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6th grade History

The Odyssey, Chp. 16

XVI Penelope and her Suitors

1. How did the suitors feel after they heard that Telemachus returned to Ithaca unharmed?

They are very disappointed.

2. What does Antinous say after returning to Ithaca (from his failed attempt to murder Telemachus)?

Antinous says they waited and waited and saw no sign of Telemachus. He suspects that
Telemachus must be protected by a god.

3. What does Penelope do?

Penelope is happy that Telemachus is home. She gets herself prepared to meet with the

4. What does Penelope tell/remind Antinous?

Penelope yells at Antinous for his plan to kill Telemachus. She reminds him of how good
Odysseus was to his family when they were in trouble. She scolds him for his behavior at her

5. What does Eurymachus tell Penelope?

Eurymachus tries to convince Penelope that she has only heard rumor and that the suitors
do not want to harm Telemachus.

6. Does Penelope believe Eurymachus? Yes/NO

7. What story did Eurymachus tell Penelope about Odysseus?

Eurymachus tells Penelope how kind Odysseus was to him when he was a boy – Odysseus
was always friendly and shared food from his plate with Eurymachus. Eurymachus goes on
to say that he could never injure the son of Odysseus because of all the kindness Odysseus
has shown him.

8. What announcement does Telemachus make to Eumaeus?

Telemachus tells Eumaeus that he will return to his home so that Penelope can see him.
Eumaeus warns Telemachus to be careful.

9. How do the suitors treat Telemachus when they first see him?

The suitors appear kind to Telemachus, they ask him questions about his travels.

10. What does Theoclymenus assure Penelope when he goes with Telemachus to Odysseus? Are you
incline to believe Theoclymenus? Why?

Theoclymenus, who has the power of prophecy, tells Penelope that Odysseus is on his way
home and that good things are ahead.

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