Communication Strategies

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■ Identifying the various techniques of

overcoming communication problems;
■ Give an example on the importance of
speech situation strategies in establishing
relationship with others; and
■ Exhibit the acquired learning through a
group activity.
Essential Questions?

■ What are the strategies of effective

■ Why is important to know the strategies of
effective communication?
■ How to overcome communication failure?
What is a Communication
Communication Strategies
■ are the means used to overcome various
problems in communication which may arise
from misunderstanding.
■ These are the attempts by the participants in a
communication activity, but mainly by the
speaker to express his/her ideas in a way that
minimizes a breakdown in communication.
Communication Strategies
■ A person’s speech reflects his personality or
■ His values can also be perceived through the
communication strategies he employs during
an interaction, whether with a stranger or a
person close to him.
Communication Strategies

▪ The use of these communicative strategies

make certain not only the achievement of the
speech purpose but also the enrichment of the
communication experience for both speaker
and listener.
Some types of Communication Strategies:
■ Nomination
■ Restriction
■ Turn – taking
■ Topic Control
■ Topic Shifting
■ Repair
■ Termination

• The topic must be identified or nominated.

Nominating a topic allows the listeners or
audience to tune in to the topic, recall
background information they have about it,
and prepare them to listen to what is to be
said about the topic.

Good topic nomination helps prevent

communication drawbacks. It can be
expressed into something like these:
• Let’s talk about…,
• I would like to talk about…,
• Today I am going to discuss…

■ A speaker must restrict the topic of discussion

to make it specific enough to be manageable.
■ This restriction is determined and limited by the
amount of time given to a speaker.
■ Since the time is limited, the speaker must
make it clear to the audience where he or she
restricts the discussion.
■ A topic must be restricted so that it can be
properly discussed fully, resulting in better

■ This is implemented when the speech is

considered illegal or unaccepted by law.
■ The speaker must restrict the topic of
discussion to make it specific enough to be
■ It happens in various institutional contexts such
as the courtroom, where the witness can only
answer the lawyer’s questions, while the lawyer
is also limited in the ways s/he can phrase
his/her questions.
■ It refers to the exchange of turns of
■ It involves changing from one speaker to
another in a way that does not disrupt the
communication process.
■ In proper turn-taking, speakers must know
when to take their turn or allow others to speak.

■ When involved in a conversation, it pays to be

both a good taker and a good giver.
■ Take your turn politely and give your listener
his/her turn considerately.
■ Here are the ways to indicate turn-taking
and turn-giving.
Create Silence: Stop speaking and create a
pause to allow your listener to speak.
Ask a question: asking your listener a
question gives the cue that the floor is her/his.
Use gestures: Gestures like nodding one’s
head or moving an open hand toward another
communicator is an effective way of giving a
Make eye contact: Look at your listener to
indicate that you are about to end your
Topic Control
■ It means the speaker should focus on the topic
without straying into other discussions.
■ The speaker must not allow any incidental
mention of other topics from taking attention
away from what he is talking about.
Topic Control
■ Topic control is necessary as there are topics
which are considered taboo or subversive.
■ The speaker must not allow any incidental
mention of other topics from taking attention
away from what he or she is talking about.
Topic Shifting
■ It pertains to the process in which a new topic
is introduced in the conversation.
■ In doing so, the speaker should prepare the
audience or listeners for the change because
listeners who are not ready for a shift in topic
may develop different reactions.
Topic Shifting
■ The new topic may or may not be related to the
previous subject.
■ This happens in any conversation, either when
one topic is already exhausted or if one of the
communicators want to talk about a different
Topic Shifting
■ These are the signals used by the speaker
when shifting a topic:
• Let us now turn to the issue/topic of…
• I will now talk about…
• In addition to (current topic), there is also the
(next topic)…
■ It refers to the practices used by the speakers
to approach problems encountered in
■ Sometimes, a speaker is misunderstood by the
audience. In this case, the speaker must clarify
what he/she is saying.
■ The speaker must repair this
miscommunication by rephrasing the word or
using other words that express the meaning
better to his/her audience.
■ Sometimes, the misunderstanding is brought
about by mispronunciation or any other error, in
the physical production of speech. In this case,
the speaker must restate what was said. These
are the several forms that can be conveniently
used to signal repair:
• I mean…
• Let me rephrase that…
• In other words…
■ It refers to the conversational practices which
are used to close a topic.
■ Any speech or discussion must be terminated
properly. Without doing so, the listeners or
participants would be left wondering what
happened to the discussion and will not
understand whether the topic was fully
discussed or not.
■ To terminate a speech, you can restate the main
idea of the speech just to remind the listeners
about the core of the message or summarize the
discussion. These are the familiar forms to
terminate a discussion:
• Let me end by saying…
• In conclusion…
• In summary…
• We were able to discuss
Essential Questions?

■ What are the strategies of effective

■ Why is important to know the strategies of
effective communication?
■ How to overcome communication failure?
Directions: Create a comic strip that will depict
how healthy communication process happens. In
the discourse, use at least four (4) communicative
strategies. The conversation should be the typical
discourse we do in our day-to-day activities. Create
your comical strip inside the table. Feel free to
adjust the size of the table to accommodate your
entire output. (20pts)

Highest possible score is 20 points
Poor Fair Good Very Excellent
Criteria 1 2 3 Good 5

The output utilized excellently the selected

communication strategies with mastery.
The strip used appropriate dialogues in
realistic context.
The comic strip has creative illustrations
and organized format. It is very pleasing to
Artistry the eye.

The dialogues are written correctly in

terms of grammar, punctuation, and
Mechanics spelling. Thus, ideas are clear.

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