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Scheme-I (Semester 4)
Software Engineering (22413) Question
Q1.Define Software (Unit 1-CO1)
Q2. Define Software Engineering (Unit 1-CO1)
Q3.What is an Agile Process? (Unit 1-CO1)
Q4. List out the types of software? (Unit 1-CO1)
Q5. What are the advantages of waterfall model? (Unit 1-CO1)
Q6. What is Requirement Engineering and Software Requirement Engineering? (Unit 2-CO2)
Q7. Draw symbols of Usecase diagram. (Unit 2-CO2)
Q8. Identify goals of elicitation phase? (Unit 2-CO2)
Q9.What are the software Engineering Practices? (Unit2-CO1)
Q10. State the need of SRS. (Unit 2-CO2)

Q1. Explain Generic Process Framework with suitable diagram (Unit1 CO-1)
Q2. Explain RAD model in brief (Unit 1- CO-1)
Q3. Explain Scrum with neat diagram. (Unit 1- CO-1)
Q4. Describe 4 principles of communication for software engineering (Unit2-CO-2)
Q5. Explain general format of SRS (Unit 2-CO-2)
Q6. Explain Analysis Modeling with neat labeled diagram (Unit 2, 3-CO-2-3)
Q7. Distinguish between RAD model and incremental model. (Unit 1-CO-1)
Q8. Draw DFD for library management system for level 0 and level 1. (Unit 3 CO-3)
Q9. Describe any 4 core principles of software engineering practices. (Unit 2-CO-2)
Q10. Explain any 5 characteristics of SRS. (Unit 2-CO2)

Ms. K. R. Borade, Mrs. S. S. Ripote, Mrs. H.I. Borhude G. R. Jagtap

Signature of Subject Teacher Signature of HOD

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