Predictive Analytics Healthcare Surgery

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Predictive Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Surgery—
Opportunities and Risks

Kathryn Colborn, Predictive analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) are zon is likely for real-time implementation of these algo-
PhD, MSPH being applied in hospitals across the world to aid in clini- rithms, and retrospective training tools may be available
University of Colorado cal decision support, discuss risk of certain procedures in the next 2 years. Appreciating the nascent nature of
Denver, Anschutz
with patients, and identify patients whose clinical sta- surgical vision will allow it to develop as a collaboration
Medical Campus,
Aurora. tus is deteriorating. Researchers are using massive that will ensure that tools work in concert with sur-
amounts of data and recent advances in machine learn- geons and ultimately transform surgical care.
Gabriel Brat, MD ing to improve surgical quality and patient outcomes. The
Beth Israel Deaconess Surgical Outcomes Club, a consortium of surgeons and Digital Transformation at the Point of Care
Medical Center, Boston,
health services researchers who advance the science of Advances in AI, including the ability to harness large data
surgical outcomes research, convened a panel of 4 ex- sets, have now made it possible to apply advanced ana-
Rachael Callcut, MD perts at the 2022 meeting who highlighted their re- lytics to a range of opportunities in surgery. This in-
University of California, search and experience using predictive analytics and AI cludes optimizing care provided in the intensive care unit
Davis, Sacramento. in surgical research. Three main areas of AI in surgery and at the point of care in high-intensity environments,
were discussed: computer vision, digital transforma- including the trauma bay. These time-pressured situa-
tion at the point of care, and electronic health records tions, where complex information streams are plentiful
data. They discussed the opportunities and risks of these and the stakes high for making the right decision, have
areas of AI in surgery, and in this Viewpoint, we expand significant promise for the application of AI technol-
on that discussion. ogy. Signal processing approaches can theoretically now
convert multimodality data streams coming from moni-
Computer Vision tors, point-of-care testing devices, imaging, laboratory,
Video is a by-product of minimally invasive and robotic and real-time documentation by bedside clinicians into
surgery and is increasingly being collected for open pro- early warning signals. These signals can draw attention
cedures. The potential exists for real-time annotation of of the clinicians to patients who seemingly look well but
video streams by automated algorithms to track surgi- are in fact, off trajectory. The net effect is to augment
cal performance, identify complex anatomy, and pro- clinician decision-making through leveraging technol-
vide feedback to reduce technical errors. In parallel to ogy advances. Although still in its infancy, there are sev-
the growth of video-based analysis by human review- eral demonstration projects that have been recently
ers, computer vision for surgery is also useful for surgi- published showing AI assistance in detecting early res-
cal skills training1 and review of surgeon behavior. An- piratory deterioration, guiding fluid resuscitation, ear-
notation of surgical phases and tracking of surgical tools lier detection of sepsis or critical illness, and identifica-
and hands2 will allow coaches to evaluate this skill with tion of potentially life-threatening findings on radio-
quantifiable metrics that would otherwise require te- graphic imaging. Each of these requires careful
dious human video annotation and qualitative review. implementation to avoid unintended consequences,
Furthermore, advances in statistical methods applied to ongoing monitoring when in clinical environments to
video data, such as convolutional neural networks, have ensure appropriate outcomes, and external validation
tremendously improved the capability of robotic pro- before reaching clinical production deployment.
cedures—essentially giving computers the ability to see.3
Surgical vision tools can augment the trajectory of Electronic Health Records Data
surgeons in training and capabilities of human opera- Electronic health record (EHR) data are frequently used
tors. However, the high difficulty of operations makes for development of AI in quality improvement and sur-
AI for surgical computer vision difficult. Simulated or toy gical outcomes research. Preoperative risk estimation
examples where performance is high do not yet gener- using EHR data is currently implemented in some insti-
alize to real-world complexity. Overcoming these limi- tutions to inform discussions between surgeons and pa-
tations of generalizability is hampered by inconsistent tients prior to undergoing an operation. Moreover, given
Corresponding video annotation and lack of large and diverse data sets. the high cost and resources required for postoperative
Author: Kathryn Institutional interests and data sharing limitations have complication surveillance and reporting, such as that of
Colborn, PhD, MSPH,
Department of Surgery,
prevented creation of a large open data set drawn from the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program and
University of Colorado, many institutions that would be necessary to train ro- the National Health and Safety Network, some institu-
12631 E 17th Ave, bust algorithms. Surgical video data from publicly avail- tions have begun to replace manual medical record re-
able sites are being used for training models, but the view with AI. This affords the opportunity to report com-
Aurora, CO 80045
(kathryn.colborn@ quality of these video sources is variable. A recent con- plication rates at the level of the surgeon specialty and sensus statement4 suggested that a 10-year time hori- individual surgeon on a frequent basis—a task that would (Reprinted) JAMA Surgery April 2023 Volume 158, Number 4 337

© 2022 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

Opinion Viewpoint

be impossible to accomplish without AI. There are many advan- ciations between risk factors and clinical outcomes. It is therefore
tages to using EHR data. They almost always use common data mod- paramount to familiarize yourself with the source data prior to de-
els and universal codes, such as International Classification of Dis- veloping the AI. Moreover, the limitations of EHR data are relevant
eases or Current Procedural Terminology. These universal coding to most clinical data sources, including those used in computer vi-
systems allow researchers to produce generalizable results; how- sion and digital transformation at the point of care. These limita-
ever, due to their high dimensionality, they can be difficult to work tions should always be addressed in publications and the conclu-
with. Recently, mappings of these codes to larger disease classes, sions should be appropriately tempered. Finally, not all data from
such as PheCodes,5 have greatly improved the ability to work with the EHR may be used for development of AI, and there is some ethical
EHR data and produce generalizable results. Additionally, when struc- debate about whether informed consent should be sought for the
tured EHR data are limited, unstructured or narrative text data can use of EHR data for AI.7
be used to fill in the gaps. There are many examples of applying
natural language processing (NLP) to the EHR notes, for example Conclusions
to identify postoperative complications or symptoms of a urinary Predictive analytics and AI in surgery have improved processes and
tract infection. NLP methods have advanced tremendously over the quality of care. Significant impacts have been in early detection of
last decade, and pretrained models for EHR data have proven to be patient deterioration, reduction in costs and manual labor of sur-
extremely useful, such as clinical Bidirectional Encoder Represen- veillance and reporting of complications, and training algorithms to
tations From Transformers (BERT).6 However, there are some risks analyze surgical execution. However, because the development of
with using EHR data for AI. The data can introduce bias in the AI sys- AI in surgery relies heavily on limited data sets with inherent biases
tem. If data are missing due to lack of access to care, poor record- and limitations, a critical evaluation of sources of bias in the data
ing, or lost to follow-up of a patient, conclusions will be incorrect and should be carried out and monitored prospectively. Finally, conclu-
ungeneralizable. Furthermore, sicker patients tend to be included sions should always reflect the precision in the findings when de-
in hospital EHR data, so collider bias can introduce distorted asso- veloping AI in surgical outcomes and health services research.

ARTICLE INFORMATION Disclaimer: This content is solely the responsibility 4. Vedula SS, Ghazi A, Collins JW, et al;
Published Online: December 28, 2022. of the authors and does not necessarily represent Collaborative for Advanced Assessment of Robotic
doi:10.1001/jamasurg.2022.5444 the official views of the AHRQ. Surgical Skills. Artificial intelligence methods and
Additional Contributions: The authors would like artificial intelligence-enabled metrics for surgical
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Colborn education: a multidisciplinary consensus. J Am Coll
reported grants from the Agency for Healthcare to acknowledge panelist Robert Meguid, MD, MPH
(University of Colorado), for his invaluable Surg. 2022;234(6):1181-1192. doi:10.1097/XCS.
Research and Quality (AHRQ). Dr Callcut reported 0000000000000190
technology licensed to GE Healthcare, being a contribution to the Surgical Outcomes Club and
cofounder of BeeKeeperAI, a patent for 62/ the content included in this article. 5. Wei WQ, Bastarache LA, Carroll RJ, et al.
824,183-Federated Machine Learning Techniques Evaluating phecodes, clinical classification
for Highly Curated Health-Care Datasets licensed to REFERENCES software, and ICD-9-CM codes for phenome-wide
BeeKeeperAI with royalties paid from University of 1. Fazlollahi AM, Bakhaidar M, Alsayegh A, et al. association studies in the electronic health record.
California, San Francisco, a patent for Effect of artificial intelligence tutoring vs expert PLoS One. 2017;12(7):e0175508. doi:10.1371/journal.
051392-Method and Systems for the Automated instruction on learning simulated surgical skills pone.0175508
Detection of Free Fluid Using Artificial Intelligence among medical students: a randomized clinical trial. 6. Alsentzer E, Murphy J, Boag W, et al. Publicly
for the Focused Assessment Sonography for JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(2):e2149008-e2149008. Available Clinical BERT Embeddings. Proceedings of
Trauma ("FAST") Examination for Trauma Care doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.49008 the 2nd Clinical Natural Language Processing
pending University of California, San Francisco hold 2. Goodman ED, Patel KK, Zhang Y, et al. Workshop. Published online June 2019. doi:10.
patent, and grants from GE Healthcare, National A real-time spatiotemporal AI model analyzes skill 18653/v1/W19-1909
Institutes of Health, Philips Health Care to their in open surgical videos. arXiv. Published online 7. Naik N, Hameed BMZ, Shetty DK, et al. Legal and
institution. Some of the work described in this December 14, 2021. ethical consideration in artificial intelligence in
Viewpoint is supported by grant 1R01HS027417 healthcare: who takes responsibility? Front Surg.
from the AHRQ. No other disclosures were 3. Ward TM, Mascagni P, Ban Y, et al. Computer
vision in surgery. Surgery. 2021;169(5):1253-1256. 2022;9:862322. doi:10.3389/fsurg.2022.862322

338 JAMA Surgery April 2023 Volume 158, Number 4 (Reprinted)

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