Social Studies Week 2

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1. Do the reading, write in front of each sentence if it is false or true.

What is the Independence of Colombia?

The Independence of Colombia was the civil and military process that took place between
1810 and 1819 through which the inhabitants of the Viceroyalty of New Granada (consisting of
Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Panama and Guyana) achieved their autonomy from the
Spanish crown.
In what year was the Independence of Colombia?
The official history tells that the Independence of Colombia occurred on August 7, 1819. Well,
it was in the Battle of the Boyacá Bridge where the army of Simón Bolívar defeated the Royalist
Army to finally be expelled from the Viceroyalty of New Granada.
• The Independence of Colombia happened between 1810 and 1819 ____________
• This fight was only in Colombia_____________
• The Independence of Colombia occurred on August 7, 1819 __________
• This happened in Bogota Capital District ____________
2. Make a drawing that represents the independence of Colombia.

3. The woman who appears in the following image is called _________________________

4. Circle the correct answer:

• How long did the liberation process of Colombia last?

a. 4 years
b. 7 years
c. 9 years
d. 10 years
• When did the independence of Colombia begin?
a. July 20th
b. October 31st
c. August 11
d. March 7
5. Select the main character of the independence of Colombia

6. Research and write in English the Biography of Simon Bolivar.

7. Look at the map, circle where Colombia is located.

8. Order the syllables and discover the names of some of the countries that Simón
Bolívar liberated

dorecua zuelaneve

rupe lombiaco

9. Search the word search for words that are related to what happened in the
independence of Colombia

10. Complete the sentences correctly :

• The war of independence was waged to free __________________ and other countries.

• The first president of Spain was _______________________________________

• Before Colombia was called __________________________________________

11. Circle the values that were given after the independence of Colombia

Peace coldness freedom respect

ego love envy acceptance

12. The national symbols of Colombia are:
13. Look at the picture, describe what happened.

14. write two important historical events in Colombia.

15. Write in your own words the summary of the independence of Colombia.

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