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Integrating Predictive Analytics Into High-Value Care
The Dawn of Precision Delivery
Ravi B. Parikh, MD, U n ite d S tates h e a lth care costs are tw ice as high as els around clinical issues, such as acute intensive care unit
MPP spending in m ost industrialized countries. One key o p ­ decompensation and hospital readmissions.1
Department of p o rtu n ity fo r health systems to im prove value is by lim ­ As organizations like Am azon and Am erican A ir­
Medicine, Brigham
itin g overuse o f costly resources, in pa rt by focusing lines have shown, however, developm ent o f these m od­
and Women's
Hospital, Boston, these resources tow ard high-risk patient groups.1Some els is only a firs t step. Few health systems currently use
Massachusetts; and health systems have been using retrospective claims data predictive analytics at scale to influence health care de­
Harvard Medical or o ther approaches, like the Framingham risk model, to livery. Health systems m ust id e n tify strategies to im ple­
School, Boston,
identify high-risk individuals. However, most systems to ­ m ent predictive risk algorithm s into clinical practice.
day are doing little in the way o f risk stratification, and
Meetali Kakad, MD. physicians o fte n fin d it d iffic u lt to apply these charac­ U sing P re d ic tiv e A n a ly tic s t o Focus In te n s ity
MPH terizations o f risk to th e care o f an individual patient. o f S ervices Across th e Care C o n tin u u m
Department of
Electronic health records (EHRs) have held the prom ­ Acute Care
Medicine, Brigham
and Women's ise o f allow ing clinicians and health systems to d e ter­ Antibiotic overuse predisposes patients to adverse events
Hospital, Boston, m ine an in d ividual's real-tim e risk o f a clinical event and resistant infections, the treatm ent o f which results in
Massachusetts; and through predictive analytics. The use o f EHRs is becom­ significant health care costs in the United States. Kaiser
Harvard Medical
ing ubiquitous in the United States. This sea change can Permanente o f Northern California (KPNC), an integrated
School, Boston,
Massachusetts. be linked w ith advances in big data techniques and com ­ health service organization, has used predictive analytics
puterized decision support to transform health care de­ to reduce antibiotic overuse in neonates. KPNC used ma­
David W. Bates, MD, livery. Just as "precision medicine" is generally linked to ternal health data from more than 6 0 0 0 0 0 live births to
MSc the concept o f using genetic and genomic data to per­ determ ine the probability o f early-onset neonatal sepsis
Department of
sonalize treatments, "precision delivery" involves using an in nonpremature infants prior to birth. These data were in­
Medicine, Brigham
and Women's individual's electronic health data to predict risk and per­ tegrated w ith objective clinical data from the newborn at
Hospital, Boston, sonalize care to substantially improve value. In this View­ birth to assess the probability o f sepsis by categorizing
Massachusetts; and
point, we make the case for precision delivery by describ­ newborns as at low, medium, or high risk o f sepsis. KPNC
Harvard Medical
School, Boston, ing how some health systems are beginningto successfully obstetricians and neonatologists then used this score to
Massachusetts. im plem ent analytics into practice and discussing future determine whether to administer antibiotics.3After imple­
directions for using predictive analytics to improve value. mentation o f this algorithm, use o f systemic antibiotics in
the neonatal period among newborns o f 34 weeks or more
Lessons F rom O th e r Fields gestation was estimated to decrease by 33% to 60% , and
O ther industries have successfully used predictive ana­ up to an estimated 250 0 0 0 newborns nationally could
lytics to ta ilo r service delivery in real tim e. Familiar ex­ potentially be spared antibiotics at birth annually.3
amples include Amazon's product recommendation sys­
tem fo r online shopping based on an individual's prior Postdischarge Care
purchases, and American Airlines' ticke t pricing system Hospital readmissions represent an im p orta n t driver o f
based on prior customer purchasingtrends. Sports teams spending, w ith all-cause 30-day readmissions costing
like the Oakland Athletics have relied heavily on analyt­ the US health system more than $41 billion annually, and
ics to select player rosters, o u tp e rfo rm in g exp e cta ­ thus are a major quality indicator fo r health systems.4
tions despite having a much smaller payroll than other Parkland Health and H ospital System used an a lg o ­
teams. These organizations use large am ounts o f data rithm based on 29 clinical, social, behavioral, and u tili­
and sophisticated machine learning algorithm s to meet zation factors available w ith in 24 hours o f admission
consumer and organizational needs. to p re d ict risk o f readmission fo r patients w ith heart
In health care, predictive analytics offers an a u to ­ failure.5 In a prospective study, 228 patients w ith heart
mated means to forecast future health outcomes for in­ failure deemed at high risk o f 3 0 -d a y readmission re­
Corresponding dividuals or populations based on algorithms derived from ceived targeted evidence-based interventions includ­
Author: David W. historical patient data. Some smartphone apps have suc­ ing (1) detailed patient education by a m ultidisciplinary
Bates, MD, MSc,
cessfully applied predictive analytics to influence health team in clu d in g a pharm acist, n u tritio n is t, and case
Brigham and
Women's Hospital, care;, fo r example, uses analytics based on cell manager; (2) follow -up telephone calls w ith in 4 8 hours
1620Tremont St, phone data to identify patients at risk fo r depression cri­ to ensure m edication adherence; (3) o u tpa tie n t heart
Boston, MA 02120 ses, cueing physicians and caregivers to intervene.2 As fa ilu re sp e cia list a p p o in tm e n ts w ith in 7 days; and
m ore ele ctro n ic health data becom e available, some (4) a prim ary care a p p ointm e n t scheduled according
health systems have begun to develop predictive m od­ to th e urgency o f noncardiac issues. Compared w ith JAMA February 16,2016 Volume 315, Number 7 651

Opinion View point

8 3 4 patients enrolled in the study prior to intervention, there was Organizations th a ta im fo r precision delivery o f care will need sev­
a 26% relative reduction in risk-adjusted odds o f readmission among eral key pieces o f infrastructure. First, they will need an integrated EHR
913 patients w ith heart failure enrolled in th e postintervention pe­ infrastructure and access to long-term data, like the VHA CDW, on
riod (26% vs 21% 30-day readmission rates).5 which to base predictive algorithms. Second, they w ill need robust,
responsive tools to address suggestions and improve clinicians' work-
Serious Illness flo w w ithin clinical systems. Third, outputs o f the algorithms will need
The Veterans Health Adm inistration (VHA) applied analytics to im ­ to be actionable and p ro m p t prespecified, evidence-based a ctivi­
prove quality o f care for serious illness by creating its Corporate Data ties, similar to the KPNC antibiotic guidelines. Fourth, predictive al­
Warehouse (CDW), a repository fo r patient-level data aggregated gorithm s w ill need to be flexible enough to quickly adjust fo r real­
from across th e VHA, in 2 0 0 6 .6 The CDW was used to calculate risk tim e patient data, as th e Parkland readmission m odel does. Such
scores predicting hospitalization and death fo r VHA's prim ary care iteration allows fo r flexible ''dosing1'o f services across the continuum
population, based on variables including demographics, vital signs, o f care, w ith intensity geared up and down as the need requires.
laboratory results, and prior utilization. Accessed 3 0 0 0 to 4 0 0 0 Some health professionals have raised concerns about the ap­
tim es m onthly by more than 1200 clinicians, these scores are w idely plication o f predictive analytics, n o t th e least o f which is the per­
used in practice. Nurse care managers used these scores to guide ceived dim inution o f the role o f the physician in managing clinical
services, including end-of-life and palliative care, delivered by m ul­ uncertainty.8 Other concerns include protection o f patient privacy,
tidisciplinary patient-aligned care teams (PACTs) to high-risk indi­ d im in ish m e n t o f p a tie n t preferences, and inadequate m edical
viduals. Compared w ith 87 practices w ith the lowest im plem enta­ training.9 Health professionals had similar hesitations more than a
tion o f PACTs, the 77 practices w ith highest PACT im plem entation decade ago when considering im plem enting EHRs. However, algo­
demonstrated a 17% reduction in hospitalizations (4.42 vs 3.68 quar­ rithm s routinely outperform practitioners' clinical in tuition w ith o u t
te rly admissions per 1 0 0 0 veterans) fo r am bulatory care-sensitive decision support. Algorithm s also may enhance th e quality o f inter­
conditions and a 27% reduction in emergency d e partm ent visits action between physicians and p a tie n ts-fo r example, machine learn­
(188 vs 245 visits per 1 0 0 0 patients) over a 7-m onth period.7 ing algorithms based on retrospective data can provide survival pro­
jections th a t may help inform discussions regarding end-of-life care
Future Directions fo r patients w ith advanced cancer. However, physicians will still need
These organizations are examples o f health systems th a t apply pre­ to exercise clinical judgm ent, and w ith appropriate training can com ­
dictive analytics to im prove value fo r high-risk patient groups. Un­ bine new insights learned from predictive analytics alongside pa­
der accountable care, successful organizations will use a broad ar­ tie n t preferences to make higher-value trea tm e nt decisions.
ray o f tools to predict im p o rta n t outcom es, including to id e n tify The tim e fo r precision delivery is now. W ith th e advent o f ac­
patients likely to require expensive care, be readm itted, or experi­ countable care, th e health care organizations th a t succeed w ill be
ence a specific type o f adverse event.1 However, ju st as im portant those th a t deliver high value. Perhaps th e m ost im portant step to
as prediction is how the predictions are integrated w ith clinical sys­ improving value will be implementing clinical analytics in routine care.
tem s to help physicians and o th er health care professionals make Organizations th a t adapt by integrating these tools may do better
decisions and track real-tim e quality. both clinically and financially going forward.

ARTICLE INFORMATION Funding/Support: Dr Kakad is funded by The newborns s 34 weeks' gestation. Pediatrics. 2014;
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: All authors have Commonwealth Fund and the Research Council of 133(1):30-36.
completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Norway under the Norwegian Harkness Fellowship 4. Hines AL, Barrett ML, Jiang J, Steiner CA.
Disclosure o f Potential Conflicts o f Interest. in Health Care Policy and Practice.
Conditions With the Largest Number o f Adult
Dr Bates reported receiving equity from Intensix, Role of the Funder/Sponsor: The funders had no Hospital Admissions by Payer, 2011. https://w w w
which makes software to support clinical role in neither design and conduct o f the study;
decision-making in intensive care; being named as collection, management, analysis, and -Conditions-Readmissions-Payer.jsp. April 2014.
coinventor on patent No. 6029138 held by Brigham interpretation o f the data; preparation, review, or Accessed December 22,2015.
and Women's Hospital on the use o f decision approval o f the manuscript; nor decision to submit
5. Amarasingham R, Patel PC, Toto K, et al.
support software for medical management, the manuscript fo r publication.
Allocating scarce resources in real-time to reduce
licensed to the Medicalis Corporation, and holding a
Disclaimer: The authors have no commercial or heart failure readmissions: a prospective, controlled
m inority equity position in Medicalis, which
financial ties to any o f the organizations or study. BMJ QualSaf. 2013;22(12):998-1005.
develops web-based decision support for radiology companies mentioned in this manuscript.
test ordering; serving on the clinical advisory board 6. Fihn SD, Francis J, Clancy C, e t al. Insights from
fo r Zynx Inc, which develops evidence-based advanced analytics at the Veterans Health
REFERENCES Administration. Health A ff (Millwood). 2014:33(7):
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652 JAMA February 16,2016 Volume 315, Number 7

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