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1. Choose the correct words. 1 go 2. Fill in the gaps with these words.

to/meet up with friends 2 do/go

7 meet up/tidy up the flat
8 meet/chat to friends online 9
3 go/visit relatives
have/visit a quiet night in 10
4 go out/have for a drink 5
do/go yoga
have/do a lie-in
11 go to/go out art galleries 12
6 go out/go to gigs
have/visit people round for dinner

love right awful drive all

nerves on in mind stand

1 I really _________ eating out. 2 I'm very 7 I don't _________ getting up early. 8 I really can't
interested _________ art. 3 I'm not very keen _________ sitting in traffic jams. 9 I think most
_________ sport. 4 I think tennis is all _________. reality TV programmes are _________.
5 Call centres _________ me crazy. 6 I don't like 10 Waiting in queues really gets on
flying at _________. my_________.

3. Write the vowels (a, e, i, o, u) in these adjectives. Do they describe positive (P) or negative (N)

feelings? a o e 🡪 N

1 _ nn _ y _ d 4. Choose the correct prepositions. 1 I'm

good by / at ...
2 sh _ ck _ d 🡪
2 I'm frightened with / of ... 3 I'm
3 str _ ss _ d 🡪 happy by / with ...

4 c _ nc _ rn _ d 🡪 4 I'm annoyed at / from ... 5 I'm fed

up for / with ... 6 I'm bored with /
about ...

6 d _ s _ pp _ _ nt _ d 🡪 7 c _ Im 8 sc _ r _ d 🡪

🡪 9 _ mb _ r _ ss _ d 🡪 10 pl _ _
7 I'm surprised by / on ... 8 I'm
nervous about / by ... 9 I'm angry
11 c _ nf _ s _ d 🡪 with / for ...

10 I'm upset from / about ... 11 I'm

12 gl _ d 🡪
bad for / at ... 12 I'm worried of /
13 _ ps _ t 🡪 about ...

14 s _ t _ sf _ _ d 🡪

5. Choose the correct verbs.

I 1spend / do a lot of time at work because I sometimes have to 2take / meet important

deadlines. Some people say that I must 3have / be a workaholic because I 4spend / work very

long hours, but I never 5take / have work home with me. I think it's very important to 6have /

spend time to relax and I always 7be / have time off work when I need it. Yes, I can 8be / have

under pressure at work sometimes, but I'm lucky because I 9have / meet good working

conditions and I don't usually have to 10take / work overtime.

6. Which word is the odd one out? Why?

1 avocado beef lettuce 2 flour fry

3 frightened 🡪 te______________ 4
3 peach pineapple cucumber 4 herbs bakes angry 🡪 fu______________


7. Choose the correct words. 9. Fill in the gaps with travel, get or go on.
1 fall sleep / asleep get
2 fall / have a nap 1 __________ back from somewhere 2

3 get back to sleep / asleep __________ a trip

4 be wide wake / awake 3 __________ a taxi home

4 __________ independently
8. Write the strong adjectives.
5 __________ off a bus
5 coconut boil barbecue 6 hot dog red
1 good 🡪 fa______________
pepper lamb 7 onions beans pie 8 sauce
2 big 🡪 en______________ cream noodles
5 have trouble sleep / sleeping 6
🡪 ex______________
be fast sleep / asleep
7 have / sleep insomnia
8 be a heavy sleep / sleeper

6 __________ a cruise
5 interested 🡪 fa______________ 6
7 __________ economy class 8
__________ a guided tour 9
beautiful 🡪 go______________ 7 tired
__________ light
10. Match the phrasal verbs in A to

words/phrases in B.

11. a/ Are these words nouns (N) or adjectives (A)?

1 kind 2 healthy 3 fame 4 honest 9 fashionable 10 traditional 11

A activity 12 popular
5 sadness 6 patient 7 nature 8 comfort adventurous
13 confidence 14 possible 15 modesty 16

b/ Change the nouns into adjectives and the adjectives

into nouns. kind🡪 kindness

1 __________________________ 2
__________________________ 3
__________________________ 4
__________________________ 5
__________________________ 6
__________________________ 7
__________________________ 8
9 __________________________ 10
__________________________ 11
__________________________ 12
__________________________ 13
__________________________ 14
__________________________ 15
__________________________ 16

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