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Type specimens of South East Asian Adoliadini (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) in

the Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden, The Netherlands.

Article · October 2016

DOI: 10.18984/lepid.67.2_67


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2 authors:

Eulalia Gasso Miracle Takashi Yokochi


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蝶と蛾 Lepidoptera Science 67(2): 67-88, October 2016

Type specimens of South East Asian Adoliadini(Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)in the Naturalis Biodiversity Center,
Leiden, The Netherlands
M. E. Gassó Miracle and T. Yokochi
M. Eulàlia Gassó Miracle, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, P.O. Box 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands i
Takashi Yokochi, 1-10-26, Shonan, Owariasahi, Aichi, 488-0823, Japanii

Abstract We report a total of 46 type specimens belonging to 28 taxa of South East Asian Adoliadini(Nymphalidae,
Lepidoptera)preserved in the Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden. The species and subspecies discussed here are
currently assigned to the genera Tanaecia, Euthalia, Cynitia and Lexias. Amongst the specimens examined there are
40 primary types and 6 secondary types, as well as 5 specimens of additional material. We examined the following
material: fourteen taxa described by Snellen van Vollenhoven [Agnis, apicalis, Apsarasa, bipunctata, Blumei,
clathrata, Diardi, Gandarva, Indras, Ludekingii, octogesima, Pardalis, Surjas, and Varuna]; two taxa by Snellen
[vordermani and immaculata]; three taxa by Fruhstorfer [bangkana, ritsemae and stictica]; three taxa by Tsukada
[candidatus, mulsus and siluvanus]; two taxa by Van Eecke [picta and dammermani]; one taxon by Jurriaanse
[satellita]; one taxon by Jurriaanse & Volbeda [baliensis]; one taxon by Toxopeus [roepkei] and one taxon by Wegner
[interrupta]. We provide the original combination of genus and species name, combinations under which the original
name has been cited in the literature, description of the type material, type locality, comments on the type material, its
history, and its current name, as well as figures of the type specimens. Data of the types has been verified by
examination of the specimens and the original literature. When necessary, comments on taxonomy are added,
taxonomic and nomenclatural changes are indicated accordingly. Two lectotypes are designated in order to stabilise
the nomenclature. A new subspecies, Euthalia(Euthalia)mahadeva eeckei, is described.

Keywords Adoliadini, Cynitia, Euthalia, lectotype designation, Lepidoptera, Lexias, new subspecies, Nymphalidae,
synonymy, Tanaecia, taxonomy, types.

Introduction et al. 1997, Ueda et al. 2000, Hoogmoed et al. 2010) . The
butterflies of the Adoliadini tribe received the attention of
In 2010, three Dutch natural history collections were bundled
Samuel Constant Snellen van Vollenhoven(1816-1880)and
together to form the Naturalis Biodiversity Center Leiden
Rudolf van Eecke(1886-1975), both curators at the RMNH, as
(NBC), the Netherlands. These collections were until then
well as that of other entomologists who visited or were otherwise
managed by three different institutes: the Nationaal
connected to the Leiden museum. Their study resulted in the
Natuurhistorisch Museum(formerly Rijksmuseum van
description of several new species and subspecies.
Natuurlijke Historie, RMNH) , the Nationaal Herbarium
Nederland(NHN)and the Zoölogisch Museum Amsterdam Carl Ludwig Blume, physician, botanist, and Director of s
(ZMA). The collection of the RMNH accomodated a large Lands Plantentuin in Buitenzorg(nowadays the Bogor Botanical
South East Asian butterfly collection, rich in type specimens. Garden)between 1822 and 1826, gathered large collections of
During the Dutch colonial period of the 19 th century many plants and animals in Java. Blume himself never collected
specimens were collected and shipped back to Leiden. The outside Java, but he did receive specimens collected by members
collections made by members of the Natuurkundige Commissie of the Natuurkundige Commissie in other parts of the colonies
(1820-1850), like Salomon Müller and Pierre-Médard Diard, (Van Steenis-Kruseman 1950: 64) . He sent the zoological
are particularly important. The Commission was specially specimens to the Leiden museum and kept the plants in Bogor
appointed to explore the natural riches of the Dutch colonies. for the Botanical Garden(Smit 1979: 9). A shipment of natural
The collections of Carl Ludwig Ritter von Blume(1796-1862) history specimens arrived in Leiden in 1828, including 100,000
and the Japanese collection of Philipp Franz von Siebold(1796- insects from Java, according to a list kept in the Naturalis
1866)are also preserved in the NBC(see for example, Fransen archives. Apparently, Blume offered in 1838 a collection of
Bornean specimens for sale for fl. 12, 000 to the RMNH, a sum
too large for the museum(Gijzen 1938 : 100). We did not find,
records that indicate whether the purchase actually happened.
68 M. E. Gassó Miracle and T. Yokochi

Once in Leiden, the insects were labelled with round labels with (Barendrecht 1957) . The Latin descriptions of the new species
the available information at that time. Most of the labels only were published again in the Verslagen en Mededelingen KNAW,
have Blume Java or Diard Borneo written on them. without any alteration or extra text, and without the illustrations
Unfortunately, there was some confusion regarding the insects (Snellen van Vollenhoven 1862 b). Krikken et al.(1981: 262)
send to Leiden by Blume. We have found that several specimens referred to the Verslagen and Mededelingen KNAW as the
bear a label reading Blume Java , although these species only original publication for the new species of Adolias described by
occur in Borneo. We might not be able to pinpoint the source of Snellen van Vollenhoven in 1862. The first publication, however,
this error, but it is very likely that the Entomology staff in Leiden is the one that appeared in volume 5 of the Tijdschrift voor
regarded all specimens from a shipment from Bogor, sent by Entomologie.
Blume, as originally collected in Java. The labels resulted in
Rudolf van Eecke was Curator of Entomology at the RMNH
erroneous type localities for six of the fourteen species described
between 1916 and 1933. During his appointment he described
by Snellen van Vollenhoven(Blumei, Gandarva, octogesima,
and published new species of Heterocera, Thysanoptera and
Pardalis, Surjas and Varuna). Hans Fruhstorfer already noticed
Lepidoptera(Holthuis 1995). He also took up the task of
this in 1906 : Die Type von surjas Vollenhoven trägt das
cataloguing the entomological collections. As a result, an
Etiquett: Blume, Java, dürfte aber ebenso wie die Type von
extensive handwritten catalogue of the insects in the RMNH
gandara [sic] Voll. varuna und pardalis Voll. aus dem südlichen
collection up to 1930 is now preserved in the archives
Borneo stammen. [The Type of surjas Vollenhoven bears the
of Naturalis. During this inventory each specimen received an
label: Blume, Java but, like the Type of gandara [sic] Voll.,
identification label and a label with a catalogue number( Cat.
varuna and pardalis Voll., it could very well be from Southern
No. , numeration started with 1 for every new species or
Borneo.](Fruhstorfer 1906a: 52) .
subspecies, that is, the specimens did not receive unique
Samuel C. Snellen van Vollenhoven was appointed curator at the numbers) . Each entry corresponds to a species or subspecies,
RMNH in 1854 and worked in the collection until 1873(for his according to the taxonomy of the time, and it gives detailed
biography, bibliography and a list of taxa described by Snellen information on each specimen: drawer number, label data, sex
van Vollenhoven see Krikken et al. 1981). Among many other and its catalogue number. We have consulted this RMNH
things, he published two works on the genus Adolias, both in catalogue during the search for type specimens, the verification
1862, the same year Blume died. These two articles, in which of their status and when we suspected mislabelling might have
Snellen van Vollenhoven described fourteen new taxa, have been occurred after 1930.
very important references for the study of Adoliadini
We report here one taxon only described by L.J. Toxopeus but
classification. The first work to appear was published in the
his work on Adoliadini deserves special attention. Lambertus
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie(Snellen van Vollenhoven 1862a).
Johannes Toxopeus(1894-1951), a Dutch entomologist
It was a revision of Moore s Monograph of the Genus Adolias
specialized in Lycaenidae and Hesperiidae, worked as a
(Moore 1859) . Snellen van Vollenhoven first presented his
professor at the Universities of Batavia and Bandung(now the
revision to the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van
Universitas Indonesia)after WWII(see Roepke 1952, for a
Wetenschappen(KNAW)in March 1861 for its publication in
short biography and bibliography). Before his death in 1951 by
their proceedings. In January 21 st, 1862, however, Snellen van
a tragic motor accident, Toxopeus visited the entomological
Vollenhoven wrote a letter to the directors of the KNAW in
collections of Leiden and Wageningen in 1949. He worked on
which he explained his wish to publish this revision as soon as
several groups that had caught his attention, including some
possible. He felt such a pressure to publish because the British
Nymphalid genera. He planned to describe several new species
were quickly making progress studying specimens collected by
and subspecies, and he attached handwritten labels with
Alfred R. Wallace in South East Asia. As the proceedings of the
manuscript names to the specimens, often with their intended
KNAW were not ready yet for publication, Snellen van
type status. He also rearranged the collections according to his
Vollenhoven suggested to the Chairman to publish his work on
conclusions. Toxopeus was not able to finish his work, leaving
Adolias in the Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, ready to appear in
behind drawers with his temporary arrangements and many
the summer of 1862, and that the diagnostic characters of the
specimens labelled with manuscript names. This has proved to
fourteen new species he described were published afterwards in
be problematic on several occasions, especially because some of
the proceedings of the KNAW(1862: 263-264) . The Chairman
the intended types of Toxopeus received at some point a printed
agreed and in the March meeting it was decided to return his
red type label, even though the names were never published.
essay to Mr. Snellen van Volllenhoven. (KNAW 1862: 268). In
Amongst the specimens Toxopeus worked on before his death
1862 Snellen van Vollenhoven s work was first published in the
were males originally described in 1862 by Snellen van
fifth volume of Tijdschrift voor Entomologie with the description
Vollenhoven as Adolias Blumei and Adolias Diardi . Roepke
of fourteen new species in Latin, comments in Dutch and four
writes: Dr. T. seemed to be vividly interested in the species of
coloured plates. It appeared after the 5 th of July 1862
the blumeï-group [sic] and he looked carefully at several ♂♂ in
Type specimens of South East Asian Adoliadini 69

our collection [Wageningen University], chiefly from Sumatra. made on the type specimen s locality, identity or type status. The
In the Leyden Museum he arranged the numerous specimens references list might not be exhaustive.
provisionally, leaving notes. (Roepke 1952: 18). The
Under Type material we list the type specimens and their type
handwritten labels of Toxopeus, including type designations of
status. The labels attached to the specimens are referred to here
unpublished names, are still attached to the specimens for
in the sequence they appear from top to bottom. The information
curatorial and historical reasons; Appendix II gives a list of his
on the labels is given verbatim within quotation marks. Separate
manuscript names found in the RMNH collection of Adoliadini.
labels of the same specimen are indicated by / . For the sake of
The collection of J.H. Jurriaanse has been in Leiden since 1928, clarity, additions to the original labels, like full names of
after two years of arduous negotiations to meet Jurriaanse s abbreviated localities and collectors names, are provided in
conditions to the accession. Jan Hendrik Jurriaanse(1867-1940) square brackets. Translations from Dutch and German into
was a Dutch dealer who supplied entomological specimens to English are also given in square brackets where necessary. All
different collectors and institutions(Harvey et al. 1996: 116) . types housed in NBC have been provided with a unique
His private collection, originally kept in Rotterdam, consisted of identification number, preceded by the prefix RMNH.INS. for
more than 40,000 specimens of ca. 4,500 species, preserved in future reference. The information on the labels is followed by
little more than 800 drawers. It contained many type specimens, the length of the forewing(LFW)in millimetres and the figure
most of them of taxa described by himself. Jurriaanse would numbers for each specimen.
donate his collection to the Leiden Museum if, and only if, his
Under Additional material we list specimens excluded from
collection would never be used for educational purposes and if
the type series, as well as specimens that are labelled as types or
one more curator of Entomology was appointed. This last
original of the illustration but that our research proved to have
demand seemed to be a problem. The extra curator position was
been mislabelled. When mislabelling and/or shifting of labels
never realized. Finally, in 1928 the director of the RMNH, E.D.
has been detected, none of these labels have been interchanged
van Oort, succeeded in acquring the Jurriaanse collection
or removed, but the mistake is indicated under the Comments
(Holthuis 1995: 111-115). The types of two Adoliadini
described by Jurriaanse, one together with J. Lindemans and one
with G. Volbeda, are kept in Naturalis. The type locality(TL)is quoted from the original labels
attached to the type specimen. Modern equivalents for countries
Materials and methods are provided in square brackets. Additional data from the
original publication as well as any inconsistencies between
The material examined here was originally part of the collections labels, publications and/or the geographical range of the taxa are
J.H. Jurriaanse, P.C.T. Snellen, E.J. Nieuwenhuis and the former discussed under Comments .
RMNH, all now preserved in the NBC collection in Leiden
(Gijzen 1938). Appendix I gives a summary of the nominal and The heading Comments gives additional information on the
current names, type specimens and their type status in the specimens, the type localities, the missing types and taxonomical
RMNH collection. remarks. Taxonomical discussion and lectotype designations
result from the examination of the type material, of
The type specimens were identified by their labels and by the authoritatively identified specimens, and of the original
descriptions and figures in the original publication. descriptions and figures in the literature.
Discrepancies between the number of specimens originally
reported and those found at this time are noted under In the Current name section we give the present combination of
Comments ; missing types are indicated as such. In some cases the original name. New synonymies are the result of ongoing
the original combination was written with a capitalized species studies on the Adoliadini of South East Asia by Takashi Yokochi
name(for example, Adolias Blumei). When quoting the author, (e.g. Yokochi 1999 & 2010; Yokochi & Matsuda 1999, Yokochi,
the original spelling is retained, otherwise the species name is 2016) . In this paper we follow the resolution taken by the
written without the first capital letter. The taxa discussed here are Societas Europaea Lepideptorologica regarding the use of
listed alphabetically by the original name(the species, species names as published in the original publication without
subspecies or forma described) , each entry given by the original changing them to agree in gender with the genus name
combination of genus and species, or genus, species and (Sommerer 2002: 202).
subspecies, author name and year of publication. It is followed
by a references list in smaller font, starting with the reference of NYMPHALIDAE
the original description with plates and figure numbers. Other Limenitidinae
references in this list concern publications that propose a new Adoliadini
combination for the taxon and that specifically mention the
Adolias agnis Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862
original description, as well as publications where remarks are
70 M. E. Gassó Miracle and T. Yokochi

Adolias Agnis Snellen van Vollenhoven 1862a, Tijdschr. Ent. 5: 202, Current name: Euthalia(Euthalia)agnis agnis(Snellen van
pl. 12, fig. 2. Vollenhoven, 1862).
Adolias Agnis, Snellen van Vollenhoven 1862 b, Versl. Meded. K.
Adolias apicalis Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862
Acad. Wet. Natuurk. 13: 273.
Euthalia agnis; Moore [1896], Lep. Indica V. 3: 13; Fruhstorfer 1894, Adolias apicalis Snellen van Vollenhoven 1862a, Tijdschr. Ent. 5: 186,
Ent. Nachr. 20(3): 44 ; De Nicéville & Martin 1895, J. Asiatic Soc. pl. 10, fig. 1.
Bengal 64(3): 425 ; Corbet & Pendelbury 1992, Butterflies Malay Adolias apicalis, Snellen van Vollenhoven 1862 b, Versl. Meded. K.
Penins.: 408. Acad. Wet. Natuurk. 13: 270.
Euthalia agnis agnis; Fruhstorfer 1913, in Seitz s Gross-Schmett. 9 : Euthalia parta; Distant 1886, Rhop. Malayana, App.: 437, pl. 37, fig. 7.
672; Tsukada 1991, Butterflies S.E. Asian Isl. V(II): 418. Euthalia apicalis; Moore [1898], Lep. Indica V. 3: 125, pl. 239, fig. 1;
Euthalia(Euthalia)agnis agnis; D Abrera 1985, Butterflies Or. Reg. Fruhstorfer 1899, Berl. Ent. Z. 44: 138.
(II): 357; Yokochi & Matsuda 1999, Trans. Lepid. Soc. Japan 50(1): Euthalia merta apicalis; Frustorfer 1913, in Seitz s Gross-Schmett. 9:
27. 671 ; D Abrera 1985, Butterflies Or. Reg.(II) : 358 ; Tsukada 1991,
Butterflies SE Asian Isl. V(II): 412.
Type material. Syntype: 1♀, RMNH.INS.384269, Blume Java /
Museum Leiden E. agnis agnis Voll. [Snellen van Vollenhoven] Type material. Holotype: ♂, RMNH.INS.384258, Diard
Det: / Cat. No. 5 / Naturalis Biodiversity Center SYNTYPE ♀ Borneo / Naturalis Biodiversity Center HOLOTYPE ♂ Adolias
Adolias Agnis Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862 Tijdschr. Ent. 5 : apicalis Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862 Tijdschr. Ent. 5 : 186,
202, pl.12, f. 2 / RMNH.INS.384269 . LFW: 33 mm.(Figs. 1-2) pl.10, f. 1 / RMNH.INS.384258 . LFW 30.5 mm.(Figs. 7-8)
TL: Java. TL: Borneo.
Possible syntypes: 1♀, RMNH.INS.384270, Museum Leiden E.
agnis agnis Voll. [Snellen van Vollenhoven] Det: / Cat. No. 6 /
Snellen van Vollenhoven described Adolias apicalis based on a
Naturalis Biodiversity Center SYNTYPE? ♀ Adolias Agnis
male collected by Pierre-Médard Diard in Borneo. The specimen
Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862 Tijdschr. Ent. 5: 202, pl.12, f. 2 /
RMNH.INS.384258 is the only one in the apicalis group in the
RMNH.INS.384270 (Figs.
. 3-4)
RMHN collection with a label of Diard Borneo and it matches
1♀, RMNH.INS.384271, Museum Leiden E. agnis agnis Voll.
the figured specimen, so it is certainly the holotype.
[Snellen van Vollenhoven] Det: / Cat. No. 7 / Naturalis
Biodiversity Center SYNTYPE? ♀ Adolias Agnis Snellen van Current name: Euthalia(Euthalia)merta apicalis(Snellen van
Vollenhoven, 1862 Tijdschr. Ent. 5 : 202, pl. 12, f. 2 / RMNH. Vollenhoven, 1862).
INS.384271 .(Figs. 5-6) Adolias apsarasa Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862
Additional material. 1♀, RMNH.INS. 384272, W. Java Maga  dolias Apsarasa Snellen van Vollenhoven 1862 a, Tijdschr. Ent. 5 :
Mandoeng 4, 000 ft 1894 ♀ / Museum Leiden E. agnis agnis 198, pl. 11, fig. 3.
Voll. [Snellen van Vollenhoven] Det: / Cat. No. 8 / origineel der Adolias Apsarasa, Snellen van Vollenhoven 1862b, Versl. Meded. K.
afb[eelding]. [original of the illustration]/ RMNH.INS.384272 . Acad. Wet. Natuurk. 13: 272.
Comments Tanaecia apsarasa; Moore [ 1897 ], Lep. Indica V. 3: 84; Fruhstorfer
Snellen van Vollenhoven described Adolias Agnis from three 1899, Berl. Ent. Z. 44: 126, 128; Butler 1901, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.(7)
females sent from Java by C.L. Blume. Four female specimens 8: 358.
are now preserved in Naturalis. The specimen RMNH. Tanaecia aruna apsarasa; Fruhstorfer 1913, in Seitz s Gross-Schmett.
INS.384269 has a label of Blume Java , which indicates it was 9: 655; Tsukada 1991, Butterflies S.E. Asian Isl. V(II): 329.
part of the original type series. The female RMNH.INS.384272
was collected in 1894 according to its original label, therefore it Type material. Holotype: ♂, RMNH.INS.383884, Muller,
does not belong to the type series even though it bears a label Borneo / Adolias apsarasa, Voll. [Snellen van Vollenhoven]
reading origineel der afb.[eelding] [original of the illustration]. type, T.v.E. V. [Tijdschrift voor Entomologie vol. 5 ] p. 198 /
The specimen does not match Snellen van Vollenhoven s Museum Leiden T. aruna apsarasa Voll. Det: vE [van Eecke] /
illustration, so mislabelling occurred at some point. RMNH. Cat. No. 2 / Naturalis Biodiversity Center HOLOTYPE ♂
INS. 384269 is the specimen that most resembles the original Adolias Apsarasa Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862 Tijdschr. Ent.
figure. The other two specimens, RMNH.INS. 384270 and 5: 198, pl. 11, f. 3 / RMNH.INS.383884 . LFW 31 mm.(Figs.
RMNH.INS. 384271, have no locality nor collector s label, fact 9-10)
already recorded in the old RMNH catalogue(Cat. no. 6-7, TL: Borneo.
Zonder local. opgave [Without specified locality]). As these Comments
might have been part of the original type series, we listed them Snellen van Vollenhoven stated that Apsarasa had been
here as possible syntypes. discovered by S. Muller in Borneo . The specimen RMNH.
Type specimens of South East Asian Adoliadini 71

INS.383884 is the only one with a label of Muller, Borneo and, belongs to E. alpheda.
even though the specimen is a bit damaged, it corresponds to the
Current name: Euthalia(Euthalia)alpheda bangkana Fruhstorfer,
figure on plate 11.
Current name: Tanaecia aruna apsarasa(Snellen van
Adolias bipunctata Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862
Vollenhoven, 1862).
Adolias bipunctata Snellen van Vollenhoven 1862a, Tijdschr. Ent. 5:
Euthalia adonia baliensis Jurriaanse & Volbeda, 1924 191, pl. 10, fig. 4.
Adolias bipunctata, Snellen van Vollenhoven 1862b, Versl. Meded. K.
Euthalia adonia baliensis Jurriaanse & Volbeda 1924, Entomologist 5:
Acad. Wet. Natuurk. 13: 271.
Euthalia bipunctata; Distant 1886, Rhop. Malayana, App.: 438, pl.
Euthalia adonia baliensis; Tsukada 1991, Butterflies S.E. Asian Isl. V
43, fig. 3.
(II): 396.
 ora bipunctata; Moore [1897], Lep. Indica V. 3: 110; Fruhstorfer
Type material. Holotype: ♀, RMNH.INS.382756, TYPE / 1899, Berl. Ent. Z. 44 : 124 ; Butler 1901, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.(7)
Euthalia adonia baliensis Jurr[iaanse]. & Volb[eda]. Oct. 1923 / 365.
Bali / Collectie J.H. Jurriaanse Rotterdam / ♀ / Naturalis Nora salia bipunctata f. bipunctata; Fruhstorfer 1906b, Dt. Ent. Z. Iris
Biodiversity Center HOLOTYPE ♀ Euthalia adonia baliensis 19(3): 114, 115.
Jurriaanse & Volbeda, 1924, Entomologist 5 : 10 / RMNH. Euthalia monina indras f. bipunctata; D Abrera 1985, Butterflies Or.
INS.382756 . LFW 36 mm.(Figs. 11-12) Reg.(II): 362.
TL: Bali. E uthalia monina bipunctata; Fruhstorfer 1913, in Seitz s Gross-
Schmett. 9 : 665 ; Tsukada 1991, Butterflies S.E. Asian Isands V(II):
Jurriaanse & Volbeda described baliensis as a subspecies of
Euthalia adonia(Cramer, 1780)based on a female from Bali Type material. Holotype: ♂, RMNH.INS. 384089, Diard
Island. However, examination of the holotype proves the taxon Borneo / Diard Borneo / Museum Leiden E. monina bipunctata
is a junior synonym of Euthalia adonia sapitana Fruhstorfer, Voll. [Snellen van Vollenhoven] Det: vE. [van Eecke] / Cat. No.
1899. 2 / Adolias bipunctata, Voll. type, T.v.E. V. [Tijdschrift voor
Entomologie vol. 5] p. 191. / Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Current name: Euthalia(Euthalia)adonia sapitana Fruhstorfer,
HOLOTYPE ♂ Adolias bipunctata Snellen van Vollenhoven,
1899 syn. nov.
1862 Tijdschr. Ent. 5 : 191, pl. 10, f. 4. / RMNH.INS. 384089 .
Euthalia aconthea bangkana Fruhstorfer, 1906 LFW 27 mm.(Figs. 15-16)
 uthalia aconthea bangkana Fruhstorfer 1906 a, Soc. Ent. 20(19):
E TL: Borneo.
Euthalia alpheda bankana [sic]; Fruhstorfer 1913, in Seitz s Gross-
Schmett. 9: 669.
Snellen van Vollenhoven described bipunctata based on a male
collected by Pierre-Médard Diard in Borneo. The NBC has only
Euthalia alpheda bankana [sic]; D Abrera 1985, Butterflies Or. Reg.
one specimen of bipunctata, RMNH.INS. 384089, with a label
(II): 360; Tsukada 1991, Butterflies S.E. Asian Isands V(II): 423.
reading Diard Borneo . The markings on the figured specimen
Type material. Holotype: ♀, RMNH.INS.384190, v.d. Bosſche and those on RMNH.INS. 384089 are the same, although there
[J.F.R.S. van den Bossche] Banca / Museum Leiden. E. alpheda has been some discoloration of the holotype.
bankana Fruhst[orfer] Det: / Cat. No. 3 / Naturalis Biodiversity
Current name: Euthalia(Euthalia)monina bipunctata(Snellen
Center HOLOTYPE ♀ Euthalia aconthea bangkana Fruhstorfer,
van Vollenhoven, 1862).
1906, Soc. Ent. 20 : 149 / RMNH.INS. 394190 . LFW 39 mm.
(Figs. 13-14) Adolias blumei Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862
TL: Banca [Bangka Island].
Adolias Blumei Snellen van Vollenhoven 1862a, Tijdschr. Ent. 5: 204,
Comments pl. 12, figs. 3, 4.
Fruhstorfer described bangkana as a subspecies of Euthalia Adolias Blumei; Snellen van Vollenhoven 1862 b, Versl. Meded. K.
aconthea(Cramer, 1777)based on a female from Bangka Acad. Wet. Natuurk. 13: 273; Snellen 1890, Tijdschr. Ent. 33: 292.
Island, Type Museum Leyden (Fruhstorfer 1906 a: 149). Euthalia(Felderia)cocytus; De Nicéville & Martin 1895, J. Asiatic
However, he changed the status of this taxon to a subspecies of Soc. Bengal 64(3): 421.
E. alpheda(Godart, 1824)in Seitz s Die Gross-Schmetterlinge Cynitia Blumei; Moore [1897], Lep. Indica V. 3: 99.
der Erde(1913: 669). Tsukada(1991: 423)also treated it as a Tanaecia(Cynitia)blumei; Fruhstorfer 1899, Berl. Ent. Z., 44: 133.
subspecies of E. alpheda without any statements on the Euthalia cocytina; Fruhstorfer 1913, in Seitz s Gross-Schmett. 9: 661.
synonymy. The female specimen in Leiden RMNH.INS.394190 Euthalia cocytina cocytina f. blumei; Van Eecke 1918, Zool. Meded. 4
72 M. E. Gassó Miracle and T. Yokochi

(7): 91. Sumatra. We could not locate the third male specimen labelled
Blume Java in the NBC collection. Therefore, we consider one
Type material. Syntypes: 1♂, RMNH.INS. 722490, Ludeking
of the four syntypes missing. Examination of the remaining
Sumatra. / Museum Leiden E. cocytina blumei Voll. [Snellen
syntypes proves blumei is a synonym of cocytina.
van Vollenhoven] Det: vE. [Van Eecke] / Cat. No. 12. / ♂
Cynitia halcyon Tox [opeus]. HOLOTYPE.(? x ♂ ludekingii The names Cynitia halcyon Toxopeus and magnolia udara
Voll.)/ Naturalis Biodiversity Center SYNTYPE ♂ Adolias Toxopeus on the labels of respectively RMNH.INS.722490 and
Blumei Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862 Tijdschr. Ent. 5: 204, pl. RMNH.INS.722492 are both manuscript names that actually
12, f. 3-4. / RMNH.INS.722490 . LFW: 33 mm.(Figs. 17-18) never were published(see Appendix II).
1♂, RMNH.INS.722491, Blume Java. / Museum Leiden E.
Current name: Cynitia cocytina cocytina(Horsfield, 1829)syn.
cocytina diardi Voll. [Snellen van Vollenhoven] Det: vE. [Van
Eecke] / Cat. No. 10 / Cynitia cocytina blumei(Voll.)♂ Det.
Tox [opeus]. 1949 / blumei Voll. TYPE ♂ Tox. concl [usion]. 49 Euthalia monina candidatus Tsukada, 1991
/ 47 / Naturalis Biodiversity Center SYNTYPE ♂ Adolias Euthalia monina candidatus Tsukada 1991, Butterflies S.E. Asian Isl.
Blumei Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862 Tijdschr. Ent. 5: 204, pl. (II): 428, pl. 124, fig. 10.
12, f. 3-4. / RMNH.INS.722491 . LFW: 29 mm.(Figs. 19-20)
Type material. Paratype: 1♂, RMNH.INS. 722489, Air Putih
1♂, RMNH.INS. 722492, Blume Java / Museum Leiden E.
Sinkep(Riouw)26 Dec. 1955 ♂ Leg. Cardinaal / Museum
cocytina diardi Voll. [Snellen van Vollenhoven] Det: vE. [Van
Leiden verzamleing E.J. Nieuwenhuis / PARATYPE / Naturalis
Eecke] / Cat. No. 11 / donkere var. van Blumei onderzijde in
Biodiversity Center PARATYPE ♂ Euthalia monina candidatus
Vollenhoven s Mon [darker var. of Blumei underside in
Tsukada, 1991 Butterflies SE Asian Islands V(II): 428, pl. 124,
Vollenhoven s Monograph] / magnolia udara Tox. n. subsp. ♂
fig. 10 / RMNH.INS.722489 . LFW 33 mm.(Figs. 23-24)
HOLOTYPE / Naturalis Biodiversity Center SYNTYPE ♂
TL(Holotype): Singkep [Singkep Island, Lingga Archipelago].
Adolias Blumei Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862 Tijdschr. Ent. 5:
204, pl. 12, f. 3-4. / RMNH.INS.722492 . LFW: 32 mm.(Figs. Current name: Euthalia(Euthalia)monina candidatus Tsukada,
21-22) 1991.
TL: Java [recte Borneo], Sumatra. Adolias clathrata Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862
 dolias clathrata Snellen van Vollenhoven 1862 a, Tijdschr. Ent. 5 :
Snellen van Vollenhoven described Blumei based on three males
205, pl. 12, fig. 5.
brought from Java by C.L. Blume and one male from Padang,
Adolias clathrata, Snellen van Vollenhoven 1862 b, Versl. Meded. K.
Sumatra, collected by E.W.A. Lüdeking. Judging from the Acad. Wet. Natuurk. 13: 273.
figures in the original description(pl. 12, figs. 3, 4), the three
Nora clathrata; Moore [1898], Lep. Indica V. 3: 110.
males collected by C.L. Blume were incorrectly labelled as
Tanaecia clathrata; Fruhstorfer 1899, Berl. Ent. Z. 44 : 127 ; Butler
originally from Java, as Blumei belongs to Cynitia cocytina
1901, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.(7)8 : 359 ; Fruhstorfer 1913, in Seitz s
(Horsfield, 1829)from Borneo. Snellen van Vollenhoven stated Gross-Schmett. 9: 654; Corbet & Pendelbury 1992, Butterflies Malay
that the underside of one of the Javanese specimens was darker Penins.: 407.
than in the other three specimens. He doubted whether this
Tanaecia clathrata clathrata; D Abrera 1985, Butterflies Or. Reg.(II):
particular specimen might have been a female. According to the
344 ; Yokochi 1999, Trans. lepid. Soc. Japan 50(3): 179 ; Tsukada
original description, this darker specimen and that from Sumatra
(II): 335.
1991, Butterflies S.E. Asian Isl. V
collected by Lüdeking both have a broader blue band on the
hindwings, if compared with the other two Javanese specimens Type material. Holotype: ♂, RMNH.INS.383868, Type / type /
seen by Snellen van Vollenhoven. From his descriptions we Diard Borneo / Museum Leiden Tanaecia clathrata Voll. [Snellen
conclude that specimen RMNH.INS.722492, with a darker van Vollenhoven] Det: vE. [van Eecke] / Cat. No. 2 / Naturalis
underside and a broader blue band, was part of the original type Biodiversity Center HOLOTYPE ♂ Adolias clathrata Snellen
series, even though the label Blume Java is written with pencil van Vollenhoven, 1862 Tijdschr. Ent. 5: 205, pl.12, f. 5 / RMNH.
on a torn piece of paper, probably added after the original round INS.383868 . LFW 32 mm.(Figs. 25-26)
label had been damaged or lost. The handwriting on this label, as TL: Borneo.
well as that on the label stating that the underside is darker, is Comments
quite probably that of P.T.C. Snellen. Snellen referred to this Snellen van Vollenhoven described clathrata based on one male
taxon in a publication on butterflies from Belitong collected by from Borneo, collected by P.-M. Diard. Only one specimen in
A.G. Vorderman(Snellen 1890: 292). The specimen from the NBC collection bears the label Diard Borneo , RMNH.
Sumatra, RMNH.INS.722490, also with a broader blue band, is INS. 383868. Tsukada(1991 : 335)recorded this nominotypical
certainly the one described by Snellen van Vollenhoven. This subspecies clathrata from SW. Borneo.
specimen is a dark form of C. cocytina, seen in males from
Type specimens of South East Asian Adoliadini 73

Current name: Tanaecia clathrata clathrata(Snellen van TL: Borneo.

Vollenhoven, 1862) Comments
Euthalia alpheda dammermani Van Eecke, 1932 Snellen van Vollenhoven described Adolias Diardi based on a
 uthalia alpheda dammermani Van Eecke 1932, Treubia 14: 4.
E female collected by P-M. Diard in Borneo. As the specimen
Euthalia alpheda dammermani; Tsukada 1991, Butterflies S.E. Asian RMNH.INS. 383977 is the only one with a label of Diard
Isl. V(II): 423. Borneo , it will certainly be the holotype. The label with ♂
was added by mistake probably by staff of the RMNH.
Type material. Lectotype hereby designated: 1♂, RMNH.
INS. 384189, Type / alpheda dammermanni v.E. [Van Eecke] / Current name: Cynitia cocytina ambalika(Moore, [1858])syn.
Dammerman Doerian Riow-Arch. VI 1923 / Museum Leiden nov.
Euthalia alpheda dammermanni Det: R.v.E. [R. van Eecke] ♂/ Euthalia(Euthalia)mahadeva eeckei Yokochi ssp. nov.
Cat. No. 1 / RMNH.INS.384189 . LFW 32 mm.(Figs. 27-28)
TL: Doerian Riow-Arch. [Durian Island, Riau Islands]. Type material. Holotype: ♀, RMNH.INS. 384188, Type /
Paralectotype: 1♀, RMNH.INS. 384188, Type / Dammerman Dammerman Doerian Riow-Arch. [Durian Island, Riau Islands]
Doerian Riow-Arch. VI 1923 / Museum Leiden Euthalia VI 1923 / Museum Leiden Euthalia alpheda dammermanni Det:
alpheda dammermanni Det: R.v.E. [R. van Eecke] ♀/ Cat. No. RvE [R. van Eecke] ♀/ Cat. No. 2 / RMNH.INS.384188 . LFW:
2 / RMNH.INS.384188 . LFW 37 mm.(Figs. 29-30) 37 mm. In NBC collection.(Figs. 29-30)
Comments TL: Doerian Riow-Arch. [Durian Island, Riau Archipel]
Van Eecke described the male and female characteristics for Paratypes: 1♂, RMNH.INS. 960157, Oct. 1995 Singkep Is.
Euthalia alpheda dammermanni without stating precisely how Lingga Isls. INDONESIA Coll. T. Yokochi / RMNH Museum
many specimens he saw. However, we can infer from the Leiden Ex coll. T. Yokochi Acq. 2015 / RMNH.INS. 960157 .
original text that he described only 1♂ and 1♀. The syntypes LFW: 29.5 mm. In NCB collection.(Figs. 33-34)
actually belong to two different species: RMNH.INS.384189 is a 1♂, Feb 1995 Singkep Is. INDONESIA Coll. T. Yokochi .
male specimen of Euthalia alpheda(Godart, 1824)and the LFW: 30 mm. In Yokochi collection.
female(RMNH.INS.384188)belongs to Euthalia mahadeva Diagnosis
(Moore, 1859) . We hereby designate RMNH.INS.384189 as the E. mahadeva eeckei from Riau Islands is similar to E. mahadeva
lectotype of Euthalia alpheda dammermani Van Eecke, 1932. sakii de Nicéville, 1894 from Sumatra, but distinguished by the
RMNH.INS.384188, paralectotype of E. alpheda dammermani following characteristics: ♂, ground colour of underside dark,
Van Eecke, 1932, is described beow as a new subspecies of median black band on underside of both wings wider; ♀, larger
Euthalia mahadeva(Moore, 1859) . white spots in spaces 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 on both sides of forewings,
submarginal sagittate black spots on both sides of fore- and
Current name: RMNH.INS.384189 Euthalia(Euthalia)alpheda
hindwing larger, conspicuous. Length of forewing ♂ and ♀: 30
dammermani Van Eecke, 1932 ; RMNH.INS. 384188 Euthalia
(Euthalia)mahadeva eeckei Yokochi ssp. nov.
Adolias diardi Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862 This subspecies is at present only known from the Durian and
 dolias Diardi Snellen van Vollenhoven 1862a, Tijdschr. Ent. 5: 188,
A Singkep islands of the Riau Archipel, Indonesia.
pl. 10, fig. 2.
Adolias Diardi, Snellen van Vollenhoven 1862 b, Versl. Meded. K.
Named after Rudolf van Eecke(1886-1975), curator of
Acad. Wet. Natuurk. 13: 270. Entomology at the RMNH between 1916 and 1933.
Cynitia Diardi; Moore [1897], Lep. Indica V. 3: 99. Adolias gandarva Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862
Euthalia(Felderia)magnolia Staudinger [1897], Dt. Ent. Z. Iris (
9 2): Adolias Gandarva Snellen van Vollenhoven 1862 a, Tijdschr. Ent. 5 :
235 199, pl. 11, fig. 4.
Tanaecia(Cynitia)diardi; Fruhstorfer 1899, Berl. Ent. Z. 44: 133. Adolias gandarva(♀); Butler [1869], Proceed. Zool. Soc. 1868: 607.
Euthalia cocytina diardi; Fruhstorfer 1913, in Seitz s Gross-Schmett. Cynitia Gandava [sic]; Moore [1897], Lep. Indica V. 3: 99.
9: 661. Tanaecia(Cynitia)gandava [sic]; Fruhstorfer 1899, Berl. Ent. Z. 44:
Type material. Holotype: ♀, RMNH.INS. 383977, Diard
E uthalia cocytina gandarva; Fruhstorfer 1913, in Seitz s Gross-
Borneo / Museum Leiden E. cocytina diardi Voll. [Snellen van
Schmett. 9: 662.
Vollenhoven] Det: vE. [van Eecke] / Diardi, Voll. [Snellen van
Cynitia cocytina ambalika; Tsukada 1991, Butterflies S.E. Asian Isl. V
Vollenhoven] Type ♂ / Cat. No. 8 / Naturalis Biodiversity
(II): 355.
Center HOLOTYPE ♀ Adolias Diardi Snellen van Vollenhoven,
1862 Tijdschr. Ent. 5 : 188, pl. 10, f. 2 / RMNH.INS.383977 . Type material. Syntypes: 1♀, RMNH.INS.383985, Blume Java
LFW 34 mm.(Figs. 31-32) / Blume Java / Museum Leiden E. cocytina gandarva Voll.
74 M. E. Gassó Miracle and T. Yokochi

[Snellen van Vollenhoven] Det: vE. [van Eecke] / Cat. No. 1 / Current name: Cynitia cocytina ambalika(Moore, [1858]).
Holotype gefix[eerd]. d[oor]. Tox[opeus]. 1949. [Holotype
Lexias dirtea immaculata Snellen, 1890
established by Toxopeus](=♂ sec. Voll.!)/ Adolias gandarva
Lexias Dirtea var. immaculata Snellen 1890, Tijdschr. Ent. 33: 296.
Voll. type. T.v.E.V. [Tijdschrift voor Entomologie Vol. 5] p.199. /
Adolias Dirtea ab. immaculata; Fruhstorfer 1898, Dt. Ent. Z. Iris 11:
Cynitia gandarva Voll. ♀/ Naturalis Biodiversity Center
SYNTYPE ♀ Adolias Gandarva Snellen van Vollenhoven,
Euthalia dirtea f. immaculata; Fruhstorfer 1913, in Seitz s Gross-
1862, Tijdschr. Ent. 5: 199, pl. 11, fig. 4 / RMNH.INS.383985 .
Schmett. 9: 689.
LFW 33 mm.(Figs. 35-36)
Lexias aegle immaculata; D Abrera 1985, Butterflies Or. Reg.(II):
1♀, RMNH.INS.383986, Blume Java / Blume Java / Museum
Leiden E. cocytina gandarva Voll. [Snellen van Vollenhoven]
Lexias immaculata; Tsukada 1991, Butterflies SE Asian Isl. V(II)
Det: vE. [van Eecke] / Cat. No. 2 / Adolias gandarva Voll. ♀
type. T.v.E.V. [Tijdschrift voor Entomologie Vol. 5 ] p. 199. /
Naturalis Biodiversity Center SYNTYPE ♀ Adolias Gandarva Type material. Syntypes: 1♀, RMNH.INS. 375467, Belitong
Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862, Tijdschr. Ent. 5: 199, pl. 11, fig. 1888 ♀ / Museum Leiden E. dirtea silawa Fruhst. Det. / Cat.
4 / RMNH.INS.383986 . LFW 36 mm.(Figs. 37-38) No. 6 / Naturalis Biodiversity Center SYNTYPE ♀ Lexias
1♀, RMNH.INS. 383983, Blume Java / Museum Leiden E. Dirtea immaculata Snellen, 1890 Tijdschr. Ent. 33: 296 / RMNH.
cocytina gandarva Voll. [Snellen van Vollenhoven] Det: vE. [van INS.375467 . LFW: 55 mm.(Figs. 43-44)
Eecke] / Cat. No. 3 / ♀ Cynitia ambalika Mre.(=gandarva Voll. 1♀, RMNH.INS. 375468, Belitong 1888 ♀ / Museum Leiden
T.v.E [Tijdschrift voor Entomologie] 1862 fig. nec text.)Det. E. dirtea silawa Fruhst. Det. / Cat. No. 1 / Dirtea var. Snellen zie
Tox. 1949 / Naturalis Biodiversity Center SYNTYPE ♀ Adolias opstel vlinders Billiton [see essay butterflies Billiton] / Naturalis
Gandarva Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862, Tijdschr. Ent. 5: 199, Biodiversity Center SYNTYPE ♀ Lexias Dirtea immaculata
pl. 11, fig. 4 / RMNH.INS.383983 . LFW 36 mm.(Figs. 39-40) Snellen, 1890 Tijdschr. Ent. 33 : 296 / RMNH.INS. 375468 .
1♀, RMNH.INS.383987, Blume Java / Museum Leiden E. LFW: 56 mm.(Figs. 45-46)
cocytina gandarva Voll. [Snellen van Vollenhoven] Det: vE. [van TL: Billiton [Belitung, Bangka-Belitung Islands].
Eecke] / Cat. No. 4 / Cynitia sp. Det. Tox. 1949(=gandarva ♀
sec. Voll.)/ Naturalis Biodiversity Center SYNTYPE ♀ Adolias
Snellen described immaculata based on several specimens
Gandarva Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862, Tijdschr. Ent. 5: 199,
(Snellen 1890: 296)that were collected on the island of
pl. 11, fig. 4 / RMNH.INS.383987 . LFW 38 mm.(Figs. 41-42)
Belitung by A.G. Vorderman in 1888 and afterwards sent to
TL: Java [recte Borneo].
Leiden by M.C. Piepers. Two female specimens, RMNH.
Comments INS.375467 and RMNH.INS.375468, were first identified at the
Snellen van Vollenhoven described Adolias Gandarva based on RMNH as Adolias dirtea immaculata Snellen, although later
several specimens, without indicating how many nor their origin. they were labelled as silawa Frustorfer, 1913. Both specimens
However, he specified the type location as Java in his second belong to the type series.
publication on Adolias(Snellen van Vollenhoven 1862 b: 272).
Current name: Lexias immaculata Snellen, 1890.
We consider all RMNH specimens of Gandarva labelled Blume
Java as syntypes. The type locality, however, should be Borneo, Adolias indras Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862
not Java, as the figure in the original description(pl. 11, fig. 4) Adolias Indras Snellen van Vollenhoven 1862a, Tijdschr. Ent. 5: 194,
depicts a female of Cynitia cocytina(Horsfield, 1829)without a pl. 11, fig. 2
blue band on the hindwing. Tsukada(1991: 355)stated that Adolias Indras, Snellen van Vollenhoven 1862 b, Versl. Meded. K.
gandarva is a Bornean female form of Cynitia cocytina ambalika Acad. Wet. Natuurk. 13: 271.
(Moore, [1858]), with a violet band on the upper side of the Tanaecia pulasara; Butler [1869] Proceed. Zool. Soc. 1868: 612.
hindwing, but without the bluish band. Fruhstorfer(1899: 134) Tanaecia pulasara var. Indras; Distant 1886, Rhop. Malayana: 131,
also suspected that Borneo was probably the correct locality: pl. 18, fig. 9.
Patria: Borneo(?). RMNH.INS.383986 is the specimen that Tanaecia Indras; Moore [1897], Lep. Indica V. 3: 84.
most resembles the figure in the original description. Snellen van Nora indras; Fruhstorfer 1899, Berl. Ent. Z. 44: 125.b hhn
Vollenhoven took this specimen for a male: it is much darker Nora ramada; Butler 1901, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.(7)8: 365.
brown than the female and has a bluish shine on the outer edge Nora salia bipunctata f. indras; Fruhstorfer 1906b, Dt. Ent. Z. Iris 19
of the wings (Snellen van Vollenhoven 1862a: 200). Toxopeus (3): 115.
added a comment to the specimen s labels indicating the author s Euthalia monina indras; Frustorfer 1913, in Seitz s Gross-Schmett. 9:
error (=♂ sec. Voll.!). Apparently, Toxopeus had chosen 666 ; D Abrera 1985, Butterflies Or. Reg.(II) : 363 ; Tsukada 1991,
RMNH.INS. 383985 as the holotype when he examined the Butterflies S.E. Asian Isl. V(II): 427.
Adolias group during his visit to Leiden in 1949.
Material examined. 1♀, RMNH.INS. 384087, Type / Nord-
Type specimens of South East Asian Adoliadini 75

Borneo ex coll. Fruhstorfer / 76. Fruhstorfer Borneo sept. / 189, pl.10, fig.3.
Museum Leiden E. monina indras Voll. [Snellen van Adolias Ludekingii, Snellen van Vollenhoven 1862b, Versl. Meded. K.
Vollenhoven] Det: vE. [van Eecke] / Cat. No. 1 / RMNH. Acad. Wet. Natuurk. 13: 270.
INS.384087 . LFW 33.5 mm. Euthalia(Felderia)cocytus; De Nicéville & Martin 1895, J. Asiatic
Soc. Bengal 64(3): 421.
Cynitia Ludekingii; Moore [1897], Lep. Indica V. 3: 99.
Snellen van Vollenhoven described Adolias Indras based on two
Tanaecia(Cynitia)cocytina; Fruhstorfer 1899, Berl. Ent. Z. 44: 133.
females from Borneo. According to the original description, both
Euthalia cocytina; Fruhstorfer 1913, in Seitz s Gross-Schmett. 9: 661.
type specimens were preserved in the RMNH, but we could not
locate the syntypes. The only specimen of indras found in the Type material. Holotype: ♀, RMNH.INS. 383940, Type /
historical RMNH collection is not one of these syntypes. Ludeking Sumatra. / Museum Leiden E. cocytina ludekingi Voll.
According to its label, this specimen came to the NCB with the [Snellen van Vollenhoven] Det: vE. [van Eecke] / Cat. No. 3 /
Furhstorfer collection and is therefore of a much later date. The Adolias ludekingi Voll. Type, ?♀ T.v.E. V. [Tijdschrift voor
label of 76. Fruhstorfer Borneo sept. is a round RMNH label Entomologie Vol. 5] p. 189. / Naturalis Biodiversity Center
and not an original Fruhstorfer label. In the original figure by HOLOTYPE ♀ Adolias Ludekingi Snellen van Vollenhoven,
Snellen van Vollenhoven(1862: pl. 11, fig. 2), the female has 1862 Tijdschr. Ent. 5 : 189, pl. 10, f. 3 / RMNH.INS. 383940 .
distinct white sagittate and helmet-shaped spots, which are LFW 38 mm(Figs. 49-50)
missing in the specimen RMNH.INS. 384087, even though the TL: Sumatra.
identification label of Van Eecke reads E. monina indras . This
specimen is a syntype of Euthalia monina bipunctata f. stictica
Snellen van Vollenhoven described Adolias Ludekingii based on
Fruhstorfer, 1913(see below) .
a female collected by E.W.A. Lüdeking in the highlands of
Tsukada(1991: 427)assigned indras to a Western Borneo Padang, Sumatra. The NCB collection houses only one specimen
subspecies of Euthalia monina(Fabricius, 1787)
. of Ludekingii labelled Ludeking Sumatra , RMNH.INS.383940.
This taxon belongs to Cynitia cocytina(Horsfield, 1829)and
Current name: Euthalia(Euthalia)monina indras(Snellen van
examination of the holotype proves ludekingii is a synonym of
Vollenhoven, 1862).
Tanaecia interrupta Wegner, 1953
Current name: Cynitia cocytina cocytina(Horsfield, 1829)syn.
Tanaecia interrupta Wegner 1953, Idea 9: 50, fig. 1.
Tanaecia trigerta interrupta; Tsukada 1991, Butterflies S.E. Asian Isl.
V(II): 340. Tanaecia coelebs mulsus Tsukada, 1991
Tanaecia coelebs mulsus Tsukada 1991, Butterflies S.E. Asian Isl. V
Type material. Holotype: ♀, RMNH.INS.383810, HOLOTYPE
(II): 333, pl. 39, figs. 18-20.
/ off W. Java P. [ulau] Panaitan IX 1951 Native coll. / Tanaecia
interrupta ♀ AMR Wegner HOLOTYPE! / Naturalis Type material. Paratype: 1♂, RMNH.INS. 383871, Tandjong
Biodiversity Center HOLOTYPE ♀ Tanaecia interrupta Pandan W. Billiton. +0 m. 17 xi 36 F.J. Kuiper / Museum Leiden
Wegner, 1953, Idea 9 : 50, f. 1 / RMNH.INS. 383810 . LFW collectie F. J. Kuiper / clathrata / PARATYPE / Naturalis
35mm.(Figs. 47-48) Biodiversity Center PARATYPE ♂ Tanaecia coelebs mulsus
TL: Panaitan [Panaitan Island, Banten]. Tsukada, 1991, Butterflies S.E. Asian Isl. V(II): 333, pl. 39, fig.
19 / RMNH.INS.383871 . LFW 25.5 mm.(Figs. 51-52).
TL(Holotype): Belitung [Bangka-Belitung Islands].
Wegner described Tanaecia interrupta based on a single female
from Panaitan Island, West Java. According to the original Comments
description the holotype specimen was housed in Bogor Tsukada(1991: 333)described mulsus as a subspecies of Tanaecia
(Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, Bogor, Java, Indonesia)and coelebs Corbet, 1941 based on three males and one female from
it is now preserved in the NCB. The specimen RMNH. Belitung Island. NBC holds one male paratype, the other two are
INS. 383810 corresponds with the figure in the original paper. now housed in the Yokochi collection. The whereabouts of the
The patterns on the wings, as well as the shape of the wings, legs holotype, unfortunately, are unknown. According to the ruling of the
and abdomen, match Wegner s figure, although the shape of the ICZN(Opinion 1990, 2002)against the conservation of the junior
antennae is different. Tsukada(1991: 340)classified it as a synonym Tanaecia coelebs Corbet, 1941, the specific name for
subspecies of Tanaecia trigerta(Moore, [1858])from Panaitan. mulsus is Tanaecia heringi Niepelt, 1935. Yokochi(2016)classified
mulsus as an independent species.
Current name: Tanaecia trigerta interrupta Wegner, 1953.
Current name: Tanaecia mulsus Tsukada, 1991.
Adolias ludekingii Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862
Adolias ludekingii Snellen van Vollenhoven 1862a, Tijdschr. Ent. 5 : Adolias octogesima Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862
76 M. E. Gassó Miracle and T. Yokochi

Adolias octogesima Snellen van Vollenhoven 1862a, Tijdschr. Ent. 5: series and mislabelling occurred at some point. We hereby
193, pl. 10, fig. 5; pl. 11, fig. 1. designate the specimen RMNH.INS. 384221 as a lectotype of
Adolias octogesima, Snellen van Vollenhoven 1862b, Versl. Meded. K. Adolias octogesima Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862. Moore
Acad. Wet. Natuurk. 13: 271. ([1898], Vol. 3: 129)and Tsukada(1991: 423, 427)considered
Euthalia octogesima; Kheil 1884, Rhopal. Insel Nias: 26. octogesima a synonym of E. alpheda; while Fruhstorfer(1913:
Euthalia Alpheda(♂); Snellen 1895, Tijdschr. Ent. 38: 21. 666)considered it to be E. monina salia. After examination of
Euthalia Salia(♀); Snellen 1895, Tijdschr. Ent. 38: 21. the type we conclude that octogesima is indeed a synonym of
Euthalia Alpheda; Moore [1898], Lep. Indica Vol. 3: 129. alpheda.
Euthalia alpheda(♂); Fruhstorfer 1899, Berl. Ent. 2, 44: 137.
Current name: Euthalia(Euthalia)alpheda alpheda(Godart,
E uthalia salia(♀); Fruhstorfer 1899, Berl. Ent. 2, 44 : 158
E uthalia monina salia(♀); Frusthorfer 1913, in Seitz, Gross- Adolias pardalis Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862
Schmett. 9: 666.
 dolias Pardalis Snellen van Vollenhoven 1862 a, Tijdschr. Ent. 5 :
Euthalia alpheda alpheda; Tsukada 1991, Butterflies S.E. Asian Isl. V
197, pl. 11, fig. 5.
(II): 425.
Adolias Pardalis, Snellen van Vollenhoven 1862 b, Versl. Meded. K.
Type material. Lectotype hereby designated: ♂, RMNH. Acad. Wet. Natuurk. 13: 272.
INS.384221, VHuell [Q.M.R. Ver Huell] Java / Museum Leiden Tanaecia aruna; Butler [1869], Proceed. Zool. Soc. 1868: 611; Distant
E. alpheda alpheda Godt. Det. / Cat. No. 2 / RMNH. 1886, Rhop. Malayana, 132, pl. 15, fig. 7.
INS.384221 . LFW 32 mm.(Figs. 53-54) Tanaecia pardalis; Moore [1897], Lep. Indica V. 3: 84.
TL: Java. Tanaecia pelea lutala; Fruhstorfer 1899, Berl. Ent. 2, 44: 127.
Paralectotypes: 1♀, RMNH.INS. 384106, Museum Leiden E. Tanaecia varuna; Butler 1901, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.(7)8: 359.
monina salia Moore Det: vE. [van Eecke] / Cat. No. 16 / type Tanaecia aruna pardalis; Fruhstorfer 1913, in Seitz s Gross-Schmett.
van octogesima Sn.v.Voll [Snellen van Vollenhoven] ? R.v.E. [R. 9: 655; D Abrera 1985, Butterflies Or. Reg.(II): 344; Tsukada, 1991
van Eecke] / RMNH.INS.384106 . LFW 37 mm.(Figs. 55-56) (II): 329.
Butterflies S.E. Asian Isl. V
1♂, RMNH.INS.384222, Reinw [ardt]. Java / Museum Leiden
Type material. Syntypes: 1♂, RMNH.INS.383880, Blume Java
E. alpheda alpheda Godt. Det. / Cat. No. 1 / RMNH.
/ Blume Java / Museum Leiden T. aruna pardalis Voll. [Snellen
INS.384222 . LFW 32 mm.(Figs. 57-58)
van Vollenhoven] Det: vE. [van Eecke] / Cat. No. 1 / T. aruna
Additional material. 1♀, RMNH.INS. 384098, Midd. Java
pardalis Voll. ♂ Det. Tox.[opeus] 1949 HOLOTYPE, Voll.
Madioen [?] 1891 ♀ / Museum Leiden E. monina salia Moore
T.v.E. [Tijdschrift voor Entomologie] 5 / Adolias pardalis Voll.
Det: vE. / Cat. No. 13 / origineel der afbeelding [original of the
type. T.v.E. V. [Vol. 5 ] p. 197. / Naturalis Biodiversity Center
illustration] .
SYNTYPE ♂ Adolias Pardalis Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862
Comments Tijdschr. Ent. 5: 197, pl.11, f. 5 / RMNH.INS.383880 . LFW 31
According to the original description, the type specimens of mm.(Figs. 59-60)
octogesima should be two males from Java and one female from 1♂, RMNH.INS.383808, Blume Java / Museum Leiden T. aruna
Borneo. The figures of the male and female, however, belong to pardalis Voll. [Snellen van Vollenhoven] Det: vE. [van Eecke] /
two different species. The male figured in plate 10, fig. 5, is a Cat. No. 2 / T. pelea F.n. subsp. ♂ Det. Tox[opeus]. 1949(= pard.
male of Euthalia alpheda(Godart, 1824), but it is difficult to var. Voll. T.v.E. [Tijdschrift voor Entomologie] 1962)/ Naturalis
confirm from the wing patterns whether it is indeed a Javanese Biodiversity Center SYNTYPE ♂ Adolias Pardalis Snellen van
form. The female in plate 11, fig. 1, belongs to Euthalia monina Vollenhoven, 1862 Tijdschr. Ent. 5 : 197, pl. 11, f. 5 / RMNH.
(Fabricius, 1787), a female form from Java with a conspicuous INS.383808 . LFW 32 mm.(Figs. 61-62)
white band on the forewings. In the original description there TL: Java [recte Borneo].
has been misidentification as well as confusion regarding the
origin of the specimens. The specimens RMNH.INS.384221 and
Snellen van Vollenhoven described Pardalis based on two
RMNH.INS. 384222 are the two male syntypes and belong to
specimens he assumed originated from Java. The original figure
Euthalia alpheda, while RMNH.INS. 384106 is a Javanese
by Snellen van Vollenhoven(pl. 11, fig. 5), however, represents
female of Euthalia monina. Although it has no locality label
a Bornean specimen, therefore, the type locality should be
attached, it does match the figure of Snellen van Vollenhoven. In
Borneo instead of Java. Fruhstorfer already indicated in 1899(p.
the old RMNH Catalogue, this specimen was recorded as E.
127)the confusion regarding the type locality: N.S. Borneo
monina salia type v. octogesima? Sn.v.V. [type of octogesima?
(Java, Vollenhoven ex error). Toxopeus labeled specimen
Snellen van Vollenhoven]. A second female, collected in 1891
RMNH.INS. 383880 as holotype . Tsukada(1991: 329)
(RMNH.INS. 384098), is labelled as origineel der afbeelding
classifies pardalis as a subspecies of Tanaecia aruna(C. & R.
[original of the illustration]. This specimen is not part of the type
Type specimens of South East Asian Adoliadini 77

Felder, 1860)from South Borneo, even though the distribution dirtea and orange in L. pardalis), the specimen RMNH.
map on page 330 places pardalis in W. Borneo. INS. 389263 belongs to L. pardalis, as the underside of left
antenna-tip is tinged with orange, though the whole apex is
Current name: Tanaecia aruna pardalis(Snellen van
faded(the tip of the right antennae is missing).
Vollenhoven, 1862).
Current name: Lexias pardalis ritsemae(Fruhstorfer, 1906).
Tanaecia heliophila picta Van Eecke, 1918
Adolias dirtea roepkei Toxopeus, 1949
Tanaecia heliophila picta Van Eecke 1918, Zool. Meded. 4(7): 91, pl.
Adolias dirtea roepkei Toxopeus 1949, Tijdschr. Ent. 91: lxiii.
8, fig. 13.
Lexias dirtea javana Tsukada 1991, Butterflies SE Asian Isl. V(II)
Tanaecia pelea picta; Tsukada 1991, Butterflies S.E. Asian Isl. V(II):
Type material. S y n t y p e s : 1 ♂, R M N H .I N S . 3 7 5 4 5 5 ,
Type material. Holotype: ♂, RMNH.INS.383809, Tanaecia
HOLOTYPE / ♂ / West Java / E. dirtea javana Fr.[uhstorfer]
heliophila picta v.E. [van Eecke] type. ♂/ E. Jacobson Pulu
688 / Adolias dirtea roepkei Tox.[opeus] ♂ HOLOTYPE /
Babi Juni V. 1915 leg. G. Harmsen. / Museum Leiden T.
javana Fruhst 1898(nec Tox. 1949)/ Naturalis Biodiversity
heliophila picta vE. Det: vE. / Cat. No.1 / Naturalis Biodiversity
Center SYNTYPE ♂ Adolias dirtea roepkei Toxopeus, 1949
Center HOLOTYPE ♂ Tanaecia heliophila picta Van Eecke,
Tijdschr. Ent. 91 : lxii / RMNH.INS. 375455 . LFW 44 mm.
1918 Zool. Meded. 4: 91 / RMNH.INS.383809 . LFW 36 mm.
(Figs. 67-68)
(Figs. 63-64)
1♂, RMNH.INS.375451, Soekaboemi / West Java / E. dirtea
TL: Babi [Babi Island, Aceh].
javana Fr.[uhstorfer] 688 / Adolias dirtea roepkei Tox. [opeus]
Comments ♂ PARATYPE / ALLOTYPE / RMNH.INS.375451 . LFW: 45
In 1918, Van Eecke described picta as a subspecies of Tanaecia mm.(Figs. 69-70)
heliophila Fruhstorfer, 1896 based on a male specimen from 1♀, RMNH.INS.375456, West Java Wynkoopsbaai 1892 ♀ /
Babi Island collected in May, 1915. Tsukada(1991)classified Museum Leiden E. dirtea javana Fruhst[orfer]. Det. / Caat. No.
picta as a subspecies of Tanaecia pelea(Fabricius, 1787). 13 / Adolias dirtea roepkei Tox. [opeus] ♀ PARALLOTYPE /
PARATYPE / RMNH.INS.375456 . LFW: 54 mm.(Figs. 71-72)
Current name: Tanaecia pelea picta(Van Eecke, 1918)
1♀, RMNH.INS.375457, Adolias dirtea roepkei Tox.[opeus]
Adolias dirtea ritsemae Fruhstorfer, 1906 ♀ ALLOTYPE / PARALLOTYPE / ♀ / West Java / E. dirtea
 dolias dirtea ritsemae Fruhstorfer 1906a, Soc. Ent. 20(19): 149.
javana 688 Fr.[uhstorfer] / javana Fruhst. 1898 = roepkei Tox.
Adolias dirtea ritsemae; Frustorfer 1913, in Seitz s Gross-Schmett. 9:
1949 / Naturalis Biodiversity Center SYNTYPE ♀ Adolias
dirtea roepkei Toxopeus, 1949 Tijdschr. Ent. 91 : lxii / RMNH.
Lexias pardalis ritsemae; Tsukada 1991, Butterflies S.E. Asian Isl. V
INS.375457 . LFW 44 mm.(Figs. 73-74)
(II): 388.
TL: West Java, Wijnkoopsbaai [= Pantai Palabuhanratu, Java].

Type material. Holotype: ♀, RMNH.INS. 389263, Museum Comments

Leiden E. dirtea ritsemae Fruhst[orfer]. Det: / Theysm. [J.E. Toxopeus included three subspecies in Adolias dirtea(Fabricius,
Teysmann] Banca [Bangka] / Cat. No. 1 / Naturalis Biodiversity 1793): javana Fruhstorfer, 1898 ; boisduvalii Boisduval, 1836
Center HOLOTYPE ♀ Adolias dirtea ritsemae Fruhstorfer, (G.R. Gray s manuscript name in Boisduval, 1836)and roepkei.
1906, Soc. Ent. 20 : 149 / RMNH.INS.389263 . LFW 42 mm. He described roepkei based on male and female specimens from
(Figs. 65-66) Java. The male and female types were labeled as HOLOTYPE ,
TL: Banca [Bangka, Bangka-Belitung Islands]. ALLOTYPE and PARALLOTYPE by Toxopeus, although in
the original description he did not specifically designate a
Comments holotype. Javanese Lexias dirtea(Fabricius, 1793)show
Fruhstorfer described ritsemae based on a female from Bangka considerable variation, especially in the females, and roepkei
Island deposited in the Leiden Museum. According to the falls within this range of variation. Tsukada(1991: 386)
original description, the female is smaller than dirtea from the synonymized roepkei and boisduvalii with Lexias dirtea javana
Sunda Islands, with more white spots on the forewings; the black (Fruhstorfer, 1898). However, the valid name should be
helmet-spots on the hind wing are more conspicuous, delimited boisduvalii Boisduval, 1836, as a subspecies of Lexias dirtea
by bluish-green spots. Fruhstorfer described it first as a (Fabricius, 1793)from Java, and both javana Fruhstorfer, 1898
subspecies of Adolias dirtea and in 1913 as Euthalia dirtea and roepkei are synonyms of boisduvalii.
ritsemae. Tsukada, however, classifies ritsemae as a subspecies
of Lexias pardalis while reserving the name insulanus for the Current name: Lexias dirtea boisduvalii(Boisduval, 1836)
subspecies of L. dirtea from Bangka(Tsukada 1991: 384, 389) .
Considering the colour of the tip of the antennae(blackish in L. Euthalia aeetes satellita Jurriaanse, 1919
78 M. E. Gassó Miracle and T. Yokochi

Figs 1-24. Type specimens of Adoliadini species deposited in the Naturalis Biodiversity Center Leiden.
1-2: Adolias agnis, syntype, ♀ (RMNH.INS. 384269). 3-4: A. agnis, possible syntype, ♀ (384270). 5-6: A. agnis.
possible syntype, ♀ (384271). 7-8: A. apicalis, holotype, ♂ (384258). 9-10: A. apsarasa, holotype, ♂ (383884).
11-12: Euthalia adonia baliensis, holotype, ♀ (382756). 13-14: E. aconthea bangkana, holotype, ♀ (384190). 15-
16: A. bipunctata, holotype, ♂ (384089). 17-18: A. blumei, syntype, ♂ (722490). 19-20: A. blumei, syntype, ♂
(722491). 21-22: A. blumei, syntype, ♂ (722492). 23-24: E. monina candidatus, paratype, ♂ (722489).
Type specimens of South East Asian Adoliadini 79

Figs 25-48. Type specimens of Adoliadini species deposited in the Naturalis Biodiversity Center Leiden.
25-26: Adolias clathrata, holotype, ♂ (RMNH.INS.383868). 27-28: Eutalia alpheda dammermani, lectotype, ♂
(384189). 29-30: E. alpheda dammermani, paralectotype,; E. (Euthalia) mahadeva eeckei ssp. nov., holotype, ♀
(384188). 31-32: A. diardi, holotype, ♀ (383977). 33-34: E. (E.) mahadeva eeckei ssp. nov., paratype, ♂ (960157).
35-36: A. gandarva, syntype, ♀ (383985). 37-38: A. gandarva, syntype, ♀ (383986). 39-40: A. gandarva,
syntype, ♀ (383983). 41-42: A. gandarva, syntype, ♀ (383987). 43-44: Lexias dirtea immaculata, syntype, ♀
(375467). 45-46: L. d. immaculata, syntype, ♀ (375468). 47-48: Tanaecia interrupta, holotype, ♀ (383810).
80 M. E. Gassó Miracle and T. Yokochi

Euthalia aeetes satellita Jurriaanse 1919, Tijdschr. Ent. 62: xlviii. in Balimbingan, Northeast Sumatra. Therefore, the locality W.
Euthalia aeetes satellita Jurriaanse & Lindemans 1920, Tijdschr. Ent. Sumatra is an error in the original description.
62(Suppl.) : 25, pl. 5, fig. 529.
Current name: Tanaecia clathrata siluvanus Tsukada, 1991.
Lexias aeetes satellita; Tsukada 1991, Butterflies S.E. Asian Isl. V
379. Euthalia monina bipunctata f. stictica Fruhstorfer, 1913

Type material. Holotype: ♂, RMNH.INS.382848, Type / type / Euthalia monina bipunctata f. stictica Fruhstorfer 1913, in Seitz s
♂ / No. 529 / LEG.[it] Krans [N.L.A. Krans] Don.[ator] v. Gross-Schmett. 9: 665.
Bemmelen [J.F. van Bemmelen] / Euthalia aeetes satellita 692
Type material. Syntype: 1♀, RMNH.INS.384087, Type / Nord-
Jurr[iaanse] & Lind[emans] / Z.O.K. [Zuid Oost Kust]
Borneo ex coll. Fruhstorfer / 76. Fruhstorfer Borneo sept. /
CELEBES Eil[and]. Wowoni Kpg. [Kampong] Ladianto 21- 3-
Museum Leiden E. monina indras Voll. Det: vE. [van Eecke] /
17. / Naturalis Biodiversity Center HOLOTYPE ♂ Euthalia
Cat. No. 1 / Naturalis Biodiversity Center SYNTYPE ♀
aeetes satellita Jurriaanse, 1920 Tijdschr. Ent. 62 : xlviii /
Euthalia monina bipunctata f. stictica Fruhstorfer, 1913 in Seit s
RMNH.INS.382848 . LFW 40 mm.(Figs. 75-76)
Gross-Schmett. 9 : 665 / RMNH.INS. 384087 . LFW 33. 5 mm.
TL: Wowoni [South Sulawesi].
(Figs. 79-80)
Comments TL: North Borneo.
Jurriaanse & Lindemans(1920 : 25)described satellita as a
subspecies of Euthalia aeetes(Hewitson, 1861)based on a male
Fruhstorfer described stictica as a form of Euthalia monina
specimen from Kampong Ladianta on Wowoni(or Wawonii)
bipunctata(Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862)from specimens
Island. However, before the article of Jurriaanse & Lindemans
collected in Kachin, Sarawak. RMNH.INS.384087 is a female of
was published, Jurriaanse gave a very brief summary of their
Euthalia(Euthalia)monina(Fabricius, 1787)from Borneo
findings, including a valid description of Euthalia aeetes
with original labels of Type and Nord-Borneo ex coll.
satellita, during the summer meeting of the Nederlandse
Fruhstorfer from the Fruhstorfer collection(the same kind of
Entomologische Vereniging. This description, where Jurriaanse
labels are also found on specimens housed in the Museum
appears as sole author of the name, was published in the report
National d Histoire Naturalle Entomologie(MNHN), Paris) .
of the summer meeting in volume 62 of the Tijdschrift voor
From its labels it is clear that this particular specimen is a name-
Entomologie in 1919, while the article by Jurriaanse and
bearing type, although it has no label to help identify the original
Lindemans was published in the Supplement to volume 62, in
name. There are four taxa of E. monina described by Fruhstorfer
January 1920. Therefore, the authorship of this taxon
with North Borneo as type locality: Nora cordelia Fruhstorfer,
corresponds to Jurriaanse alone. Tsukada(1991: 379)classifies
1899; Nora cordelia ab. ilka Fruhstorfer, 1899; Euthalia cordata
satellita as a subspecies of Lexias aeetes distributed in Central
srota Fruhstorfer, 1913 and Euthalia monina bipunctata f.
and South Easth Sulawesi.
stictica Fruhstorfer, 1913:
Current name: Lexias aeetes satellita(Jurriaanse, 1919)
a)Nora cordelia: the type series of Nora cordelia(Fruhstorfer
Tanaecia clathrata siluvanus Tsukada, 1991 1899 : 121)includes males and females from N. Borneo. One
syntype, a male, is preserved in the MNHN. Fruhstorfer
Tanaecia clathrata siluvanus Tsukada 1991, Butterflies S.E. Asian Isl.
described the male as a form with a green-margin on the
V(II): 334, pl. 39, fig. 14.
hindwings that occasionally extends to the forewings
Type material. Holotype: ♂, RMNH.INS.383872, HOLOTYPE (Frustorfer 1913: 665, translated). The female, although not
/ Balimbingan 600 m S.O.K. 20. 9. 1951 Straatman / Museum described, is figured in Seitz s Gross-Schmetterlinge(vol. 9,
Leiden verzameling E.J.Nieuwenhuis / coelebs / coelebs Cbt. plate128, b)with pale spots on both wings. The figure does not
nec Tox [Corbet nec Toxopeus] … [handwriting of E.J. match specimen RMNH.INS.384087.
Nieuwenhuis in pencil, illegible] / Naturalis Biodiversity Center
b)Nora cordelia ab. ilka [= lavernalis De Nicéville, 1893; syn.
HOLOTYPE ♂ Tanaecia clathrata siluvanus Tsukada, 1991,
by Corbet 1945: 180]. The holotype is a female from Kina-Balu
Butterflies S.E. Asian Isl. V(II): 334, pl. 39, fig. 14 / RMNH.
in N. Borneo(Fruhstorfer 1899: 122). Fruhstorfer(1913: 665,
INS.383872 . LFW 31.5 mm.(Figs. 77-78)
translated)wrote: the hindwings have a violet outer margin,
TL: Balimbingan [North Sumatra].
occasionally with a white band that reminds of that of E. salia of
Comments Java . Both the male and the female figured in Seitz s Gross-
Tsukada described siluvanus as a subspecies of Tanaecia Schmetterlinge(vol. 9: plate 128, b)show a violet outer margin,
clathrata(Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862)based on a male absent in RMNH.INS. 384087. We could not locate the type
specimen from W. Sumatra (Tsukada, 1991: 334). According specimen.
to the labels on the specimen RMNH.INS.383872, it was caught
c)Euthalia cordata srota: the holotype is a male probably from
Type specimens of South East Asian Adoliadini 81

islands near Sumatra or Borneo in the Staundiger collection Adolias Varuna Snellen van Vollenhoven 1862a, Tijdschr. Ent. 5: 195,
(Fruhstorfer 1913 : 667), now preserved in Museum für pl. 10, fig. 6.
Naturkunde, Leibniz Institute at the Humboldt Universität Adolias Varuna, Snellen van Vollenhoven 1862 b, Versl. Meded. K.
(ZMHU), Berlin. Acad. Wet. Natuurk. 13: 271.
Tanaecia varuna; Butler [ 1869 ], Proceed. Zool. Soc. 1868 : 611 ;
d)Euthalia monina bipunctata f. stictica: Fruhstorfer described
Moore [1897], Lep. Indica V. 3: 84; Butler 1901, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.
stictica from specimens from Kuching, Nord-Borneo : ground
(7)8: 359; Fruhstorfer 1899, Berl. Ent. Z. 44: 129.
colour pale brown, with white zigzag lines on the top reaching
Tanaecia lutala varuna; Fruhstorfer 1913, in Seitz s Gross-Schmett. 9:
the median vein on the forewing, with brown-grey, helmet-
shaped median spots (Frustorfer 1913: 665, translated) . This
Tanaecia palguna varuna; D Abrera 1985, Butterflies Or. Reg.(II) :
description does agree with the specimen RMNH.INS.384087.
There is no other specimen from the Fruhstorfer collection in the
Tanaecia pelea lutala; Tsukada 1991, Butterflies S.E. Asian Isl. V(II):
MNHN that can be identified as a type.
Taking in to account all the above, we conclude that RMNH.
Type material. Holotype: 1♀, RMNH.INS.383850, Blume Java
INS.384087 is a syntype specimen of Euthalia monina bipunctata
/ Blume Java / Museum Leiden T. lutala varuna Voll. Det: vE.
f. stictica Fruhstorfer, 1913.
[van Eecke] / Cat. No. 1 / Adolias varuna Voll. [Snellen van
Current name: invalid infrasubspecific name. Volenhoven] type. T.v.E. V. [Tijdschrift voor Entomologie Vol. 5]
p.195. / RMNH.INS.383850 . LFW 33 mm.(Figs. 83-84)
Adolias surjas Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862
TL: Java [recte Borneo]
 dolias Surjas Snellen van Vollenhoven 1862a, Tijdschr. Ent.
A Additional material: 1♂, RMNH.INS. 383848, Blume Java /
5: 200, pl. 12, fig. 1. Museum Leiden T. lutala varuna Voll. [Snellen van Volenhoven]
 dolias Surjas, Snellen van Vollenhoven 1862b, Versl. Meded.
A Det: vE. [van Eecke] / Cat. No. 2/ RMNH.INS. 383848 . LFW
K. Acad. Wet. Natuurk. 13: 272. 29 mm.
 uthalia Ramada; Kirby 1871, Syn. Cat. Diurnal Lep.: 745.
E 1♀, RMNH.INS. 383879, Blume Java / Museum Leiden T.
Nora surjas; Butler 1901, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.(7)8: 365. lutala varuna Voll. [Snellen van Volenhoven] Det: vE. [van
Euthalia surjas; Fruhstorfer 1906a, Soc. Ent. 21(7): 51. Eecke] / Cat. No. 4 / als varuna var. beschr [reven] d [oor] Voll.
 uthalia kanda; Fruhstorfer1913, in Seitz s Gross-Schmett. 9:
E T.v.E. [Tijdschrift voor Entomologie] 62 p. 196, maar = pardalis
672. Voll. ♀ Det. Tox [opeus]. 1949 / RMNH.INS.383879 . LFW 32
 uthalia kanda kanda; Tsukada 1991, Butterflies S.E. Asian
E mm.
Isl. V(II): 432. 1♀, RMNH.INS.383853, Diard, Borneo / RMNH.INS.383853 .
LFW 38 mm.
Type material. Holotype: ♀, RMNH.INS.384261, Blume Java /
Blume Java / Museum Leiden E. kanda Moore Det: / Cat. No. 2 Comments
/ Adolias surjas Voll. [Snellen van Vollenhoven] ♀ type. T.v.E. Snellen van Vollenhoven stated that the type of Adolias Varuna
V. [Tijdschrift voor Entmologie Vol. 5 ] p. 200. / Naturalis was sent from Java to Leiden by C.L. Blume. RMNH.
Biodiversity Center HOLOTYPE ♀ Adolias Surjas Snellen van INS. 383850 matches the description of the type as well as the
Vollenhoven, 1862 Tijdschr. Ent. 5 : 200, pl. 12, f. 1 / RMNH. original figure, while RMNH.INS. 383848 and RMNH.
INS.384261 . LFW 36 mm.(Figs. 81-82) INS. 383879 agree with what Snellen van Vollenhoven named
TL: Java [recte Borneo]. varieties (excluding them from the type series)from Java,
with bigger white spots on the upper side, sharper sagittate
sports on the hindwings (Snellen van Vollenhoven 1862a: 196) .
Snellen van Vollenhoven described Surjas based on a female
The original description also includes a variety from Borneo,
specimen from Java sent to Leiden by C. L. Blume. Fruhstorfer
very likely specimen RMNH.INS. 383853 that, although not
noted that the locality on the label of Blume Java was
bearing an identification label, was placed in the RMNH
erroneous(Fruhstorfer 1906 a: 52). Judging from the original
collection under varuna var. Moore . The type is described and
figure of Snellen van Vollenhoven(pl. 12, fig. 1)the type
labelled as originating from Java, but the specimen is actually
locality should not be Java, but Borneo. Tsukada(1991: 432)
from Borneo. Frustorfer(1899: 129)suspected the locality
classified surjas as a synonym of Euthalia kanda kanda(Moore,
Java was erroneous: l.c. Java(?)Von mir in Java nicht
gefunden, Fundort ziemlich fraglich, vielleicht Borneo! [l.c.
Current name: Euthalia(Euthalia)kanda kanda(Moore, Java(?)I did not find it in Java, location quite questionable,
1859). perhaps Borneo!]. RMNH.INS. 383850, RMNH.INS. 383848,
Adolias varuna Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862 and RMNH.INS.383879, all labelled Blume Java , are each of
them another species, i.e, Tanaecia pelea(Fabricius, 1787),
82 M. E. Gassó Miracle and T. Yokochi

Figs 49-72. Type specimens of Adoliadini species deposited in the Naturalis Biodiversity Center Leiden.
49-50: Adolias ludekingii, holotype, ♀ (RMNH.INS. 383940). 51-52: Tanaecia coelebs mulsus, paratype, ♂ (383871),
53-54: A. octogesima, lectotype, ♂ (384221). 55-56: A. octogesima, paralectotype, ♀ (384106). 57-58: A. octogesima,
paralectotype, ♂ (384222). 59-60: A. pardalis, syntype, ♂ (383880). 61-62: A. pardalis, syntype, ♂ (383808). 63-
64: T. heliophila picta, holotype, ♂ (383809)., 65-66: A. dirtea ritsemae, holotype, ♀ (389263). 67-68: A. d. roepkei,
syntype, ♂ (375455). 69-70: A. d. roepkei, syntype, ♂ (375451). 71-72: A. d. roepkei, syntype, ♀ (375456).
Type specimens of South East Asian Adoliadini 83

Figs 73-90. Type specimens of Adoliadini species deposited in the Naturalis Biodiversity Center Leiden.
73-74: Adolias dirtea roepkei, syntype, ♀ (RMNH.INS. 375457). 75-76: Euthalia aeetes satellita, holotype,
♂ (382848). 77-78: Tanaecia clathrata siluvanus, holotype, ♂ (383872). 79-80: E. monina bipunctata
f. stictica, syntype, ♀ (384087). 81-82: A. surjas, holotype, ♀ (384261). 83-84: A. varuna, holotype, ♀
(383850). 85-86: A. (Tanaecia) vordermani, syntype, ♂ (383795). 87-88: A. (T.) vordermani, syntype, ♂
(383794). 89-90: A. (T.) vordermani, syntype, ♂ (383793).

Tanaecia munda Fruhstorfer, 1899, and Tanaecia aruna(C. & R.  dolias(Tanaecia)Vordermani Snellen 1890, Tijdschr. Ent. 33: 293,
Felder, 1860), respectively. Toxopeus added to RMNH. pl. 12, fig. 1.
INS. 38379 a label reading: described as variety of varuna by Tanaecia Vordermani; Moore [1897], Lep. Indica V. 3: 84.
Snellen van Vollenhoven, but = pardalis ♀ . Tanaecia apsarasa vordermani; Fruhstorfer 1899, Berl. Ent. Z. 44:
126, 128.
Current name: Tanaecia pelea lutala(Moore, 1859)
Tanaecia Vordermanni [sic]; Butler, 1901 Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.(7)8:
Adolias(Tanaecia)vordermani Snellen, 1890 358.
Tanaecia pelea vordermani; Fruhstorfer 1913, in Seitz s Gross-
84 M. E. Gassó Miracle and T. Yokochi

Schmett. 9 : 65 ; Tsukada 1991, Butterflies S.E. Asian Islands V(II): Natural History & Human History(KMNH) , Fukuoka, Japan
341. for his useful advice. We are grateful to Dr. Yusuke Minoshima,
KMNH, Fukuoka, Japan, Dr. Hiroto Hanafusa, Tottori, Japan,
Type material. Syntypes: 1♂, RMNH.INS.383795, Belitong
and the late Mr. Kikumaro Okano, Shizuoka, Japan, for
1888 / Museum Leiden. T. pelea vordermani Snell[en]. Det: vE.
permitting us to use valuable references. We are very thankful to
[van Eecke] / Cat. No. 6 / Origineel der afbeelding [original of
Dr. Rienk de Jong and Dr. Erik van Nieukerken(NBC)for their
the illustration] / Naturalis Biodiversity Center SYNTYPE ♂
valuable comments on the manuscript and their advice on
Adolias(Tanaecia)Vordermani Snellen, 1890, Tijdschr. Ent. 33:
taxonomic and historical issues.
293, pl. 12, f. 1 / RMNH.INS.383795 . LFW 36 mm.(Figs. 85-
1♂, RMNH.INS. 383794, Belitong 1888 / Museum Leiden. T. References
pelea vordermani Snell[en]. Det: vE. [van Eecke] / Cat. No. 1 / d Abrera, B., 1985. Butterflies of the Oriental Region, Part II:
Naturalis Biodiversity Center SYNTYPE ♂ Adolias(Tanaecia) Nymphalidae, Satyridae, Amathusidae. – Hill House, 290 pp.
Vordermani Snellen, 1890, Tijdschr. Ent. 33: 293, pl. 12, f. 1 / Barendrecht, G., 1957. A propos du centenaire du Tijdschrift voor
RMNH.INS.383794 . LFW 33 mm.(Figs. 87-88) Entomologie. – Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 100(1): 1-4.
1♂, RMNH.INS. 383793, Belitong Lelangan 1888 / Museum [BHL]
Leiden. T. pelea vordermani Snell [en]. Det: vE. [van Eecke] / Butler, A.G., [1869]. A monographic Revision of the Lepidoptera
Cat. No. 2 / Naturalis Biodiversity Center SYNTYPE ♂ Adolias hitherto included in the Genus Adolias, with Descriptions of
(Tanaecia)Vordermani Snellen, 1890, Tijdschr. Ent. 33: 293, pl. new Genera and Species. – Proceedings of the general meetings
12, f. 1 / RMNH.INS.383793 . LFW 35 mm.(Figs. 89-90) for scientific business of the Zoological Society of London,
TL: Billiton [Belitung, Bangka-Belitung Islands], Billiton 1868(3): 599-615, pl. 45. [BHL]
Lelangan [Lelangan Kampong, Belitung]. Butler, A.G., 1901. Notes on the Genera Tanaecia and Nora, with
descriptions of new species. – The Annals and Magazine of
Comments Natural History(7)8: 356-366. [BHL]
Snellen described the species vordermani based on three males Corbet, A.S., 1945. The species of the aconthea group of the genus
collected in June 1888 in Belitung by A.G. Vorderman and sent Euthalia Hübner. – Entomologist 78: 177-183.
to Snellen by M.C. Piepers. The selection of type series has been Corbet, A.S. & H.M. Pendlebury, 1992. The butterflies of the Malay
made based on their locality labels and the original description Peninsula. Fourth ed. revised by J. N. Eliot. – Malayan Nature
and illustration. The specimen RMNH.INS.383795 is labelled as Society, Kuala Lumpur. 595 pp. + 69 pls.
orgineel der afbeelding [original of the illustration]. Distant, W.L., 1882-1886. Rhopalocera Malayana: a description of
Comparison of this specimen with the one figured by Snellen on the butterflies of the Malay peninsula. – West, Newman & Co.,
plate 12 confirms that RMNH.INS. 383795 belongs to the London; 1886, xvi + 481 pp. + [5 pp.] + 46 pls.
original type series. Since the Vorderman material from Belitung van Eecke, R., 1918. Studies on Indo-Australian Lepidoptera - III.
was collected, prepared and sent to M.C. Piepers, who forwarded Some Rhopalocera and Netrocera from Simalur, Pulu Lasia,
it to P.C.T. Snellen, it is safe to assume that all the specimens Pulu Babi and Sumatra. – Zoologische Mededelingen 4(2)70-
mentioned by Snellen in his publication Aantekeeningen over 101 + 2 pls. [BHL]
de Lepidoptera van het eiland Belitoeng should bear the same van Eecke, R., 1932. On some Lepidoptera from Riouw-
Archipelago. – Treubia 14(1): 3-9.
labels. The two syntypes of Lexias Dirtea immaculata described
Fransen, C.H.J.M., L.B. Holthuis & J.P.H.M. Adema, 1997. Type-
by Snellen in the same article(1890: 280)also have exactly the
catalogue of the Decapod Crustacea in the collections of the
same labels(see above) . Although there are three more
Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, with appendices of pre-
specimens of vordermani with Billiton 1888 labels, these are
1900 collectors and material. – Zoologische Verhandelingen
three females and were presumably not identified as vordermani
Leiden 311: i-xvi, 344 pp. + figs. 1-79. [Digital Academic
by Snellen. According to the description by Snellen(1890: Repository NBC]
294) , one of the males should be smaller, with the white spots F r u h s t o r f e r, H ., 1 8 9 4 . N e u e J a v a n - R h o p a l o c e r e n V I . –
on the forewing dusted light brown. The specimen RMNH. Entomologische Nachrichten 20(3): 43-44. [Internet Archive]
INS.38394 is indeed the smallest of the three males, with brown- Fruhstorfer, H., 1898. Monographische Revision der Nymphalidem-
dusted white spots as shown in Fig. 54 a. Tsukada(1991: 341) Gruppe Symphaedra und Adolias. – Deutsche Entomologische
classified vordermani as a subspecies of Tanaecia pelea from Zeitschrift Iris 11: 160-208. [BHL]
Belitung and Bangka Islands. Fruhstorfer, H., 1899. Neue Euthalien von Nord-Borneo(nebst
synonymischem Catalog)+ Nachschrift. – Berliner
Current name: Tanaecia pelea vordermani(Snellen, 1890)
entomologische Zeitschrift 44(1/2) : 121-155 + 157-158. [BHL]
Acknowledgements Fruhstorfer, H., 1906 a. Neue Euthaliiden. – Societas Entomologica
20(19): 148-149, 1 fig. [BHL]
We thank to Dr. Kyoichiro Ueda, Kitakyushu Museum of
Fruhstorfer, H., 1906 b. Uebersicht der Euthaliiden aus der Section
Type specimens of South East Asian Adoliadini 85

Nora. – Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift Iris 19(3): 109- de Nicéville, L. & L. Martin, 1895. A list of the butterflies of
120, 1 fig. [BHL] Sumatra with special reference to the species occurring in the
Fruhstorfer, H., 1913. Fauna Indo-Austral., Nymphalidae. – In Seitz, North-East of the Island. – Journal of the Asiatic Society of
A., Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde, 9: pp. 650-688. Alfred Bengal 64(3): 357-555.
keren, Stuttgart. Roepke, W., 1952. Professor Dr L.J. Toxopeus ter nagedachtenis. –
Gijzen, A., 1938. s Rijks Museum van Natuurlijke Historie, 1820- Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 95: 9-22. [BHL]
1915. – Dissertation. Amsterdam, W.L. en J. Brussen. i-xii + Smit, P., 1979. The Rijksherbarium and the scientific and social
335 pp. conditions which influenced its foundation. – Blumea 25(1):
Harvey, J., P. Gilbert & K. Martin, 1996. A catalogue of manuscripts 5-11. [Digital Academic Repository NBC]
in the Entomology Library of the Natural History Museum, Snellen, P. C. T., 1890. Aanteekeningen over de Lepidoptera van het
London. – London: Mansell. eiland Belitoeng. – Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 33: 279-310 +
Holthuis, L.B., 1995. 1820-1958. Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke pl. 12. [BHL]
Historie. – Leiden, Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum:1-172. Snellen, P.C.T., 1895. Aantekeeningen over exotische Lepidoptera
[Digital Academic Repository NBC] Rhopalocera. – Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 38: 12 -30. [BHL]
Hoogmoed, M.S., M.E. Gassó Miracle & L.W. van den Hoek Snellen van Vollenhoven, S.C., 1862 a. Bijdrage tot de kennis van
Ostende, 2010. Type specimens of recent and fossil Testudines het vlindergeslacht Adolias. – Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 5 :
and Crocodylia in the collections of the Netherlands Centre for 181-207, pl. 10-12. [BHL]
Biodiversity Naturalis, Leiden, the Netherlands. – Zoologische Snellen van Vollenhoven, S.C., 1862 b. Diagnoses specierum
Mededelingen Leiden 84(8): 159-199 + figs. 1-13. [Digital novarum e genere Lepidopterum diurorum Adolias, insulas
Academic Repository NBC] Indiae orientalis inhabitantium. – Verslagen en Mededelingen
ICZN, 2002. Opinion 1990(Case 3076) . Tanaecia heringi Niepelt, Koninklijke Acadademie van Wetetenschappen afdeling
1935(Insecta, Lepidoptera): specific name placed on the Natuurkunde, Series 1, 13: 270-273. [Internet Archive]
Official List of Specific Names in Zoology. – The Bulletin of Sommerer, M., 2002. To Agree Or Not To Agree: the Question of
zoological nomenclature 59(1): 56-57. [Internet Archive] Gender Agreement in the International Code of Zoological
Jurriaanse, J.H., 1919. In: Verslag van de Vier-en-Zeventigste Nomenclature. – Nota Lepidopterologica 25(2 / 3): 191- 204.
Zomervergadering der Nederlandsche Entomologische [BHL]
Vereeniging. – Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 62: xlvii-li. [BHL] Staudinger, O., [1897]. Neue exotische Tagfaltez. – Deutsche
Jurriaanse, J.H. & J. Lindemans, 1920. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Entomologische Zeitschrift “Iris” zu Dresden 1896, 9: 193-
Lepidoptera von Z.O. Celebes en omliggende eilanden. – 240. [BHL]
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 62(Supplement): 1-39 + pls. 1-5. van Steenis-Kruseman, M.J., 1950. Malaysian plant collectors and
[BHL] collections. – In: van Steenis, C.G.G J.(Ed.), Flora Malesiana
Jurriaanse, J H. & G. Volbeda, 1924. A new form of Euthalia(Lep. Vol. 1. Koenigstein: Koeltz Scientific Books.
Nymphalidae)from Bali, Dutch East Indies. – Entomologist Toxopeus, L.J., 1949. De samenstelling der Javaanse vlinderfauna. –
57: 10-11. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 91: LX-LXIII. [BHL]
Kheil, N.M., 1884. Zur Fauna des Indo-Malayischen Archipels. Die Tsukada, E., 1991. Butterflies of the South East Asian Islands, Vol 5:
Rhoplalocera der Insel Nias. – Berlin, R. Friedlander & Sohn. Nymphalidae(II). – Tokyo: Azumino Butterflies Research
38pp. + 5pls. Institute, 576 pp. + 238 pls.
Kirby, W.F., 1871. A synonymic catalogue of the diurnal Ueda, K., Y. Sawada, Y. Yoshimatsu & T. Hirowatari, 2000. A list of
Lepidoptera. – London, J. Van Voorst. M-vii + 690 pp. Japanese Insect Collection by P. F. von Siebold and H. Bürger
KNAW, 1862. Gewone vergadering der afdeling Wis- en preserved in Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leiden, the
Nauurkundige Wetenschappen, gehouden den 25 sten januarij Netherlands. – Bulletin Of The Kitakyushu Museum Of Natural
1862. – Verslagen en Mededelingen Koninklijke Acadademie History And Human History Series A, 19: 43 - 75 + pl. 5.
van Wetetenschappen afdeling Natuurkunde, Series 1, 13: 258- Wegner, A.M.R., 1953. On a collection of Rhopalocera from Pulau
269. [Internet Archive] Panaitan(Prinsen Eiland)with description of a new species. –
Krikken, J., C. van Achterberg, P. H. van Doesburg, R. de Jong, Idea 9(3/4): 46-50 + 3 figs.
K .W.R . Z w a r t , 1 9 8 1 . S a m u e l C o n s t a n t S n e l l e n v a n Yokochi, T., 1999. Type series of the tribe Euthalini in Zoologisches
Vollenhoven(1816-1880)and his Entomological Work. – Museum, Humboldt Universität(ZMHU), Berlin, with
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 124(6): 235-268 + figs. 1-3 + pl. designation of lectotypes and some notes. – Transactions of the
1. [BHL] Lepidopterological Society of Japan 50(3): 173-192. [CiNii]
Moore, F., 1859. A Monograph of the Genus Adolias, a Genus of Yokochi T., 2010. Revision of the Subgenus Limbusa Moore, [1897]
diurnal Lepidoptera belonging to the Family Nymphalidae. – (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Adoliadini). Part 1. Systematic to
Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 5(2): 62- end of page 19, before Appendix I and II.
80,(3): 81-87. [BHL]
Moore, F., 1896-1899. Lepidoptera Indica. Vol. III: Nymphalidae.
viii + 254 pp. + pls. 191-286. London.
86 M. E. Gassó Miracle and T. Yokochi

Appendix I. Summary of nominal and current names, type specimens and their type status in the RMNH collection.
Original name Author & year of publication Type status Specimen details Current name

Adolias agnis Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862 Syntype 1♀ RMNH.INS.384269 Euthalia(Euthalia)agnis agnis(Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862)
possible syntype 1♀, RMNH.INS.384270
possible syntype 1♀, RMNH.INS.384271
Adolias apicalis Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862 Holotype ♂, RMNH.INS.384258 Euthalia(Euthalia)merta apicalis(Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862)
Adolias apsarasa Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862 Holotype ♂, RMNH.INS.383884 Tanaecia aruna apsarasa(Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862)
Euthalia adonia baliensis Jurriaanse & Volbeda, 1924 Holotype ♀, RMNH.INS.382756 Euthalia(Euthalia)adonia sapitana Fruhstorfer, 1899 syn. nov.
Euthalia aconthea bangkana Fruhstorfer, 1906 Holotype ♀, RMNH.INS.384190 Euthalia(Euthalia)alpheda bangkana Fruhstorfer, 1906
Adolias bipunctata Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862 Holotype ♂, RMNH.INS.384089 Euthalia(Euthalia)monina bipunctata(Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862)
Adolias blumei Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862 Syntypes 1♂, RMNH.INS.722490 Cynitia cocytina cocytina(Horsfield, 1829)syn. nov.
1♂, RMNH.INS.722491
1♂, RMNH.INS.722492
1♂, missing
Euthalia monina candidatus Tsukada, 1991 Paratype 1♂, RMNH.INS.722489 Euthalia(Euthalia)monina candidatus Tsukada, 1991
Adolias clathrata Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862 Holotype ♂, RMNH.INS.383868 Tanaecia clathrata clathrata(Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862)
Euthalia alpheda dammermani Van Eecke, 1932 Lectotype ♂, RMNH.INS.384189 Euthalia(Euthalia)alpheda dammermani Van Eecke, 1932
Paralectotype 1♀ RMNH.INS.384188 Euthalia(Euthalia)mahadeva eeckei Yokochi ssp. nov.
Adolias diardi Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862 Holotype ♀, RMNH.INS.383977 Cynitia cocytina ambalika(Moore, [1858])syn. nov.
Euthalia(Euthalia)mahadeva Yokochi ssp. nov. Holotype ♀, RMNH.INS.384188 Euthalia(Euthalia)mahadeva eeckei Yokochi ssp. nov.
eeckei Paratype 1♂, RMNH.INS.960157
Adolias gandarva Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862 Syntypes 1♀, RMNH.INS.383985 Cynitia cocytina ambalika(Moore, [1858])
1♀, RMNH.INS.383986
1♀, RMNH.INS.383983
1♀, RMNH.INS.383987
Lexias dirtea var. immaculata Snellen, 1890 Syntypes 1♀, RMNH.INS.375467 Lexias immaculata Snellen, 1890
1♀, RMNH.INS.375468
Adolias indras Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862 Syntypes 2♀, missing Euthalia(Euthalia)monina indras(Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862)
Tanaecia interrupta Wegner, 1953 Holotype ♀, RMNH.INS.383810 Tanaecia trigerta interrupta Wegner, 1953
Adolias ludekingii Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862 Holotype ♀, RMNH.INS.383940 Cynitia cocytina cocytina(Horsfield, 1829)syn. nov.
Tanaecia coelebs mulsus Tsukada, 1991 Paratype 1♂, RMNH.INS.383871 Tanaecia mulsus Tsukada, 1991
Adolias octogesima Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862 Lectotype ♂, RMNH.INS.384221 Euthalia(Euthalia)alpheda alpheda(Godart, 1824)
Paralectotypes 1♀, RMNH.INS.384106
1♂, RMNH.INS.384222
Adolias pardalis Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862 Syntypes 1♂, RMNH.INS.383880 Tanaecia aruna pardalis(Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862)
1♂, RMNH.INS.383808
Tanaecia heliophila picta Van Eecke, 1918 Holotype ♂, RMNH.INS.383809 Tanaecia pelea picta Van Eecke, 1918
Adolias dirtea ritsemae Fruhstorfer, 1906 Holotype ♀, RMNH.INS.389263 Lexias pardalis ritsemae(Fruhstorfer, 1906)
Adolias dirtea roepkei Toxopeus, 1949 Syntypes 1♂, RMNH.INS.375455 Lexias dirtea boisduvalii(Boisduval, 1836)
1♂, RMNH.INS.375451
1♀, RMNH.INS.375456
1♀, RMNH.INS.375457
Euthalia aeetes satellita Jurriaanse, 1919 Holotype ♂, RMNH.INS.382848 Lexias aeetes satellita(Jurriaanse, 1919)
Tanaecia clathrata siluvanus Tsukada, 1991 Holotype ♂, RMNH.INS.383872 Tanaecia clathrata siluvanus Tsukada, 1991
Euthalia monina bipunctata f. Fruhstorfer, 1913 Syntype 1♀, RMNH.INS.384087 invalid infrasubspecific name
Adolias surjas Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862 Holotype ♀, RMNH.INS.384261 Euthalia(Euthalia)kanda kanda(Moore, 1859)
Adolias varuna Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862 Holotype ♀, RMNH.INS.383850 Tanaecia pelea lutala(Moore, 1859)

Adolias(Tanaecia)vordermani Snellen, 1890 Syntypes 1♂, RMNH.INS.383795 Tanaecia pelea vordermani(Snellen, 1890)
1♂, RMNH.INS.383794
1♂, RMNH.INS.383793
Type specimens of South East Asian Adoliadini 87

Appendix I and II should not go between the references. First the complete reference list.
These names are to be considered nomina nuda and therefore are not available according to the International Code of Zoological
Cynitia alactis Toxopeus; ♂ HOLOTYPE
Cynitia asoka arenicola Toxopeus; ♂ HOLOTYPE
Cynitia cyanurus Toxopeus; ♂ HOLOTYPE
Cynitia hageni Toxopeus; ♂ HOLOTYPE , ♀ ALLOTYPE
Cynitia hasselti Toxopeus; ♂ HOLOTYPE
Cynitia horsfieldi Toxopeus; ♂ HOLOTYPE
Cynitia hylornis Toxopeus; ♂ HOLOTYPE
Cynitia jacobsoni Toxopeus; ♂ HOLOTYPE
Cynitia kalianda Toxopeus; ♂ HOLOTYPE
Cynitia lacyon Toxopeus; ♂ HOLOTYPE
Cynitia levisomnia Toxopeus; ♂ HOLOTYPE
Cynitia magnolia udara Toxopeus; ♂ PARATYPE
Cynitia marina Toxopeus; ♂ HOLOTYPE
Cynitia minima Toxopeus; ♂ HOLOTYPE
Cynitia pentabola Toxopeus; ♂ HOLOTYPE
Cynitia peristaltica Toxopeus; ♂ HOLOTYPE
Cynitia purpurata Toxopeus; ♂ HOLOTYPE
Cynitia regina Toxopeus; ♂ HOLOTYPE , ♀ ALLOTYPE
Cynitia serrata Toxopeus; ♂ HOLOTYPE
Cynitia siebersi Toxopeus; ♂ HOLOTYPE , ♀ ALLOTYPE ; ♂ PARATYPE
Cynitia succinea Toxopeus; ♂ HOLOTYPE
Cynitia violata crenulata Toxopeus; ♂ HOLOTYPE
Cynitia violata Toxopeus; ♂ HOLOTYPE , ♂ PARATYPE
Tanaecia heliophila glaucopis Toxopeus; ♂ HOLOTYPE
Tanaecia munda butleri Toxopeus; ♂ HOLOTYPE , ♀ ALLOTYPE
Tanaecia pelea corbeti Toxopeus; ♂ HOLOTYPE , ♀ ALLOTYPE

Unpublished type designation:

Euthalia djata rubidifasciata Talbot, 1929. ♂ NEOALLOTYPE Det. Tox. 1949

摘 要 ている.今回,我々は NBC に保管されているイナズマチョ

タクサ)を調査し,その結果を報告した.判明した 28 タ
クサを次に示す.Snellen van Vollenhoven(1862)における
族(鱗 翅 目, タ テ ハ チ ョ ウ 科)の 模 式 標 本(M. E. Gassó
14タクサ(agnis, apicalis, apsarasa, bipunctata, blumei,
Miracle・横地 隆)
clathrata, diardi, gandarva, indras, ludekingii, octogesima,
オランダ・ライデンのオランダ国立生物多様性センターナ pardalis, surjas, varuna),Snellen(1890)における 2 タクサ
チュラリス(Naturalis Biodiversity Center, NBC)は,旧オラ (immaculata, vordermani),Fruhstorfer(1906)における 2 タ
ンダ国立自然史博物館を中心に地質学,鉱物学,動物学, クサ(bangkana, ritsemae),Fruhstorfer(1913)における 1 タ
植物学の博物館を統合して 2010 年に設立された.NBC に ク ソ ン(stictica),van Eecke(1918)に お け る 1 タ ク ソ ン
は 19 世紀以来の分類学的に重要な古典的コレクションが (picta),Jurriaanse(1919)における 1 タクソン(satellita),
数多く収蔵されている.スネーレン・ファン・ヴォーレン Jurriaanse & Volbeda(1924) に お け る 1 タ ク ソ ン
ホーベン(Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1816-1880)はイナズマ (baliensis),van Eecke(1932) に お け る 1 タ ク ソ ン
チョウ族の論文を報告した.その報告書は 1862 年に纏め (dammermani),Toxopeus(1949) に お け る 1 タ ク ソ ン
られた(1862a, 1862b)が,ここでは 14 の新タクサが記載 (roepkei),Wegner(1953)における 1 タクソン(interrupta),
されており,同族の分類において極めて重要な文献となっ Tsukada(1991) に お け る 3 タ ク サ(candidatus, mulsus,
88 M. E. Gassó Miracle and T. Yokochi

siluvanus).このうち,dammermani, octogesima に対してレ eeckei の記載を行った.

ナ ズ マ Euthalia mahadeva(Moore, 1859)に つ い て 新 亜 種 (Received March 16, 2016. Accepted July 16, 2016)

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