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The Power of Goodness

Dear all my honorable teachers

Mr Agustam as The Principal of IDN Boarding School Solo,
Mr Yoko suryanto as our Patient Supervisor today,

And my special thank for all My friends for allowing me to be better.

I couldn't thank enough for all the blessings that happened in my life.
I invite you all to thank to Allah for his Mercies .
And let me invite you all to send salutation for our Prophet Muhammad SAW ,for his
And I thank you Mc for allowing me to speak and share more with you about my

What= What?, What is Strength of goodness?, strength of goodness is the power of

goodness, which is the impact or benefit of the good we do on the environment
around us. An example is if we give money to a beggar, then no matter how small
the money is, there must be a benefit.

Why= why do we have to do good, what will be the impact or benefits? Well, so as
we know that in our lives, we always need other people because we ourselves are
social creatures, therefore, social interaction skills are needed by us. Now, in
improving our social interactions, then this is where we will feel the power of
goodness, if for example we do good deeds, then we will definitely be approached by
people. Conversely, if we do bad deeds, then we will definitely be shunned by
people. And then, if you want to do good deeds, then just do it!, Why?, because like
I have said before,there is so much benefits we can get by doing the good deeds.
For example, doing some good things can make you feel better, because you have
been doing good to other people

How=So, how can we do these good deeds, it is actually quite simple. Even just by
smiling at others, we can also give them the benefit of kindness. In fact, it makes
others feel more comfortable and affected, thus helping to improve mood and reduce
So that's all from me, please excuse any mistakes...

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