Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in Homeroom Guidance

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Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in Homeroom Guidance

Grade 10

I. Objectives

At the end of this lesson, the student should be able to:

A. Determine ways on how to be resilient in times of pandemic;

B. Show optimism in dealing with challenges brought by pandemic; and
C. Create advocacy activities to promote mental health awareness and resiliency in times of pandemic.

II. Subject Matter

“Empowering Others Through Social Responsibility”

III. Materials
Homeroom Guidance module
Powerpoint Presentation
Clean sheet of paper

IV. Procedure

A. Preliminaries
- Prayer
- Greetings
- Checking of Attendance
B. Motivation
“Listen to the Music”
1. How do you feel recalling those memories?
2. Was it easy to recall and remember those experiences?
3. What actions have you taken when you experience some negative and traumatic experiences?

C. Lesson Proper
- PowerPoint Presentation
- Lecture Discussion

Activity 1 (Write a Song)

Instruction: Choose a song that inspires or empowers people and communities you. Write the
lyrics on a clean sheet of paper. Don’t forget to acknowledge the singer or the composer of the song.

Processing Questions:
1. What is the message of the song?
2. How do you feel while writing to the song?
3. Starting in your homes, what actions can you do to help the community?

Activity 2 (Puzzle Game)

The words in this puzzle game are words that you often hear or experience during these
challenging times.
Processing Questions:
1. How do you feel after completing the puzzle?
2. Did you have a hard time looking for the words?
3. What are the words that you have found on the puzzle?
4. Cite 3 words that struck you?

PROBLEM – SOLVING SKILLS - Learners like you will grow older, and you will come across problems that you
need to sort out yourselves.
When solving problems, it is good to be able to:
1. Listen and think calmly.
2. Consider options and respect other people’s opinions and needs.
3. Find constructive solutions and sometimes work towards compromises.

Here are some helpful steps in problem – solving:

1. Identify the problem
2. Think about why it is a problem
3. Brainstorm possible solutions
4. Evaluate the solutions
5. Put the solution into action
6. Evaluate the outcome

Resiliency- Is the ability to bounce back after a traumatic and painful experience. It is also a way to be able
to get back and pick up oneself to feeling normal again.

The following are some helpful ways to develop resiliency:

1. Make some lifestyle changes – practice being straight – forward and assertive with others. Develop
hobbies and interests and make time for them.
2. Look after your physical health - get a good night’s sleep and develop better sleeping patterns. Try to be
more physically active, and exercise regularly. Make sure to eat a more balanced and healthy diet.
3. Be less hard on yourself - find time to praise yourself for your achievements and reward yourself for
what you have accomplished.

D. Generalization
It is normal to experience major and minor life challenges. How we handle these struggles daily
determines our physical, as well as our mental well-being. It takes only a single event to convince us that
there are circumstances in life that are beyond our control. What is important is that we can withstand
whatever life may bring us. All our experiences whether in school or in community help us to become
resilient individual.
V. Evaluation
Directions: Below is a simple outline for a Plan of Action. Think of an advocacy activity that is
feasible and doable in this. This advocacy focuses on mental health awareness and resiliency during this
difficult time.

1. When you promote positive change in the community, what comes into your mind?
2. What part of your activity that struck you the most?
3. What did you learn from the activities conducted?

VII. Assignment
Directions: Share with your parent/parents or guardian your plan of action for the advocacy activities.
Encourage your parent/s or guardians to take part and be involved in your advocacy activity.

Prepared by:


Teacher I
Checked by:

Guidance Counselor

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