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Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic Nashik

Program: Computer Engineering

Academic Year: 2023-2024

Assignment No-02

Course: Data Communication and Computer Network Code: 22414

Unit II: Transmission Media and Switching

Class: SYCO ( C )

Q.1] Attempt 5 Questions: 2 Marks X 5 Ques= 10 Marks

a. Define guided and unguided communication media.

b. List any four Unguided Transmission Media.

c. List guided Transmission Media.

d. State the criteria for selecting transmission media.

e. List different multiplexing techniques.

Q.2] Attempt 5 Questions: 4 Marks X 5 Ques= 20 Marks

a. Differentiate between FDM and TDM.

b. Draw structural diagram of fiber optic cable and write its functions.

c. Draw and explain diagram of twisted pair cable and state its types.

d. Explain circuit switching networks with neat sketch.

e. Explain packet switching networks with neat sketch.

Mr. C. R. Ghuge Mrs. G. R. Jagtap

Course Teacher HOD

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