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———— [4] * 5. Whatis good governance ? Discuss the characteristics of good governance. v OR Write a brief note on Sustainable Development. 6. Define the concept of democratic decentralisation. Explain the evolution of the democratic decentralisation. [7 OR Define people's participation. Explain the need of institutionalising people's participation in local governance. Explain the objectives of the Public Service Guarantee Acts in India. [7 OR Whatis Citizen's Charter ? Explain the evolution of Citizen’s Char- ter. #F:24413-Sem-IV-21-PolSc(GE-B2)/200 v F No. of Printed Pages : 4 4-SEMA-PolSc-GE-B, 2021 Time - 3 hours Full Marks - 80 Answer all groups as per instructions. Figures in the right hand margin indicate marks. GROUP -A 4. Fillin the blanks. (all) [1x12 (a) The action or manner of governing a state, organisation, etc is called (b) Rule of Lawisa of good governance. (c) Accountability is a of good governance. (d) day is known as Good Governance Day in India. (e) Voluntary participation is a feature of society, (f)_ RTIstands for (9) PRIstands for s (h) In the year of , Right to Information Act was passed. (i) ____ Amendment Act deals with PRIs. PT.O [3] GROUP - C Answer any eight of the following questions within 75 words each. (3*8 (a Write the types of governance. (b) Explain good governance ? (c) Write the features of civil society. @ What is sustainable development ? (e) Functions of panchayat samiti (f) What do you mean by people's participation ? (g) () Write the objectives of the public service law in India. Write the models of @-governance. (i) Whatis SMART governance 2. (j) Write the salient features of Citizen Charter Bill, 2011. GROUP —D Answer all questions within 500 words each. Define governance and discuss the types of governance. 7 OR Define civil society. Explain the role of civil society for good gover- nance, [2] G) Intndia, was the first state to launched the scheme of democratic decentralisation, . we 4 wit? (k)_NIC stands for ? Osa 2 ()) In Odisha, Right to information Act became operational from @ ! wwete ine GROUP ~ 8 ow 2. Answer any elaht ofthe following questions within two to three © f sentences each, f2x8 | ® (a) Whats global governance 2 @ (b) Define good governance? o (c) Why do we need governance ? ( (¢) Who releases the good governance index ? ( (2) What are the pillars of good govemance ? (f) Whatis globalisation 2 (g) What is civil soctety 2 4. (h) Whatis the main role of globalisation 2 (i) Whatis electronic governance 2 @) Whatis democratic decentralisation 2 BS “bent ht pase(ce-ayo09

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