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Bioresource Technology 251 (2018) 143–150

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Bioresource Technology
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Improved levulinic acid production from agri-residue biomass in biphasic T

solvent system through synergistic catalytic effect of acid and products
Sandeep Kumara,b, Vivek Ahluwaliaa, Pranati Kundua,b, Rajender S. Sangwana, Sushil K. Kansalb,

Troy M. Rungec, Sasikumar Elumalaia,
Chemical Engineering Division, Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing (CIAB), Sector 81 (Knowledge City), Mohali, Punjab 140306, India
Dr. S. S. Bhatnagar University Institute of Chemical Engineering & Technology, Panjab University, Chandigarh 160014, India
Wisconsin Energy Institute (WEI), University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1552 University Ave, Madison, WI 53726, USA



Keywords: In this study, levulinic acid (LA) was produced from rice straw biomass in co-solvent biphasic reactor system
Rice straw consisting of hydrochloric acid and dichloromethane organic solvent. The modified protocol achieved a 15% wt
Levulinic acid LA yield through the synergistic effect of acid and acidic products (auto-catalysis) and the designed system
Co-solvent system allowed facile recovery of LA to the organic phase. Further purification of the resulting extractant was achieved
Activated charcoal
through traditional column chromatography, which yielded a high purity LA product while recovering ∼85%
wt. Upon charcoal treatment of the resultant fraction generated an industrial grade target molecule of ∼99%
purity with ∼95% wt recovery. The system allows the solvent to be easily recovered, in excess of 90%, which
was shown to be able to be recycled up to 5 runs without significant loss of final product concentrations. Overall,
this system points to a method to significantly reduce manufacturing cost during large-scale LA preparation.

1. Introduction perform many catalytic transformations towards synthesis of in-

dustrially important green solvents (γ-valerolactone, GVL) and fuel
Of the platform molecules identified by US DOE, levulinic acid (LA) chemicals (butene, 5-nonanone, 2-methyl-tetrahydrofuran (MTHF))
or 4-oxopentanoic is of considerable economic interest due to its bi- (Caes et al., 2015; Pileidis and Titirici, 2016). This five-carbon molecule
functional nature, i.e., keto- and carboxyl-groups, which allow it to is commonly produced from glucose in the presence of acid catalyst.

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: sasikumar@ciab.res.in (S. Elumalai).

Received 24 October 2017; Received in revised form 11 December 2017; Accepted 12 December 2017
Available online 13 December 2017
0960-8524/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Kumar et al. Bioresource Technology 251 (2018) 143–150

After glucose isomerization, the process first delivers 5-hydro- solvent, and mineral acids, particularly H2SO4 and HCl (with the ad-
xymethylfurfural (HMF) as principal intermediate product via dehy- dition of salts). The main interest of these studies is the production of
dration reaction (−3H2O) and further, it is rehydrated (+2H2O) to GVL through continuous extraction of LA into organic medium. Inter-
produce LA and formic acid (FA) at equal proportions along with H2O estingly, maximum LA conversion (between 18 and 66% depending on
(Chen et al., 2017; Weiqi and Shubin, 2017). An undesirable insoluble the acid and substrate concentrations) and recovery to the organic
by-product, humins, are also formed during the sequential transfor- medium were achieved under modest reaction conditions, where
mation reactions, reducing the final LA yield to 2/3 or lower than the complete transformation to GVL took place. The lack of residual con-
theoretical yield. Therefore, the extent of the degradation reactions centration of HMF in GVL medium might be attributed to its instability
generally determines the final LA concentration under the modest re- in GVL and therefore, achieving high LA conversion in the aqueous
action conditions (Rackemann and Doherty, 2011). To date, several phase is mainly due to its complete water miscibility property.
studies have demonstrated LA production through both homogeneous The present study employed a biphasic system consisting of dilute
and heterogeneous catalyzed reactions using nearly all possible forms of HCl (aqueous) and DCM (organic extraction solvent) for the decon-
carbohydrate substrates (e.g., lignocellulose, cellulose, cellobiose, glu- struction of secondary agriculture residue (rice straw) to LA with the
cose, fructose, inulin, cassava etc.)(Elumalai et al., 2016b; Girisuta objective of establishing a cost-effective processing method by
et al., 2013; Mukherjee et al., 2015; Runge and Zhang, 2012; Zhao achieving maximum product recovery to the organic phase. Rice straw
et al., 2017). The most widely investigated method is homogeneous is considered one of the abundantly available biomass around the world
reaction using inorganic mineral acids, mainly H2SO4, HCl, H3PO4 (∼900 million tons produced per year globally), is relatively in-
owing to its high efficiency and easy operation. Despite its highly cor- expensive and is currently underutilized due to its recalcitrant nature,
rosive nature, HCl exhibits promise due to its high dissociation constant low proteinaceous matter and high silica content (Sarkar et al., 2012).
(Shen and Wyman, 2012; Victor et al., 2014). However, separation of This approach would enable facile product separations, and solvent
final product compounds from aqueous acidic solutions is considered recovery for reuse due to its highly volatile and low boiling properties
one of the main challenges during LA preparations. Due to the presence (boiling point 39.6 °C).
of a carboxyl group, LA has the strongest interaction with water
forming hydrogen bonds with H2O molecules. Also, LA dissociated ions 2. Experimental methods
can be solvated by H2O (Szabolcs et al., 2013). Furthermore, in typical
reaction, many of these acidic reagents lead to the production of un- 2.1. Chemicals
wanted by-products, which negatively impact LA yield. In order to
avoid these limitations, later studies have introduced co-solvent reactor All reagents and chemicals (including cellulose, glucose, di-
setup consisting of either biphasic or monophasic system. The goal of chloromethane (DCM), methanol, levulinic acid (LA), formic acid (FA),
this setup is improving overall conversion efficiency through con- 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), furfural (FF), activated carbon, and
tinuous extraction of furans, preferentially HMF to the organic phase, carbohydrate standards) were purchased from Sigma Aldrich India as
thereby reducing the residence time of HMF in aqueous medium. This analytical grade and used as received without any modifications.
approach helps protect HMF from further degradation to humic species,
and allows easy product separation (Alonso et al., 2013). 2.2. Feedstock preparation
In this regard, an ideal solvent is one which is suited for substrate
conversion, increases the product yield and selectivity, and poses no, or Native rice straw sample was collected from the agricultural field
minimal, adverse ecological impacts. Various studies have employed a near Mohali, Punjab State, India. It was air dried under sunlight to a
range of polar protic and aprotic solvents with different polarities, in- final moisture content of < 6% wt, ground to a final particle size ran-
cluding methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK), MTHF, GVL, dichloromethane ging between 5 and 4 mm using a commercial grinder machine
(DCM), 2-butanol, tetrahydrofuran (THF), dimethylsulfoxide, 2-sec- (Kinematica PX-MFC 90 D) and followed by, sieved to obtain a uniform
butylphenol etc. forming monophasic or biphasic systems in combina- particle size of 0.5 mm (30 mesh).
tion with mineral acid reagents (aqueous), and showed furans extrac-
tion to be dependent on the polarity of the solvents (Byun and Han, 2.3. Fractional composition determination
2016; Chheda et al., 2007; Elumalai et al., 2016a; Gürbüz et al., 2012;
Morone et al., 2015). THF (polarity index, P = 4.2) exhibited excellent The fractional compositional analysis was performed on the solvent
performance during carbohydrates conversion to HMF (partition coef- pre-extracted rice straw using standard National Renewable Energy
ficient, RHMF = 3.1), ascribed to its greater affinity for HMF due to the Laboratory (NREL) protocol in order to determine its primary con-
similarity in chemical structure (Cai et al., 2013; Yang et al., 2012). stituents, such as carbohydrate sugars, lignin, and ash (Elumalai et al.,
Several studies have also demonstrated the use of DCM and proposed 2016a). Solvent pre-extraction was done on native rice straw using a
that it could be a suitable extraction agent for HMF due to its attractive solvent mixture of ethanol/benzene at 80:20 ratio in a Soxhlet extrac-
affinity (Chheda et al., 2007), despite having the comparatively low P tion apparatus for overnight (or at least 8 siphons). The solids collected
value of 3.1. Therefore, the polarity is not the only factor affecting were then oven dried for overnight at 105 °C.
furans distribution to the organic phase. In fact, distribution of HMF to
the organic phase is relatively poor due to its high polarity and there- 2.4. Single-pot reaction of rice straw fiber
fore, it tends to be retained in the aqueous phase (Gallo et al., 2013).
Later studies have attempted to improve the HMF distribution through Powdered rice straw (30 mesh) or cellulose was soaked using dilute
the addition of salts, commonly NaCl, KCl, and Na2SO4, into the co- HCl solution (aqueous) and fresh organic solvent (DCM) in 100 mL
solvent systems but the movement of salts into the extractant medium stainless steel autoclave vessel containing Teflon liner. A magnetic
could not be easily controlled (Mukherjee et al., 2015). In theory, these stirring bead was added to the vessel and sealed tightly to avoid any
approaches could potentially prevent further rehydration of 5-HMF to solvent escape. The vessel was heated to the desired temperature (up to
LA due to the low availability of H2O molecules. Due to these con- 200 °C) using a magnetic stirring hot plate (Thermofisher). After com-
straints, only a few studies have been focused on LA synthesis in co- pletion of reaction (3h), the post-reaction medium was collected and
solvent systems using carbohydrate sources. For instance, Dumesic and transferred to a separating funnel. Approximately 2 volumes of fresh
co-workers (Alonso et al., 2013; Wettstein et al., 2012) have extensively DCM was added externally into the dark brown colored medium in
investigated the deconstruction of both cellulose and lignocellulose in order to achieve a clear separation of organic and aqueous phases.
monophasic or biphasic systems consisting of GVL, as an extraction Further, the separated organic phase was evaporated under vacuum

S. Kumar et al. Bioresource Technology 251 (2018) 143–150

condition using rotary evaporator at 30 °C. The recovered solvent was 2.8. Analytical instrumentation
stored separately (R1) for reuse purpose. The extractant (E1) was diluted
using methanol and analyzed on high-performance liquid chromato- Scanning electron microscopy: Post-reaction solid residues of different
graphy (HPLC, Agilent Technologies 1200 infinity series) equipped reactions conducted with and without solvent combinations were col-
with Agilent Hi-Plex H column (300 mm length; 8 µm porosity) and RI lected, washed repeatedly using distilled water and freeze-dried (Christ,
detector operated at 55 °C. The column conditions maintained were Delta 2-24 LSC plus). The completely dried native rice straw and post-
60 °C, 0.7 mL/min of 5 mM H2SO4 (mobile eluent). Before injection, the reaction solid residues were coated with gold in a smart coater (25 mm
samples were filtered using 0.2 µm nylon filter. LA and other residuals stub size) and scanned by scanning electron microscope (JEOL JCM
concentration, preferentially HMF, FA, furfural were calculated using 6000, Nikon Corporation, Japan) at an acceleration voltage of 10.0 kV.
their respective calibration curves prepared using known amount. The NMR spectroscopy: 1H and 13C NMR spectrum were acquired for the
percent yield of the product chemicals was calculated to the initial post-charcoal treatment LA sample C2 on a Bruker Advance III 600 MHz
biomass (rice straw) weight. LA conversion yield was calculated based spectrometer. The sample was diluted in D2O solvent (Victor et al.,
on the potential glucose sugar available in native rice straw fiber to 2014).
product formation (dry wt basis). All experiments were performed in Elemental analysis: The composition of C, H and N in the pre- and
duplicate and the data reported is the average of duplicate runs. post-treatment solid samples (activated charcoal) were determined
The protocol was repeated to produce LA from native rice straw but using an elemental analyzer (Thermo Scientific Flash 2000 HT). Before
the fresh solvent was replaced by R1 (recovered solvent having neutral analysis, the samples were dried overnight in the oven at 50 °C in order
pH) in order to test for its recyclable efficiency. to remove the residual water content.

2.5. Glucose and HMF conversion to LA 2.9. Statistical data analysis

Thermochemical conversion of commercial glucose (∼1.0 gm) or Statistical regression and ANOVA analyses were performed to the
HMF (∼10 mg) to LA reaction was performed in a thick-walled glass products recovery data using SPSS software v23. The quality of re-
reactor (38 mL) consisted of DCM and acidic reagents either LA or HCl gression model fit was expressed by the squared correlation coefficient,
or formic acid at desired concentrations depending on its strength. R2 value. Model terms were evaluated based on the probability (p)
Aqueous to organic ratio maintained were between 1:1 and 1:9 (v/v). value with 95% confidence. Multiple (pairwise) comparisons among
The reactor was sealed tightly to avoid any escape of solvent after the products recovery means during the biphasic reaction were carried out
addition of magnetic stirring bead. The reaction was conducted in an oil using Tukey’s honestly significance difference (HSD) test at α levels of
bath at 180 °C for 3 h using a magnetic stirring hot plate 0.05.
(Thermofisher). After completion of the reaction, the organic phase was
collected and evaporated under vacuum using rotary evaporator at 3. Results and discussion
30 °C. The resultant products were diluted using methanol and analyzed
on HPLC by adapting the same method, as described earlier. LA and 3.1. Influence of reaction medium for LA formation
residual HMF concentrations were calculated using their respective
calibration curves prepared using known amount. All experiments were Considering the advantages of DCM’s good extraction ability of
performed in triplicates. furans (HMF), the idea was to allow further degradation to LA in or-
ganic medium under limited acidic environment, since water solubility
of DCM is < 10% wt, thereby possibly controlling the unwanted for-
2.6. LA purification on column chromatography mation of humins which requires water molecules under elevated
conditions (Liu et al., 2014). The activation energy of humin reaction is
The collected E1 before dilution using methanol was dried in an relatively higher than LA conversion (33% at 200 °C using cellulose)
oven at 50 °C for 24 h in order to remove residual water content, and (Shen and Wyman, 2012). In practice, the reaction requirements for
the resultant black residue was transferred to the column packed with H2O molecules during LA conversion can be fulfilled by mass transfer
60–120 mesh silica gel (Sigma Aldrich India). The eluent system used during the continuous countercurrent circulation phenomenon of DCM
was 30% ethyl acetate in pure hexane. Fractions consisting pure LA was (density, ρ = 1.33 g/cc) and water (ρ = 1.0 g/cc) after reaching its sa-
collected together, based on the thin layer chromatography (TLC) re- turation equilibrium, based on the density differences. Moreover, mo-
sults ran using the same solvent system as mobile eluent. Then the lecules with different existing forms behave differently when dis-
organic solvents were evaporated using rotary vacuum evaporated at tributed between aqueous and organic phases (McFearin and
30 °C to obtain purified target product. The final concentration of LA Richmond, 2009). Nevertheless, DCM can undergo hydrolysis reactions
was quantified on HPLC after dilution using distilled water (C1) by in the presence of H2O molecules at elevated temperatures, around
adopting the same method, as mentioned earlier. Percent recovery of 250 °C, generating HCl with possible formation of formaldehyde
LA was calculated as the amount differences between initial supply and (O]CH2), depending on the degradation reaction mechanism
after column purification. (Wettstein et al., 2012). By taking account of all the above character-
istic features of DCM, it can be reasonably expected that DCM could
2.7. Charcoal treatment favor improved LA synthesis in the presence of acidic aqueous solu-
tions. To test this hypothesis, separate glucose and HMF reactions were
The chromatographically purified product chemical was further conducted in different reaction systems under elevated conditions
treated with activated carbon to remove the colored impurities. Briefly, (180 °C for 3 h, since LA is more stable at 180 °C up to 24 h) (Yan et al.,
5 mL of C1 (aqueous) was taken in 20 mL thick-walled glass tube added 2008). Comparative preliminary glucose conversion result showed
with 5% activated carbon (100 mesh particle size). The mixture was (Fig. 1) that DCM substantially increased the final LA yield (relatively
continuously stirred for 1 h at room temperature. After thorough 55% mol. higher yield than the control experiment using only water)
mixing, it was then filtered using Whatman No. 1 filter paper to obtain a with increased solvent volume resulting in improved yield (∼21% mol.
clear LA product (C2). Final purity of the product compound was ver- increase with 19% selectivity) when the acid dosage was maintained
ified on HPLC by adopting the same method, as mentioned earlier. same. These results highlight the impact of product distribution equi-
Percent recovery of LA was calculated as the amount differences be- librium between aqueous and organic phases. Furthermore, little to no
tween initial supply and after treatment. residual HMF was detected in the post-reaction mediums, indicating the

S. Kumar et al. Bioresource Technology 251 (2018) 143–150

Fig. 1. Comparative result of glucose conversion in dif-

ferent monophasic and biphasic systems at 180 °C for 3 h.
Error bars represent standard error. Asterisks (*) and (**)
indicate significance and not significance at 95% confidence
level, respectively. Yx and Sx are the conversion yield and
selectivity data of the respective compounds, respectively,
where x can be LA, HMF, FF. N.D-not detected.

Table 1 lignocellulosic substrate to LA and further purification. Rice straw was

Concentration result of residuals left during glucose conversion reaction in monophasic selected as the substrate and was measured to indicate a composition of
and biphasic systems.
40.4% glucose, 18.1% xylose, 26% total of acid soluble and insoluble
Entry Medium HCl load on Conditions Residual Residual
lignins, and 11% ash contents (dry wt basis). In a typical lignocellulose
system (v/v) glucose (wt HMF furfural reaction, the influence of the raw material upon LA formation is quite
per wt) (% wt) (% wt) important. The presence of lignin changes the optimum reaction con-
ditions as it requires more severe conditions to open up the tightly
1 Only water 0.4:1 180 °C for 3 h 2.65 0.37
packed structure compared to cellulose (Szabolcs et al., 2013). Indeed,
2 W:DCM 0.4:1 180 °C for 3 h 0.08 0.27 the effectiveness of catalyst depends on concentration, strength of their
ratio 1:1 primary dissociation constant, type and concentration of the employed
3 W:DCM 0.4:1 180 °C for 3 h 0.30 0.49 raw material, and severity of the reaction, in terms of temperature and/
ratio 1:9
or time (Chang et al., 2007). Therefore, maximum conversion efficiency
4 Only DCM 0.4:1 180 °C for 3 h 0.00 0.07
can only be achieved through process optimization. Consequently, the
effect of acid concentration on LA preparation was studied in the range
biphasic system enabled maximum conversion of HMF through con- between 0.5 and 2.5 gm HCl per gm solid by maintaining aqueous to
tinuous extraction strategy, as data presented in Table 1. However, the DCM ratio 1:5 at 180 °C for 3 h, with the results observed for changes in
setup could achieve only 58% LA of the theoretical yield, presumably the products formation, including LA, FA and FF with respect to the
due to insufficient supply of acid to promote sugar degradation (Li incremented reaction severity. Slightly improved LA conversion was
et al., 2017). recorded (14.7% wt with 2% relative difference) in response to the
Meanwhile, HMF reactions were conducted in the same fashion immediate incremented acid dose from the initial level (exactly 2-times
using HCl, LA, and FA at varying concentrations depending on the more load). Further increase of the acid loads negatively affected the LA
strength, in order to verify its effectiveness on LA formation. yields i.e., with up to 2.5-fold lower concentrations (Table 2 entries
Interestingly, carboxylic acids LA (pKa = 4.59) and FA (pKa = 3.75) 1–4). The effect was not limited to LA; a somewhat similar trend was
facilitated LA formation regardless of their acidic strength. For instance, observed to the residual precursors conversion i.e., relative differences
the former accounted for 18% mol. yield with 98% selectivity, whereas of ≥2-fold lower HMF and FF yields were obtained beyond the op-
the later promoted 33% mol. conversion with 93% selectivity (Fig. 2). timum acid dose levels (1.2 gm HCl per gm solid). These results could
However, no sign of progression of HMF reaction using FA in the bi- be attributed to the easy decomposition of HMF under higher acid
phasic medium was observed, mainly due to its greater affinity to concentrations to humins in the presence of H2O either in vapor phase
aqueous medium. Contrary to expectations, the influence of DCM on or condensed state below the liquid medium, thereby reducing LA yield.
HMF conversion was quite low (< 1.0% mol. LA) under the modest FF is generally unstable under highly acidic conditions at elevated
reaction conditions (180 °C for 3 h), which might have reduced the temperatures and, thus, contributed to the loss of side reactions (pre-
chance of self-degradation to produce HCl. Overall, preliminary results ferentially humins generation) (Bernal et al., 2014; Gürbüz et al.,
demonstrated that the maximum carbohydrate conversion to LA in 2012). Furthermore, higher acid dosages significantly affected the LA
plain biphasic system with the aid of mineral acid and products (auto- recovery to organic medium (up to 14-fold lower relative differences of
catalysis i.e., products formed acts as catalyst). RLA which is the ratio of concentration of LA in organic phase to aqu-
eous phase) assumed to be partitioning of the mineral acid into the
organic layer, thereby initiating its attraction to H2O molecules.
3.2. Lignocellulose to LA in biphasic solvent system Nevertheless, increased release of glucose molecules (relatively up to
25% higher recovery) was found at the higher acid loadings due to the
The approach was further validated on deconstruction of enhanced cleavage of 1,4-β-glycosidic linkages of biomass cellulose

S. Kumar et al. Bioresource Technology 251 (2018) 143–150

Fig. 2. Comparative result of HMF to LA conversion in

different monophasic and biphasic systems at 180 °C for
3 h. Error bars represent standard error. Asterisks (*) and
(**) indicate significance and not significance at 95%
confidence level, respectively. N.D-not detected.

(Kumar et al., 2009). The biphasic system achieved the highest con- volumes steadily improved the yields (significance at p < .05) aver-
version to LA (∼52% wt theoretical) with 3.8% wt HMF as residual aging 8% relative increments at each increased DCM additions.
concentration under optimum conditions (Table 2 entry 2). This sug- Therefore, equilibrium products distribution greatly influenced the
gests an influence of equilibrium product and other residuals distribu- rate of LA formation, based on the residuals conversion data i.e., glu-
tion between aqueous and organic mediums under relatively harsh cose utilization rate was decreased at R2 = 0.96 (significance at
conditions along with solvent effect (extraction capability) (Cai et al., p < .05), whereas HMF showed a contrary response of R2 = 0.87. In
2013). Further influence of solvent volume on LA formation was stu- support, the RLA was maintained averagely 1.0 up to 4 added volumes
died in the range between 1:1 and 1:5 (aqueous to organic ratio) and of DCM and further increased organic content improved the ratio.
keeping all other parameters fixed (1.2 gm HCl dose at 180 °C for 3 h). Nearly same production strategy was observed with FF formation.
Results showed that the introduction of organic solvent greatly accel- Overall, the results imply that large volumes of solvent are required to
erates the recovery of product compounds and proportionately in- achieve maximum LA conversion, which permits DCM to go pre-
creased with the additional volumes (Table 2 entries 5–9). For instance, ferentially to the vapor phase during the reaction at high temperatures
∼4-fold higher LA concentration was achieved by introducing equal with the desired effect of extracting synthesis compounds from the
volume of DCM into the reaction medium and further added DCM aqueous phase. However, use of large volumes of solvent would not

Table 2
Response yield data of levulinic acid and other associated products with respect to the change in conditions during single-pot reaction of rice straw.

Entry HCl load on rice straw Temp Water to DCM ratio Time LA yield FA Residual precursors yield
(gm per gm) (°C) (min) (% wt) (% wt) (% wt)

Glucose HMF FF

1 0.5 180 1:5 180 14.4(1.5) 2.4(0.1) 4.6 2.5(4.0) 11.7(1.8)

2 1.2 180 1:5 180 14.7(4.3) 2.3(0.3) 2.8 2.9(13.5) 12.5(3.6)
3 1.8 180 1:5 180 11.7(0.7) 1.5(0.3) 3.1 3.8(11.7) 7.8(2.9)
4 2.5 180 1:5 180 5.9(0.4) 2.6(0.1) 3.5 1.9(18.0) 6.1(0.1)
5 1.2 180 Only water 180 2.5(1.8) 1.8(0.2) 16.8 1.5(14.0) 7.8(1.1)
6 1.2 180 1:1 180 9.0(0.7) 1.3(0.2) 7.8 1.2(5.0) 1.3(3.3)
7 1.2 180 1:2 180 10.5(0.9) 1.7(0.1) 7.1 1.7(7.5) 3.5(0.8)
8 1.2 180 1:3 180 12.7(1.1) 1.6(0.1) 4.2 0.7(6.0) 10.2(0.1)
9 1.2 180 1:4 180 13.8(1.7) 3.7(0.1) 3.7 3.6(17.0) 10.8(0.5)
10 1.2 140 1:5 180 4.4(1.4) 1.6(0.3) 4.5 6.4(63.0) 11.0(26.5)
11 1.2 160 1:5 180 10.9(1.3) 1.9(0.3) 4.2 4.3(20.5) 10.1(4.1)
12 1.2 200 1:5 180 16.6(0.7) 2.0(0.1) 2.6 0.6(5.0) 12.6(0.8)
13 1.2 180 1:5 (W:THF) 180 3.4(33.0) 1.1(0.1) 9.4 6.5(64.0) 15.4(15.1)
14 1.2 on cellulose 180 1:5 180 38.3(2.4) 14.5(0.1) 3.5 1.6(15.0) 3.7(6.4)

Tukey’s HSD 6.9* 2.0** 2.0** 4.6* 4.6*

Number in parentheses represent partition coefficient of the respective compound calculated based on the concentration present in organic phase to aqueous phase. Asterisks (*) and (**)
indicate significance at p < .05 and significance at p < .1, respectively. Data show the reaction products yield based on solid dry wt W-water; LA-levulinic acid; FA-formic acid; HMF-5-
hydroxymethylfurfural; FF-furfural.

S. Kumar et al. Bioresource Technology 251 (2018) 143–150

likely be a cost-effective processing method. Table 3

In a typical reaction, temperature plays a critical role in determining Comparative carbohydrate analysis data of post-reaction solids obtained from different
monophasic and biphasic reaction systems at 1.2 gm HCl per gm biomass solids.
the extent of the reaction. During LA formation, higher temperatures
generally accelerate the rate of chemical reactions along with undesired Entry Medium Conditions Solids Residual Total
side reactions, leading to the production of humins, due to the higher system recovery carbohydrate carbohydrate
equilibrium concentration of protonated pyranose forms of the sugar (v/v) (wt%) content yield
molecules (Alipour and Omidvarborna, 2016; Chang et al., 2007). The (wt%)a (wt%)

influence of temperature on LA formation using rice straw was studied 1 W:DCM 140 °C for 3 h 52.5 40.6 52.0
in the range between 140 °C and 200 °C and other parameters were ratio 1:5
maintained constant i.e., 1.2 gm HCl dose and aqueous to organic ratio 2 W:DCM 160 °C for 3 h 51.1 15.0 18.7
of 1:5 for 3 h (Table 2 entries 10–12). There is a risk of LA degradation ratio 1:5
3 W:DCM 180 °C for 3 h 48.6 14.3 17.0
to unsaturated lactones through dehydration reaction in the presence of
ratio 1:5
acid catalyst at elevated temperatures (∼230 °C) (Yan et al., 2008). 4 W:DCM 200 °C for 3 h 45.8 13.5 15.1
Results implied that temperature had a significant effect on LA forma- ratio 1:5
tion. For instance, more than a 2-fold incremented yield was achieved R2 0.99** 0.85** 0.86**
as the temperature was increased from 140 °C to 160 °C within 6 min. 5 Only W 180 °C for 3 h 54.5 58.7 78.0
Upon further temperature increases, LA yields increased by 50–80%. 6 W:THF 180 °C for 3 h 34.0 35.6 29.5
However, no such trend was observed with FF production, suggesting ratio 1:5

that the presence of DCM increases the stability of FF at elevated con- a

Total carbohydrate includes mainly glucose and xylose. Asterisk (**) indicate not
ditions and therefore, reaching its maximum productivity of ∼70% of significance at 95% confidence level. W-water.
the potential xylose possibly through the complete dissolution of bio-
mass hemicelluloses under the optimum conditions (Bernal et al., significant effect on the release of more carbohydrate sugars via hy-
2014). Overall, acid concentration and temperature had a most sig- drolysis reaction for the active participation in the furans synthesis.
nificant impact on LA and other products formation when compared to However, in all the cases negligible levels of xylose content (≤1% wt)
other reaction parameters, based on statistical analysis (see E-supple- were recovered ascribed to the enhanced hydrolysis of hemicellulose
ment data). sugars than cellulose with the aid of HCl. Comparative THF reaction
Although higher temperatures yielded maximum product con- yielded much lower solids recovery with residual carbohydrate content,
centration, the reduced partition coefficient achieved might be attrib- indicating progression of more hemicellulose degradation to make them
uted to the increased population of unwanted products, possibly hu- available for furfural production. The statement was in good agreement
mins that expelled LA to the aqueous phase due to having a naturally with the furfural yield data. It can be noted that addition of organic
higher affinity to H2O molecules (Liu et al., 2014). Therefore, the solvent (DCM) greatly helped for the carbohydrate conversion through
modified system achieved up to ∼15% wt total LA concentration from preventing equilibrium product saturation.
native rice straw substrate (∼57% of theoretical) with maximum re- Evident morphological analysis result of the post-reaction solids
covery of LA to the organic phase (RLA = 4.3) under optimum reaction visualized for the corresponding products yield increment at higher
conditions (15% wt HCl conc. and 180 °C for 180 min) along with other temperatures due to heavy surface destruction, thereby increasing ac-
associated products (including 2.3% FA, 2.9% HMF, and 12.5% wt FF). cessibility of carbohydrates to chemical reactions (see E-supplement
However, it is ∼13% point lower LA yield than the literature reports data). Comparative SEM images genuinely revealed that solids en-
using lignocelluloses, where harsher conditions were employed (6–32% countered severe surface destruction under relatively increasing reac-
wt mineral acid concentration and 190–220 °C) (Galletti et al., 2011; tion severities. It is also visible from the imaging results that DCM
Mukherjee et al., 2015). In addition to several root cause for the lower greatly helps for the solid deconstruction i.e., a sponge-like surface,
yield achievement, frustratingly, the equally high yield of furfural from implying more supply of carbohydrates for furans production due to
lignocellulose derived xylose negatively affects the final LA yield due to continuous extraction to the organic phase, thereby preventing the
the polymerization reaction with saccharides leading to the insoluble undesired polymerization reactions. In complementary to the above
humins formation (Elumalai et al., 2016b). Whereas, the impact of re- statement, condensed droplets were spotted on the solids underwent
sidual lignin on LA formation is negligible. reaction in only water medium, caused due to repolymerization reac-
To further test the hypothesis, an analogous trial run involving THF tions of polysaccharides degradation products and/or polymerization
by replacing DCM during rice straw conversion (monophasic) resulted with lignin (so-called pseudo lignin), which typically takes place during
in relatively ∼4-fold lower yield with considerably enriched residuals dilute acid pretreatment of lignocellulose under higher severity condi-
concentration (i.e., approximately 3-fold glucose, 2-fold HMF and 6- tions (> 120 °C and ≤4% acid conc.). Further analysis of the solids
fold FF) than DCM biphasic system (Table 2 entry 13). However, the revealed that it consisted of 14.3% carbohydrate (majorly glucose),
biphasic system yielded comparatively lower conversion during direct 73.2% acid insoluble content and 11.4% ash as residual constituents
cellulose (∼16 percentage points of LA) than the literature studies, and therefore, in the context of biomass biorefinery, this carbohydrate
where the medium was modified by the addition of salts or sugars to free material can be used for further preparation of silica- and lignin-
achieve maximum partition coefficient (Wettstein et al., 2012). derived products (Khaleghian et al., 2017; Minu et al., 2012).

3.3. Effectiveness of biphasic system on lignocellulose transformation

3.4. LA separation and purification
Investigating post-reaction solids residual carbohydrate content
(Table 3), it was found that higher temperatures facilitate preferentially During downstream processing, the typically employed methods are
sugar degradation reactions, since LA is less sensitive to higher tem- vacuum distillation, solvent-extraction, precipitation, over-liming, and
peratures (≤230°) (Shen and Wyman, 2012). While incremented tem- adsorption with ion-exchange resin or basic polymers. However, these
peratures remarkably reduced the solids recovery along with residual methods are considered unattractive due to the high cost, competitive
carbohydrate content (mainly glucose and xylose) in biphasic system. product adsorption, surface deactivation and environmental toxicity
For instance, linearly decreasing fashion of yield recoveries were (Brouwer et al., 2017; Mussatto and Roberto, 2004). Alternatively,
achieved throughout the rising temperatures (R2 = 0.99 for solids and HPLC separation protocol is also followed but this method employs
R2 = 0.86 for total carbohydrate), indicating temperature had a aqueous sulfuric acid as mobile eluent and encounters difficulties in

S. Kumar et al. Bioresource Technology 251 (2018) 143–150

Fig. 3. Overall mass balance of the process method of rice straw deconstruction to furan and derived compounds.

separation of LA and acetic acid (typically formed during acidic de- DCM self-degradation, thereby enabling cost-effective process method
gradation of hemicelluloses) due to co-elution (Xie et al., 2011). In development and potentially reducing the discharge of environmentally
order to achieve effective separation, a traditional column chromato- toxic halogenated material as waste.
graphy technique was employed for LA purification from associated
product compounds (Frade et al., 2014), including HMF, furfural, and 4. Conclusions
traces of formic acid. Requisite sample preparations were followed,
despite their drawbacks such as time requirements and involvement of The present study demonstrates a facile approach to the preparation
large volumes of expensive solvent. The result of thin layer chromato- of LA from rice straw. The method involves, employing a co-solvent
graphy (TLC) and HPLC analyses displayed that high purity LA se- system, consisting of HCl and DCM, as extraction solvent to improve the
paration with ∼85% wt recovery was achieved (see E-supplement final product yield through continuous extraction of furans. Further
data). However, the resultant product appeared dark brown in color, isolating and purifying of the target compound through conventional
attributable to the soluble contaminants derived from the acidic de- separation techniques. The addition of DCM greatly improves product
gradation reactions of lignin and humin (Rodrigues et al., 2001). enrichment during the reaction along with the aid of HCl. It also per-
Therefore, activated charcoal treatment was performed to yield a col- mits maximum recovery of LA, along with HMF and FF as residuals, to
orless liquid having ∼99% LA purity with about 95% wt recovery (see the organic phase. Nearly complete recovery and reuse are also pos-
E-supplement data), based on the HPLC and NMR (1H, 13C) analyses sible.
(see E-supplement data) (Ahlkvist et al., 2013; Victor et al., 2014).
Further elemental analysis of the post-treatment solids (activated Acknowledgements
charcoal) data found consistent with the LA yield recovery i.e., ∼5%
relative differences in carbon content (the determined C content of pre- The authors (SK, PK, RSS, and SE) gratefully thank Department of
and post-treatment solid samples were 70.90 and 74.67% dry wt basis, Biotechnology, New Delhi, India for their consistent financial support.
respectively). Based on the overall material balance, the biphasic VA thanks DST-SERB, India for financial support. SE acknowledge
system was capable of producing ∼10% wt net industrial grade LA Department of Science and Technology (DST-SERB), New Delhi for the
from native rice straw biomass (Fig. 3). Although the process demon- support through Grant No. YSS/2014/000031(2015-18). The authors
strated for facile lignocellulose processing to value addition, the pro- thank NMR facility at IISER Mohali for recording the spectra.
cessing cost, energy-intensive product preparation, and prolonged
purification through column chromatography, might be the challenges Appendix A. Supplementary data
during large-scale processing.
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the
online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2017.12.033.
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