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Q4:fit a second degree curve y=a+bx+cx^2to the following data relating to

profit of a certain company

year 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988
production 125 140 165 195 230

X u=x-1984 u^2 y
1980 -4 16 125 0.803571 13.25 164.5714286
1982 -2 4 140 c' b' a'
1984 0 0 165
1986 2 4 195 y=164.57+13.25*u+0.8035*u^2
1988 4 16 230 y=164.57+13.25*(x-1984)+0.8035*(x-1984)^2
Estimate value 407.5435

by method 2
X u=X-1984 y
1980 -4 125
1982 -2 140
1984 0 165
1986 2 195
1988 4 230


f(x) = 0.80357143 x² + 13.25 x + 164.571429





-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Q5:fit a second degree curve y=a+bx+cx^2to the following data taking x as independent variable

X x^2 y
1 1 2.3 1.192857 -1.1 2.385714
2 4 5.2 c' b' a'
3 9 9.7
4 16 16.5
5 25 29.4
6 36 35.4
7 49 54.4

by method 2
X y 60
1 2.3
2 5.2
f(x) = 1.19286 x² − 1.1 x + 2.38571
3 9.7 40
4 16.5
5 29.4 30
6 35.4
7 54.4 20


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

x Y U=logy
2 144 2.158362
3 172.8 2.237544
4 207.4 2.316809
5 248.8 2.39585
6 298.6 2.47509
0.07917613 2.000027

b a
1.19998585 100.0061

x Y U=logy
2 8.3 0.919078
3 15.4 1.187521
4 33.1 1.519828
5 65.2 1.814248
6 127.4 2.105169

0.29989095 0.309605 y=ab^x
x=4.8 56.11533
b a x=5.2 73.96698
1.99476139 2.039882 x=6.5 181.5082

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