It Mock Study Notes

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(F this)
(based on mr regis outline)
(atleast a 50 guys)
Computer & Parts of a Computer
What is a computer?
- A computer is an electronic machine that accepts input(data), processes that
input and stores or outputs the results (resulting information).
Categories of computers:
- Supercomputer
- Mainframe
- Mini Computers (Mid Range Computers)
- Microcomputer (Laptops, Desktops, Tablets, etc)

Advantages of using a computer:

- Speed
- Consistency and Accuracy
- Storage
- Reliability

Disadvantages of using a computer:

- It is easier for security and integrity of data to be compromised.
- It can be expensive
What is Computer hardware?
- Computer hardware includes the physical components of a computer.
Central Processing Unit (CPU) The CPU controls the computer,
processes, and communicates with the
other components of a computer.
Motherboard The motherboard provides the structure
for all components and connect them. It
houses the CPU, Memory, and
Secondary storages.
Random Access Memory (RAM) RAM is where data is stored
temporarily while it is being used by
Hard Disk Drive (HDD) or Solid-State Hard drives or SSDs are data storage
Drive (SSD) devices that are used to stored files,
programs, or other information on a
computer system.
Monitor The computer monitor is the part of the
computer that displays the data.
Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) Generates high-end visuals like those
found on the various video games.

Control Unit (CU) vs the Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)

The control unit (cu) is the main part of the CPU. It directs and coordinates all the
activities within the CPU while the arithmetic and logic unit performs all the logic
functions in a computer
Input Devices
Keyboard A keyboard allows users to input data
into the computer.
Mouse A mouse is a pointing device, that
senses movement and sends signals to
the CPU.
Joystick A joystick is also a pointing device,
Scanner A scanner is an input device that allows
the conversion of hard copy media to
digital media
Microphone A microphone is a device that allows
sound to be inputted and then stored in
a digital form.
Magnetic Ink Card Reader (MICR) MICR is a device used in banks to
process cheques.
Optical Character Reader (OCR) OCR is a device that is used to read a
printed text.
Bar Code Readers Bar Code Reader is a device used for
reading bar codes. Bar code store
things such as prices and good
Optical Mark Reader (OMR) OMR is a special type of scanner that
is used to check answer sheets of
examinations. For example, Multiple
Output Devices
Monitor A monitor is a device that displays
information from a computer. It is an
essential component of a computer
Printer A Printer is a device that produces hard
copies of documents. It converts digital
data into a physical form on paper
Speaker/Headphone A speaker/headphone is a hardware
device that provides audio output for
various multi-media applications. It
allows users to hear sound effects,
music, voice-overs, and other audio
Projector A projector is a device that allows user
to display the current content from
their computer screen onto a larger
surface, such as a wall or projector
screen, for presentations, watching
movies, or sharing content with a larger
Data Verification
Data verification is the checking for mistakes such as transcription errors when
data is copied from one medium or device to another.

One way to guaranteed that the data entered match the source data is a procedure
called double (data) entry. Data is entered twice using a program that checks
each second entry against the first. For example, some application requires users to
enter their password twice. The application compares the two passwords to confirm
that they are the same.

Visual checks – Another verification method is to use on-screen prompts. After a

set of data is entered, it is redisplayed on the screen. The user is prompted to read it
and confirm that it has been entered that it has been entered correctly.
Data Validation
Data validation – is the computerized checking of input data for errors (data that
may be unreasonable or incomplete) before it is processed.

Range Check
Range check ensure that the data entered is within a certain range. For example,
when you enter a number corresponding to a month, the range of acceptable
numbers is 1 to 12.

Reasonableness Check
This checks tests whether the data obeys specificized criteria. For example, the
child for a child at a preschool could be about 4 years old but not 14 years old.
Reasonableness checks are used to check doubtful data.

Data Type Check

This is also known as alphanumeric check. When a database is created, each field
will accept a specific type of data. Whenever data is entered into a field the
database will check that is of the correct type, for example alphabetic or numeric.
If it is not, then an error message will be displayed, and the data will have to be re-

Field Name Type Valid data Invalid Data

Data of birth Date 19/10/1994 19/19/94, or 24
Percentage mark Numeric 56, 99 A+, Pass, 125, -15
Consistency Check
A consistency check compares the contents of two or more fields to make sure that
they make sense. It us also called an Inconsistency check since it mostly identifies
errors and discrepancies in the data.

Are you unemployed? No

Unemployment benefits claimed? Yes
Years of employment 12
Current occupation Unemployed

In the table above, we see that the question ‘Are you unemployed’ is no yet the
‘Unemployment benefits claimed?’ is yes which cannot be since you cannot claim
unemployment benefits if you are employed.

Another example would be Single mothers with children can claim for children
allowance. Check to see if the number of children is not zero

Presence Check
This check verifies that the data has been actually entered.

Format Check
This check verifies that the data has been entered in the correct format. For
example, a national ID number will have a format such as 999-9999-X999, where
9 represents a number and X represents an alphabetic character.

Length Check
This check verifies that the data entered is the correct length. For example, a
password for a credit card may be 4 digits long, therefore entering a 3 or 5 digit
may result in an error.

Check digit
A check digit is an extra digit added to end of a code. It is used to detect errors
arising from transcription and also to ensure codes originally produced by a
computer are re-entered into another computer correctly. It is calculated from the
other digits in the number. (BAR CODES)
Your Primary storage contains of your:
- RAM (Random Access Memory) - RAM is where data is stored temporarily
while it is being used by programs or the CPU.
- ROM (Read Only Memory) – Stores crucial information to operate the
system such as to boot the computer. The information on ROM is
permanent. 4 Types are:
1. ROM (Can be read but no changed)
2. PROM (Once programmed, it can never be changed [Programmable Read
Only Memory])
3. EPROM (Can be erased and reprogrammed repeatedly by shining a UV
light on it [Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory])

Your Secondary storage devices consists of:

- Floppy Disks or Diskette – An easy way to transfer information from one
computer to another.
- Hard Disks - Hard drives are data storage devices that are used to stored
files, programs, or other information on a computer system.
- Magnetic Tape
- USB Flash Drive
(See next page for textbook picture)
Local Storage vs Cloud Storage

Local storage is where data and information are stored physically on hardware
such as external hard drives, flash drives and CDs.

Advantages Disadvantages
You have complete control – Since If your hardware dies, your data
the data is stored locally, you have goes with it – This is a major concern
control over the hardware for businesses
Easy accessibility – Having your Cost – To store data locally, it will
data at your fingertips is a huge require you to buy hardware and
convenience since there is no cloud someone to manage the hardware
upload nor download
No need for a stable internet connection Data security and safety – Any on-site
storage can crash at any time, leaving you
with damaged or no data

Cloud Storage

Cloud storage involves storing data on hardware in a remote physical location

which can be accessed from anywhere in the world.

Advantages Disadvantages
Cost – Cheaper than setting up local Internet Connection – Requires
storage stable internet connections for files to
be accessed.
Accessibility – Using the cloud Cost - There are several additional
allows you to access the data from costs for uploading and downloading
anywhere that has an internet your data that can quickly add up.
Recovery – Data stored as a backup Hard drives – Cloud storage is
in the cloud can be accessed if the supposed to eliminate our dependence
physical data has been damaged or on physical media yet they use the
completely destroyed. same means to store your data
Syncing and Updating – When you
are working on a file and save it, it
will be uploaded and syncing
acrossed all your devices
Security – Cloud storage provides
additional layers of security. Since
they are many people with files
stored in the cloud, they go to lengths
to ensure your files you be accessed
by every or anyone.
Flow Chart
Basic Symbols for a Flow Chart (You have to write in the symbols what they

Terminal: The oval symbol indicates Start, Stop and Halt in a program’s logic
flow. This is the first and last symbol.


Input/Output: A parallelogram denotes any function of input/output type.

Input num1

Decision: Diamond symbol represents a decision point. Decision based operation

such as yes/no questions or true or false are indicated by the diamond in the flow

Connectors: Whenever flowcharts become complex, we use connectors to avoid

confusions. It is represented by a circle.
Arrow/Flow lines: Flow lines indicate the exact sequence in which instructions
are executed.

Example of Flow Chart

Draw a flowchart to input two numbers from the user and display the output.


Input num1

Input num2

num1 >


Display Display
num2 num1
IPO Chart (Excel Functions)

Use VLOOKUP when you need to find things in a table. For example, look up the
price of an automotive part by the part number, or find an employee name based on
their employee ID

In its simplest form,

=VLOOKUP( What do you want to lookup [Brake Fluid = BF69], Where do you
want to look for it [Table of car parts], the column number that has the value you
want returned [The Brake Fluid name is in column 3], return an exact or
approximate – [TRUE/FALSE])

1. What do you want to lookup [Brake Fluid = BF69]

2. Where do you want to look for it [Table of car parts]
3. the column number that has the value you want returned [The Brake Fluid
name is in column 3]
4. return an exact or approximate – [TRUE/FALSE]


The lookup value is D2

The table is A2:B3
The result value is in column 2
We want an exact match so we put TRUE
So the function is

=VLOOKUP( D2 , A2:B3 , 2 , TRUE )


= IF ( logical test , value if true , value if false )

The IF function has three arguments:

- A condition that is tested to determine if it is either true or false.

For example, if cell E32 is greater than 21. E32 > 21.
- The resulting value if the condition is true.
- The resulting value if the condition is false.

= IF ( E32 > 21 , “Cell E32 is Big”, “Cell E32 is small”)

SUMIF Function

Sumif is used to sum the value in a range that meet a certain criterion. For
sum the amount of money over $1000. So we want to sum (Add) only the value
only 1000.

The table range is B21:B30

The criteria is “>1000”

The function beomces:

=SUMIF( B21:B30 , ">1000" )


We use the COUNTIF function to count the how much items meet a certain
criterion. For example, How many people had Coca cola for breakfast this

The table is A11:B16

The criteria is “Coca cola”

The function becomes:

=COUNTIF( A11:B16 , "Coca cola" )

Internet vs Worldwide Web
The world wide web are the pages you see when you're at a device and you're
online. But the internet is the network of connected computers that the web works
on, as well as what emails and files travel across.
Programming Basics
Types of Variables:

Int: Integer (Whole Numbers)

Float: (Decimals with a point)
Real: Money
Const: Constant: pie = 3.142
Bool: Logical (True and False)

Equal to =
Less than <
Less than Equal to <=
Greater than >
Greater than Equal to >=
Not Equal to <>

Always ensure your program has a name

Declare the variables
Initialize the variables
Begin the program

Basic example on the next page

Your name

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