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F. Dulalia Street, Lingunan, Valenzuela City

Pressure Yields Diamond: A Phenomenological Study on Understanding the

Influence of Pressure on the Academic Performance of HUMSS Venus Grade 12

students of LNHS

A Research Project

Presented to the Faculty of the

Senior High School Department

Lingunan National High School

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the subject

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

Arellano, Cherry Lou

Banhao, Reynalin

Bumalay, Dave Zahnder

Gutirrez, Jude

Luteria, Lianlei

Pangan, John Ivan

Ramos, Jay Daryll

Vinluan, Von Jeremy David

F. Dulalia Street, Lingunan, Valenzuela City

Chapter 1


CollegeData (2021), states that Senior High School students have a lot in their

plate when it comes to academic works, especially as they’re on the cusp of

graduating. Being forced to make heavy decisions for the first time in their lives is a

tough challenge. Thus, it can be physically and mentally draining at times and if not

tackled properly could be detrimental to the students. Carrying such a burden may or

may not influence them academically and lead to better performance depending on

how they face it (Gonca Ercegil, 2023).


It is important for us to be aware that pressure contribute a huge factor in

everyday productivity, not only in the Philippines, but worldwide. The academic

performance was affected by the pressure that can be attributed by societal

expectations, parental pressure, the structure of the educational system, fear of failure,

and the desire to meet personal and career goals, and these pressure is the substantial

concern of this research. These influences contribute to a high-pressure environment

that can impact students' well-being and academic performance. Conner, Galloway,

and Pope (2013), surveyed 4,317 students in ten Northern California high-performing

public and private college preparatory schools and found that 72% reported feeling

stressed and pressure about schoolwork often or always. The level of academic

pressure of the respondents measured by AAS revealed that the majority of them,
F. Dulalia Street, Lingunan, Valenzuela City

which consist of 89 (32.96%) reported moderate levels of academic pressure followed

by 83 (30.74%) reported high levels of academic anxiety (Cebu, CHRA, and

Pantalita, 2023).

In a student's life, pressure heavily affects the academic performance of

students regardless of their grade or year. Such pressure is not only limited to

academic pressure instead there are other forms of pressure present in one's life. With

its presence, learners like Grade 12 students in Lingunan Senior High School faces

difficulty on how they can cope up with the situations and challenges that comes to

them. According to Likisa (2019), pressure is more highly competitive academic

environment where students' performance is largely affected by several factors, such

as social media, academic quality, family and social bonding, and more. Young

people have excessive pressure put on them to achieve or exceed the academic

standard in the education system. Most especially, in hopes to positively impact

students, in order for them to obtain high academic results (Hatoum, 2021).

The researchers aim to delve into the experiences of Grade 12 HUMSS Venus

students at LNHS and understand the impact of pressure on their academic

performance. By exploring the lived experiences and perspectives of these students,

this research seeks to shed light on the various factors that contribute to the pressure

they face, how it affects their academic performance, and potential strategies for

managing and mitigating the negative effects of pressure. Most of studies are focusing

with how the student cope with the pressure and the factor affecting, but this research

would like to explore and understand more the pressure they have in this phenomena.
F. Dulalia Street, Lingunan, Valenzuela City


This research aims to explore the perceptions of the G12 HUMSS Venus of

LNHS regarding the effects of pressure to their Academic performance.

Particularly, this research would like to address the following questions:

1. What is the perception of G12 HUMSS Venus students regarding pressure?

2. What are the pressures that influences the daily academic performance of

Venus students?

3. What are the impact of pressure in mental health of HUMSS Venus in their

academic performances?

4. How student of HUMSS Venus cope with the pressure they experience?


This study aims to understand the influence of pressure in academic

performance of senior high school students in Lingunan National senior High school.

This study's findings will benefit the factors that involved in this research. This study

is important because it clarify the complex dynamics of peer pressure experienced by

HUMSS 12-Venus students at Lingunan National High School and how they cope

with it. This study is important due to its ability to address and lessen the detrimental

effects of peer pressure and provide enough insights to inform our beneficiaries,

hence improving the educational experience for HUMSS students as a whole. Thus,

this will prove examination of the different forms and origins of peer pressure, along
F. Dulalia Street, Lingunan, Valenzuela City

with its effects on mental health, decision-making, and academic achievement, the

research hopes to offer insightful information to politicians, parents, and educators.

Educators. By helping educators create focused interventions and support

systems to help HUMSS students resist peer pressure, the findings will eventually

help to create a supportive learning environment. Helping them to realize the positive

and negative effect of pressure on their academic performances along with how it

influences them.

Parents. Informing them that the pressure has a couple of effects on their

children either positive or negative. This research will help them to understand and

look after their children now that they are more aware of the causes and consequences

of peer pressure on adolescents. Parents can have educated conversations with their

kids and provide them the support and direction they need to make better decisions as

seniors in high school.

Policymakers. The study's findings can help shape educational policies that

tackle the particular difficulties experienced by students and encourage a

comprehensive approach to learning that takes into account kids' academic and

socioemotional needs.

Students. The student themselves will be aware on how the pressure affects

their academic performances. By being aware of the study's findings, students will be
F. Dulalia Street, Lingunan, Valenzuela City

better able to identify and fend off harmful peer pressure and make well-informed

decisions that support both their academic and personal development.


The scope of the study will focus on Pressure Yields Diamond: A

phenomenological study on understanding the influence of pressure on the academic

performance of HUMSS Venus grade 12 students at LNHS. The study will be

conducted in a specific school or academic institution within a specific geographic

location or inside the classroom of Grade 12 Venus at Lingunan National High


The research will involve the identification and examination of the various

pressure utilized by Grade 12 Venus students regardless if it is positive or negative.

The study aims to identify the factors that influence the students' understanding of

pressure and how these practices impact their academic performance. The research

will also seek to determine the understanding of various academic performance

variables. The study will explore the different techniques that students use and

determine how they are affected by the influence of pressure on academic

performance. However, researchers will only focus with five top performing students

of Grade 12 Venus in Lingunan Senior High School, and they will be selected

randomly to avoid bias. The research will only involve qualitative data analysis, and

no quantitative data analysis will be conducted. Lastly, the study will not examine the

effects of external factors such as family and social life on understanding the

influence of pressure on academic performance.

F. Dulalia Street, Lingunan, Valenzuela City


The terms given below have a definition that associate with the research and

can explain the meaning it correspond according to their use in study.

Academic Achievement. This can be affected by the parental engagement the

way parents used persuasive approaches to motivate their children.

Academic Anxiety. Observable signs of anxiety, including increased heart

rate, avoidance behaviors, and self-reported feelings of stress specifically linked to

academic challenges.

Academic Performance. Measurable indicators, such as grades, test scores,

and class participation, reflecting an individual's competence and success in academic


Academic Pressure. This affect the students either positive or negative on

their academic performances, it can be a motivation but it can be also a hindrance for

them to lose their focused on studying.

Academic Strain. Measurable measures of the demands that students have on

their time, workload, and perceived coursework difficulty and complexity.

F. Dulalia Street, Lingunan, Valenzuela City

Detrimental Effects. Measurable, observable adverse effects that may be

scientifically evaluated or measured in connection with a certain behaviour,

environment, or circumstance.

Discernible. Used to differentiate that there is no difference between male and

female when it comes to procrastinating.

Levels of Stress. Measurable levels of stress, from low to severe, that are

evaluated through behavioural expressions, physiological markers, or self-reporting.

Mental Health Management. This can recommend to every student that are

facing a mental breakdown because of pressure, the way it affect them negatively this

can help them to manage their health.

Motivation. Observable behaviors, choices, and persistence levels influenced

by underlying motivational factors, often assessed through self-reporting,

performance measures, or behavioral indicators.

Parental Cultural Parenting. Observable behaviors and parenting strategies

informed by cultural norms, encompassing aspects such as communication styles,

discipline methods, and the transmission of cultural heritage within the parent-child


Procrastinating. It is one of the factors that affects the academic performance

of a students and can be also motivate and help other students.

Self-Efficacy. Measurable confidence and perceived competence in

undertaking and completing tasks, often assessed through self-reporting, task-specific

assessments, or behavioral observations.

F. Dulalia Street, Lingunan, Valenzuela City

Self-Identity. Observable and self-reported aspects of personal identity,

including roles, relationships, cultural affiliations, and self-perception, which

collectively shape an individual's sense of who they are.

Social Pressure. Tangible instances of pressure, such as peer expectations,

societal standards, or family influence, affecting decision-making, self-perception, or

social interactions in academic and broader life spheres.

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