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EDU 570-CFE HANDOUTS  Lithosphere

 The outer layer of the earth and

 EARTH SPACE AND SCIENCE includes the Earth’s crust and part of
 the interconnections between the land, the mantle.
ocean, atmosphere, and life of our  Hydrosphere
planet.  The area of earth covered by water
 Peer-to-peer Teaching including the ocean’s, glacier’s, lakes
 This teaching technique encourages and river. Around 75% of the Earth’s
rote memorization and note taking surface is covered by the ocean. The
instead of excitement about the world study of ocean is called oceanology.
of science.  Biosphere
 Buzz Groups- they spend  The region Earth where life exist. It
approximately 20 minutes studying a includes all the biomes and ecosystems
topic and gathering information. around the planet.
 Solution and critic Groups-  Teacher-Centered Approach
The teacher assign one group of  The teacher is perceived to be the only
students to gather information and reliable source of information in
give a presentation and the second contrast to the learner-centered
group of students acts a critic group approach which is premised on the
of by evaluating the presentation. belief that the learner is also an
 Affinity groups- work together important source.
outside of the classroom and then  Subject Matter-Centered
present their findings during class Approach
time.  The teacher finishes teaching subject
 Real life Scenario matter as scheduled even if learner have
 the use of real-life case studies not learned it.
reinforces classroom learning.  Interactive classroom
 Current Event Tie-in  Have more student talk and less teacher
 tying current events into science talk.
lectures and experiment is a great way  Constructivist Approach
to spark interest in the discussion at
 Students are expected to construct
knowledge and meaning of what they
 Hands-on Activities with follow are taught by connecting them to prior
Up Work experience
 all hands-on activities should be  Banking Approach- Teacher’s deposit
followed by follow-up work. knowledge into the “empty” minds of
 Geology students. (tabula-rasa, empty vessels/blank
 the study of earth (Geo means Earth slate; proposed by: John Locke) Thematic
and ology means study of) Approach.
 Atmosphere (meteorology)
 The air around the earth made up of
gasses (mostly nitrogen and oxygen).
 around the planet.  Venn diagram
 Teacher-Centered Approach  is diagram that shows all possible logical
 The teacher is perceived to be the only relations between a finite collection of
reliable source of information in different sets.
contrast to the learner-centered  Learning Target
approach which is premised on the  What you want your student to know
belief that the learner is also an and be able to do as a result of the daily
important source. lesson.
 Subject Matter-Centered  Performance Task
Approach  A learning experience that deepens
 The teacher finishes teaching subject students understanding and produces
matter as scheduled even if learner have compelling evidence of where students
not learned it. are in relation to the learning target.
 Interactive classroom  Meteorology
 Have more student talk and less teacher  the scientific study of the atmosphere
talk. that focuses on weather processes and
 Constructivist Approach forecasting.
 Students are expected to construct  Meteoroids
knowledge and meaning of what they  a small rocky or metallic body in outer
are taught by connecting them to prior space.
experience  Meteors
 Banking Approach- Teacher’s deposit  Commonly called a shooting star or
knowledge into the “empty” minds of falling star.
students. (tabula-rasa, empty vessels/blank  Meteorites
slate; proposed by: John Locke) Thematic
 categorized as irony or stony.

 Direct instruction/lecture
 Integrated teaching approach Methods
 Makes the teacher connects what  aims to acquire procedural knowledge
he/she teaches to the other lessons of
exercised in the performance of some
the same subject (intradisciplinary)
task and used for lessons that are
 Collaborative Approach factual and non-controversial.
 Group work, teamwork  Demonstration Method
 Individualistic approach-individual  the teacher or an assigned student or
learning group shows how a process is done
 Direct Teaching Approach while the students become observers.
 Teacher directly tells or shows or  Inquiry Method
demonstrate what is to be taught.  Provide opportunities to explore,
 Guided approach-teacher facilitates inquire an discover new learnings.
the learning process by allowing the learner
to be engaged in the learning process with
his/her guidance.
 Problem solving Method
 Teaching strategy that employs the
scientific method in searching for
information and is most effective in
developing skill in employing the science
 Project Method
 This method emphasizes learning by
doing and develops the students
manipulative skills.
 Cooperative Learning
 in this method students work in team to
tackle academic task.
 Weather
 The state of the atmosphere at any
given period of time.
 Astronomy
 a natural science that studies celestial
objects and phenomena.
 Planets
 Are large object such as such as Jupiter
or earth that orbits a star.
 Stars
 are huge ball of gas held together by
 Moon
 The large round object that circles the
earth that shines at night by reflecting
light from the sun.
 First law
 assume that audience knows LESS than
you think they should.
 Second law
 Assume that your audience is MORE
intelligent than you think they are.
 Mercury
 The smallest and innermost planet in
the solar system.
 Venus
 The second planet from the sun and as
named after the goddess of love and
EDU 532-CFE HANDOUTS  Consisted of 3Rs and acceptance of
  American Period
 Curriculum Mapping  Medium of instruction is English and
 A method to align instruction with a creation of public school system.
degree’s learning outcome.  Commonwealth
 Diary  the period of expansion and reform in
 A record of what was actually taught by the Philippine Curriculum.
a teacher in one subject in the school.  Japanese
 Projected  Abolished English as medium of
 Created by an individual teacher for one instruction and rooted for the love of
course or subject before the term begin. labor.
 Consensus  Liberation period
 Used as a personal map by teachers for  Restoration of grade VII and subject
curricula guidelines at a school or center
district level.  Philippine Republic
 Essential  Aims of education is for national
 Entire school year of learning that is development.
recorded by grading period.  New society
 Franklin Bobbit  Bilingualism
 Objectives with corresponding activities  Present
should be grouped and sequence.  Implementation of K-12 curriculum
 Werret Charters  Teacher
 the subject matter and the activities are  Are the Curricularists
planned by the teacher.  John Dewey
 William Kilpatrick  He felt the curriculum should produce
 Activities are child-centered and its students who would be able to deal
teacher and student plan activities. effectively with the modern world.
 Harold Rugg  Hilda Taba
 curriculum should develop the whole  Her model is used to enhanced the
child. thinking skills of the students and the
 Hollis Caswell teachers must be involved in the
 believes that curriculum is a set of development of the curriculum.
experience. (learning by doing)  Kurt Lewin
 Ralph Tyler  Father of social psychology
 Curriculum is always related to  Knower
instruction and the curriculum aims to  Starts with knowing about the content
educate generalist and NOT specialist. and subject matter.
 Pre-Spanish Period  Writer
 informal education, unplanned and  Takes record of knowledge concept
unsystematic learning.  Planner
 The Spanish Period  Teacher to make a yearly, monthly or
daily plan for the curriculum.
 Initiator  Linkage Model
 Requires the open-mindedness of the  Emphasizes that there should be a
teacher. match between the problems and
 Innovator innovations.
 Curriculum is always dynamic, hence it  RCA Model
keep on changing.  The need for change and how it might
 Implementor takes place.
 The curriculum that remains
recommended or written will never
serve its purpose.
 Instructional material
 These are devices that assist the
facilitator in the teaching learning
 Curriculum Implementation
 refers to how teachers deliver
instruction and assessment through the
use of specified resources provided.
 Driving forces
 Forces that are driving or pushing you to
do something.
 Restraining forces
 Forces restraining or preventing you
from doing something and changing.
 Equilibrium
 Two forces that are equal (driving and
 The Teacher
 involved in curriculum planning and
 The Learner
 They hold the key to what is actually
transmitted and adopted from the
official curriculum.
 ORC Model
 Regards the impact of teachers,
students and the society during the
implementation of curriculum.
 LOC Model
 Requires data to determine the extent
and nature of the resistance.

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