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LSP COMPLEX PROJECT Long Son Petrochemicals Co., Ltd PACKAGE D-LLDPE PLANT Page:t of 8 ‘Annex H ~ Approved Vendor List and Subcontractor List Contract No : LSP-CA-132 Annex H - Approved Vendor List and Subcontractor List... pale gh A Confidential: This documentis confidential and must not be copied or reproduced except with the expressed yf permission of Long Son Petrochemicals Co., Lt. 7 LMG SOM Long Son Petrochemicals Co., Ltd Contract No : LSP-CA-132 LSP COMPLEX PROJECT PACKAGE D-LLDPE PLANT ‘Annex H - Approved Vendor List and Subcontractor List Pago:2 of 8 10 14 12 13 CONTENTS Ge Approved Vendor List. Approved Subcontractor ‘Special requirement for LLDPE Plant Attachment H-01 Approved Vendor List Attachment H-02 Void Attachment H-03 List of Pre-Selected Equipment for Standardization Attachment H-04 Approved Subcontractor List Attachment H-05 LSP - DSA for EPC - 082713 Attachment H-06 UNIPOL PE Vendor Form of Agreement for LSP ‘Attachment H-07 Vendors/Subcontractors Assessment Procedure... ell Confidential: This document is confidential and must not be copied or reproduced except with the expressed permission of Long Son Petrochemicals Co., Ltd. SLEESOM nour | PACKAGE D-LLDPE PLANT Long Son Petrochemicals Co., Ltd LSP COMPLEX PROJECT Page:3 of 8 ‘Annex H ~ Approved Vendor List and Contract No : LSP-CA-132 Subcontractor List 1.0 General All equipment and materials procurement and subcontracting works shall be awarded strictly by the Contractor to the approved vendors, subcontractors as specified in the following groups or vendors as specified in “Process Design Packages” of Annex B; Group-1 All equipment and materials (Attachment H-01 Approved Vendor List) Group-2 Void Group-3 Specific equipment with standardization strategy for the whole complex based on Company's pre-selected vendor (Attachment H-03 Approved Vendor List of Pre-Selected Equipment for Standardization) Group-4 All subcontracting works (Attachment H-04 Approved Subcontractor List) Contractor shall utilize local labor, local Subcontractors and local Vendors if they are capable and qualified according to Company requirements Company has the right to add the Vendors/Subcontractors in the Annex H and the Contractor shall agree to add such Vendors/Subcontractors into Annex H under the Contract. For the work category that is not specified in Annex H, Contractor shall propose the new work category with proposed name list to Company. If Company considers that the new work category can impact to quality, HSE or performance of the Works, and needs prequalification, the proposed additional Vendor/Subcontractor of new work category shall be assessed by Contractor as per the assessment procedure’; Confidential: This document is confidential and must not be copied or reproduced except with the expressed permission of Long Son Petrochemicals Co., Ltd. LSP COMPLEX PROJECT LONG SOMg ee PACKAGE D - LLDPE PLANT Long Son Petrochemicals Co., Ltd Pages of 8 ‘Annex H - Approved Vendor List and Contract No : LSP-CA-132 Subcontractor List 44 Confidential: This document is confidential and must not be copied or reproduced except with the expressé Otherwise, Company will consider and approve the proposed name list without assessment requirement. Approved Vendor List Contractor shall procure all machineries, packaged units including sub-parts, equipment and materials including spare parts, hereinafter “Materials” related to the plant strictly from the vendors specified in the Attachment H-01, Approved Vendor List and Attachment H-03 Approved Vendor List of Pre- Selected Equipment for Standardization, For sub-parts (brand and country of origin) of package units, Contractor shall ‘try to comply with Company approved vendors list. However, if there are some parts which do not comply, Contractor is allowed to propose sub-parts base on manufacturer's experience best practice and those sub-parts shall be proven by manufacturer's experience for Company consideration. Contractor shall strictly supply Materials from the specified countries of origin. Contractor shall ensure that all the parts of Materials are made in the countries of origin stated in the approved vendor list including the casting and assembling. In general, the following countries of origin are not accepted, unless otherwise specified in the above Attachments. = Spain * Portugal = Taiwan * China 5. permission of Long Son Petrochemicals Co., Ltd LSP COMPLEX PROJECT Long Son Petrochemicals Co., Ltd PACKAGE D - LLDPE PLANT Page:5 of 8 ‘Annex H — Approved Vendor List and ‘Subcontractor List Contract No : LSP-CA-132 = Eastern Europe ie. Russia, Hungary, Romania, etc. = Aftica * Central and South America = Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar = South Asia (India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka) and Middle East Contractor may propose additional or other change to the list of Vendors in the Approved Vendor List or any propose additional or other change that part of Materials which Vendor may supply, if required with solid reason and evidence, Contractor_—shall_— follow —the Vendors/Subcontractors Assessment Procedure in the Attachment H-07 and propose for Company approval by submitting the summary assessment report which assessed by the reputable international 3rd party surveyor accepted by Company. All costs for preparing such report shall be borne by Contractor. Company shall reserve the rights, at the Company sole's discretion, to accept such vendors and include them in the Approved Vendor list. The summary assessment report shall at least include, but not limited to, the evidence that the addition vendors have adequate finance, have adequate technical support and local services and have been operationally proven with a positive track record in similar services and duties for more than five (5) years. Company shall reserve the rights, at the Company sole's discretion, to reject Contractor's proposed additional vendor or other change to the list of Vendors without clarification. Any expenses, consequences of Contract delay arisen, to yh \ Po Confidential: This document is confidential and must not be copied or reproduced except with the expressed * © permission of Long Son Petrochemicals Co, id Long Son Petrochemicals Co., Ltd Contract No : LSP-CA-132 Se LSP COMPLEX PROJECT PACKAGE D-LLDPE PLANT Pages of 8 ‘Annex H ~ Approved Vendor List and 41.2 Company during assessment process, clarification and approval Process such as traveling expenses for factory visit, accommodations; expenses to overcome delay; etc. shall be borne by Contractor. The Approved vendor list in Group-3 is not allowed to be deviated at all. Company has pre-selected the successful vendor and Contractor shall procure such Materials only from the specified pre-selected vendor. Approved Subcontractor List Contractor shall strictly use Subcontractors according to Approved Subcontractor List shown in Attachment H-04 Approved Subcontractor List. Contractor may propose additional or other change to the list of Subcontractors in the Approved Subcontractor List or any propose additional or other change that part of the Works which Subcontractor may carry out, if required with solid reason and evidence, Contractor shall follow the Vendors/Subcontractors Assessment Procedure in the Attachment H-07 and propose the subcontractors for Company approval by submitting the summary assessment report which assessed by the reputable international 3rd party surveyor accepted by Company. All costs for preparing such report shall be borne by Contractor. Company shall reserve the rights, at the Company sole’s discretion, to accept such subcontractors and include them in the Approved Subcontractor List. The summary assessment report shall at least include, but not limited to, the evidence that the additional subcontractors have adequate finance, have adequate technical capabilities and resources, have ae |: This documents conde and must not be copied reproduced except wih he expressed perisin of Long Son Potochomials Co, Lid experiences in the similar works for more than five (5) years.pc< SENG SONG PACKAGE D-LLDPE PLANT Long Son Petrochemicals Co., Ltd Contract No : LSP- 1.3 LSP COMPLEX PROJECT Page:7 of 8 Annex H ~ Approved Vendor List and ‘Subcontractor List Company shall reserve the rights, at the Company sole's discretion, to reject Contractor's proposed additional subcontractor or other change to the list of Subcontractors without clarification. Any expenses, consequences of Contract delay arisen to Company during assessment process, clarification and approval process such as traveling expenses for factory visit, accommodations; expenses to overcome delay; etc. shall be borne by Contractor. Special requirement for LLDPE Plant Contractor shall not permit any raw material supplier, equipment supplier, or installer to have access to Process Licensor Confidential Information unless and until such has agreed in writing: (i) to hold such information in confidence, (ii) not to use Process Licensor Confidential Information for any purpose other than to supply Contractor and/or Company with such raw materials, equipment, installation and/or services, and (ili) to grant to Contractor a license sufficient for Contractor to provide the rights to Company which are stated in 2) (item iii shall only apply to the reaction and vent recovery areas of the Licensed PE Process Limits). Contractor shall not permit any sub-contractor or sub-vendor or any other third party to have access to Process Licensor Confidential Information unless and until such sub-contractor or sub-vendor or other third party is subject to a confidentiality agreement as provided in the Attachment H-05 and Attachment H-06. “Licensed PE Process” means a low pressure gas phase fluidized bed process owned or controlled by LLDPE’s Process Licensor that includes those elements included in the box labeled “LICENSED PE PROCESS,.. Confidential: This document s confidential and must not be copied or reproduced except with the expressed permission of Long Son Petrochemicals Co., Lt. a of 2 LSP COMPLEX PROJECT Long Son Petrochemicals Co., Ltd PACKAGE D -LLDPE PLANT Page:8 of 8 ‘Annex H ~ Approved Vendor List and Contract No : LSP-CA-132 ‘Subcontractor List LIMITS” in ANNEX B — Technical Design Information Section 1-1: Process Design Package - Licensed Scope “Process Licensor Confidential Information” means technical, business, financial and economic information relating to the manufacture of PE Resins owned or controlled by Licensor as well as all information that contains, reflects, or is derived from such information. 9c Set Confidential: This document is confidential and must not be copied or reproduced except with the expressed Permission of Long Son Petrochemicals Co., Ltd [APPROVED VENOOR IST (AVL) Tobe Mean (Suk Mees) a Ca Para) a ‘esters Te ET oe TOE Ter Howe Sessoere Tae TST Tar Ties Tass Tage Tar naan Corp Forse ‘jna il ree Tava se Wwinaen Gaon camany Me Sy ips ts yor Kara Mt Co, Lt Kos Dasha tone x r FF TE aaa ORI SwoA TT ras serena ate Page ttot24 LONG. 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