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Name : ................................................................... Date of birth : ...............................


Exercise 1: Translate into Vietnamese.
1. If two planes have one point in common, then they have at least one more point
in common.
2. Let A,B,C be three points not lying in the same straight line and let a be a
straight line lying in the plane (ABC) and not passing through any of the points
A,B,C. Then, if the straight line a passes through a point of the segment AB, it
will also pass through either a point of the segment BC or a point of the
segment AC.

3. If a function f, defined by f(x), is a continuous over the interval then it

is possible to find a rectangle with base length (b – a) , whose area is equal to
the area beneath the curve between the values x = a and x = b.
4. An angle which is congruent to its supplementary angle is called a right angle.
If a point O lies between two points A and B, then the angle ∠AOB is called a
flat angle.
5. The three sides of a triangle are related such that the third side must be greater
than the positive difference of the other two sides and less than their sum.
6. Each angle ∠AOB is associated with some real number that is denoted by
and called the size or measurement of the angle ∠AOB so that the
following conditions are fulfilled:
(i) ;
(ii) If ∠AOB is a straight angle, then ;
(iii) If ∠AOB ≡ ∠CID, then ;
(iv) If a ray OC lies inside an angle ∠AOB, then .
Moreover, if ∠AOB is a flat angle, then ∠AOC is called the complementary angle of
7. A ray has indefinite length and only one endpoint. The endpoint of a ray is
called its vertex. The vertex of is M.
8. Theorem: There are infinitely many primes.

p < p 2 <. ..< pm . Consider the number

Assume that there are only finite prime numbers: 1
P= p 1 p 2 ... p m+1 . If P is a prime number, then
P> pm , contradicting the maximality of
pm . Hence P p , p ,..., p m , we call it
has a prime divisor p>1 , that is one of the primes 1 2
pk . It follows that
pk|p1 ... pk ... p m+1 . p |p ... pk ... p m , implies 1 is
This, together with k 1
p p
divisible by k , or k is a divisor of 1, a contradiction.
9. A plane figure bounded by rectilinear boundaries can have its area subdivided
into series of non-overlapping rectangles and triangles. The area of the whole is
then the sum of the areas of its parts. A plane figure bounded by curves cannot
have it area completely subdivided into rectangles and triangles. As a
consequence, the process of measuring its area cannot be performed accurately
by adding up areas of triangles and rectangles. It is, however, possible to obtain
its approximate area.
Exercise 2: Complete the following sentences.
1. Points are ........................................... if they lie on the same plane.
2. A triangle ABC is called isosceles if ...................................................................
..................................If AB ≡ AC, then the side BC is called the base of the
isosceles triangle ABC, while the congruent sides AB and AC are called the lateral
sides of this isosceles triangle.
3. An angle is said to be acute
if .................................................................................
s2 √ 3
4. The area of a (an) ..................................... triangle is equal to 4 , where s is
the length of a side.
5. A triangle ............................................................................................................. called an obtuse triangle or obtuse-anglular triangle.

6. The .......................... value of is written .

7. There exists a plane passing through three arbitrary points not lying on the same
straight line. Then they are called .......................................................
8. There exist at least three points not lying on the same straight line,
called ...........................................................................
9. Let there be given an angle ∠AOB, a ray O'A' and a half-plane π bounded by
the straight line O'A'. Then π contains one and only one ray O'B' such that
∠AOB ≡ ∠A'O'B'. Moreover, every angle is ........................................... itself.
10. Two angles ∠AOB and ∠COB that have the common ............... O and the
common side OB, while the other sides of these angles OA and OC lie on a
straight line and intersect at the unique point O, are called
supplementary .....................................................
11. If two lines intersect at a point, they form ........................... The angles opposite
each other are called ........................ Vertical angles are ......................................
12. A test use to determine if a relation is a function. A relation is a function if there
are no ....................... lines that intersect the graph at more than one point.
Exercise 3 : Fill the gaps
1. pro_ _ _tion
2. com_ _ _ _ _ntary
3. coo_ _ _ _ate
4. perp_ _ _ _ _ _lar
5. tr_ _ _ _ _ _ id
6. di_ _ _ _ _ _ tial
7. in_ _ _ _ _ _ble
8. ci_ _ _ _ _ _ _cle
9. mul_ _ _ _ _ _ ation
10. n_ _ _ _sary and su_ _ _ _ ient
Exercise 4: Fill in each blank with a suitable mathematical term. Use the
pictures below as hints.

1. A ....................... of a triangle is a segment connecting a vertex and the midpoint

of the opposite side.
2. The three altitudes of a triangle intersect at a unique point, called
the ................... of the triangle.
3. An angle that is ..................................... to an interior angle of a triangle is
called an exterior angle of this triangle.
4. In a right triangle, the side opposite to the right angle is called
the ........................ The another two sides are called .......................................
5. The ................................ cuts every median in the ratio 2 : 1.
6. In a triangle ABC, the .............................. is the intersection of
the ....................... bisectors; it is the center of ................................... , the circle
passing through the three vertices.
7. The ............................. of a triangle is the circle which lies inside the triangle
and touches all three its sides. Its center is the intersection of
the ..............................
...........................Its radius is called the inradius.
Exercise 5 : Solve these problems below: (The solutions must be given by English)

1. is an irrational number.
2. Prove the formula to compute the area of a circle (Hint: use limitation)
3. A circle is inscribed in a hexagon ABCDEF so that each side of the hexagon is
tangent to the circle. Find the perimeter of the hexagon if AB=6, CD=7, EF=8.

4. A fraction, expressed in its lowest term , can also be written in the form

where is a positive integer. If , what is the value of ?

----------THE END--------

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