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PT1 2023

Untuk Kegunaan Pemeriksa

Kod Pemeriksa:
1. Jangan buka kertas soalan
ini sehingga diberitahu. Bahagian Soalan Markah Markah

2. Tulis nama dan tingkatan penuh diperoleh

pada ruangan yang A 1-20 20

disediakan. B 1 4

3. Kertas ini mengandungi 2 4

tiga bahagian, iaitu 3 4

Bahagian A, Bahagian B 4 4
dan Bahagian C. 5 4

4. Jawab semua soalan pada C 6 8

Bahagian A, Bahagian B 7 8
dan Bahagian C. 8 8
5. Hitamkan jawapan 9 10
Bahagian A pada ruangan 10 12
jawapan yang disediakan 11 12
pada kertas OMR. JUMLAH 100

NAMA :……..……………………………………………………

TINGKATAN :.……..…………………………………………………...

Kertas ini mengandungi 25 halaman bercetak termasuk muka hadapan.

Section A
[20 marks]
Answer all questions.

1. Diagram 1 shows a symbol.

Diagram 1

A bottle of chemical substance is labelled with the symbol as shown in Diagram 1. What is
the meaning of the symbol?

A Irritant
B Poisonous
C Flammable
D Explosive

2. Which of the following tools is suitable to measure the length of a curve?

A Opisometer.
B Metre ruler.
C Vernier callipers.
D Micrometer screw gauge.

3. Which of the following is the prefix for standard form 109?

A Giga.
B Mega.
C Micro.
D Nano.

4. The following information shows the level of cellular organisation.

Cell ➝ Tissue ➝ Organ ➝ Y ➝ Organism

Which of the following is an example of Y?

A Skin.
B Heart.
C White blood cells.
D Nervous system.

5. Diagram 2 shows a type of tissue found in human tissue.

Diagram 2

What is the function of this tissue in the human body?

A Connects various sets of tissues.

B Produces movement caused by contraction.
C Covers the cells that lie beneath it.
D Responds to stimuli and transmits impulses.

6. Which of the following is the example of fourth sequence of cell organization?

A Kidney.
B Heart.
C Epithelium cell.

D Digestive system.

7. Why is the integument system important for humans?

A Protect body from dehydration and regulate body temperature.

B Protect internal organ.
C Carry information from the brain to the whole body.
D Excrete waste from the body.

8. Which of the following activities can reduce the body temperature?

A Reading a book.
B Drinking water.
C Running.
D Climbing a mountain.

9. What is the animal that sticks out the tongue to reduce the body temperature to maintain the

A Snail.
B Cat.
C Dog.
D Cockroach.

10. Which of the following is true about stoma?

A The stoma opens when the temperature is too high.

B Gas exchange occurs when the stoma opens.
C Water evaporates from the leaves through the respiratory process.
D The stoma is open at night.

11. What is the organ that can regulate water content and body temperature?

A Brain.

B Small intestine.
C Stomach.
D Lungs.

12. What is menstruation?

A The breakdown of the lining of the uterine wall and discharge of unfertilized ovum
and blood through the vagina.
B The release of ova from the ovaries.
C The process of the lining of the uterine wall and thickening and becoming enriched
with blood vessels.
D The implantation of zygotes onto uterine walls.

13. What is importance of breast milk?

A Difficult to digest.
B Provides necessary nutrients to the baby.
C Easy to obtain.
D Protects the baby from shocks.

14. Which of the following about the female gametes are correct?

I It is the largest cell in the female body.

II It is spherical in shape.
III Produced in the testis.
IV Can move on its own.

A I and II
B III and IV
C II and III
D I and IV

15. Diagram 3 shows the type of birth control pills.

Diagram 3

How do birth control pills work?

A Stop the implantation of embryo.

B Prevent production of ovum.
C Kill sperms that enter the uterus.
D Block sperms from swimming.

16. Which of the following statements is true about the gametes in the male body?

A Can live outside the body for a week.

B Also found in the female bodies.
C Carry genetic information in the middle piece.
D The smallest cells in males.

17. What is implantation?

A The attachment of embryos into the uterine walls.

B The attachment of zygotes onto the inner wall of the Fallopian tubes.
C The attachment of zygotes onto the uterine walls.
D The attachments of embryos onto the inner walls of the Fallopian tubes.

18. What is the function of iron for pregnant woman?

A Supply energy.
B Maintain bones and teeth.
C Formation of haemoglobin.
D Prevent constipation.

19. Why is testis important for male?

A Urinary tract.
B Protect sperm cells.
C Produce sperm and male sex hormone.
D Secretes fluid containing nutrients.

20. How are non-living things classified as matter?

I Has mass.
II Occupy space.
III Has volume.
IV Has pressure.

A I and II
B III and IV
C II and III
D I and IV
Source taken from Year 7 IGSCE Workbook

Section B
[20 marks]
Answer all questions.

1. (a) Match the meaning with the correct type of error.

Meaning Error
(i) The constant error on a measuring Random error.
instrument obtained during the
(ii) The errors that occur because of Systematic error.
the wrong observations during the

[ 2 marks]

(b) Write TRUE or FALSE about the function of the following measuring tools.

Measuring Tools Function TRUE or FALSE

Measure the length
of object.
Measure the mass of
Measure the volume
of water.


[2 marks]

2. (a) State the following parts of a cell based on their functions.

Function Part of cell

Stores water and maintains cell turgidity.

Absorbs light energy from sunlight to

perform photosynthesis.

[2 marks]

(b) Diagram 4 shows a red blood cell.

Diagram 4

Fill in the blanks with correct answers of the cell.

i. Red blood cells contain a substance called haemoglobin. This helps them to
carry ___________________ around the body.

ii. Red blood cells are smaller than most cells. This helps them to squeeze
through the small blood vessels called ___________________.

[2 marks]

Source taken from Year 7 IGSCE Workbook

3. (a) Match each biological response with its effect.

Effect Biological response

Increase in pulse rate.

Body temperature increases. Sweating

Respiratory rate increases. Shivering

Body temperature decreases.

[2 marks]

(b) Underline the correct answers.

i. The guard cells in the leaves of a plant will curve when water pressure (increases,
decreases). The walls of the guard cells will move away from each other and the
stoma to (close, open).
ii. The guard cells in the leaves of the plant become less turgid when water pressure
(increases, decreases). The walls of the guard cells are pulled closer together, causing
the stomata to (close, open).

[2 marks]

4. (a) Complete the bubble map in Diagram 5 with the correct types of asexual

Diagram 5

[2 marks]

(b) Tick (/) the correct statement about sexual reproduction.

Statement Tick (/)

(i) Producing a new organism from a parent without involving
any gamete.
(ii) Producing a new individual through the fusion of two
(iii) To ensure that species continue to exist.
(iv) Producing new individual through regeneration process.

[2 marks]

5. (a) Circle two examples of matter.

Paddy plant

Sound Water

Diagram 6

[2 marks]

(b) Diagram 7 shows examples of applications of changes of the state of matter in daily
Lives. Write the process that occurs in the box provided.

Diagram 7

[2 marks]

Section C
[60 marks]
Answer all questions.

6. Akmal wants to measure the diameter of a ping-pong ball using a measuring instrument.
Table 1 shows the data collected by Akmal.

Physical Measurement 1 Measurement 2 Measurement 3 Measurement 4

Diameter of a 4.2 4.1 4.2 4.2
ball (cm)

Table 1

(a) What is the appropriate measuring instruments used by Akmal?

[1 mark]

(b) Why do measurements need to be repeated several times to get the average value?
[1 mark]

(c) Then, Akmal wanted to measure the thickness of a piece of paper by using vernier
calipers. To get the thickness of a piece of paper, he measured 20 sheets of the same
paper. Diagram 8 shows the measurement readings

Without object 20 sheets of paper

Diagram 8

i. Why Akmal took measurements for 20 sheets of paper?

[1 mark]

ii. What is the value of the zero error?

[1 mark]

iii. What is the actual reading of the thickness of 20 sheets of paper?

[1 mark]

iv. What is the thickness of a piece of paper?


[1 mark]
(d) Akmal also has two measuring instruments as shown in Diagram 9. These two measuring
instruments function to measure length.

Digital vernier External calipers

calipers and internal

Diagram 9

Which measuring instrument is easier, precise and accurate? Explain your answer.

[2 marks]

7. Diagram 10 shows an investigation about the needs of water for photosynthesis process.
The plant is watered everyday.

Diagram 10

(a) What will happen if the leaf of the plant is tested with iodine solution?
[1 mark]

(b) What are the other needs of photosynthesis process?

(i) ________________________________________________________________
(ii) ________________________________________________________________
[2 marks]

(c) Write the equation of photosynthesis process.

[1 mark]

(d) Why do plants undergo photosynthesis process?

[1 mark]

(e) State two differences between photosynthesis and cell respiration process.
(i) ________________________________________________________________
(ii) ________________________________________________________________
[4 marks]

8. The condition of skin layer is different when the temperature is high or low. Diagram 11
shows the cross section of skin.

Diagram 11

(a) State the condition of surrounding temperature for:

(i) P : ____________________________________________________________
(ii) Q : ____________________________________________________________
[2 marks]

(b) Why the hair straightens during the condition P?

[1 mark]

(c) Explain the condition of skin layer when the surrounding temperature is high.
[3 marks]

(d) When feeling cold, rubbing our palms can reduce the cold. Why?
[2 marks]

9. Diagram 12 shows the foetus in the uterus.

Diagram 12

(a) State X and Y with its function

(i) X : _______________________________________________________
(ii) Y : _______________________________________________________
[4 marks]

(b) What is the function of amniotic fluid?

[2 marks]

Nutrient obtained by a pregnant mother is also shared with her foetus.

(c) Explain how the nutrients obtained by pregnant mother is shared with her foetus?
[2 marks]

(d) What is the meaning of infertility?

[1 mark]

(e) Why health screening for reproductive system is important for every individual?
[1 mark]

10. Diagram 13 shows the germination of seed.

Diagram 13

(a) (i) What is X?

[1 mark]
(ii) Give the function of X?
[1 mark]

(b) Based on the diagram above, state the type of germination of seeds.
[1 mark]

(c) Explain the process of germination of seeds based on the answer in 8 (b).

[3 marks]

(d) State three conditions required for germination of seeds.

(i) _____________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________
(iii) _____________________________________________________________
[3 marks]

11. Diagram 14 shows an example of matter.

Diagram 14

(a) List three examples of matter excepts as shown in Diagram 14.

[3 marks]

(b) What are two characteristics of matter?

[2 marks]




Diagram 15

(c) Sarah turns over an empty beaker into a basin of water as shown in Diagram 15. She
finds that the water cannot flow into the beaker. What can you conclude from her
[1 mark]

(d) Do all living things matter? Explain.

[2 marks]

(e) State the difference between physical and chemical properties of matter.
[2 marks]

Source taken from Year 7 IGSCE Workbook


Disediakan oleh: Cik Nur Aini Fatihah Binti Helmin (Guru Mata Pelajaran Sains) __________

Disemak oleh: Encik Kalarajan N Palanisamy (Ketua Panitia Sains) __________

Disahkan oleh: Pn. Sitti Rysma Lencio (Ketua Jabatan Sains, Matematik dan Vokasional) __________


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