25 Item Test

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Multiple Choices. Encircle the letter of
the correct answer and in a separate
clean sheet of paper show
your answers and solution depends on
the given questions
Multiple Choices. Encircle the letter of
the correct answer and in a separate
clean sheet of paper show
your answers and solution depends on
the given questions
Name: ____________________________________________Score: _________________________

Grade: ________________________Date______________

Multiple Choices. Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. Where do earthquakes originate?

a. Focus
b. Near Rivers
c. Near Volcanoes

Answer: A

2. Volcanic eruptions can result in additional threats to health, such as

a. power outages, drinking water contamination, and wildfires
b. damage of houses and trees
c. Both A and B

Answer: A

3. How does an earthquake occur?

a. When magma comes out on volcano and causes a volcanic eruption
b. When there is flooding in the area that can destroy lives and properties
c. When rocks underground move causing them to break and release large amount of energy

Answer: C

4. Earthquakes can cause damage by

a. shaking, tsunami's and mudflows
b. shaking, tsunami’s and landslide
c. release of gases, mudflows and lava flows

Answer: B

5. Volcanoes can cause damage by

a. ash flows, release of gases and mudflows
b. shaking, tsunami’s and landslide
c. lava flows, tsunami's and mudflows

Answer: A

What does PHIVOLCS mean?

A. Philippine Institute of
B. Philippine Institute of
C. Philippine Institute of
Volcanology and Seismology
D. Philippine Institute of
Volcanologists and
6. What does PHIVOLCS mean?
a. Philippine Institute of Volcanology
b. Philippine Institute of Volcanologists
c. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology

Answer: C
7. Which season is characterized by frequent rainfall?
a. dry season
b. wet season
c. fall season


8. The rain starts to fall frequently. Farmers begin to plant their crops. People
prefer to wear thick clothes and eat warm foods. What season do these
events indicate?
a. spring season
b. winter season
c. dry season

Answer: A

9. Which season takes place in the Philippines from December to May?

a. wet season
b. dry season
c. summer season

Answer: B

10. Which season in the Philippines is the best time for farmers to dry their crops?
a. dry season
b. wet season
c. autumn season

Answer: A

11. Which can be experienced during wet season?

a. warm temperature
b. hot cloudless days
c. heavy rainfall and frequent typhoons

Answer: C

12. Which is also known as Hanging Amihan?

a. Eastwest Monsoon
b. Northeast Monsoon
c. Southwest Monsoon

Answer: B

13. What does earth's rotation cause?

a. Hibernation
b. Day and Night
c. Four Season

Answer: B

14.What is earth's revolution?

a. When earth orbits around the sun

b. When earth bounces
c. When the sun spins around the earth

Answer: A

15. What are the reasons for the seasons?

a. Earth's tilt and resolution

b. Earth's tilt and rotation
c. Earth's tilt and revolution

Answer: B

16. A cycle is something that happens over and over again, like the seasons and day & night.

a. True
b. False
c. Maybe

Answer: A

17. One complete revolution of Earth around the sun takes about

a. One month
b. One day
c. One year

Answer: C

18. Which factor makes Earth different from all the other planets in the solar system in its ability to support life?

a. Earth’s tilt
b. Earth’s rotation
c. Earth’s revolution

Answer: B

19. Which of the following planets is a giant planet?

a. Mercury
b. Venus
c. Saturn

Answer: C

20. How is Venus different from other planets?

a. Venus rotates from east to west

b. Venus can produce light
c. Venus is the smallest planet in the solar system.

Answer: A

21. Why are impact structures (craters) more common on the surface of Mars than on the surfaces of Venus, Earth, and

a. The tiny moons of Mars are breaking into pieces and showering its surface with rock fragments.
b. The thin atmosphere of Mars offers little protection against falling rock fragments from space.
c. Mars has the greatest surface area and receives more impact

22. Compared to the distances between the planets of our solar system, the distances between stars are usually

a. about the same

b. much greater
c. none of the above

Answer: B

23. The shape of the orbits of most of the planets in the solar system would best be described as

a. nearly circular
b. parabolic
c. perfectly circular

Answer: A

24. Which of the following planets has the highest surface temperature?

a. Jupiter
b. Pluto
c. Mercury

Answer: C

25. The planets in Solar System do not give off light of their own. They reflect from the _____.

a. Moon
b. Sun
c. Earth


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