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Donna Angela De Guzman

Jhona Lou De Jesus
Nina Claudia Del Rosario
Mc Jarel Fraginal
Rommel Lagartija
Jenesis Duanne Sanchez
Krizell Sotito

Senior High School

Narra Integrated School
Narra, Palawan

June 2023
Project Title: "Homegrown Harvest: Empowering Families through the Gulayan sa Tahanan
Donna Angela De Guzman
Jhona Lou De Jesus
Nina Claudia Del Rosario
Mc Jarel Fraginal
Rommel Lagartija
Jenesis Duanne Sanchez
Krizell Sotito

Address/Project site: Estrells Avenue, Poblacion, Narra, Palawan

Total Project Cost: Php 0.00
Source of Funds: N/A


With the current economic state of the country due to the aftereffects of the pandemic, the
rising costs of products, particularly daily necessities, have been shown to rise due to inflation
rates. Home gardening is a sustainable and effective way of maneuvering around these
adversities not only because it saves money, but because one of the primary reasons for engaging
in ‘Gulayan sa Tahanan’ is to ensure food security. By growing your own produce, you have a
steady supply of fresh, organic, and nutritious food readily available and a chance to make your
own business by selling it to locals. This helps reduce carbon footprint and reliance on external
food sources and provides a sense of self-sufficiency. Furthermore, homegrown fruits and
vegetables are generally healthier than store-bought produce, as they are free from harmful
pesticides, chemicals, and preservatives. Additionally, gardening itself offers physical activity
and stress relief, contributing to improved overall well-being.

Growing your own food can significantly reduce grocery expenses. Seeds and gardening
supplies are relatively inexpensive compared to the cost of purchasing fresh produce regularly. It
is a cost-effective way to supplement your diet and save money in the long run. By practicing
‘Gulayan sa Tahanan’, students can contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle.
Growing your own food reduces the need for transportation, packaging, and refrigeration,
thereby minimizing carbon emissions and the environmental footprint associated with industrial

Backyard gardening is deeply rooted in Filipino culture, reflecting traditional practices

and values related to sustainability and self-sufficiency. Embracing ‘Gulayan sa Tahanan’ helps
preserve and promote these cultural traditions, ensuring their continuity for future generations.
Engaging in ‘Gulayan sa Tahanan’ can foster a sense of community. Neighbors, friends, and
family members can come together to share knowledge, resources, and surplus harvests.


This project aimed to achieve the following objectives:

1. The promotion of home gardening, and sustainability within the community.
2. The encouragement of self-sufficiency in families. Through this project, families will be
able to provide food from their own homes.
3. Increase family bonding through gardening activities.
4. Gain profit through selling vegetable yields.


‘Gulayan sa Tahanan’ is a Filipino term that translates to "Vegetable Garden at Home" in

English. It refers to the practice of growing vegetables in one's own residence or household. It is
a popular initiative that aims to promote self-sustainability and provide fresh, organic produce
for personal consumption. ‘Gulayan sa Tahanan’ encourages individuals or families to cultivate a
small garden within their homes, utilizing available spaces such as backyards, balconies, or even
indoor containers. The concept promotes the idea of maximizing limited resources to grow a
variety of vegetables, herbs, and other edible plants. The practice of ‘Gulayan sa Tahanan’
involves traditional gardening techniques such as soil preparation, seed sowing, watering, and
proper plant care. It may also include modern methods like raised bed gardening, vertical
gardening, or container gardening, depending on the available space and resources. ‘Gulayan sa
Tahanan’ is an empowering practice that allows individuals and families to take control of their
food supply, promote healthier eating habits, and cultivate a sustainable lifestyle within the
confines of their own homes.

The purpose of ‘Gulayan sa Tahanan’ is to promote and encourage home gardening or

backyard farming as a means of sustainable food production for households. The concept of
‘Gulayan sa Tahanan’ emphasizes the importance of self-sufficiency, healthy eating habits, and
environmental sustainability. By growing vegetables and herbs in their own homes, individuals
and families can have access to fresh, nutritious produce, reduce their reliance on store-bought
food, and save money.


A. Before the Planting

 The proponents brainstormed which type of vegetable would be most appropriate to
plant within the given limited time frame, and also what vegetable would be easy to
grow, harvest, and sell. The chosen vegetables were Yardlong beans (Vigna
unguiculata), and Aubergine (Solanum melongena) due to their accessibility within
the market as well as easy maintenance and growth. The proponents then found a plot
of land able to meet the qualifications for planting vegetables. The land has fertile
soil, with enough exposure to sunlight. After this, the proponents prepped the land by
tilling it and putting rice husks above it.
B. During the Planting
 The proponents dug shallow holes about 2 inches where the seeds were placed. The
plot of land is divided into two parts for the different vegetables with an allocated
space in between for the proponents to walk through. The seeds were then sprinkled
with just the right amount of water for it to be damp. The vegetables were monitored
daily and watered whenever needed.
C. After the Planting
 The proponents monitored the growth of the vegetables until they were ready to be
harvested. Once the vegetables were harvested, they were sold to either the family
members of the proponents of the nearby neighbors. The growth of the plant is
monitored for further harvests.


Production capacity and expected outputs
The proponents expect around 8 pieces of okra, and 3 pieces of eggplants per harvest,
with the harvest being conducted every two weeks. The proponents have also taken into
consideration the unpredictable weather which may affect the quality and quantity of the yields.

Projected summary of Gross Sale of Products

The proponents have the following projected summary of Gross Sale of Products:
1. Okra = Php 80
2. Eggplants = Php 150


Major Activities and Persons Responsible
Major Activities Person/s Responsible
Planting of Vegetables De Jesus, De Guzman, Fraginal, Lagartija
Monitoring and Watering of Planted De Guzman, Sanchez
Harvesting of Vegetables Lagartija, Fraginal, Sotito
Selling of Vegetables De Jesus, Del Rosario, Fraginal, Sanchez,
Documentation and Paperwork De Jesus, Del Rosario, Sanchez

Timeframe or Duration
Okra Talong
Planting September 24, 2022 September 24, 2022
Harvesting Weekly after 2 months Weekly after 3 12 months
Marketing After every harvest After every harvest


A. Market
Product Description
Okra and Talong are two popular vegetables known for their unique flavors and
nutritional benefits. Okra, also known as lady's finger, is a versatile vegetable with a distinct
elongated shape and a vibrant green color. It is widely loved for its mild, slightly earthy taste and
crunchy texture. Packed with essential nutrients, okra is an excellent addition to a balanced diet.
Not only is okra delicious, but it also offers numerous health benefits. It is an excellent source of
dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and promotes a healthy digestive system. Okra is rich in
vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals like calcium and potassium, contributing to overall
wellness (Dantas et al., 2021).

Talong, also known as eggplant or aubergine, is a versatile vegetable that is widely

cherished for its distinctive taste and texture. With its glossy, deep purple skin and tender flesh,
talong is a staple in various cuisines around the world. It offers a delightful combination of
flavors, ranging from slightly bitter to mildly sweet. In addition to its culinary appeal, talong is
also highly nutritious. It is a low-calorie vegetable that is rich in dietary fiber, making it an
excellent choice for weight management and digestive health. Talong is a good source of
vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, and folate, contributing to
overall well-being (Quamruzzaman et al., 2020).

Experience the versatility and health benefits of our premium talong as you incorporate it
into your favorite recipes. Whether you're a vegetarian, a health-conscious individual, or simply
someone who appreciates delicious food, our talong will satisfy your cravings and nourish your

Target Market
The target customers of the project proponents are the family members and some
neighbors within the vicinity of the members.

Price and Pricing

The project proponents of the "Gulayan sa Tahanan" strive to provide affordable and
competitive pricing for our fresh, homegrown vegetables. Our pricing policy is based on the
principles of transparency, quality, and fair value for both the customers and the growers. We
aim to offer reasonable prices while considering factors such as market demand and local

The following are the prices of the products:

Okra: ₱ 10.00 per tie (5pcs)
Talong: ₱ 60.00 per kilo (8pcs for small sized, 6 pcs for large sized)
Terms of sale for Gulayan sa Tahanan in a retail setting:
A. Pricing:
 The prices of vegetables are based on its size, availability of the product during
harvesting and also based on market price.
B. Payment:
 Payment for purchases can be made in cash. All payments are due at the time of
C. Quality and Freshness:
 We take great care to ensure that our vegetables are fresh and of high quality. We
strive to offer products that meet our customers' expectations. If you have any
concerns about the quality of the vegetables purchased, they can reach out to the
D. Returns and Refunds:
 We accept returns for vegetables within a specified time frame, typically within 24
hours of purchase. To be eligible for a return, the vegetables must be in their original
condition and accompanied by proof of purchase. Refunds will be provided using the
original form of payment. Perishable items, such as vegetables, may not be eligible
for return or refund due to their nature.

B. Technical
Project Location
The project is set to take place at Estrella Avenue, Narra, Palawan, a carefully selected
location due to its favorable climate, fertile soil, and proximity to the market, making it an ideal
site for cultivating okra, and talong.
Production capacity and expected outputs
The proponents expect around 8 pieces of okra, and 3 pieces of eggplants per harvest,
with the harvest being conducted every two weeks. The proponents have also taken into
consideration the unpredictable weather which may affect the quality and quantity of the yields.

C. Organization and Management

Project Organization and Management Structure

Gulayan sa Tahanan



Monitoring Growth and Watering



D. Financial
The proponents of the project utilized materials readily available within the household,
therefore this project did not cost any money. The seeds were obtained from the already existing
vegetables in the backyard of the proponents. Thus, there was no need for any further source of
funds and capitalization.

Projected Income Statement

November January March May
Okra Php 20 Php 30 Php 40 Php 20
Talong Php 50 Php 50 Php 30 Php 30
Subtotal Php 70 Php 80 Php 70 Php 50
Seeds Php 0 Php 0 Php 0 Php 0
Total Php 0 Php 0 Php 0 Php 0
Net Profit Php 70 Php 80 Php 70 Php 50
The project proponents started this project on September 24, 2022 and have succeeded in
producing profit from the okras and aubergines they've planted throughout the 10 months it took
to care for them. Currently, a profit worth of Php 230.00 is audited from selling the harvested
vegetables with a quantity of 40 okras and 20 eggplants, sold at 10 pesos per 5 pieces and 60
pesos for 8 pcs (large) or 6 pcs (small), respectively. The projected income statement displays a
net profit of Php 70 for November, Php 80 for January, Php 70 for March, and Php 50 for May.
The crops were harvested after maturing with an estimated yield of around 8 pieces of okra, and
3 pieces of eggplants per harvest, with the harvest being conducted every two weeks.
Additionally, the project objectives were successfully observed throughout the duration of the
activity while the dissemination of workplan activities ensured a productive management of the
garden and the marketing.

In conclusion, home gardening is a rewarding and beneficial activity that offers numerous
advantages for individuals, communities, and the environment. Whether you have a small
balcony, a backyard, or even just a sunny windowsill, home gardening provides an opportunity
to reconnect with nature, improve mental well-being, and promote sustainable living.
One of the key benefits of home gardening is the ability to grow your own fresh and
nutritious produce. By cultivating fruits, vegetables, and herbs at home, you have control over
the growing conditions and can ensure the use of organic and environmentally friendly practices.
It also promotes physical activity and exercise. The process of planting, weeding, and tending to
your garden provides an opportunity for gentle exercise and outdoor activity. Gardening tasks
like digging, planting, and harvesting can help improve flexibility, strength, and cardiovascular
health, making it a great form of low-impact exercise for people of all ages.
The ‘Gulayan sa Tahanan’ Project provides a compelling rationale for empowering
families through home gardening. By promoting self-sufficiency, sustainable practices, improved
nutrition, family bonding, skill development, and knowledge sharing, this initiative addresses
several societal challenges while offering tangible benefits to participating families and friends.
Home gardening is a versatile and fulfilling activity that offers a multitude of benefits. From
providing fresh and nutritious food to promoting physical and mental well-being, fostering
sustainability, and fostering community connections, home gardening is a valuable practice that
anyone can engage in to enhance their quality of life.

During Planting

Growth of Vegetables

Harvest of Vegetables

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