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Name of Student: Legua,Sophia May Track/Strand/Specialization:CSS


Function Audience and purpose Audience and purpose are Audience and purpose Audience and
( 25% ) of the resume are present but could be are less clear and week purpose are not clear. 25
strong and clear. ( 25% ) stronger. (20% ) parts remain. (15% ) (10%)

Form & Content Format of the letter is Format is mostly clear. Each Format is confusing. Format is hard to see.
(20%) clear.Each major section major section includes most Major sections are Major sections are
Includes all required information missing information missing information
required information ( address, date, salutation, (address, date, (address, date,
(address, date, body, closing and salutation, body, salutation, body,
salutation, body, closing signature). closing and signature). closing and 20
and signature). (15%) (10%) signature).
(20%) (5%)

Effectiveness Letter shows a very Letter shows an Letter shows a less Letter does not have a
(25%) professional appropriate appearance, professional professional
appearance, tone and tone, and style. Some appearance, tone, and appearance, tone,
style. inconsistencies remain. style. Several and style. Much 25
(25%) (20%) weaknesses need revision is needed.
attention or revition. (10%)
Grammar & Writer follows all Writer follows most Writer follows some Writer has difficulty
Mechanics guidelines for spelling guidelines, but some guidelines, but some following guidelines;
(30%) grammar, usage, sentences are unclear, sentences contain most sentences
mechanics, etc. uneven, or contain errors. multiple errors and are contain numerous 29
Sentence are strong and (25%) difficult to understand. errors and cannot be
have a veried (20%) understood.
structured. (15%)

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