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busca el significado de estas palabras en ingles, su significado, un ejemplo de oracion con cada una de

ellas y una imagen

busca el significado de estas palabras en ingles, su significado, un ejemplo de oracion con cada
una de ellas y una imagen

English Meanings, Sentences, and Images:

meals: Plural form of "meal", referring to a set of food eaten at a particular

 Sentence: I usually have three meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and


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breakfast table with pancakes, eggs, and bacon

pepper: A spice made from dried and ground berries of the Capsicum plant,
adding a spicy flavor.

 Sentence: Please add some pepper to my soup, it needs a little kick.

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black pepper grinder

noodles: Long, thin strips of dough made from wheat or rice, used in various

 Sentence: I love slurping up a bowl of hot ramen noodles on a cold day.

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bowl of ramen noodles

corn: A cereal grain with yellow kernels, used as a vegetable and in various

 Sentence: My grandma makes the best cornbread, it's sweet and fluffy.
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ear of corn

worried: Feeling anxious or concerned about something.

 Sentence: I'm worried about my upcoming exam, I need to study more.

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person biting their nails

recipe: A set of instructions for preparing a dish, including ingredients and


 Sentence: I followed my grandma's recipe to make the perfect apple pie.

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open cookbook

dessert: A sweet dish served at the end of a meal.

 Sentence: Can I have some chocolate cake for dessert? Please!

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slice of chocolate cake

bitter: Having a sharp, unpleasant taste like unripe fruit or coffee.

 Sentence: I couldn't finish my coffee, it was too bitter for me.

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cup of black coffee

boiled: Cooked in boiling water.

 Sentence: I boiled the eggs for 7 minutes to make them hard-boiled.

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pot of boiling water with eggs

grilled: Cooked over direct heat, often using a grill.

 Sentence: Let's grill some chicken and vegetables for dinner tonight.
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grill with chicken and vegetables

dawn: The first light of the day, sunrise.

 Sentence: We woke up early to watch the beautiful dawn over the


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sunrise over a mountain range

sour: Having a sharp, acidic taste like lemons or vinegar.

 Sentence: The lemonade was too sour for me, I added some sugar.
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glass of lemonade with lemon slices

steak: A thick slice of meat, usually beef, grilled or fried.

 Sentence: I'm craving a juicy steak for dinner, cooked medium-rare


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grilled steak

check-in counter: The desk at an airport or hotel where passengers register

their arrival.

 Sentence: There was a long line at the check-in counter, so we waited

for a while.
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airport checkin counter

suitcase: A large, rigid case used for carrying clothes and belongings while

 Sentence: I packed my suitcase with everything I needed for my trip to


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blue suitcase

backpack: A bag carried on the back with straps over the shoulders, used for
carrying belongings.

 Sentence: I prefer using a backpack when traveling, it's more

comfortable than a suitcase.
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green backpack

guide book: A book containing information about a place, often used by


 Sentence: I bought a guide book about Ecuador before my trip, it helped

me plan my itinerary.

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travel guide book about Ecuador

get off: To leave a vehicle or public transportation.

 Sentence: Please tell me when to get off the bus, I'm not familiar with
the route.
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bus stop

get it: To understand or obtain something.

 Sentence: I finally get it, you were trying to tell me all along!

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light bulb symbolizing understanding

get out: To leave a place or situation.

 Sentence: We need to get out of here before the storm hits.

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people running away from a storm

tie: A narrow band of fabric worn around the neck under the collar of a shirt.

 Sentence: He always wears a tie to work, it's part of his dress code.

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man wearing a tie

belt: A band of leather or fabric worn around the waist to hold up clothing.

 Sentence: My jeans were too loose,

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English Meanings, Sentences, and Images (Part 2):
mustache: A strip of hair growing above the upper lip.

 Sentence: He twirled his handlebar mustache with a sly grin.

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man with a handlebar mustache

beard: Hair growing on the lower part of the face, from the chin to the cheeks.

 Sentence: The old man stroked his long, white beard thoughtfully.

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old man with a long white beard

accountant: A professional who deals with financial records and accounts.

 Sentence: She spent her days hunched over spreadsheets, diligently balancing the company's
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accountant working at a desk

lawyer: A person who is qualified to advise clients on legal matters and represent them in court.

 Sentence: The lawyer argued passionately before the judge, defending his client's innocence.

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lawyer in court

call center worker: Someone who answers and makes telephone calls for a company or organization.

 Sentence: He patiently listened to customer complaints and tried to resolve their issues.

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call center worker with a headset

twist your ankle: To injure your ankle by turning it in an unnatural way.

 Sentence: She let out a yelp of pain as she twisted her ankle on the uneven pavement.

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person holding their injured ankle

catch a cold: To become infected with a common cold virus, causing symptoms like runny nose and sore

 Sentence: I bundled up in a scarf and hat, hoping to avoid catching a cold in this chilly weather.

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person blowing their nose

have a fever: To have a body temperature that is higher than normal, often a sign of illness.

 Sentence: Her forehead felt hot and her cheeks were flushed, she definitely had a fever.

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upload: To transfer data from a computer to a server or online storage.

 Sentence: She uploaded the vacation photos to her social media account to share with friends.

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computer uploading files

go viral: To spread rapidly and widely through online media.

 Sentence: The funny cat video went viral overnight, garnering millions of views.

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viral video on a computer screen

bookmark: To save a web page or online location for future reference.

 Sentence: I bookmarked the article about climate change to read later when I have more time.

 Sentence: I bookmarked the article about climate change to read later when I have more time.
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bookmark icon on a computer screen

foggy: Having a thick mist that obscures visibility.

 Sentence: The road ahead was shrouded in fog, making it difficult to drive safely.

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foggy forest

humid: Having a high level of moisture in the air.

 Sentence: The humid air felt thick and sticky against my skin.

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humidity gauge

cloudy: Covered with clouds, obscuring the sun.

 Sentence: The sky was overcast with gray clouds, threatening rain.

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cloudy sky

freezing: Extremely cold, often below zero degrees Celsius.

 Sentence: The wind whipped through my hair as I stood outside in the freezing temperatures.

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person bundled up in winter clothing

snowy: Covered in snow, especially when falling heavily.

 Sentence: The children bundled up and ran outside to play in the snowy wonderland.
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snowy landscape

buffing: Polishing a surface to make it shine.

 Sentence: He spent hours buffing the car until it gleamed like new.

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person buffing a car

blizzard: A severe snowstorm with high winds and poor visibility.

 Sentence: The blizzard raged outside, trapping people indoors for days.

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snowstorm: A heavy snowfall, often accompanied by strong winds.

 Sentence: The snowstorm dumped several inches of snow on the city, making travel

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thunder and lightning: A weather phenomenon with loud crashes of thunder and flashes of lightning.

 Sentence: The storm raged overhead, with booming thunder and blinding flashes of lightning.

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drought: A long period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water.

 Sentence: The crops withered and died in the fields due to the prolonged drought.
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parched landscape

flood: An overflowing of water onto land, submerging it.

 Sentence: The riverbanks overflow

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