How To Find His Gift

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I wanna going to talk about purpose and destiny.

1. Birth is not the beginning
2. Death is not the end
No one knows a product like the manufactures
Success in life is result of the decision you make. Failure in life is also result of your
Myles Munroe
5 Questions control human’s race:
Every one need to be successes
1. Who I am?
Question of Identity
2. Success in life is your decision

People looking what
1. Sense of purpose
2. Value. To be find valuable
3. Significance
4. The need to feel important
5. Sense of meaning
6. All human, want to fulfillment
7. Desire for power
8. To success. No one want to fail.
These needs lead to the questions:
1. Who I am?
It’s not what you did. Who are? I am a nurse: That’s your profession.
I do know, if no one on earth use the words I am more than Jesus. He knew who he was.
Man do not decide the future.
We decide our habit and our habits decide our future. The power of your habit can control
your life.
You is define by what you hate. God is love but hate things
For example: read your bible, prayer.

You came on the earth with your future in you.

i. God created everything with a gift.
ii. The gift is a inherent capacity which is put in a this to fulfill a function.
You came to this earth because, there is something the earth needed that God hide inside of
Your gift is the sense of your value.
You are a package sent to the earth to deliver your gift to your generation.
1. Everything in creation was created with a gift.
It takes 37 years these statements. God created nothing without a gift with in it.
2. A gift is the inherit capacity to fulfill a function that meet a need of something
else in creation.
No one can give it to you. You came with it.
You didn’t come to earth for yourself. And what you are carrying is not for you.
Education is not a gift, that why you can go to the college and still be broke. A gift can never
be learned. It can never be refund. I can go to university, spend a lot of money and never
refind you gift. Because you took the wrong courses.
Most people gone to college and study the wrong things. Because your decision to choose a
section is motivate more by economic potential than personal fulfilment and it why you get
the money and you are depress. Because you are not fulfil your gift.
Do not go to school young people to find a gift. Single woman a promise you, you’ll never
find your gift in education. No prophecy can give you gift.
The gift is the source of your value. Your value come from your gift.
If you never find your gift, you will never be valuable to us. Your value is the source of your
You are still stark looking for a job. The employment destroys your gift. It is stop you even
thinking about. If you study all over our culture, they are built for employment.
When you go to school, you sit in the classroom the teacher never ask you, what do you
think your gift is? And high school, they ask you, what carrier you wanna going do.
Your carrier is not your gift. You have been damaged greatly by our culture, our society…
Because they are been conditioning use to believe, that we are only here to find a job, pay
some money and die.
Matter of fact, everything your parents tell you is to get a job. We are condition just to get an
education to get a job and work in a place we hate for forty five years and then they give us a
(Merci Seigneur, pour ces grandes révélations tu as dit: vous connaîtrez la vérité et la vérité
vous affranchira.)
You will never become what you could be until you become angry with what you are. Anger
brings change.
People said that God is love. But the bible says also, God hates things. The king David wrote
7 things God hates… What do you hate? You can’t love everything.
Your life is define by what you hate. I hate to work to people. Your hatred decide your
Whatever you don’t hate, you allow, whatever you allow, you will never change.
I hate:
- Poverty
- Work to people.

Whatever you created to become, you possess it now. This is a divine principle.
Whatever you have born to do is not ahead of you it is within you. Because whatever you
have destined to become God has prepared you with it.
The created never put the future outside of a thing. It a very important principle. Another
You came to the planet earth with your future inside of you. God hide your future in a place
where he knew you couldn’t’ miss it.
Most of persons in our culture thought to go and find your future or go to your destiny, or go
and find God will to your life. The religious church tells us go and find your God’s will. Where
are looking for and never find it. God loves you so much, that his will is not a mystery.
Human’s Questions
1. Who am I?
2. Where there I come from?
3. Why am I here?
4. What can I do?
5. Where am I going?
And all of this questions hunt every human.
Who am I
I am not ask you what you did. Not for example to say, I am a doctor.
To answer the question, you must begin by the two words: I am.
Jesus – Christ used it to much:
- Je suis Jn 8 :58
- Je suis le pain de vie Jn 6 :35
- Je suis la lumière du monde Jn 8 :12
- Je suis la porte Jn 10 :9
- Je suis le bon berger Jn 10 :11
- Je suis le Fils de Dieu Jn 10 :36
- Je suis la résurrection et la vie Jn 11 :25
- Je suis le chemin, la vérité, et la vie Jn 14 :6
- Je suis le vrai cep Jn 15 :1
And that is a good sign because he knew who he was. He didn’t do shepherd, He said, I am
a Shepherd. One day, I saw Michel Jackson on television… He was take microphone and
amazed million persons. He never learned that. One day on an interview, they asked him…
Do you love music? And he says, I am music.
What the people pay to see? The gift.
Jesus came to the earth with a gift. Mat 20:28 « C'est ainsi que le Fils de l'homme est venu,
non pour être servi, mais pour servir et donner sa vie comme la rançon de plusieurs. »
Jesus is called, the gift of salvation to many who believe. If you don’t eat from the tree of
Jesus – Christ you will not have the nutrients for the eternal life.
Purpose determines your gift.
The something important than your gift is your purpose. But your purpose produces the gift.
If you can find the purpose of a thing, you lost discover it gift. If you don’t know what your
purpose is yet, I guaranty, you don’t know your gift.
Génèse 1:12. La terre produisit de la verdure, de l'herbe portant de la semence selon
son espèce, et des arbres donnant du fruit et ayant en eux leur semence selon leur
espèce. Dieu vit que cela était bon.
And the tree that yield fruit had the seed of itself inside itself. Another word, the seed of
everything is in itself. Wen God created you, he packaged you. You came with everything
you suppose to become inside of you. That is your gift.
2 Cor 9: 10 “And God, who supplies seed to sow …” He will never give you trees. He
supplies seed. God always give you something with something in it.
The gift is so powerful Prov 18:19. Your gift ignores everybody, it makes a way, and even the
guy who real hates you will come looking for your gift. Every day, they will come looking for
your gift. And they will pay you to deliver it. Your enemy will come and pay you for it.
The gift of the seed is the tree
When you see a seed, it carrying the gift. A mango seed is carrying a gift = A tree within it.
The gift on the tree is fruit.
Tree never eat their own fruit. Your gift is never for you. It for meeting a need for someone
else. A mango is full of nutrients… And the tree it no one of it.
When we go to the tree, we don’t go for it for the branches, the lifts, but only for the fruit = the
People are not supposed to be attracted to you because, they may not even like you. But if
you manifest your gift, and you refind it… they will walk over their pride…
The gift of the lives of the tree is oxygen. God created nothing with the gift within it. We need
the lives of the tree. Your gift is your obligation… If the tree is productive and it is give you
fruit. What do you do, you will put water all round it… because you want keep it producing.
Then if you find your gift and you delivering it to you generation, the will finance your
Swimming is inherit in the fish… Just check you, may be you are at the end of your hope…
Your gift is who you are.

Myles Munroe:
When my life married me, I had no money… She had a revelation. Don’t judge the person by
what they are right now. They are carrying gifts. They are no idea how valuable you are.
That why I respect people, I honor every human, I don’t ignored people, I’m kind with
everybody, because, when they will become a billionaire they will be nice to me.
It time to change your career into you call.
N°1. The seed of everything is in itself
N°2. The end of a thing is hidden in the thing.
N°3. Everything a thing is to become is in itself
N°4. God put the future of everything in itself
N°5. Everything you have born to become is trapped within you
I’m load it. I carry a gift for you. You are full of stuff (substance) that anyone don’t talk you. It
put you in such kind of a labor. Every labor is temporary. You are the manager of a store,
you own a store.
2 Cor 4:7 – 8
“Yet we who have this spiritual treasure are like common clay pots, in order to show
that the supreme power belongs to God, not to us.”
But we have this treasure hidden in pots of clay…
(God said, I put this stuff inside of you. What do we supposed to do with it? Show it for.
Manifest yourself.)
We are often troubled (hard pressed on every side), but not crushed; sometimes in
doubt (perplex), but never in despair; …
Another way, no matter what you go through, the gift is still there. Halleluya.
Your gift goes through drogues, divorce, it goes through losing a business, they can destroy
you but not your gift, you cannot divorce with your gift…
You gift is still inside on you.
Hard pressed, but still pregnant, In despair, I lost my house but I still guard the gift.
Your gift cannot be taken away
A good news:
Jesus came to earth to die not for you, he came to die to the gift.
He don’t come really to save you, but to save what you carry in.
Eph 2:10
“God has made us what we are, and in our union with Christ Jesus he has created us
for a life of good deeds, which he has already prepared for us to do.”
« Car nous sommes son ouvrage, ayant été créés en Jésus Christ pour de bonnes
œuvres, que Dieu a préparées d'avance, afin que nous les pratiquions. »
… Created in Christ Jesus to do the good works. That work prepared for you before
the foundation of the world.
That why he saved you.
To restore what was at the beginning. God created man to work. He created Adam to
cultivate and guard the garden.
“I will not die until I manifest it”
You have seen nothing yet.

Close your bibles. Turn of your bibles. The Lord told me to pray for you this morning for this
gift. That the gift must not be destroyed by ignoring it.
I wanna show you how to find a gift. And this is very important because.
Success is the fulfilment of purpose. True. But here’s the problem.
Purpose is determine by the gift.
And your gift fulfill your purpose.
For example, the bird was made to fly, but the bird is not fulfilling his purpose until he flies.
The fish has a gift of swimming, he cannot fulfil his purpose until he swims.
You cannot really fulfil success in life until you are doing the gift that you are.
Your gift, is never for you, your gift is fulfil itself by serving others. No gift is for the one who
receives it.
The purpose of a mango’s tree is a tree with mangos. And mangos feed humanity. This why
mango’s tree doesn’t eat own mangos.


This is gonna be very important.

This list took me a long time to find it… Because a hate the figure of myself, and my own life.
What must I do to make sure I fulfil my gift? And the teaching of this segment is how to find it
and how to release it. Look at Psalms 20:4.
« Qu'il te donne ce que ton cœur désire, Et qu'il accomplisse tous tes desseins! »
20 :4

“Qu’il te donne ce que tu desires, et qu’il realise tous tes projets!”

May he give you what you desire and make all your plans succeed.
May he give you the desire of your heart and make your plan succeed.
God want you to succeed. Why Am I reading this verse? Look at the word desire. We don’t
read pray for God’s desire or looking for it. We read: “May he give you the desire of your
Psalms 37:4
« Fais de l'Éternel tes délices, Et il te donnera ce que ton cœur désire. »
Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.
It’s amazing!
Your gift is not a mystery, but it’s a thing you been desiring to do all your life.
What is my gift? What you desiring. Your passion.
Desire is different for interests… Desire mean you are ready to sacrify everything for it. God
says, I will give you the desire. I was ready to sacrify my employment for my business
God’s will it what you desiring all your life.
He says commit your way to him, he will do this. Recommande à l'Éternel tes oeuvres, Et tes
projets réussiront. Prov 16 :3
When you give your life to the Lord is not to come to heaven. It for to make you manifest your
desire. Why? He put them there. They are in you by him.
Psalms 57 :2
« Je crie au Dieu Très Haut, Au Dieu qui agit en ma faveur. »
“I call to God, the Most High,
To God, who supplies my every need.”
He fulfils his purpose for me. He putted it in me and he says now for you to be succeed a can
make sure you can fly. I told you, you are born to fly. I can make sure, you have the capacity
to fly. Then I can make sure you fly.
When God says, I am on your side all this week. I will make everything possible I can every
day to be sure you become what you born to be. I am on your side. I make sure, you fulfil
your purpose. Why? I give it to you.
God will remove people and destroy them when you are in your purpose. When you are in
your way, he will rebuke (stop) them. No fear.
Psalms 138:8
« L'Éternel agira en ma faveur. Éternel, ta bonté dure toujours, N'abandonne pas les
oeuvres de tes mains ! »
“The Lord will fulfil his purpose to me. Your love oh Lord endure forever, Do not
abandon the product that you made!”

In order to fulfil your gift, you must do these things:

Fish need water,
Seed need soil and
Plant need earth
Bird need the ear.
You need God.
You came from God, don’t try to fulfil your gift without God.
We give our life to Jesus not to go to heaven, but to manifest ourselves on earth.
1. You must first understand your destiny.
2. You must have a vision of your gift. See the finish product.
3. Believe your will be able to fulfil it.
4. You must learn by the Lord to protect the gift.
5. You must have a plan later to go to your own gift.
6. You must have the right people around you. Because there’s some gift kills. Because
they fail, the will want you to fail.
7. Be careful with the people you have in your life.
8. Persistence. You live in the culture, they don’t want you to manifest your gift. The
beautiful thing is when, you manifest it, then also they become your friend. Because
they want to eat your gift.
9. You must persevere. Because you will have an opposition, discouragement, failures,
But you must keep it coming back.
10. You must pray for your gift every day. Pray to the one who gives it for you to give you
wisdom to manifest it. You must pray for your role in God’s kingdom.
What you will become after today, depend by what you will do after today.
You can be wrong at 70, and redefine a right thing to do.
1. Know your purpose, believe your assignment.
2. Document your vision put it on paper. You suppose to see the mango, when you look
on the seed. That the vision: you see the an result.
Do that into your life.
3. Submit the the right environment. Even if you see the Mango in the seed, you must
plant hat seed in the ground and give it water and give it nutrients. Your greatness
can be destroyed bye wrong environment.
The book you read, the people, the place you go, the church
4. Fill an the righ


A vrai dire, je n’aime pas être dans le ministère à plein temps. Je peux prêcher parce que le
Seigneur nous le recommande et parce qu’il m’a peut – être équipé pour cela... et aussi c’est
devenu une passion.
Je crois bien qu’on doit savoir faire la part de chose. Le ministère et les affaires, sont deux
choses tout à fait différentes.
Tout est venu à l’idée, quand je voyais Abbas Dbouk comment il prospérait. Il était passionné
de ce qu’il faisait et c’est de là que j’ai compris qu’il était important que je découvre aussi ma
passion (mon domaine), car je n’étais jamais heureux durant tous les 7 ans où j’ai été
employé sinon, je n’aurai jamais démissionné.
Je cherchais des prophètes, dans le but de les demander, quel était mon appel (pas dans le
ministère, ça ne m’intéressait pas du tout, mais dans les affaires ! Et tous il ne faisait que
brandir la bible.
Un des prophètes qui avait vraiment tapé très juste par rapport au désir de mon cœur c’est le
frère David Tommy. Qu’il soit vrai ou faux, mais il avait quand même tapé jute :
On me parlait aussi d’Olivier Kango.
Quand je voyais Olivier Kango,
Je voyais comme un passeport qui était dans une main droite et la personne qui avait
le passeport le plaçait dans la main de Olivier.
Et le Seigneur m’a clairement dit ceci :
L’heure arrive pour Olivier Kango de sortir pour deux choses :
- Pour des raisons commerciales, mais aussi
- Pour l’œuvre de Dieu.

Je ne sais pas ce que Dieu veut faire avec Olivier, mais je voyais clairement ces
choses arrivées dans la vie de Olivier.
Le passeport ainsi que cet aspect commercial.
La vérité est qu’au fond de moi, je hais, je déteste travailler pour les gens. C’est inné en moi.
Je ne l’ai malheureusement que découvert tard. :
Je déteste travailler juste dans une entreprise par ce que c’est elle qui t’a ouvert ses portes :
- On te donne un poste que tu n’aimes pas,
- Une entreprise que tu n’aimes pas….
- On te fixe ce que tu dois faire (le description Job), ni plus, ni moins : Si tu améliore tu
as un problème… Si tu veux te surpasser, donner le maximum de toi – même tu as
un problème: tu ne dois faire que ce que lui t’as demandé… ;
- On t’impose les heures de travail ;
- Les personnes avec qui tu dois travailler ;
- On t’impose le salaire : Que tu bosses dure ou pas tu gardes le même montant. Que
Je hais le payement mensuel. Moi j’aime des entrées de tous les jours….
- On vous paye quand on veut.
- On vous sous – estime, vous êtes un vau à rien. Je déteste vivre ma vie pour
accomplir les désirs d’autres personne. Que c’est soi à l’église ou au boulot, j’aime
être utile à l’humanité.
J’en avais vraiment marre ! Voilà pourquoi j’ai démissionné, à deux reprises.
Merci Seigneur pour m’avoir privé d’être embauché une 3 ème fois, car la vérité est que j’allais
de nouveau démissionner et cela peu importe le salaire proposé. Le même salaire pendant
6 ans, les mêmes tâches, moi ça me ROUILLAIT, ROUILLAIT…
Dès l’instant où j’ai commencé avec la GSA, au fait j’avais envie qu’on me licencie, je trouvé
cela trop nul.
Et d’ailleurs, je ne vois pas l’importance de continuer avec le jeûne. La vérité est que je
n’aime pas aussi jeûner pendant plusieurs jours. 1.5 jour c’est déjà trop. 2 jours c’est assez
Je ne vois plus l’importance à continuer à me crapponné, aussitôt que j’ai déjà la reponse.
Je crois aussi que c’est sage et important de rentrer à la maison. Comme ça je me décharge
des charges inutiles. Mon business n’a pas prospérer, je ne vais pas continuer à me

J’aime être au contrôle de tout ce que je fais. J’aime planifier mes heures de travail. Voyager
quand je veux… Peu importe ce que je peux faire, technicien, homme d’affaire, un grand
commerçant… J’aime être le boss de moi – même. Exactement comme Telexy, il est mon
modèle par excellence.
C’est innée en moi. Désolé, je ne peux pas faire autrement. Certes c’est trop dur de décoller,
surtout quand on a rien. On est dans des doutes terribles… Et ces doutes on fait que je
recherche de nouveau l’emploi, mais gloire à Dieu toute les portes on été fermé. Et ils ne
souvriront plus jamais, car Dieu veut me donner le désir de mon cœur. Merci Seigneur !
Par rapport à ce que peut dire la société, mais malgré cela le don est toujours incurstré en

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