English LP Rw.5

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Notre Dame of Midsayap College

INTEGRATED Basic Education

Midsayap, Cotabato
AY 2023 - 2024

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English 4

Date: February 26, 2024 Section: Mother of Perpetual Help

Time: 2:30 - 4:30 PM


At the end of the period, the learners are expected to:

a) Cognitive: Understand the definition of root word.
b) Psychomotor: Identify the root word being used in a sentence.
c) Affective: Appreciate the importance of its word.

Values Integration: Teamwork and Collaboration

I. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Root word
B. References: REX Book Store,
C. Materials: PowerPoint presentation, Worksheets, Manila paper.

II. Learning Activities

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. The setting of Classroom Standards
5. Review of the past lesson

B. Procedure

1. Activity
-The teacher will group the students into fives (5) groups and each group
will play

-in this game called “PICK A DOOR” the every group will choose 1 door to open.
-every door have picture to guess, the students will guess the characteristics of the
picture in the door they pick.
2. Analysis
The teacher will ask question to students;
- What is root word?

3. Abstraction
-The teacher will discuss the root word.

Root word
A root word is the primary unit of a word, and it carries the core meaning of
that word. It is base with prefixes and suffixes we can be added to create
new words.

Here are some common root words along with their meanings:
“Bio” – meaning life
Biology (study of life) Biography (writing someone’s life)
Chronology Synchronize
(arrangement of events in time) (to happen at the same time)
“Graph” – write or draw
(relating to visual art)

4. Application
-The teacher will group the students into six (6) groups and each group will
identify a root words
-Each group will read a short story
-list down 5 root words that they found in the story.
III. Generalization
- The teacher will summarize about the lesson which is the root word.

IV. Evaluation

Instruction: Identify the root words in the box and encircle the root words.

1. brushed rush brush bush

2. learning learn earn earning

3. knowing knows now know

4. unable able nable ables

5. reading read ead eads

6. unwell wells well welled

7. riding rode rides ride

8. unfollow follow low follows

V. Assignment
Give 5 example of root words

Prepared by:

Pre-Service Teacher

Checked by:


Cooperating Teacher

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