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Ass.wr.wb good morning every one!!

Well, I want to introduce my self, my name is irmayani, but all of my family usually call me
echy. So guyz, you can call me echy too. I came from a beautiful and nice village it’s named
Lambusango village, buton district. I was graduated from SMA N 1KAPONTORI, one of high
scholl in our village. And now I am one of student in government science study program, social
and politic science faculty haluoleo university, kendari.

I was born on sept, 19th, 2002.I am the fifth of eight children. I have five brothers and 2 sisters.
My hobby is playing badminton. When I was still in elementary school to be precise in grade 5
SD, I participated in an O2SN competition to represent the name of the sub-district and won 1st
place then was sent to represent Button district to the provincial level.

 What is the impact covid 19 on families!!

First I want to describe what is covid 19! Covid 19 or sars-cov2 is viruses that attack the
respiratory system, covid 19 causes disorders on the respiratory system. Lung infection to
death, this viruses can attack anyone like elderly, adult, childrens and baby. Even
pregnant and nursing mother. Covid 19 was first found in wuhan city, china at the end of
December 2019, this virus is transmitted very quicly and has spread to almost an
countries in just a few months.
This mode several countries implement lock down policies in preventing the spread of
the corona virus. In Indonesia applies PSBB policy (large scale social restrictiong)
general symptoan on this virus are fever, dry cough and fatigue.
Negative impact is caused by the corona virus in several countries are chinese official
dismigal. Bulk quarantine in Vietnam, be cruise ship is quarantined in Japan us ship
rejected to anchor, annual exhibition mobile world congress rejected. Rug by services
delayed and dised oil market the impact of covid in Indonesia has an effect on education.

Covid 19 strongly has an impact on various as part of the Indonesia people

1. Economic aspects such :

We never know, when covid 19 will be end. So in the aspect invest ment weaker and the
impact is business are stop.
2. Education aspect
One of the impact are closed school and campus, so the teaching and learning process is
done online.
3. Religion aspect
All of worship are closed to pressing the coivd 19 spredd rate

Covid impact for families negative impact is affect the family’s economy

 Positive impact are :

1. Improve the relationship between children and parents, and increase harmony in the
2. Teach us about clean and healthy life

 According to me, vaksin is very important, hot only to protect the community but also to
restore the social and economic conditions of the country. Affected by covid 19. The
purpose that want to achieve with the presence of a vaccine is clecreasing the death rate.
Cause by this virus.
So with vaccine, not only protects your self but also the people around us. Well at the
last, I want to invite all of people. Let’s together, we help of the government in a success
vaccine programs.

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