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Module 16: Cognitive Development of Preschoolers

Activity :

_____1. ‘’ Someone switched on the thunder ,’’ a child remarked.

_____2. Child silently nods on the telephone to answer his Father who is on the other side of
the phone inquiring if Mom is around.

____3. ‘’ That tree pushed the leaf off and it fell down’’, says a child.

____4. A child is presented with two identical beakers each filled to the same level with liquid .
The child is asked if these beakers have the same amount and she says Yes. The liquid from one
beaker is poured into a third beaker, which is taller and thinner than the first two. The child is
then asked if the amount of liquid in the tall, thin beaker is equal to that which remains in one
of the original beakers . The child says Yes.

____5. Child asks a series of ‘’why’’ questions.

____6. Child is strongly influenced by the features of the task that stand out, such as the
flashy , attractive clown.

____7. Child plays attention to the more relevant dimensions of the task such as directions for
solving a problem and not on the prominent clown , for instance.

____8. Jun does not realize that the juice in each glass can be poured back into the juice box
from which it came.

____9. Mike did not like to share a piece of cake with his younger sister. Mike’s younger sister
was sick. Mike concludes that he made his younger sister got sick.



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