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ECRIF From Accuracy to

© 2022 by World Learning. ECRIF From Accuracy to Fluency for the SIT TESOL Certificate program. This material is
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Fluency Handout
Activity 1
Sorting Activities from Controlled- to Free-Practice

Now that you’ve encountered and clarified some activities, take a look at these activities related to jobs.
What type of speaking activity is described? How controlled or free is it? During what stage of ECRIF
would you find it?

Cont. = controlled / Freer / Free

E = Encounter

C = Clarify

R= Remember

I = Internalize

F= Fluent Use

Task Type Activity related to “Jobs” ECRIF

1 Put the list of jobs into four groups. Decide what each Cont. C/R
group should be called.

2 Twenty questions. One student picks a job from the list,

but doesn't tell the other students. The other students
should try to guess the job, but can only ask “yes/no”

3 Choose two jobs from the list that you’d most enjoy doing
and two jobs that you’d least enjoy doing. Discuss your
reasons with your partner.

4 Put the following sentences in order and explain why. Try

changing the order:
John was fired. / John got depressed. / John’s boss yelled
at him. / John started a new job. / John started goofing off
at work. / John thought about quitting. / Other employees
talked about John behind his back.
5 Write one sentence using each of the new feeling
vocabulary words.

6 Look at the picture of Susan who is a teacher. What do
you think happened before this?

7 Design the perfect language school. Imagine there are 10

teachers and 300 students. Don’t worry about money!

8 Talk to your partner and find out what job you think s/he
would like the most. You cannot ask them directly, “What
job do you like the most?”

9 Role-play with your partner: Maria is a 22-year-old student

from Brazil studying English is San Francisco. She can’t
speak English very well and needs to get a job. She’s
worried about finding something that lets her be creative.
You are her friend and want to give her some ideas.
10 Fill in the blanks with the correct conjugation of the main

11 Choose two jobs and find similarities between them.

Doctor, teacher, lawyer, delivery driver, computer
programmer, factory worker, hair stylist, salesperson

11 Role A. You’re a 14th generation potter and want your

only son to continue the family tradition.

Role B. You’re the son of a 14th generation potter, but you

want to be a teacher. Talk to your father. You need
money to pay for college.

12 Label pictures with the correct clothing vocabulary

Activity 2
Characteristics of Speaking Tasks

How can you describe the characteristics of tasks for each stage of ECRIF. Label each stage with the
appropriate characteristics. You can use each characteristic more than once.

A. Lots of possible answers

B. Maybe just one possible answer
C. Focus on specific language items
D. More room for creativity
E. Might focus on specific language items
F. Focus on fluency
G. Less room for creativity
H. Focus on accuracy
I. Has a context




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