Unit 1-Lesson 6 The Natural World-Reading and Writing - PPT

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Vocab Review

II. Reading

Activity A. Finish the following multiple choice questions.

II. Reading

Activity A. Finish the following multiple choice questions.

II. Reading

Activity B. Match the vocabulary with the correct definitions .

III. Grammar work: Conditionals
Conditionals are used to describe possibilities. We often use the
words if or when to show this.

Look at the examples from your learning earlier in this section:

• When you cross cultures, it’s a good idea to understand the

differences so you don’t make a monkey out of yourself.

• If we create a space for nature, it will return.

• He gave all bees a sting, but said that they would die if they
ever used it.
Grammar work: Conditionals
A. Zero conditional

B. First Conditional

C. Second conditional
Grammar work: Conditionals
A. Zero conditional

The zero conditional is used to communicate things that

are generally true. This is particularly useful for things that
are obviously true such as laws and rules.

1.When winter arrives, it gets cold.

2.If you break the law, you get into trouble.
3.When you cross cultures, it’s a good idea to understand the
differences so you don’t make a monkey out of yourself.
4.You get wet when it rains.
5.Animals disappear if people destroy their homes.

Form: If/When + present simple tense > present simple tense

Present simple tense > If/when + present simple tense
Grammar work: Conditionals
B. First conditional

The first conditional is used when we talk about future situations

that are possible or real. These situations are likely or even certain,
but they depend on the conditional in order to happen.

1. If we create a space for nature, it will return.

2. When we move house, we will adopt a cat.
3. I will feed the cat when I get home.

Form: If/when + present simple > will + infinitive (原形)

Will + infinitive (原形) > if/when + present simple.
Grammar work: Conditionals
C. Second conditional

The second conditional is used to imagine a situation that

is impossible or unlikely to happen. This can happen in
the present or the future.

1. If there were no turtles, many people would lose money.

2. If there were no bees, we would struggle to create food.

Form: If + past simple > would + infinitive (原形)

Would + infinitive(原形) > if + past simple.
Note: In second conditional, the form of the verb “be” is always “were”
Grammar work: Conditionals
A. Zero conditional

B. First Conditional

C. Second conditional

Keys: A A B C C A B C B

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