of ice water irreversible pulpitis. Bacteria is invading that pulp and killing
● She doesn’t look as if she’s slept well that nerve and we need to get rid of it

Medical history Case #1 - Periradicular Diagnosis?

● Generally good health ● Mild bite sensitivity
● Mitral valve prolapse with regurgitation ● Mild percussion sensitivity - reproduced with tests
● Allergic to penicillin
Symptomatic apical periodontitis
Subjective information
● Pain started on its own three days ago- worsening We’ve got bite sensitivity we've got mild percussion
● Pain is a spontaneous, constant throbbing sensitivity and it's again reproduced with the test. the patient
● Pain worsens when ingesting hot substances, lingers knows that when you tap on that two thoughts the one so we
● Pain is relieved by cold have a symptomatic apical periodontitis
● Pain is slightly worsened by biting pain
● Pain feels like 9 out of 10 - wakes patient up at night Case #1 - Plan of treatment
Document everything! Non surgical root canal therapy

Our radiographic analysis we've see a pulp exposure carious

lesion under an existing restoration and possibly some
condensing osteitis and some PDL thickening.

And our treatment plan for this tooth is non-surgical root canal
therapy and elimination of the carries on top getting rid of the
source of the infection and getting rid of the symptoms by
getting rid of the bacterial

For case number two..

Case #2

34 y.o. Male
● Asymptomatic “bump” on gums
● Recent crown replacement
● Perioprobing WNL
○ Percussion - +
○ Palpation - -
○ Bite - -
○ Cold - -
● Dx: Pulp necrosis
Cold positive response indicates that there is indeed vital and
● Chronic apical abscess
healthy nerve tissue in that tooth so our diagnosis in this case
is a normal pulp and a periodontal abscess

In this case endodontic treatment is not indicated but the

question becomes is the tooth savable from periodontal

Case #4
48 y.o. Female
● Caucasian
● Malpractice litigation attorney
● Medical history (non-contributory)
● “There’s a sore lump on my gums”
● “My dentist tried root canal… it hasn’t helped”

Case#4 - Subjective history

● Tender swelling on gums
We Trace that sinus tract and our radiographic image shows ● Present two months
that that sinus tract just draining from the mesial-buccal root ● Dentist attempted NSRCT #21 - unsuccessful
of that tooth so based on our negative cold response we know ● Referred
that the tooth has no vital nerve tissue to feel anything we're ● Paresthesia - mild
dealing with pulp necrosis draining sinus tract meaning it's got ● No other pain
a chronic apical abscess

So our treatment in this case is non-surgical root canal therapy

and in this case within days or weeks the draining sinus tract
will heal

Case #3
64 y.o. Male
● Asymptomatic “bump” on the gums
● Perio probing 10+ mm - broad pocket
○ Percussion - +
○ Palpation - +
○ Bite - -
○ Cold - +
Now is that important and you know the dentist may be
● Dx: Normal pulp
thinking while I should refer this patient and I need to take
● Chronic periodontal abscess
better records but the truth of the matter is that every patient
● Tx: Likely extraction
should be treated exactly the same and those records should be
the same for every patient document everything it's always
really important and it will help you for your treatment and
patient management moving forward always

So for this patient her medical history was non-contributory

she said there was a sore lump on her gums and her dentist
tried to do a root canal treatment but it hasn't helped the
clinical exam showed a tender swelling on the gum being
there for two months despite the previously attempted non-
surgical root canal treatment she describes that she's got a
paresthesia meaning she's got altered sensation of the chin but
no other pain

Dynamic Diagnosis
● Develop diagnostic findings
● Derive a “provisional diagnosis”
● Continue observation
● Continue collection of significant data
● Derive a final diagnosis
And you want to record that so as that area diminishes over
○ After treatment
time which are hopefully will you've got a record of that
○ After outcome
so though it's rare also just bear in mind that paresthesia in this
area can result from endodontic infection and swelling that
presses on the mental nerve, but that's not all that common

so looking at our standardized form here we've got our dental

findings and our test results and we see that everything is
consistent with a persistent endodontic disease
So I'd like to introduce with this case the idea of dynamic
diagnosis it's a concept that's very important to note in that radiographically the significant findings include:
diagnosis is an ongoing state it doesn't just stop when the
dentist picks up the handpiece it's got to be continually ● we've got a leaking temporary restoration so
verified and modified throughout the procedure since recontamination of that canal space bacteria is getting
sometimes findings and observation during treatment can in there
cause the Stute practitioner to change their diagnosis and that's ● we've got thickened cervical level periodontal
the concept of dynamic diagnosis it's fluid and it's changeable ligament space and that's consistent with a clue cell
you want to follow the procedure until it's completed and trauma or root fracture or loosen the loosening of the
healing has occurred and this way we're taking our provisional tooth
initial diagnosis to its endpoint ● we've got a periodontal ligament thickening around
the end of the root that's consistent with the
So going back to the case, the dent the patient has this endodontic infection
gingival swelling and the paresthesia so here it's a nice idea to
outline with a skin pencil the area she describes as having Pulpal Diagnosis:
altered sensation and you want to record that so as that area ● No pain
diminishes over time which are hopefully will you've got a ● No response to pulp tests
record of that ● Dentist started NSRCT


so creating our Popple diagnosis she has no pain, no response

to pulp tests and the dentist started the non-surgical root canal
therapy so we have previously initiated therapy
Periradicular Diagnosis
● Tender to palpate alveolus
● Negative periradicular tests ● Extraction
● Drainage from gingival sulcus ● Surgical endodontic therapy
● Apical periodontal ligament thickening
so what are the patient's options they were discussed and they
the tooth is tender to palpate, it's negative period radicular are: do nothing non-surgical retreatment, extraction, or
tests, there's drainage from the gingival sulcus and the apical surgical endodontic therapy, and the patient here chose
periodontal ligament thickening indicates that we have a surgical endodontic therapy.
chronic apical abscess
flap was reflected and an unexpectedly large lesion was filled
Instrumentation: with necrotic bony sequester was found. It was curated and
● Crown-down and rotary the route and resection and filling of the first premolar was
● Two appointment done. just note here also that the cuspid root is hanging within
○ High level disinfection this lesion resulting in its pulp losing vitality. so that material
that granulation tissue and bode sequester that was sent to a
Obturation: qualified oral pathology service
● Hybrid lateral/ warm vertical compaction
Change the diagnosis:
so based on the pulpal and the periradicular diagnosis, the ● Lesion was too large
endodontic treatment was completed by the endodontist. It ● Bony sequestra found and removed
was done in two appointments with a high level of ○ Does not occur with LEO
disinfection. the coronal seal was maintained throughout and a ● Biopsy performed
good temporary well fitting well sealed temporary was put on ● Pre-existing paresthesia
the tooth afterward. no fractures were seen using the general
operating microscope and no other canals were detected here's our new information for our changing diagnosis. the
lesion was very very large, there's bony sequester found and
they were removed and that doesn't usually occur with lesions
of endodontic origin. we've got our biopsy we're waiting for
that information and now that idea of that pre-existing
paresthesia we're starting to think of how that may not have
just been swelling pressing on a mental nerve in the area
Final diagnosis: central giant cell granuloma

so despite our treatment the lesion never healed and this is

where the idea of dynamic diagnosis concept comes in.
reevaluation and performing another diagnostic sense
sampling with reformation of a treatment plan is indicated

so the final diagnosis was a central giant cell granuloma, a non

endodontic pathology that in this case truly mimicked an
endodontic infection

Options: Re-evaluation:
● Do nothing
● Non-surgical retreatment

Identify functions of each of the armamentarium for rubber

dam isolation
Use the different armamentarium for rubber dam tooth
Understand the disadvantages and advantages of rubber dam
Describe the different methods of rubber dam isolation
Perform rubber dam isolation on a mounted jaw
so following through on the dynamic diagnosis right to its
endpoint, here, twenty six months later we've got complete M2 LESSON 1. Armamentarium for rubber dam tooth
healing following that surgical debridement and the non- isolation
surgical root canal therapy was done on the on the cuspid
tooth it was the one that was devitalized during the surgery ● Basic Instruments for Endodontics
● Mouth Mirror
you may also note here that the patient unfortunately hasn't got ● Endodontic Locking Plier
their final restoration replaced and it's 26 months later. so this ● Endodontic Excavator
tooth is definitely subject to coronal leakage and ultimately the ● Woodson plastic filling instrument
potential for post endodontic infection in these teeth is really ● Rubber Dam Sheet
great. we may not be at the end of the story here ● Rubber Dam Template
● Rubber Dam Clamps
so as you can see diagnosis can be an area that can be really ● Rubber Dam Clamp Forcep
complex but there are ways that we can simplify it. take great ● Rubber dam Punch
notes and do things systematically and consistently the same. ● Rubber Dam Frame
do your testing and clinical examinations covering all bases ● Floss
from the general to the specific. gather that information and
put it together in a way that makes sense for an accurate Additional Requirement for Virtual Rubber Dam Isolation:
diagnosis. if you're not sure call your local endodontists, ask
1. Table top
questions. but where you know the diagnosis the treatment
plan follows and from a great treatment plan comes. great 2. Metal jaw or any type of jaw (with complete upper and
treatment and great treatment makes a happy patient lower natural or typodont tooth specimen) that will fit in your
chosen table top.
INTRODUCTION To view the details of each material and instrument and to
know their function, please click the link below and view the
In Dentistry, to work under dry conditions, free of powerpoint presentation.
saliva is essential. That need has been recognized for
centuries, and the idea of using a sheet of rubber to isolate the
tooth. 5/Tooth-isolation.pdf

The introduction of this notion was attributed to a M2 LESSON 2.Advantages and disadvantages of rubber
young American dentist from New York, Dr. Sanford Christie dam isolation
Barnum, who in 1864 demonstrated for the first time the
advantages of isolating the tooth with a rubber sheet. At that The advantages of using a rubber dam:
time, keeping the rubber in place around the tooth was a
problem, but things soon improved a few years later, in 1882 enhances visibility of the treatment site since the dam retracts
S.S.White introduced a rubber dam punch similar to that being the cheeks and lips
used now. In the same year, Dr. Delous Palmer introduced a reduces the risk of the patient swallowing instruments or
set of metal clamps which could be used for different teeth. debris
reduces the risk of contamination of oral microorganisms in
The Quality Assurance Guidelines of the American the blood and/or saliva
Association of Endodontists says that “Cleaning, shaping, provides a clean and dry operating field that is free of saliva,
disinfection and obturation of all canals are accomplished blood, and debris from the procedure, as well as achieves
using an aseptic technique with dental dam isolation whenever maximum bond strength when using restorative materials and
possible” cements
reduces mercury exposure when using amalgam materials in
According to Dr. Arnaldo Castelluci, “When it is the mouth;
not possible, the clinician has two options: one is to make it reduces aerosol splatters in the oral cavity from dental
possible and the other is to extract the tooth.” procedures;
protects dentists, hygienists, and patients from possible
exposure to HIV, hepatitis, and other infectious diseases or
blood-borne pathogens during procedures

The disadvantages of using a rubber dam:

additional application time, which can be difficult and time-

additional cost of materials: stamp, dental clamps, rubber dam,
rubber dam could break in the patient’s mouth, thus floss is
placed around the clamp as a precaution for retrieval
could cause damage to the oral mucosa during placement and
removal of the dam
patient may have discomfort or difficulty breathing due to Step 2. Select the appropriate clamp and check its fit on the
blockage of the airway tooth to be isolated.
if the rubber dam is latex, it could cause a latex allergy or
episode to occur
may decrease communication between patient and operator
may increase patient anxiety
many patients refuse the rubber dam
For more information on rubber dam isolation, click the link

M2 LESSON 3.Different methods of rubber dam isolation

Method 1- Clamp and Rubber Dam Sheet Together

Step 3. Designate the area to punch hole on the rubber dam

sheet using rubber dam stamp or template.

Method 2- Clamp first followed by Rubber Dam Sheet

Step 4. Punch a hole on the rubber dam sheet, appropriate for

the size and location of the tooth.
Method 3-Rubber dam Sheet followed by Clamp

Step 5. Lubricate the inner surface of the rubber dam sheet

with Vaseline to allow it to slide better over the contours of
the tooth and contact areas closely and tightly around the

Rubber Dam Isolation Procedure:

Step 1. Remove calcular deposits on tooth surfaces.
5. After placement of clamp and rubber dam sheet, a
dental floss may be used to draw the sheet through
the proximal contact area.

Step 6. Choose what Method of Isolation you like to use.

Method 2 - Clamp first followed by Rubber Dam Sheet

Method 1- Clamp and Rubber Dam Sheet together. 1. Place the clamp on the tooth crown using the clamp
1. Attach the wings of the clamp to rubber dam sheet
over the area of the punched hole.

2. Slide and stretch the rubber dam sheet over the bow
of the clamp.
2. With the clamp forcep , place the clamp with rubber
dam sheet beyond the greatest contour of the crown.

3. Release the clamp from the forcep and adapt the 3. Slide and stretch the rubber dam sheet over the under
rubber dam sheet around the cervix of the tooth. jaw and prong of the clamp.

4. After placement of clamp and rubber dam sheet, a

4. With a hand instrument release the rubber dam sheet dental floss may be used to draw the sheet through
from the wing of the clamp to allow the sheet to the proximal contact area.
constrict around the cervix of the tooth.

Method 3 - Rubber dam Sheet followed by Clamp

1. Slide the rubber dam sheet over the contours of the

2. With the forcep , place the clamp beyond the greatest (12) Cross check for missing pictures and details and M1
contour of the crown.

Canal scouting is the first phase of canal instrumentation,

during which procedural difficulties or errors might more
frequently occur.

As a first step, the negotiation is most often essential.

Negotiation might be thought of as the process of exploration
and discovery to determine the individual canal anatomy noted
3. Release the clamp from the forcep and adapt the previously using small K-files(6-10s).
rubber dam sheet around the cervix of the tooth.
Therefore, canal scouting and exploration is necessary prior to
canal cleaning and shaping. Another equally important
procedure is pulp extirpation, it is the complete removal of
vital dental pulp, which is also called pulpectomy.

Irrigation on the other hand facilitates the physical removal of

materials from the canal and introduction of chemicals for
antimicrobial activity, deodorizing and hemorrhage control.
4. After placement of clamp and rubber dam sheet, a
dental floss may be used to draw the sheet through M4 Lesson 1:Armamentarium for Scouting, Exploration,
the proximal contact area. Pulp Extirpation and Irrigation:

1. SS K-type files #6,#8 and #10

2. Rubber stop
3. Specimens: Maxillary Central Incisor, Maxillary First
Premolar and Maxillary First Molar
4. 5.25% Sodium Hypochlorite
5. Lubricant (EDTA)
6. 2-3 pieces of 3 cc or 5 cc hypodermic syringes
Step 5. Place the frame over the rubber dam sheet, and stretch 7. 2-3 pieces side vented or side port needles
out the sheet on the frame to provide soft tissue retraction. 8. Absorbent paper points size #15 to #40
9. Lamp with denatured alcohol and match or lighter
10. Distilled water for dilution

M4 Lesson 2: Procedure and Guidelines in Scouting,

Exploration, Pulp Extirpation and Irrigation

Step 6. Swab with disinfectant the isolated tooth and the A normal pulp tissue as in the case of intentional root canal
adjacent structures . treatment or a diseased pulp tissue with an irreversible pulpitis
case is removed during canal cleaning and shaping with the
use of endodontic files and irrigating solutions. However, in
cases where canal cleaning and shaping is not possible on the
same treatment appointment pulp extirpation is recommended.
Click the link below to view a case of pulp extirpation using b. Place a cotton ball next to the
photoacoustic irrigant streaming. access preparation to catch the backflow of
the solution.
The following are Procedures and Guidelines in Scouting c. Very slowly and without pressure,
and Exploration: push the syringe plunger to introduce, at
1. Probe the canal orifice with endodontic explorer least,
(pathfinder/Stewart probe) to determine the direction of the 4. 1 cc of the solution into the canal. For narrow
canal at the cervical third. canals, simply flood the chamber with the solution.
2. Establish the Trial Working Length (TWL). d. Place a drop of lubricant.
a. Using the endo tooth model specimen e. File the canal once it’s ready.
(JChenny), measure the tooth length (TL) f. Leave the solution inside the canal
from the reference point (incisal or occlusal) while filing. Constantly irrigate before
to the apex or end of the root. Whatever the changing the file size.
measurement, subtract 2mm as a safety g. At the end of instrumentation and as a
factor to get the TWL. final rinse before sealing the canal either
b. Record the measurement on your temporarily or permanently, repeat the
printed portfolio. procedure, except for the application of
3. Mark on the scouting instruments the TWL. lubricant (step d), until all dentin shavings or
a. Mark the TWL on SS K-type files #8 debris are flushed out of the canal.
and #10 with rubber or silicone instrument 5. Aspirate the excess solution when the canal is
stop. ready for drying and sealing.
b. Select which from the two files can a. With the second syringe, express out
glide freely through the canal. The file that the air from the barrel by pushing the
glided through will be referred to as the plunger to the fullest before insertion into
scouting instrument. the orifice.
4. Confirm the canal morphology as the scouting b. Position the tip of the needle inside
instrument was inserted apically. the root canal.
a. Feel the patency of the root canal c. Pull the plunger to aspirate the excess
using the scouting instrument. irrigation solution and air.
b. Take note of any abrupt changes in d. Repeat the procedure when
the canal anatomy. necessary.
c. Interpret the tactile information and 6. Dry the canal with sterile absorbent paper points.
take note of the probable direction or a. Sterilize the absorbent paper points in
location of resistance and curvatures. an autoclave. Paper points must have the
Procedure and Guidelines in Irrigation: same size as the MAF.
1. Prepare two (2) disposable hypodermic syringes. b. Mark the WL on the paper points.
a. Color code or label each of the c. Pass the paper point over the flame of
syringes for easy identification. One will be an alcohol lamp 3x or immerse in glass
used to introduce the irrigation solution and beads sterilizer for a few seconds.
the other to aspirate excess solution when d. Insert the sterilized absorbent paper
the canal is ready for sealing. point into the canal and swab the walls to
2. Prepare the irrigation solution. the full WL marker to absorb the fluids from
a. In a clear and clean container, dilute 1 the canal.
part of 5.25% Sodium hypochlorite e. Repeat the procedure until the
(NAOCl) with 5 parts distilled water (1:5 canal is "bone dry".
ratio). If full concentration is preferred, 7. Seal the canal either temporarily with Calcium
simply transfer the commercially prepared hydroxide or with final root canal obturation materials.
5.25% solution in another container to
conceal the brand. M4 Lesson 3: Procedure in Handling Chemical Adjuncts
b. Fill up one syringe with the
solution. Lift the syringe with the needle in Irrigation performed with mechanical cleaning and shaping of
an upward direction and tap the barrel to root canals constitutes one of the most important stages of root
remove the bubbles toward the surface of canal treatment. The antibacterial effects of current irrigation
the solution. solutions have been reported to be enhanced by increasing the
c. Push the plunger and express out the concentration, temperature and amount of solution and by
trapped air. agitation.
3. Irrigation of the canal.
a. Position the needle into the widest Sodium hypochlorite is currently the most commonly used
portion of the canal allowing an adequate irrigating solution due to its pronounced antimicrobial effects
space for the backflow of the solution. For and the capacity for organic tissue dissolution. Decreasing the
narrow canals, simply flood the pulp concentration of the solution reduces its toxicity, antibacterial
chamber with NaOCl.
effect and ability to dissolve tissues. Increasing its volume or what we all agree upon is that well shaped canals have the
warming it increases its effectiveness as a root canal irrigant. potential to be clean canals regardless of the method utilized
in the night disinfection is comprised of removing all the pulp
However, due to its (NaOCl) limited effects on inorganic the byproduct of our instrumentation the smear layer and
component of the smear layer, ethylene diamine tetraacetic finally communities of bacteria biofilms.
acid (EDTA) is used which acts on the inorganic part of the
smear layer. NaOCl is an adjunct solution for removal of the Many clinicians relate to a block canal is the inability to pass
remaining organic components. Irrigation with 17% EDTA for a ten file to the full working length but in reality especially
1 minute followed by a final rinse with NaOCl is the most with the advent of nickel titanium instruments and with
commonly recommended method to remove the smear layer. particular emphasis on the cross section of the file many
EDTA has little or no antibacterial effect. blocked canals are in turned blocked laterally rotary nickel
titanium instruments especially the radial landed variety tend
Chlorhexidine has broad-spectrum antibacterial action, to burnish more debris into the lateral canals eccentricities off
sustained action and low toxicity. Because of this properties it the rounder canals and dentinal tubules than cutting
has also been recommended as a potential root canal irrigant. instruments these blocked anatomical spaces need to be
The major advantages of chlorhexidine over NaOCl are its cleansed so we can encourage and promote our irritants to
lower cytotoxicity and lack of foul smell and bad taste. move laterally into the deep anatomy
However, like NaOCl, it is unable to kill all bacteria and
cannot remove the smear layer. There has been tremendous interest in the endodontic
marketplace on how to improve clinical disinfection there's a
An alternative solution to EDTA for removing the smear layer variety of methods that are either to market or are emerging
is the use of MTAD, a mixture of a tetracycline isomer, an rapidly for clinical practice let's quickly take a look at some of
acid (citric acid) and a detergent. MTAD was developed as a the more popular methods:
final rinse to disinfect the root canal system and remove the
smear layer. The effectiveness of MTAD to completely DISINFECTION METHODS
remove the smear layer is enhanced when a low concentration - EndoVac
of NaOCl (1.3%) is used as an intracanal irrigant before - RinsEndo
placing 1 ml of MTAD in a canal for 5 minutes and rinsing it - Ultrasonic fluid delivery
with additional 4 ml of MTAD as the final rinse. it appears to - Photo activating Disinfection
be superior to chlorhexidine in antimicrobial activity. In - Plastic endo File
addition, it has sustained antibacterial activity, is - Irrisafe file vibringe
biocompatible and enhances bond strength. - Endobrushes
- EndoActivator
M4 Lesson 4: Errors in Scouting, Exploration, Pulp
Extirpation and Irrigation as Well as its Management The endo vac is nothing more than placing a suction device in
a well shaped canal to the full working length this method is
Sodium hypochlorite is generally not utilized in its most quite interesting sucking out debris or livering it through
active form in a clinical setting. For proper antimicrobial vacuassin procedures is useful and helps us have less flare-ups
activity, it must be prepared freshly just before its use. and potentially allows us to pack better
Exposure of the solution to oxygen, room temperature and
light can inactivate it significantly. Extrusion of NaOCl into The Rinsendo is a german device that is made by the Durr
periapical tissues can cause severe injury to the patient. To company and in this method they use pulsating positive
minimize NaOCl accidents, the irrigating needle should be irrigation and suction to better enhance disinfecting
placed short of the WL, fit loosely in the canal and the
solution must be injected using a gentle flow rate. Constantly Yet another method that has proven to be quite interesting as
moving the needle up and down during irrigation prevents based on the evidence presented in the Journal of endodontics
wedging of the needle in the canal and provides better is ultrasonic fluid delivery in this method a cannula is attached
irrigation. The use of irrigation tips with side venting reduces to a ultrasonic handpiece the power setting is going to move
the possibility of forcing solutions into the periapical tissues. the tip between 25 and 40 thousand Hertz and dispense the
Treatment of NaOCl accidents is palliative and consists of reagent of your choice into a well
observation of the patient as well as prescribing antibiotics and
analgesics. Shaped canal as per usual with ultrasonic activation one has to
be concerned about internal ledges transportations and broken
(Video from Canvas- instruments

ENDODONTIC DISINFECTION Photo activating disinfection is a very interesting method that

- Debridement it was born primarily in Western Europe in this method of
- Smear Layer disinfection a low diode laser is used the preferable
- Biofilm wavelength is 980 nanometers of light in this method a
solution such as tellurium chloride can be flushed liberally
There's been a variety of methods that our profession has into a well shaped canal and presumably the solution will
utilized to better appreciate root canal system anatomy but move out and enter The cell wall of a microorganism this is
called tagging the bacteria when the diode laser is placed in use and finally is there evidence or science behind it to
the canal and activated the light seeks out the tagged bacteria show that it actually
it implodes the microorganism rendering it non virulent plastic disinfects a root canal system
end o file is
nothing more than a plastic instrument that's impregnated with
a diamond coating as this instrument turns clockwise in a
canal the diamond grit tends to sand and continue to prepare
and already optimally shaped canal this
instrument is actually producing its own smear layer although
some evidence has been produced to show its efficacy the

Erie safe file is a non cutting instrument that attaches to an

ultrasonic handpiece and I've already given the cautionary
remarks about
vibrating metallic instruments below the orifice
the vibrance is one of the newer devices that has recently
come to market and it's basically like a handheld anesthetic
syringe except in this case the operator is dispensing reagent
as the cannula again being metal is vibrated we've seen some
movement towards endo brushes not as quickly as I would
have anticipated but we now see some brushes on the market
the problem with the current market version brushes
is the d0 diameters are quite large on the order of about 50 or
60 which means

they don't often get all the way to length on smaller diameter
canals stay tuned though we don't know the final verdict on
brushes because technology always drives new innovations the
one that you're probably familiar that I've been involved with
and our group and team built is the endoactivator in this
method of activation

we use a polymer which is highly flexible and strong and it

goes into a fluid-filled chamber is
introduced into a canal and through activation we use sonic
energy to kindly activate the tip the polymer tips are not
subject to a diminishing return on their vibration they can
write on thewalls of prepared dentin and still activate a
solution to length and around multiplanar curvatures there is
plenty of emerging evidence on the endoactivator and I'll
show you just

three images that were produced at Paris

by a postgraduate residence named korone and you can see
in that low magnification 500x a bifida T both branches
have been cleaned one presumably with the instrument and
with reagents and the other one the lateral canal is where
the instruments never went in a higher magnification you
can begin to see the potential for the reagent to move as
much as three to four hundred microns back through the
dentinal tubules to enhance deep lateral cleaning and finally
a 2000 X you can
see open Patent dentinal tubules in the apical one third of
this specimen and this was
around the curvature if we're ever going
to bond obturation materials against

Dentin we must divide remove the smear layer and finally

all the bacteria when present my final remark would be
when you look at this rather lengthy list of devices one
must assess the cost to get into the technology to the ease of

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