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Assignment 5 summary

The proposal graded as sufficient is better than the one graded as insufficient. There are many
reasons for this but will only discuss the main three important differences. The first important
difference is that, in the insufficient proposal, the formatting of the report is disorganized and
makes it hard for the reader to follow. There are no section headings to organize the text
clearly, so everything seems like a big essay instead of a report. When compared to the
sufficient proposal, there are clear section headings which makes the proposal seem much
more organized and readable. The second important difference is the format of the in-text
citation. In the insufficient proposal, there were mistakes in the in-text citation. For example,
in the first sentence “the direction in which I will conduct……”, the author’s name was not
included in the parentheses but rather before it and this wrong. The author’s name should be
included within the parentheses. The part where it talks about the section number should also
be included within the parentheses. When compared to the sufficient proposal, the citations
were done correctly with no mistakes. The third and last important difference is the sentence
structure and the use of commas within the sentences. In the insufficient proposal, there are a
few mistakes in the sentence structures. For example, in the first sentence “The direction in
which I will conduct research in, is the third subcategory of Organizational design and
development…”, there is an improper use of the comma which makes the sentence odd to
read. Therefore, the comma is not necessary. When compared to the sufficient proposal, the
sentence structure and comma usage here is flawless.


When looking at my own topic, which is digital innovation, there are some specific points
that need to be further worked on. One thing that needs to be worked on is for
businesses/companies to understand exactly what users/customers need in order for the tech
to meet their needs. This makes it easier to produce products that are suitable and useful to
them otherwise it would be a waste. This can be done by conducting surveys and interviews
with the customers to find out exactly what they need, and they can also provide feedback for
any existing technology that they are using so as to make any improvements.

Another thing that needs to be worked on is data privacy for customers/users. Companies
need their customers to be able to trust them with their private data especially when switching
to digital platforms where data theft is common. Companies need to prioritize privacy for
users by conducting privacy risk assessments for any new products that they design. This
ensures users that their data is kept safe and therefore builds trust between the company and
their customers.

Another thing to work on is for companies to emphasize the need to continue learning or gain
knowledge because the tech world is forever changing. Companies and their employees need
to always keep up to date with changes and keep up with any latest trends in the digital
world. Companies can do this by organizing different workshops that provide knowledge on
existing or new information about the digital world, they can also organize webinars where
various discussions about digital innovations are made and also organize training programs
for their employees where they are able to learn and gain skills in order to stay up to date
with digital trends. Companies therefore need to encourage their employees to attend all of
the above mentioned.

In conclusion, in order to produce advanced technology that is effective and user-focused, it

is important to put these action points into practice.

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