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People Places Creative - Themed Photoshop Advertisment

The purpose of this project was to create 2 moved on to an Instagram story ad in hopes of recruit-
Instagram ads and 2 Facebook ads for People Places, ing people. For that, I used a gradient and other shapes
which is a non-profit agency that is actively trying to to give the story more creativity.
recruit foster parents. The target audience for this proj- Next, I made the first Facebook post with an
ect is people or families looking to help out children in image of a group of kids and added “Raise Hope” to the
need. I began with Instagram ads because that is what I bottom of the screen as well as the 50th anniversary
am most familiar with. I began with a basic square post sticker. Lastly, for the second Facebook post, I decided
and used the pen tool to create different shapes on to post a photo of a child and parent and put an overlay
the page. I then added an image of a happy family to of an inspirational quote on this. I decided to use a
show people how their potential family could be. I then quote because I noticed that People Places frequently
posts different quotes about foster care. However, I
tried to do mine in a more modern and family-fo-
cused way in contrast to the ones with a plain back-
ground. For each of the ads I tried to make the ads
consistent by using different geometric shapes and
using the same colors as the People Places logo.

Take a Trip or Wine Down

For this project, we were instructed to create

two Facebook templates for JMU Lifelong Learning.
These templates will be reused to promote some of TRIP SPOTLIGHT: [TRIP NAME]
the most frequent events they post about. For the trip D L
spotlight post, the target audience is people interested
in traveling and either a member of Lifelong Learning or W D
considering. I
I began by creating the background using the D L
freeform pen tool to create the shapes. I then added the
text with places for the client to add their own infor-
mation for each specific trip I then added the airplane
graphic and the LLI logo in the corners, so it wasn’t so J .
empty, and it shows that they are affiliated with JMU. V . . .
I initially began the project by looking up
pictures of wine glasses for the second template about
wine down Wednesday. I chose one with multiple peo-
ple gathered to make it seem more conversational like
one of the actual meetings would be. I added rectangles
which I rounded the corners and used the rounded rect- LOC ATION JOIN US FOR
angles to add text. For the location, date, and time I gave
LLI an area to add their own information.



Festive Holiday
Farmer’s Market
For this project, we were instructed to create a poster for the
Harrisonburg Farmer’s Market. The target market is people who enjoy
farmer’s markets, supporting small businesses, and will be looking to

buy gifts for the holidays.
I began by changing the background to a light green so it
would be holiday-themed yet still bright. The green worked well be-
cause green is also associated with fresh and nutritious. I then added
a large title that was a darker green and red, for the holiday-themed
colors again. I added a black drop shadow behind the title to make it
pop. Next, I added their logo as well as a string of lights graphic to fill
in the top section and add to the holiday theme. Then, I pulled words
mentioned in the project instructions to create an enticing descrip-
tion of what people would expect to find in this market. I also includ- EVERY SATURDAY JANUARY-MARCH 2024
ed the bottom text to give people multiple reasons as to why they
should stop by. Lastly, I added their Instagram, TikTok, and email so TURNER PA VILION 228 S, LIBER TY ST HARRISONBURG, VA 22801
people can see what kinds of products and goods are offered at the
farmer’s market. 9AM-11PM





Valley Olive Oil Make-Over
For this project, we were assigned a client, Valley Olive
Oil, which we had to create designs and advertisements for. The
first task was to redesign their logo and create two designs that
related to their product and company. We also had to put these
logos on some objects to clearly show how the logo would look
in action. Next, we were instructed to create a business card
that contained Valley Olive Oil’s redesigned logo, Christina’s
information, as well as the company’s information. Lastly, we
had to design a Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and daily holiday
sale advertisement. One of each was made both for Facebook
and Instagram. The target audience is individuals who enjoy
both olive oil and balsamic and are looking for a more sophis-
ticated brand in comparison to grocery store brands.
For the logos, I used the ellipse tool and a muted sage
green for a sophisticated modern look. I then added olive
branches and the text. When creating the business card, I used
the first logo I created and put it on one side. Then I added the
client and company’s information in a simple, easy-to-read, yet
appealing way. To keep the designs consistent, I continued to
use the muted green color.
For the first Black Friday Instagram ad, I put images of
oil and grapes in the background under a square with mini-
mized opacity so that the images were faint but noticeable.
Then, I added the rest of the text with the details. I made the
Facebook Black Friday ad very similar to the wording, I just
used a different layout. I used a clipping mask to change the
photos to be circular and added more shapes behind them.
Both Cyber Monday ads were made basically the same as the
previous, just with small changes. . Lastly, for the holiday sale
ads, I changed the colors slightly to look more holiday-themed.
I also added images and snow to the background.

HSPCA Cat Voucher Re-Design

Bring this card to the surgery
appointment for a:



For this project, we were instructed to update the free cat spay/neu- with the hex code #d9flfd. Then, I used the ellipse tool to create two white
ter voucher for the HSPCA. They need this voucher redesigned because their circles on the top and bottom. Lastly for the background, I added a dashed
current one does not follow the guidelines and rules in their brand guide. line to look like the tear line on tickets.
The target market for this project is animal lovers, but more specifically, After adding the rough text, I began moving it around, changing its
people with cats who need to be neutered and may be unable to afford it. size, etc. to determine what layout was best. I repeated all these steps on a
When I first heard the word “voucher” I thought of a ticket with the second Photoshop tab to create the back of the voucher. Lastly, I added the
tear-off tab. So, I created a new project in Photoshop, with the same size RHSPCA logo in each of the corners as well as the image of a cat with a drop
dimensions as the current voucher, and started to make it look like a tick- shadow on the side of the ticket.
et. I changed the whole background to be their brand’s secondary color

Lifelong Learning
Institute New and
Improved Brochure
and Rack Card
For this project, we were instructed to create both a
brochure and rack card for the JMU Lifelong Learning Insti-
tute. They wanted us to include how to become a member,
register for a course, contact information, and more.
I began the brochure by creating a new project
which I used the letter paper setting for, turned it horizontal,
and then added three columns. I included a cover page with
an image of JMU as well as the JMU logo. From there, the
pages include information on becoming a member, register-
ing for courses, information about LLI, and contact informa-
tion. The text I used for the whole brochure was Myriad Pro
and the images were both from Google and their Facebook.
For the rack card, I began by creating a new page
which was 4” x 9”. I wanted to keep the rack card more
simple and only contain the most important information
about the program. On the front, I added an image of JMU’s
campus during a sunset and the LLI logo on top of it, as well
as the brief description we were provided. On the back of
the card, I added a “What we do” and a “Contact Info” section.
Lastly, I put a QR code to their website as well as an image of

Considering Fostering? Here’s a Brochure
For this assignment, we were instructed to I overlayed on the background, some across multiple email, and website. For the middle page of this spread
create a brochure for People Places, which is a foster care columns, to give it more dimension. To create the rect- I added the different services they offer which they
company. The target market for this brochure is people angles with a rounded edge, I created a rectangle shape mentioned in the file on Canvas. On the last page, for the
who are considering become foster parents and wonder- then rounded two of the corners and dragged the yellow call to action I added the QR code so that people looking
ing where to start as well as learning more information diamond in to create a fully round edge. On the first into fostering can see if they fir this company.
about it. I began this project by creating a new document page, I decided to put the logo, their mission statement, The feedback that I received was to put some-
which is 8.5”x11”. For the settings I made it 2 pages, hori- the 50th anniversary icon, and an image from the inter- thing in the middle page in the first spread. For this I
zontal, and with 3 columns. net. On the middle page of the first spread I left it blank decided to add a page with people’s testimonials from
The first thing I did after opening the docu- because it will be the very back of the brochure. For the their website. This version of my project is better than
ment was import the People Places logo. I did this to use last page on this spread I added an “about us” section the first because there is no longer an empty page, so
the exact colors (orange, teal, blue, and purple) to make which explains the purpose of the company as well as there is more information provided. The testimonials will
swatches to use throughout the brochure. From there I their timeline. On the right page of the second spread, I also make people considering fostering more inclined
created rectangles to put on each different column, using added all the contact information for social media, and when seeing their good experiences with it.
the color swatches I created and lowering the opacity. their different office locations. To add more to this page,
Then, I added different rounded rectangle shapes which I found icons to put next to the Facebook, Instagram,

Take a Rack Card
For this project we were instructed to create two different rack cards
for the foster company, People Places. The target market for both rack cards
is families or individuals looking to become foster parents. I began by creat-
ing two different documents which both consisted of 2 pages 4”x9”. For the
first rack card, I used my brochure for inspiration. I created different rect-
angular shapes for the background as well as another curved rectangle on
the front page. Instead of rectangles on the second page, I decided to use
ellipses which I overlapped and adjusted the opacities. I wanted to keep the
front page simple, so I asked a question to hook the reader. Then, I put the
tagline, logo, and a picture of a foster family. On the back I used information
from their website which makes you want to help with the foster care prob-
lem. Then, for the call to action I added a QR code to their quiz on becoming
a foster parent. Lastly, I added their contact information that I created for the
brochure to keep it consistent.
For the second rack card, I placed two triangles on the top of the first
page. Then, I added another image from the internet which I sent to the back
to be behind the triangles. Next, I added their logo, mission statement, and
what they offer. For the second page, I copy and pasted the design shapes
from the front, turned them around, and adjusted them slightly. Next, I add-
ed a screenshot from their website of different foster care statistics. Lastly, I
added the link to take their foster care quiz and their contact information.

Animal Advocacy Brochure and Slide Deck

The first part of this project instructed us

to create a brochure for the Rockingham Harri-
sonburg SPCA. They wanted us to include infor-
mation about the services they provide that aren’t
just adoption. Such as, volunteer programs, foster
programs, the barn cat program, etc. I began this
part of the project by creating a new document
that was 8.5”x11” with two pages and three col-
umns. Next, I added the swatches to all the pri-
mary and secondary colors of the company which
were in their brand guide with the individual
hex codes. On the first page, I added a rectangle
frame which I curved the two top edges of and
added an image of a cat and dog inside. Then, I
added the logo, “adopt foster volunteer donate”,
and their slogan. From there, I added the text and
many different shapes to add more to the pag-
es. I also added a few more images and icons of
animals. One of the last design elements I added
was the swirls which I drew using the pencil.
The second part of this project was to cre-
ate a slide deck for the RHSPCA that corresponds
with the brochure. We were told to create this
slide deck with any program we would like and
for it to include information about who they are
and what they do.

Valley Open Doors Rebrand
The instructions for this project were to create a brand tached. One included the slogan, and one was without it. Then,
kit, a new logo, slogan, table tent, and a banner for the compa- I made the banner by placing the logo, mission statement,
ny Valley Open Doors. I began with the logo to establish some- contact information, and some points that explain what the
thing to use for the rest of the projects and figure out which company does. I used much of the same basic and important
colors and fonts I wanted to use for the brand kit. For the logo, I information for the table tent. I wanted to keep the banner and
decided to create an asymmetrical tree and have the right-side table tent relatively simple so that when people see it they can
stretch over the name to represent shelter and growth. I used easily see what the company is without overwhelming them
the pencil tool on the smoothest setting and started drawing and losing their attention.
the branches. Next, using the direct selection tool I was able
to move the anchor points around to be more precise. Then, I
added leaves using the ellipse tool and sharpening the edges
to create leaf shapes. Lastly, I added the name and a door. After,
I created the brand guide using the colors from the logo. I also
added a header, subhead, and body copy with the logos at-

Our Mission: To provide shelter, compassionate support and access to services for those who are experiencing Valleyopendoors Open Doors, Inc.
homelessness in the Harrisonburg-Rockingham community.
▪ 6/$-7$(
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▪ 67($$7%!37($+#/ 358 S Main St.
of Christ
P.O. Box 1804 St. Stephen's United Church 540.705.1908
St. Stephen's United
Church of Christ
Harrisonburg, VA 22803
▪ 8$)03(#$%#00(',1+7,01 !"#$#%&'())*+,, -./%+
358 S Main St.
Harrisonburg, VA 22801 ▪ 6/$-7$(%*$+-)
▪ 90-317$$(%!::0(731,7,$)
sonburg-Rockingham community.

Open Doors Brand Kit

are experiencing homelessness in the Harri-
support and access to services for those who
Our Mission: To provide shelter, compassionate

Sheltering Hope for the Community

Primary Colors Secondary Colors

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Bold Concept Regular Serif

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Sheltering Hope for the Community

Valleyopendoors Open Doors, Inc.

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Sheltering Hope for the Community

#JMUDigitalMarketingT-Shirt 06
We were prompted to create a t-shirt design, front and back of the shirt. To do this, I used the existing computer that I
back for either JMU’s COB marketing students and faculty or a had and copy and pasted it with the icons in a new artboard. I
JMU club. This design had to showcase what the organization created text saying, “click, connect, convert” which I aligned to
and its image. It also needed to be suitable for both students the left. I placed that design on the back of the t-shirt. The last
and faculty to wear. The target market that I decided to go for step was changing the shirt color to a light purple using the
was digital marketing concentrated students and faculty. JMU brand guide hex code.
I began by making an artboard with a t-shirt outline. I
created a second artboard to just focus on the design, which I
would later copy and paste onto the t-shirt outline. I create a
computer monitor with icons using reference photos and vari-
ous shapes. Next, I make the text with “Digital Marketing” and a
separate with “College of Business”, then used the warp effect. I
placed that image on the front pocket area, then started on the


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