A110270056 日應三乙 徐千雯

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A Speech Outline for 112-2 English Speech Contest

Speech Topic: Social media Can Change the World

徐千雯 (Jamie), A110270056, Class 3B. 2 20, 2024

Speech Topic: Social media can change the world

Greeting Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Hsu Qien Wen, also

Opener Our world being changed day by day, but what is the key that makes this

Topic Statement In my opinion, it’s social media that we use every day, such as
TikTok, Instagram, Twitter…and so on.

Preview Below, I’m going to tell you why it’s social media, due to social media’s
global connectivity, mobilization and activism and business and economic impact,
which change the world.


B. Reason 1: Global Connectivity

● Connect People

a. Community Building

b. Support and empowerment

● Dissemination of information

● Ideas on a global scale

B. Reason 2: Mobilization and Activism

● Organizing grassoorts movements

● Mobilizing people

a. Social and political action

● Example

a. Arab Spring Movement

b. Black Lives Matter

C. Reason 3: Business and economic impact

● Impact on business

a. Marketing strategies

b. Consumer behavior

● Impact on economic

a. Contributing to economic growth and innovation

Signal: Social media amplify the voices of individuals and marginalized communities,
which change the opinion from people to world.

Review: From the above we tale about social media. First, it enables anyone to share
their stories, perspectives and demands on a global scale. Also bring up mobilization
and activism. Finally, effect business and economic.

Closer (A call to action): Let us harness the power of social media to drive positive
change and shape a better world.


Reference (minimum of 3, English only)

How social media can change the world.

Arab Spring Movement: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_Spring
Black Lives Matter https://blacklivesmatter.com

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