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Atherosclerotic vertebral artery disease


6 Ralf Dittrich and E. Bernd Ringelstein

artery (VA) origin (see V0 segment in Table 6.1 later in

Introduction this chapter) is as low as 0.4% [6].
In this chapter we focus on atherosclerotic occlusive As soon as VB ischemic stroke (i.e., posterior fossa
disease of the vertebrobasilar (VB) arteries detectable stroke or posterior circulation stroke) has occurred
by advanced neurovascular ultrasound techniques, but and posterior cerebral bleeding has been excluded by
we will also touch upon steno-occlusive disorders of computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance
the posterior cerebral artery, subclavian artery (SA), imaging (MRI), the first important differentiation of
as well as the aortic artery. Even subtle sonographic the underlying pathogenesis is small vessel versus large
abnormalities can indicate life-threatening VB occlu- vessel disease. While the former as singular stroke
sion [1,2]. We will also address nonatherosclerotic dis- (not as a generalized cerebral disorder) has a relatively
eases of the brain-supplying arteries as far as relevant benign prognosis, large artery occlusive disease can
for neurovascular ultrasound [3,4]. have lethal consequences and requires a rapid diagnos-
The clinical dynamics of the stroke syndromes tic workup in order to meet therapeutic time windows
resulting from posterior circulation occlusive disease in due time (see later in chapter). A firm initial differ-
(PCOD) vary widely with a gradual, stepwise or stut- ential diagnosis is best supported by MRI of the pos-
tered onset or course during hours or days, but also by terior fossa, thalamus and posterior lobes combined
a sudden, one-step-only ictus making early prognostic with a thorough arterial ultrasound check. The reason
predictions particularly difficult [4,5]. This underlines for this combined approach is as follows: while large
the necessity to clarify the underlying stroke etiology artery disease can directly be visualized at the level of
as rapidly as possible. the arteries themselves by ultrasound and other nonin-
From a modern perspective, PCOD, including VB vasive arterial imaging techniques, the affected small
embolism accounts for 20–30% of all strokes, thus play- cerebral arteries (Figure 6.1, insert 1A) leading to lacu-
ing a major role for the stroke burden of our aging soci- nar infarcts cannot directly be investigated during life
eties. PCOD is particularly prominent among Asians because they are too small in diameter. Cerebral small
and black populations, mostly due to penetrating small vessel disease is inferred indirectly from the lesional
artery disease [4]. Figure 6.1 shows a diagram of the pattern of lacunar infarcts on CT or MRI. It should be
posterior circulation addressing the various types of kept in mind, however, that lacunar-like, complete or
arteries affected by steno-occlusive atherosclerosis or partial necrotic lesions of the pons, midbrain or thala-
embolism. mus can also be caused by large artery disease like a
The most important determinant of outcome of transient basilar artery embolus temporarily blocking
posterior circulation strokes is the nature of the causa- deep perforators to the basis pontis or to the thala-
tive vascular disease underlying the stroke. Following mus (Figure 6.1, insert 5). An unstable atherosclerotic
acute VB ischemia, 1-month mortalities range from 2% plaque in the basilar artery can cause a similar type of
to over 70% making meaningful predictions based only lesion before, all of a sudden, it progresses to complete
on clinical findings impossible. By contrast, the annual basilar artery thrombosis (Figure 6.1, insert 6). It is
stroke rate in asymptomatic stenosis of the vertebral therefore reasonable to investigate the large arteries of

Manual of Neurosonology, ed. László Csiba and Claudio Baracchini. Published by Cambridge University Press. © Cambridge 87
University Press 2016.

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Chapter 6: Atherosclerotic vertebral artery disease

extracranial VAs (i.e., the above-described V0–V3 seg-

ments) is still underestimated due to lack of systematic
and longitudinal ultrasound studies on this particular
type of disease combined with microembolus detec-
tion [9,10,11].
1A 1B 2A 2B

Short overview of existing

1 4,5,6
non-ultrasound imaging techniques
The correct allocation of stroke symptoms to the VB
circulation (i.e., to PCOD), has been revolutionized by
modern imaging techniques, in particular by means
of both magnetic resonance brain imaging (MRI) of
the posterior fossa and systematic neurosonology of
the brain supplying neck arteries, and large intracra-
6 5 4 3
nial arteries with color-coded duplex scanning and
transcranial Doppler [12,13], as well as improved car-
diac imaging and rhythm monitoring. Invasive digital
subtraction angiography (DSA) and completely non-
invasive CT and MRI arteriograms added consider-
Figure 6.1 Most frequent types of vertebrobasilar (VB) occlusive ably to our present understanding of VB occlusive
disease. Insets: (1a) Cerebral small vessel disease of pontine disease [14].
perforator by atherolipohyalinosis (inset: cross section of the
lesion). (1B) Atheroma of the basilar artery occluding a penetrating Particularly in the posterior circulation, ischemic
small artery mimicking small vessel disease (so-called branch strokes vary widely in their severity, ranging from
occlusion). (2A,B) Severe atheromatous stenosis/occlusion of major mild, transient lacunar strokes to devastating strokes
basilar branch (e.g., anterior cerebellar artery) by atherothrombosis
(A) or embolism (B). (3) Predilection site of distal vertebral artery (because of the infarcts’ strategic localization like
atherothrombosis in the V4 segment. Thrombotic occlusion thalamic infarcts) or even to life-threatening, huge
simultaneously causing blockage of penetrating small arteries to pontocerebellar infarctions due to basilar artery
the medulla oblongata. (4) Diffuse severe atheromatosis of the
VB artery, finally leading to complete basilar artery thrombosis in thrombosis with up to 70% mortality [15].
insert (6). (5) Cardiac embolus sticking in the mid basilar artery with
unpredictable consequences (e.g., VB transient ischemic attack
due to rapid lysis, or causing locked-in syndrome due to complete Focused questions
transsectional pontine necrosis).
• Why is VB occlusive disease clinically so
important for investigation?
the VB system also in patients who present with lacu- • What is the specific role of neurovascular
nar syndromes either clinically, or morphologically ultrasound among the spectrum of presently
on MRI. available diagnostic tools?
Twenty percent of the cerebral blood volume • Which other imaging techniques are important for
is channeled into the VB distribution leading to the VB system?
the little-known fact that approximately 20% of • Which steps of the ultrasound investigation
aorto-cardiac cerebral emboli enter the VB pathway. are particularly useful and help to improve the
By reviewing various stroke registries, Caplan [4] came management of the patient?
to the conclusion that about 20–30% of all ischemic • Is there a role of VB ultrasound for the patient’s
VB strokes are cardioembolic (in the wider sense of follow-up?
aorto-cardioembolic etiology) with a present trend to
even higher proportions due to improved cardiac diag-
nostics, but also due to the worldwide atrial fibrillation Anatomy
epidemic [7,8]. For better anatomical orientation, and because of
Presumably, intra-arterial VB embolism aris- the specific and different prognostic and therapeutic
ing from occlusions or high-grade stenosis of the impact of VB occlusive disease, the following nine

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Chapter 6: Atherosclerotic vertebral artery disease

arterial segments should be considered individually change of the flow form from a triphasic waveform to
and investigated separately: (1) V0 (0 = zero) segment a sharp rise in flow velocity during systole and grad-
of the VA (i.e., the origin [mouth] of the VA normally ual tapering of continuous forward flow throughout
arising from the SA) (2) the V1 segment of the VA diastole. This is the characteristic waveform of the VA
extending from its origin downstream to its entrance due to the low resistance vascular bed of the hindbrain
into the transverse processes of the vertebral column [17]. For the unequivocal identification of the VA it is
(mostly at C6), (3) the V2 segment of the VA extending helpful to rhythmically compress it behind the mas-
throughout the bony canal of the transverse processes toid at the level of the V3 segment. This manipulation
C6 to C2, (4) the V3 segment extending from beyond leads to a short repetitive modulation of the diastolic
the atlas to the foramen magnum and dura, and (5) V4 flow and allows a correct identification of the VA. The
extending from the dura up to the conjunction with origin of the VA could be found in approximately
the companion VA to form the (6) basilar artery. The 65–85% of patients [18,19]. Color-coded duplex
proximal and distal parts of the basilar artery should sonography may facilitate the insonation of the verte-
also be considered separately. The same holds true for bral origin. Particularly on the right side, it is easy to
(7) the P1 and P2 segments of the posterior cerebral visualize its origin with a linear 7–15-MHz probe. In
artery (each of them separated from one another by obese patients with a short neck, a 5–8-MHz sectorial
the origin of the posterior communicating artery). probe could be superior. With the ongoing develop-
(8) The proximal SA and the brachiocephalic trunk ment of color-coded duplex sonography instruments,
are brain-supplying vessels reaching from the aortic we recommend using this technique.
arch to the origin of the VA, or right common carotid
artery, respectively [16], whereas (9) the distal SA is
a limb-supplying, high resistance vessel. By means of
Specific findings at the V0/V1 segment
a subclavian steal mechanism, however, it may cause The normal mean blood flow velocity at the origin of
abnormal cerebral hemodynamics within the VB the VA is 64 cm/s (range 30–100 cm/s) [20]. However,
distribution. these velocities can differ considerably due to frequent
asymmetries in the VA diameter in approximately 73%
of normal individuals [21].
Basic imaging tips Pragmatically, a low-grade stenosis (<50%)
Table 6.1 lists the above-listed arterial segments of the at the origin of the VA can be diagnosed by means
VB system and the nature of the disease most probably of a peak systolic velocity (PSV) at its origin of
affecting them, as well as preferable ultrasound tech- ≥85 cm/s. Additional criteria are the ratio of the PSV
niques for interrogation. at the origin/PSV at the V2 segment of ≥1.3, and the
end-diastolic velocity at the origin being ≥27 cm/s.
Steps of ultrasound investigation to For a medium-grade stenosis of 50–69%, a PSV at the
approach vertebrobasilar occlusive origin of ≥140 cm/s is characteristic. Additional crite-
ria are a ratio of the PSV at the origin/PSV at the V2 of
disease ≥2.1, and an end-diastolic velocity at the origin being
≥35 cm/s. For the diagnosis of a high-grade stenosis
V0/V1 segment (with 70–99% lumen narrowing), a PSV at the VA’s
With continuous-wave (CW) Doppler probes, all seg- origin of ≥210 cm/s is mandatory. This diagnosis is
ments of the VA can be insonated, a clear-cut advan- supported by ancillary criteria (like an PSV origin/
tage of this simple technique during initial screening. PSV V2 ratio of ≥4.0, and an end-diastolic velocity at
For the VA’s origin, a 4-MHz probe is feasible. The the origin of ≥50 cm/s [22,23]). In our experience, the
patient is lying in a supine position with his/her head peak systolic velocity is the most robust criterion. In
straight and the neck extended. The anatomical land- case of VA occlusion, the diagnosis is more difficult
mark is the proximal part of the SA with its charac- due to the anatomical vicinity of the inferior thyroid
teristic triphasic flow pattern. After identifying this artery and the frequent development of cervical col-
artery proximally, the probe should be moved slowly lateral pathways mimicking a normal anatomy. The
along the anterior lower neck within the supraclavicu- absence of a flow signal has to be interpreted with
lar fossa in a distal and posterior direction. There is a caution. 89

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Chapter 6: Atherosclerotic vertebral artery disease

Table 6.1 Posterior circulation disease: site, frequency, and type

Arterial segment Frequency Most probable Typical vascular Ultrasound Preferred probe
of affection pathogenesis complication technique to use
V0 Frequent Atherosclerotic Thromboembolism CWD CWD 4 MHz
Origin of VA (atherothrombotic) hardly CCDS Linear probe
hemodynamic 6–12 MHz
Sectoral probe 5–8
V1 Rare Dissection Thromboembolism CWD Linear probe 6–12
Free proximal segment CCDS MHz
V2 Rare Dissection Thromboembolic CCDS Linear probe 6–12
Bony canal of cervical rarely mechanical rarely hemodynamic (complete US MHz
column compression shadow at level
sometimes of transverse
traumatic processes)
V3 Very rare Dissection Thromboembolism CWD CWD 4 MHz
Atlas loop of VA rarely arteritis (rarely CCDS Linear probe
Reaching to foramen hemodynamic) 6–12 MHz
ovale Sectoral probe 5–8
V4 Frequent Atherothrombotic Thromboembolic TCD TCD 2 MHz
intradural part of distal occlusion TC-CCDS TC-CCDS 2–3 MHz
VA thromboembolism
Basilar artery (BA) Frequent Atherothrombotic Any of the above TCD TCD 2 MHz
– proximal embolic TC-CCDS TC-CCDS 2–3 MHz
(caudal) rarely arteritis
– distal (oral)
Posterior cerebral artery Frequent Embolic more Occlusion and TCD TCD 2 MHz
– P1 (proxymal) frequent than peripheral embolism TC-CCDS TC-CCDS 2–3 MHz
– P2 (distal) atherosclerotic by atherothrombosis
rarely arteritis
Subclavian artery Frequent Atherosclerosis Strong marker CWD CWD 4 MHz
– proximal lesion of CAD CCDS Sectoral probe 5–8
– distal if prox.: SC steal MHz
Persistent primitive Very rare Developmental Prawn to TCD TCD 2 MHz
trigeminal artery anomaly cardiogenic TC-CCDS TC-CCDS 2–3 MHz
CAD = coronary artery disease; CCDS = color-coded duplex scanning; CWD = continuous-wave Doppler; SC = subclavian;
TC = transcranial; TCD = transcranial Doppler; US = ultrasound; VA = vertebral artery.

V2 segment segments (or more) of the V2 segment of the VA are

directly located between these processes [24].
For the investigation of the V2 segment of the VA,
color-coded duplex sonography with a 7–15-MHz
linear ultrasound probe is superior to CW Doppler Specific findings at the V2 segment
sonography alone because it allows the unequivocal In the V2 segment, the normal peak systolic flow ranges
identification of the vascular bed of the VA as such. The from19 to 98 (mean 56) cm/sec [18]. A focal increase
90 acoustic shadows from the transverse processes of the to >100 cm/s is indicative of a significant stenosis [25].
vertebrae will appear as a helpful landmark because the However, an atherosclerotic stenosis in the V2 segment

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Chapter 6: Atherosclerotic vertebral artery disease

Figure 6.2 Color-coded duplex

sonography with a sectoral probe.
Stenosis of the vertebral artery in the V0
segment with a peak systolic velocity of
300 cm/s. The subclavian artery is visible
on the right side.

Figure 6.3 Dissection of the VA with

an intramural hematoma, B-mode
investigation with a linear ultrasound
probe. The red lines show the course of
the arterial lumen and the arrows mark
the intramural hematoma.

is very rare, as opposed to dissections of the VA typi- V2 segment in up to 100% [22], therefore this is the
cally occurring in the V2/V3 segment [26]. method of choice. However, its positive predictive
Occlusions of the VA in the V2 segment are char- value is limited because VA hypoplasia can also lead to
acterized by the absence of flow during color-coded a high-resistance waveform [28,29]. An indirect sign
duplex sonography, or by a high-resistance flow pat- for a proximal VA stenosis is the decreased poststenotic
tern proximal to the occlusion [27]. With color-coded pulsatility. In combination with the direct visualiza- 91
duplex sonography it is possible to visualize the tion of the V2 segment during color-coded duplex, this

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Chapter 6: Atherosclerotic vertebral artery disease

Figure 6.4 Alternating flow in the V3

segment of the VA due to proximal VA
occlusion at the V4 level. The red lines
mark the vascular bed of the VA.

criterion achieved a 71% sensitivity and 99% specificity (26,32). There is no clear cut-off value of the peak sys-
for the detection of >70% proximal VA stenosis [30]. tolic velocity to define a V3 stenosis, but a significant
The diameter of the VAs is mostly different on either difference of the flow on the right compared to the
side. A diameter of <2.5 mm has been defined to rep- left in the absence of hypoplasia is indicative of a sig-
resent hypoplasia and seems to be an independent risk nificant stenosis. The bending or looping course of the
factor for VA atherothrombosis and VB stroke [31]. artery makes an angularly corrected measurement of
the flow velocity difficult or even impossible. Therefore
V3 segment the afferent and efferent part of the artery should be
investigated separately.
With the 4-Mhz CW Doppler probe, the V3 segment
Most frequently, indirect signs of a proximal or dis-
can be insonated reliably. Placed behind the mastoid
tal atherosclerotic VA steno-occlusion can be demon-
and directed toward the contralateral eye, the typical
strated. An example is the alternating flow in the V3
VA waveform will be identified in either direction due
segment due to a proximal occlusion, or a preocclusive
to the tortuous course of the artery in this segment (the
signal due to a distal VA occlusion.
so-called atlas loop). Again, color-coded duplex sonog-
raphy with a sectorial probe, or a >7.5-MHz linear
probe, or a 2–4-MHz phased array transducer facilitates V4 segment and basilar artery
the artery’s identification. The appearance of the VA in
The intracranial (better to say “intradural”) V4 seg-
this location is comparable to the handle of a coffee cup.
ment can best be assessed by means of a pulsed-wave
In the proximal part of the atlas loop, the direction of
2-MHz probe. Either in the supine position with slight
the blood flow is toward the probe, whereas in the distal
contralateral rotation or upright position, the investiga-
part blood is flowing in the opposite direction.
tion should start in a paramedian position of the probe
at the upper part of the neck through the suboccipital
Specific findings at the V3 segment transforaminal window. After identification of the VA
In the V3 segment, atherosclerosis is nearly never at a depth of 60–66 mm, the probe should slowly be
92 found. If this segment is stenosed at all, a VA dissec- shifted along the medial and cephalad direction aiming
tion is the most frequent cause of stenosis or occlusion at the bridge of the nose. The origin of the basilar artery

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Chapter 6: Atherosclerotic vertebral artery disease

Figure 6.5 High-resistance preocclusive

signal in the V3 segment due to a distal
V4 occlusion. The white lines mark the
arterial course of the VA and the Doppler
signals show the typical sharp small
systole without any diastolic signal.

will be hit at a depth of 75–80 mm, or above [12]. The since enhancement of the arteries allows for superior
advantage of the color-coded duplex sonography with visualization of the VA [35]. Whenever a basilar artery
a 2–4-MHz phased-array transducer is the direct visu- steno-occlusive disease, or a high-grade V4 stenosis
alization of both the V4 segments and the basilar artery. should quickly be ruled out, contrast agents should be
The blood flow direction is away from the probe, and used for a swift and more accurate diagnosis.
the junction of both V4 segments forming the origin of
the basilar artery looks like an inverted “y.”
Subclavian steal phenomenon
Specific findings at the V4 segment and the The subclavian steal phenomenon is caused by a stenosis
of the SA proximal to the VA origin leading to a transsten-
basilar artery otic pressure drop and delay of the pulse wave traveling
The intracranial VA and the basilar artery are predi- cephalad. The degree of the stenosis of the SA correlates
lection sites for atherosclerosis [33]. The normal peak with the downstream flow changes in the VA best seen
systolic velocity is <100 cm/s, a stenosis can be diag- in the V2 segment. An SA stenosis of about 50% leads
nosed with a flow velocity of ≥120 cm/s (correspond- to an early systolic deceleration of the VA flow followed
ing to >3-kHz frequency shift). Increased pulsatility by a rounded systolic peak. This phenomenon is prob-
in the proximal VA is an indirect sign, but this is only ably caused by the Venturi effect at the ostium of the VA
indicative as long as the artery has a normal diameter [29,36]. An SA stenosis of >80% leads to an incomplete
and no proximal stenosis [34]. A focal increase of the steal with a bidirectional VA wave form (Figure 6.8).
peak systolic velocity is, however, also indicative of a A complete steal with a retrograde flow in the corre-
stenosis (see Figures 6.6 and 6.7). Additional echocon- sponding VA is found in patients with very high-grade 93
trast agent can be very useful for a confident diagnosis, stenosis or occlusion of the proximal SA.

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Chapter 6: Atherosclerotic vertebral artery disease

A Figure 6.6 Low-grade stenosis

of the basilar artery with on-site
peak systolic velocity of <100 cm/s.
The focal increase of the flow
velocity is indicative of the stenosis.
(A) Prestenotic 45 cm/s flow in the
basilar artery at a depth of 84 mm.
(B) Focal increase of the peak systolic
velocity by about 50% up to 80 cm/s at
an insonation depth of 94 mm.

The clinical impact of the subclavian steal phe- very high risk of arterio-arterial embolism into the basi-
nomenon is a matter of debate and has probably been lar distribution. Color-coded duplex sonography (but
overestimated in the past. Only rarely is a steal phe- also CW Doppler or transcranial Doppler sonography)
nomenon associated with hemodynamically caused can help to quickly differentiate this type of lesion by its
ischemic brainstem symptoms [37,38,39]. This is why typical location different from atherothrombosis [40].
the steal phenomenon should strictly be separated Dissections preferably affect those arterial segments not,
from the subclavian steal syndrome which is rare and or less, damaged by atherosclerosis like the V2 or V3 seg-
is defined by clinical VB ischemic signs and symptoms. ment (see earlier section). Additionally, the diagnosis is
highly suggested by several typical features of the lesion
itself seen within the ultrasound image (Figure 6.3).
Dissections of the vertebrobasilar
circulation Vertebrobasilar arteritis
Dissections are the third most frequent type of occlu- Another rare but clinically important differential
sive disease in the VB system. They are frequently, but diagnosis is arteritis. The etiological background can
not always, associated with a throbbing ache in the pos- be manifold like infectious arteritis of the intracranial
terior or lateral anterior neck. They come along with a VB artery (syphilis, borreliosis, herpes zoster, tropical

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Chapter 6: Atherosclerotic vertebral artery disease

Figure 6.7 Subsequent confirmation

of the low-grade BA stenosis on
conventional angiography.

Figure 6.8 Bidirectional flow in the V2

segment of the VA due to a left-sided
proximal >80% subclavian stenosis.

fungi), rarely granulomatous angiitis of the central

nervous system, or other rare entities with specific
Other types of vertebrobasilar occlusive
ultrasound findings like Takayasu disease (pulseless disease
syndrome) [41], Moya-Moya disease or Moya-Moya If multiple stenotic lesions can be detected in vari-
syndrome, and also arteritis temporalis (Horton’s arte- ous VB segments, recent subarachnoid hemorrhage 95
ritis, giant cell arteritis [41–47]). with vasospasm should be considered. The explosive
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Chapter 6: Atherosclerotic vertebral artery disease

Figure 6.9 The duplex scan of the

temporal superficial artery shows an
echolucent thickening of the arterial wall
around the red-colored blood flow. This
finding is indicative and characteristic for
a temporal arteritis.

headache may pass unnoticed because of initial coma, an individual basis, however, this technique could
particular in people who live on their own when later not deliver diagnostically useful information, and its
found helpless in their homes. The same holds true for application remained restricted to cohort studies so far
bacterial meningitis and for ergot alkaloid intoxication [50–54].
and drug abuse (“speed”). Automated embolus detection with self-adjusting
Mechanical (“rotational”) obstruction of one VA probes is a new technical field with major potential to
is frequent and physiological, but very rarely symp- significantly improve ultrasound-based VB diagnos-
tomatic because this requires (near) occlusion of the tics in the future. This relies mainly on the incorpora-
companion VA (so-called bow hunter’s syndrome). tion of modern robotics into this field.
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