Chang 2006

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Chinese J. Chem. Eng.

,14(5) 708-712 (2006)


Kinetics of Levulinic Acid Formation from Glucose Decomposition at

High Temperature*

CHANG Chun($$ MA Xiaojian(3 &$Qb and CEN Peilin($i$

College of Material Science and Chemical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 3 10027,China
College of Chemical Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450002,China

Abstract Lewlinic acid is a kind of new green platform chemical with wide application. The kinetics of levulinic acid
formation from glucose decomposition at high temperature was investigated. Glucose containing 1%, 3% or 5% H2S04
was treated at 170°C or 190°C.For the various experimental conditions assayed, the time-courses of glucose and glucose
degradation products (including 5-hydmxymethylfurfural and levulinic acid) were established. These variables were cor-
related with the reaction time based on the equations derived from a pseudo-homogeneous, fmt-order kinetic model,
which provided a satisfactory interpretation of the experimental results. The set of kinetic parameters from regression of
experimental data provided useful information for understanding the levulinic acid formation mechanism.
Keywords levulinic acid, kinetics, decomposition, platform chemical

1 INTRODUCTION netics and mechanism of LA formation under low

With the plentiful consumption of non-renewable temperature 80-98 "Cr91,but few papers about LA
resources and aggravation of energy crisis, using re- formation under high temperature were reported. The
newable resources to replace non-renewable ones is goal of the present work is to study the kinetics of LA
arousing more and more attention around the world"]. formation from glucose decomposition under high
Especially, using abundant renewable biomass to re- temperature above 160"C.
place petroleum as raw materials for the chemical in-
dustry has important strategic significance. 2 EXPERIMENTAL
Levulinic acid (LA, H8C503), or gamma- 2.1 Equipment and procedure
ketovaleric acid, is a short chain fatty acid having a The experiment on hydrolysis reactions were car-
ketone carbonyl group and an acidic carboxyl group. ried out in a series of cylindrical pressurized reactors.
It is a versatile new platform chemical with numerous Each reactor had inner diameter of 35mm and depth of
potential uses for making textile dye, antifreeze, ani- 130mm, the wall thickness of the reactor was 7.5mm,
mal feed, coating material, solvent, food flavoring and the total volume was 125ml. The reactors were
agent, pharmaceutical compounds and resinr2]. made of stainless steel (316L) to resist corrosion. The
There are many methods for preparing LA, and temperature of the reactor contents was monitored by
the most widely used approach is dehydration of a thermocouple. The reactors were heated in a salt
biomass or carbohydrate with Recently, a bath, whose temperature was controlled by an adjust-
new process developed by Biofine Corporation laid able electric cooker and monitored using a thermal-
the foundation for effective LA prod~ction'~]. The couple with digital readout. When the reaction was
technology can be successfully employed using di- stopped, the reactor was quenched by quickly im-
verse cellulose-containing waste materials such as mersing in a water bath.
paper mill sludge, urban waste paper, agricultural For each experiment, 60ml of a solution was put
residues and cellulose fines from papermaking as into each reactor. The solution was made up by dis-
starting materials. Those materials were hydrolyzed solving 5g of glucose in lOOml of sulfuric acid solu-
with acid at high temperature in a novel two reactor tion. A set of data were collected over a range of reac-
system and the final yield of LA was more than 60%, tion time at fixed temperature. Experimental time
one of the highest reported in the literature. stopped with the quenching of the reactor. After
Although LA has been known since the 1870's, it quenching, the samples were filtered and analyzed.
has never attained much commercial significance. One
of the reasons for its slow development is the low 2.2 Analysis
yields of LA'". Till now, the mechanism and kinetics Samples were filtered, and then the concentration of
of LA formation are not understood clearly, which remaining glucose, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF)
should be studied deeply. Some papers devoted to ki- and levulinic acid were analyzed, respectively. Glucose

Received 2005-09-28, accepted 2006-03-09.

* Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Henan Educational Committee (No.2005 10459056).
** To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
Kinetics of Levulinic Acid Formation from Glucose Decomposition at High Temperature 709

was analyzed by glucose oxidase kits"01. 5-HMF was

analyzed by a spectrophotometric method. HMF in
samples firstly reacted with 2-tiobarbituric acid (TBA)
in acid medium, and then heated to 40°C for 30min.
Absorption spectra were acquired between 500nm and The kinetic coefficients can be correlated with
300nm. The concentration of 5-HMF was determined temperature by applying Arrhenius eq~ation"~]:
by using the derivative spectrophometry method at
k, = kloe-E,/RT
435nm" I. The concentration of LA was determined
by gas chromatography with a flame ionization detec- k, = kZ0e-EJRT
tor (FID). LA was separated on a FFAP capillary
k3 = k,,e - E ~ / R T
column (30mX 0.32mmX 0.33pm) with a linear tem-
perature program of 15"C.min-' (initial 90"C, final It is common to modify the Arrhenius equations
210"C, injector 24OoC,detector 250°C)['21.The sample to model the effect acid concentration as follow[?
injection volume was IN. The retention time of LA
was 7.6min, and the retention time of the butyric acid
internal standard was 1.7min.
k3 =a,C n3 e-E,/RT
2.3 Kinetic model Equations (4)-(12) were used to fit the experi-
Glucose can decompose into a variety of soluble mental data. The parameters in above equations are
products such as 5-HMF, levulinic acid, formic acid evaluated using the method of non-linear least squares
etc. and insoluble products. Due to the difficulty to regression analyses by MATLAB 6.5.
find a rigorous mechanism of hydrolysis reaction, it is In the experiments, it was found part of humic
usual to use simplified model to determine the kinetics solids adhered to the inner wall of the reactor tightly,
of glucose decomposition. A pseudo-homogeneous and it was impossible to collect the whole solids pre-
irreversible first-order reaction model was proposed in cisely. So, the experimental data of humic solids were
the literature. Neglecting the formation of intermedi- not discussed in the article.
ates, glucose can decompose into 5-HMF during
thermo chemical reaction, which is a precursor of 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
LA"31. Then, 5-HMF decomposes into LA and formic The reactions were conducted at temperature of
acid under acidic conditions. During the reaction the 170°C, 190°C and 210°C, with mass concentration of
formation of humic solids was monitored. Some of sulfuric acid at 1%, 3% and 5%. With the increase of
these black insoluble products can be easily separated reaction temperature, it was found the rate of glucose
from the solution by filtration, which was in agree- decomposition increased sharply. When the reaction
ment with Baugh's r e ~ o r t " ~Therefore,
]. LA resulting temperature was 210°C and concentration of sulfuric
from 5-HMF decomposition can be viewed as part of acid was more than 3% , glucose and 5-HMF can
products from the overall glucose decomposition. The wholly decompose in lSmin, the data of concentra-
model proposed in the literature was as follows: tion of glucose, 5-HMF and LA were inapplicable to
kinetic studies. Therefore, 170"C and 190°C were
Glucose --+ 5-HMF +Levulinic acid
chosen as the reaction temperature.
Humic solids Figures 1 and 2 show the concentration of glu-
cose, 5-HMF, LA during the glucose decomposition
Based on the above model, the following set of performed with 1%, 3% and 5% H2S04 at 170°C and
differential equation can be obtained: 190°C respectively. It can be observed that the trends
of concentration are in agreement with consecutive re-
action, and it is also seen that both temperature and acid
concentration have a large effects on the rates of glu-
cose decomposition, and formation of 5-HMF and LA.
Tables 1 and 2 list the sets of kinetic parameters
(3) obtained from experimental data, whereas Figs.1 and 2
show the agreement between experimental and predicted
with k=kl 4-k3. values of concentration of glucose, 5-HMF and LA.
The analytic expression of concentration of glu-
cose, HMF and LA are 3.1 Glucose decomposition
Cglu = cgluoe-kf (4) The decomposition rate of glucose can be mod-
eled as a pseudo-first-order reaction [Eq.(1)]"71. In
such a reaction, the rate is directly proportional to the
concentration of the glucose"*'. From Table 1, it can
Chinese J. Ch. E. 14(5) 708 (2006)
710 Chinese J. Ch. E. (Vol. 14, NOS)

0'25 5
I, o.20t

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
t, min 1, min
(a) 1% H,SO, (a) 1% H$O,

0'25 5
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
t, min 1, min
(b) 3% H,SO, (b) 3% HISO,

0.20 1

I -.

0 10 20 - min
30 & 60 0 10 20 30
t, min
40 50 60

(c) 5% H,SO,
(c) 5% H,SO,
Figure 1 Experimental and predicted concentrationsof Figure 2 Experimental and predicted concentrationsof
the products generated during the hydrolysis of 1% ,3% or the products generated during the hydrolysis of 1%,3% or
5% &SO4 at 170C and different time 5% H2S04at 190C and different time
glucose; W 5-HMF; A LA +glucose; W 5-HMF; A LA
be seen that the glucose decomposition rate constant k
5-HMF formation from glucose is very complicated,
increases as the acid concentration and temperature
increases, and the values of kl with different acid con- many unidentified intermediates can be formed during
glucose decomp~sition"~~. Neglecting the formation
centration are smaller than the values of k, indicating
of intermediates, the formation of 5-HMF can be
that only part of glucose can decomposes into 5-HMF
and the yield of LA can not reach its theoretical yield. modeled as consecutive reactions, and Figs.1 and 2
exhibited the change of 5-HMF concentration with
3.2 5-HMF formation time displayed typical behavior of a consecutive
As the precursor of LA, the mechanism of first-order pathway with a maximum concentration.
October, 2006
Kinetics of Lewlinic Acid Formation from Glucose Decompositionat High Temperature 711

Table 1 Kinetic Darameters obtained from oDtimization of exDerimenta1 data

T, Acid concentration, k, kl1 k29 k3,
kllk k2lk
"C % min-' min-I min-' min-'
1 0.0566 0.0458 0.1018 0.0108 0.8092 1.7986
170 3 0.0845 0.0605 0.2382 0.024 0.7160 2.8189
5 0.0964 0.0837 0.3170 0.0127 0.8682 3.2884

1 0.2939 0.1089 0.1230 0.185 0.3705 0.4185

190 3 0.2924 0.1734 0.4382 0.119 0.5930 1.4986
5 0.4875 0.2537 1.0510 0.232 0.5204 2.155
average activation energy, El E2 E3
kT-mol-' 86.33 56.95 209.5

Table 2 Generalized models for predicting kinetic pa- value of activation energy for glucose decomposition
rameters as a function of sulphuric acid concentration was greater than that of 5-HMF decomposition. Tara-
Models ? banko et al. reported the kinetics of LA formation
from glucose at 98"C, revealing the rate of LA for-
k, = 4.597 x 109 C0.427 exD( -86.33 X lo3 ) 0.994 mation from lucose depends slightly on the acid
c~ncentration'~? But, different results were obtained at
k, -56.95~10~
higher temperature conditions. The rate of LA forma-

exp( RT ) 0.958 tion increases sharply with the increase of the acid
k3 = 1 . 2 01023C0.119
~ exp( 209i;103] 0.940
The acid-catalyzed conversion of glucose into LA
can also be carried out in concentrated solutions of
acids at lower temperature, thus high consumption of
the acid and longer reaction time were required[211.
Table 1 shows that with the increases of tem- Although high yield of LA can be attained at low
perature and acid concentration, 5-HMF formation temperature, the disadvantages of long reaction time,
rate constant kl also increased. But the relative rate of corrosion to equipment and the difficulty of acid re-
5-HMF formation with respect to glucose decomposi- covery limit its further use in industry. Contrarily, the
tion had not the same rules as rate constant kl. In- consumption of the acid and reaction time can be de-
creasing acid concentration from 1% to 5% did not creased sharply under high temperature conditions,
enhance the formation rate of 5-HMF relative to over- which was helpful to decrease the side products"".
all glucose decomposition obviously as indicated by High temperature hydrolysis with dilute acid appears
kl/k ratio. The values of kllk at 190°C are lower than to be in the best position from economic viewpoint.
those at 170"C, suggesting that the overall glucose Especially, when using biomass as raw materials to
decomposition rate k increases more quickly than the product LA, high tem erature can promote the LA
5-HMF formation rate kl, and higher temperature will production effectively'.pI. But, too high temperature
promote glucose decomposition. (>250"C) may also cause further decomposition of LA,
and different materials have different optimal condi-
3.3 Levulinic acid formation tions. In this study, the highest LA yield can reach up
LA is the product of 5-HMF decomposition'201. to 80.7% (molar percent) of theoretical yield under
As shown in Figs.1 and 2, concentration of LA in- 170°C and 5% acid conditions.
creased quickly at the initial stage, and then it reached
to a certain value. Based on the model and experi- NOMENCLATURE
mental data, the calculated rate constant of LA forma- a constant in model
tion increased with the increases of temperature and C sulfuric acid mass concentration, % (by mass)
cglu glucose concentration, mo1.L-I
acid concentration. It can be observed that the forma- CJ."~F 5-HMF concentration, mo1.L-I
tion rate of LA relative to overall glucose decomposi- cLA LA concentration, mo1.L-I
tion can be enhanced by increasing acid concentration E activation energy, kT.mo1-l
from 1% to 5%, as indicated by an increasing k2Ik ra- k rate constant, min-'
tio from Table 1. It is also found that values of kdk k0 pre-exponential factor, min-'
It constant in model
with same acid concentration at 190°C are smaller T temperature, K
than those of 170°C. The reason is that the average t time, min

Chinese J. Ch. E. 14(5) 708 (2006)

712 Chinese J. Ch. E. (Vol. 14, NOS)

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October, 2006

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