Final Project Tnesto Coris

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Unit 9 Assignment: Final Project

Nestor F. Coris II

Purdue University Global

HW410 Stress-Critical Issues in Management and Prevention

Dr. Lindsay Estrada

May 24, 2023


Unit 9 Assignment: Final Project

I designed a program to promote health and wellness among the special operations forces

(SOF) in the U.S. Army. These soldiers experience high levels of stress due to their work in combat

zones, long trips away from home, and the expectation to perform at their best. Unfortunately, the

SOF community has a higher rate of suicide than other Army units, due in part to the pressure to

succeed and the dangerous missions they undertake. While efforts have been made to address the

problem, more must be done. My Human Performance Optimization (HPO) program has already

been successfully implemented in the SOF and is now being adopted by the regular Army.

As mentioned earlier, the SOF community has a higher suicide rate due to the stresses that

come with the job. Some of these stresses are caused by the institution, while others come from

personal life events. Institutional stressors such as meetings, deadlines, combat deployments, work

trips, assessment and selection, member review boards, training, and performance evaluations can

be managed independently. However, when coupled with personal stresses, they can become a

recipe for disaster. The most common personal stresses within our organization are marital and

relationship issues, financial difficulties, a lack of sense of belonging, suicidal thoughts, excessive

alcohol consumption, and drug use. Marital and relationship problems are widespread, as many

members are either married or in a committed relationship.

As a member of the SOF community and someone who has been divorced, I am intimately

aware of the second and third-order effects that a failed relationship can bring. Too many of my

friends spiraled out of control, unfortunately. But with the HPO program, we can utilize the

necessary resources to identify individuals who may be considered high-risk and get those

individuals the help they need. Financial duress has been identified as the second leading cause of

stress. While Soldiers in the SOF community are compensated well above their peers in the regular

Army, it is still an issue that financial duress is putting undue stress on the SOF community. Some

would argue that if you just paid us more money, then the problem would be solved. I'm afraid I

have to disagree! By no stretch of the imagination is, the SOF community poor. We do tough jobs

and are compensated very well for it. What we don’t get is financial management skills. No one is

given a class on how to manage their money. The phrase “work hard, play hard” is fitting for this

situation. Listen, these men and women have been entrusted to accomplish the United States’ most

significant problems, and we cannot figure out how to manage our finances so that it does not

burden us or our families. So what gives?

By understanding the stressors above and how they affect our population within the SOF

community, we can identify the people considered to be high-risk early and often. Get them the

help they need and be able to rehabilitate them back into the fight. The Army spends ~$1.5

million to train one SOF Soldier. You do not waste an asset like that. This is why ensuring our

population receives the best resources and care they deserve is in our best interest. The return on

investment (ROI) will significantly exceed the amount spent for an HPO program. Simple

exercises such as mindfulness breathing, i.e., box breathing, can help reduce the stress load.

Proper nutrition plays a massive role in reducing stress and effects on other eternal stressors.

Sleep is another significant activity that we all take for granted. But to understand the benefits of

sleep, you would need to spend some time in a sleep study program that would be costly. An

HPO program can give you the same benefits but at a reduced price.

Human Performance Optimization (HPO) Program

The HPO program is an all-inclusive holistic approach to health and wellness. This

means that we took the most significant risk factors that the SOF community is experiencing as

we put a solution to it. The HPO program consists of a team of health and wellness professionals

that provide unique tailored feedback and plans to measure baseline data, assess the data, and

implement a tailored program for the individuals to recover, sustain, or improve. The HPO

program consists of a team of Operational Psychologists, Clinical Social Workers, Chaplains,

Registered Dieticians, Strength and Conditioning Coaches, Physical Therapists, and Cognitive

Performance Coaches.

As I have said before, programs like this have been implemented successfully across the

formations. The reason they are having success is due to the early and often approach. For

example, the HPO program for SOF Soldiers begins when they apply for the organization. They

are asked a series of questions ranging from current events to financial questions, personal

conduct, and the Soldier's biography. At this point in this process, the Soldiers’ entire military

career and personal self are scrutinized by members of the organization, one of which are the

operational psychologist, for any glaring issues. Should the Soldier be invited to the next phase,

they will then be administered a series of exams ranging from personality, cognitive horsepower,

basic knowledge, written exam, Wonderlic Test, a presentation to prepare and present, and an

interview with one of the operational psychologists. This process takes roughly a week, with the

hiring board on the last day. Should the individual pass this phase, they are enrolled in a year-

long program where they are taught the necessary skills required for their jobs. During this time,

they will be introduced to the HPO teams, who will assess each individual as they progress

through the year. The HPO teams will also give a block of instructions on their respective

professions and how to utilize them during the Soldier's one-year training program. Grant it that

not everyone will complete the program; however, the goal of the HPO team is to ensure that

each candidate is given the necessary tools for success. Upon completing the training program,

the Soldiers will move on to their organization's successful graduates. At this point, they are

introduced to the next HPO team, who will then give each graduate feedback and ways to

improve their stress management strategies during their tenure in the organization. So you see,

the HPO program is for life. From their inception into the assessment, selection, and training

program, SOF Soldiers are introduced to and given the necessary skills to combat stress. Even

while in the organization, they have the HPO team at their disposal, helping to ensure success.

Some may argue that a program of this magnitude is not feasible or looks costly. Others

might say, “How do you force people to see the HPO teams.” These are all valid questions and

concerns, but I will tell you that the programs currently being implemented with tremendous

success are the ones that adopted the early and often mentality. You see, health and wellness in

an environment such as the SOF community is a way of life, and it’s almost frowned upon if you

are not into physical fitness or meditation. Yes, will there be some outliers? Absolutely, will a

program as such cost money? Absolutely, but when a Commander can say they have a ready

force that can answer the requirements of the President of the United States when ordered, that’s

powerful. To say that a force is physically, spiritually, and mentally willing, ready, and able to

defend the Constitution of The United States is the best ROI our nation could ever ask for.

To sustain the HPO program, we need to hire the best health professionals. Commanders

need to identify what success looks like for their respective formations and ensure the HPO

teams understand the Commander’s vision for the Health of the Force. Bottomline, by

prioritizing the Health of The Force, you are sending a message across the formation that the

Army cares about your well-being; that’s a powerful message. When your employer cares about

you and your well-being, you are more likely to be more successful across all aspects of life. In

short, by taking care of your people through the intangibles, i.e., health and wellness programs,

you create and foster an environment that thrives, an environment that makes people want to

come to work, a place that doesn’t feel like work but an extension of your family and friends.

Invest in your people! It Matters.



Haberman, C. (2017, September 25). Special ops forces: How elite forces became military

muscle. The New York Times.



Seaward, B. (2018). Managing stress: Principles and strategies for health and well-being (9th

ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Stahl, B., & Goldstein, E. (2019). A mindfulness-based stress reduction workbook (2nd ed.). New

Harbinger Publications.

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