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General Education

1. The self is very important for Plato. Which part of the self is he referring to?
a. The spiritual self
b. The rational self
c. The appetitive self
d. The emotional self

2. Which of the following is not a characteristics of spirituality?

a. Connection to a higher power or divine being.
b. Seeking meaning and purpose in life.
c. Belief in specific religious doctrines and rituals.
d. Inner peace and harmony.

3. Which of the following is a family planning method that involves tracking changes in
cervical mucus to determine fertility?
a. Basal Body Temperature Monitoring
b. Billing’s Method
c. Rhythm Method
d. Withdrawal Method

4. Which hormone is often referred to as the “love hormone” and is believed to play a
role in our desire to maintain close relationships?
a. Dopamine
b. Oxytocin
c. Norepinephrine
d. Serotonin

5. Which of the following factors is responsible for sculpting the sex-typical facial
features of men and women during development?
a. Cells
b. Hormones
c. Neurotransmitters
d. Tissue

6. The physical brain, and not the imaginary mind gives us our sense of self. The self is
the brain.
a. Catherine Raeff
b. Katherine Ewing
c. Maurice Merleau-Ponty
d. Paul Churchland

7. Since all spiritual beings are immortal it follows that all human souls are immortal. To
what other premise is the conclusion based?
a. All human souls are spiritual beings
b. All Human souls are not mortal
c. All spiritual beings are human souls
d. No immortal is human

8. Aristotle contended that the good life is a life of happiness. Happiness is an activity
not a goal and men ought to behave so as to achieve happiness. Thus men must act
moderately and they must act so as to be striving for the mean between two extremes.
As a teacher how are you going to interpret this?
a. You will provide your students moral dilemmas.
b. You will develop the cognitive ability of your students.
c. You will develop a sense of duty in your students.
d. You will provide your students opportunities to develop virtues.

9. John Locke contended that the mind is a “white paper” or "tabula rasa" void of any
characters and without any ideas and all things anybody knows comes from
experience. What would be the logical implication of this tenet?
a. There is no inherent idea.
b. Reality is in the mind.
c. We can only know our perception of reality and not reality itself.
d. Reality is what it appears to be.

10.Which kind of logic is described as reasoning using Hume's thesis-antithesis-synthesis

a. Dialectics
b. Experimental
c. Inductive
d. Deductive

11.Plato's posited that if a man knows what the good life is, he will not act immorally,
Thus evil is due to lack of knowledge. The logical consequence of this viewpoint will
be _________.
a. Self-determination morality
b. Emotivism
c. Authoritative and objective morality
d. Hedonism

12.Who follows the idea of Socrates that man is essentially a soul?

a. Plato
b. Locke
c. Freud
d. Descartes

13.According to Mendel, what dictates our looks?

a. Wealth
b. Biology
c. Social status
d. Appearance

14.What sexual preference would it be if a person is attracted to somebody who is a

member of the opposite sex?
a. Homosexual
b. Transgender
c. Cisgender
d. Heterosexual

15.Why is self-being influenced by culture?

a. It is because the self is a thinking thing.
b. It is because the self has a mind.
c. It is because the self is a social being.
d. It is because the self is made up of body and soul.

16.Which among the functions of listening do most students do in the classroom?

a. for inspiration
b. for information and ideas
c. for “escape”
d. for enjoyment

17.In the speech process, which is concerned with amplifying and enriching the voice
using human amplifiers such as the nose, windpipe and chest?
a. resonation
b. inflection
c. phonation
d. articulation

18.Let us campaign for the total ban _____ of harmful insecticides.

a. with the use
b. on using
c. on the use
d. with using

19.What became prophetically true in France when Edwin Markham saw the French
peasant as “The man with the Hoe,” a plundered slave under the rule of kings and
a. French revolution
b. Advent of mechanized agriculture
c. Cult of Reason in France
d. Napolean’s imperial rule
20.Robert Frost wrote the poem Acquainted with the Night from which the stanza is
I have been one acquainted with the night.
I have walked out in rain-back in rain.
I have out walked the farthest city light
The poet in the stanza talks of?
a. isolation and loneliness
b. joy getting out of the house
c. youthful delight playing in the rain
d. happiness in having been acquainted with the night

21.These are graphic representations of the proposed elements included in the

communication process, which shows the relationship between elements.
a. Communication Models
b. Communication Symbols
c. Communication Types
d. Communication Charts

22.Mr. Alvarez adjusts his message according to his audience and the occasion to achieve
a particular effect. In what model he based his speech?
a. Shannon-Weaver’s
b. Osgood-Schramm’s
c. Berlo’s
d. Aristotle’s

23.What communication model, where there must be a common field of experience

between the sender and the receiver so they would understand each other?
a. Berlo’s
b. Shannon-Weaver’s
c. Osgood-Schramm’s
d. Aritotle’s

24.It is defined as the process of creating, sending, receiving, and analyzing messages to
large audiences via verbal and written media.
a. International Communication
b. Local Communication
c. Communication
d. Mass Communication

25.The real meaning of the message exists within the mind of the speaker. Only then the
listener tries to get the message as accurately as possible. What principle of
communication is?
a. Communication is irreversible.
b. Communication is contextual.
c. Communication is an interpretative act.
d. Communication is symbolic.

26.An association wherein the name of something is substituted by something that

represents it.
a. Metonymy
b. Comparison
c. Euphemism
d. Personification

27.What correction should be made to this sentence?

One of the theories is that the first child receives more of the parents' attention than
other children so first-borns tend to be more intellectual.
a. Change is to are
b. Insert a comma after children
c. Change parents' to parent's
d. Change theories to theory's

28.What is meant by AT SIXES AND SEVENS in this sentence?

We moved into the house last week, but I'm afraid everything, is still at sixes and
a. The things have not been shipped.
b. In a state of confusion
c. In an orderly manner
d. The boxes are still intact

29.What is the mood of these lines?

Daylight, I must wait for the sunrise
I must think of a new life
And I mustn't give in.
When the dawn comes
tonight will be a memory, too
And a new day will begin.
a. Afraid
b. Sarcastic
c. Depressed
d. Hopeful

30.Which type of communication seeks to influence or change the attitudes, beliefs, or

behaviors of the audience?
a. Informative communication
b. Argumentative communication
c. Expressive communication
d. Persuasive communication
31.“Scents of Apple”, a collection of stories that succeeded with the United States
audience, was written by_____.
a. Bienvenido Santos
b. Carlos Bulosan
c. Nick Joaquin
d. Jose Garcia Villa

32. The following statements are correct about globalization EXCEPT:

a. Globalization can be seen as a process, a condition, a system, a force, an
ideology, and an age.
b. Globalization is inevitable and irreversible.
c. Global north countries are in charge of globalization.
d. Globalization has varied and contending meanings.

33. A foreign car manufacturing industry can add to the economic development of a
struggling country bringing much needed job. This is an example of ___________.
a. Economic globalization
b. Political globalization
c. Cultural globalization
d. Technological globalization

34. What is the process of change from an agrarian and handicraft economy to one
dominated by industry and machine manufacturing?
a. Technological Innovation
b. Industrial Revolution
c. Factory System
d. Transportation Innovation

35. The following organizations are products of the Bretton Wood System EXCEPT:
a. International Monetary Fund
b. B. World Trade Organization
c. World Bank
d. United Nations

36. Which is number one in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development?
a. Zero hunger
b. Good health and well being
c. No poverty
d. Gender equality

37. Why are Filipino Overseas Workers considered modern time heroes?
a. They sacrifice all the family life and economies just to improve their quality of
b. They became broad minded, skilled and economically stable.
c. They have helped stabilize Philippine economy
d. They come home ready to feast their town males and friends

38. Tax imposed on every citizen of the Philippines is known as ______________.

a. Community tax
b. Income tax
c. property tax
d. Real estate tax

39. A tax levied by a government on imports or occasionally exports for purposes of

protection, support of the balance of payments, or the raising of revenue is called
a. Tariff
b. Capital
c. Revenue
d. Interest

40. The type of tax which imposed a higher percentage rate on taxpayers who have
higher incomes
a. Regressive Tax
b. Progressive Tax
c. Proportional Tax
d. Value Added Tax

41. Who first introduced the Islamic religion to the Philippines?

a. Raja Baguinda
b. Mukdum
c. Idi Amin
d. Abu Bakr

42. All of the following countries are fighting over the West Philippine Sea
a. Mexico
b. Brunei
c. Indonesia
d. Vietnam

43. One of the advantages of presidential system of government is _______

a. the principle of the separation of powers and checks and balances is observed.
b. unity of authority
c. It cuts costs and redundancy in lawmaking.
d. It promotes a strong political party.
44. Who among the Last Filipino generals who fought the Americans and established the
so called “Tagalog Republic”.
a. Gregorio del Pilar
b. Manuel Tinio
c. Miguel Malvar
d. Macario Sakay

45. Which religious missionaries first arrived in the Philippines?

a. Franciscans
b. Augustinians
c. Jesuits
d. Dominicans

46. According to article VI of the 1987 Constitution, who shall have the sole power to
declare the existence of a state of war?
a. The President
b. The Congress
c. The Senate
d. The Supreme Court

47. The right to demand the physical presence of the accused in court is known as the writ
of ______________________.
a. Habeas corpus
b. Habeas data
c. Amparo
d. Mandamus

48. A loss of trained professionals to foreign lands that offers greater opportunities in life
is termed as
a. Brain drain
b. Corruption
c. Opportunity
d. Lifelong Dream

49. Who among the following presidents was known for his nationalistic moves
particularly in the field of economics?
a. Ferdinand Marcos
b. Fidel Ramos
c. Joseph Estrada
d. Carlos Garcia

50. Who was the youngest president of the Philippines?

a. Jose P. Laurel
b. Sergio Osmeña
c. Emilio Aguinaldo
d. Diosdado Macapagal

51. He was known as the “Man of the Masses”?

a. Ramon Magsaysay
b. Sergio Osmeña
c. Joseph Estrada
d. Ferdinand Marcos

52. He was known as the “Prince of Visayan and Bard from Bohol”?
a. Ramon Magsaysay
b. Carlos P. Garcia
c. Joseph Estrada
d. Ferdinand Marcos

53. She is the first woman president of the Philippines?

a. Trinidad Tecson
b. Agueda Kahabagan
c. Gloria Arroyo
d. Corazon Aquino

54. The president who was known in his/her flagship “STRONG REPUBLIC”?
a. Ramon Magsaysay
b. Carlos P. Garcia
c. Joseph Estrada
d. Gloria Arroyo

55. He was the first assembly speaker in the Philippines?

a. Ramon Magsaysay
b. Sergio Osmeña
c. Joseph Estrada
d. Fidel Ramos

56. He is the “Father of the National Language” and initiated women’s suffrage in the
a. Rodrigo Duterte
b. Manuel Roxas
c. Manuel Quezon
d. Jose P. Laurel

57. The president who established the LASEDECO LAW.

a. Ramon Magsaysay
b. Fidel V. Ramos
c. Ferdinand Marcos
d. Elpidio Quirino

58. He was known for his “Philippines 2000”.

a. Benigno Aquino III
b. Fidel V. Ramos
c. Emilio Aguinaldo
d. Elpidio Quirino

59. The president who won in the first ever automated election.
a. Rodrigo Duterte
b. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
c. Joseph Estrada
d. Benigno Aquino III

60. Who was the president who established the National Rehabilitation and Resettlement
a. Rodrigo Duterte
b. Corazon Aquino
c. Ramon Magsaysay
d. Benigno Aquino III

61. He was known for his dictum “Ignorance is the beginning of wisdom” and for his
advice “Know Thyself.”
a. Aristotle
b. Socrates
c. Plato
d. St. Augustine

62. He sees the self as prone to corruption. Life is a constant struggle between beauty and
pleasure, between the inner self and the outer self.
a. Maurice Ponty
b. Gilbert Ryle
c. Paul Churchland
d. Immanuel Kant

63. According to him, everything that we experience in this world- experiences of joy,
sadness, love, remorse- happens with our bodies. There is never a moment in which
we are separated from our bodies as if it is a clothing that we can shed off.
a. Maurice Merleau Ponty
b. Gilbert Ryle
c. Paul Churchland
d. Immanuel Kant
64. It is the complete form of love, representing the ideal relationship toward which many
people strive but which apparently few achieve. Sternberg cautions that maintaining
this may be even harder than achieving it.
a. Fatuous love
b. Companionate Love
c. Romantic Love
d. Consummate love

65. If you have to develop in the students a correct sense of right and wrong, with which
should you be concerned according to Freud?
a. superego
b. ego
c. id
d. superego and ego

66. It is principled on regarding and valuing the practices of a culture from the point of
view of that culture, and to avoid making judgments stemming from one's own
a. Ethnocentrism
b. Xenocentrisim
c. Cultural Relativism
d. Cultural Lag

67. He explained that at birth the (Human) mind is a tabula rasa which means “blank
slate”. The mind is empty at birth.
a. Aristotle
b. St. Augustine
c. St. Thomas
d. John Locke

68. He is known for his “I think, therefore, I am” The rationality and activity of the mind
are the center of man’s being.
a. Aristotle
b. Descartes
c. Plato
d. Augustine

69. He proclaimed the supremacy of reason in a human person. A human person can
know the truth with certainty by the use of his reason.
a. St. Augustine
b. St. Thomas Aquinas
c. St. Peter
d. St. Joseph

70. He is famous for this quote “The unexamined life is not worth living.” In other words,
an examining, a thinking and an investigating self is what the self essentially is.
a. Socrates
b. Aristotle
c. Descartes
d. Augustine

71. The waste product of photosynthesis is:

a. carbon monoxide
b. nitrogen
c. carbon dioxide
d. oxygen

72. Carbon dioxide is produced by plants in the:

a. evening
b. afternoon
c. noon
d. morning

73. What is the hottest planet in our solar system?

a. Mercury
b. Mars
c. Venus
d. Saturn

74. It refers to the position of the moon farthest to the earth.

a. apogee
b. perigee
c. aphelion
d. perihelion

75. What are the two moons of Mars?

a. Phobos and Deimos
b. Io and Europa
c. Ganymede and Phobos
d. Titan and Rhea

76. What term refers to a piece of a rock that enters the earth’s atmosphere?
a. comet
b. meteor
c. meteorite
d. asteroid
77. What volcano erupted in 1991?
a. Pinatubo
b. Mayon
c. Taal
d. Hibok-hibok
78. What is the first Philippine satellite?
a. Diwata
b. Bathala
c. Bataluma
d. Maya

79. What is the base unit for time?

a. hour
b. minute
c. second
d. millisecond

80. What do we call the point where an earthquake starts?

a. epicenter
b. target
c. focus
d. fault

81. What is the reason why a passenger tends to move forward when the car suddenly
a. law of interaction
b. law of acceleration
c. law of inertia
d. law of motion

82. In the Atlantic region, a storm is called:

a. typhoon
b. cyclone
c. Storm
d. Hurricane

83. How many elements are in the Periodic Table of Elements?

a. 110
b. 112
c. 116
d. 118

84. Human fertilization occurs in:

a. Ovary
b. Uterus
c. Fallopian Tube
d. Vagina

85. How many biological taxonomic levels are there?

a. 6
b. 10
c. 12
d. 8
86. Which of the following is the lowest rank of coal and is otherwise called brown coal?
a. Bituminous
b. Anthracite
c. Lignite
d. Charcoal

87. What does the word “monsoon” mean?

a. moon will come soon
b. seasons
c. weather
d. climate

88. What is the process of changing solid to gas without passing the liquid state?
a. condensation
b. evaporation
c. sublimation
d. freezing

89. What do you mean by LED?

a. Light Energy Device
b. Light Emitting Diode
c. Light Emitting Device
d. Light Essential Device

90. What do you mean by G in PAG-ASA?

a. Geological
b. Geophysical
c. Geometrical
d. Geochemical

91. It was choice Rizal’s and his father first of school for secondary education but later on
his father change his mind.
a. Colegio San Juan de Letran
b. UST
c. Ateneo de Municipal
d. Escuela Pia

92. Is Rizal the brightest student during his time in Ateneo Municipal?
a. It's hard to say since there are eight others who got the same grade.
b. Yes, because he got an excellent grade.
c. No because he does not study well.
d. Yes, because he knows he will be the national hero someday.

93. What is the effectively date of RA 1425?

a. June 12, 1945
b. June 12, 1956
c. June 12, 1973
d. June 12, 1898

94. Who made the compromised version of the Rizal Law?

a. Jose P. Laurel
b. Claro M. Recto
c. Ramon Magsaysay
d. Benigno Aquino III

95. Where did Rizal meet Josephine Bracken?

a. Hongkong
b. Manila
c. Dapitan
d. Germany

96. He is the founder and the first editor of the La Solidaridad.

a. Jose Rizal
b. Graciano Lopez-Jaena
c. Mariano Ponce
d. Marcelo H. del Pilar

97. It is where the novel of Rizal entitled El Filibusterismo was published.

a. Ghent, Belgium
b. Paris, France
c. Berlin, Germany
d. Florence, Italy

98. Why is Teodora Alonso considered as the first teacher of Jose?

a. Because she is the first one to teach Jose in reading and writing
b. Because she is the mother of Jose
c. Because she always tells Jose what to do
d. Because she is very assertive when it comes to Jose

99. The birthplace of Francisco Mercado.

a. Manila
b. Calamba
c. Binan
d. Sta. Cruz

100. Jose Rizal had a big black dog named _______.

a. Alipato
b. Antonio
c. Orang
d. Usman
101. What was the message of the poem “Sa Aking mga Kababata?”
a. It talked about the indolence of the Filipino
b. It was a prophetic work on what will happen to the country after a century.
c. It talked about the love for one's own language.
d. It talked about his personal notion of freedom.

102. Where did Rizal first formally study?

a. Calamba
b. Biñan
c. Ateneo
d. UST
103. Who was the wife of Jose Alberto who accused Doña Teodora poisoning her?
a. Teodora Alberto
b. Cirilla Alberto
c. Pacita Alberto
d. Zoila Alberto
104. The first poem he wrote in Ateneo was for his mother entitled _________.
a. To the Child Jesus
b. El Consejo de los Dioces
c. Mi Primera Inspiracion
d. Felicitacion
105. Who was Rizal’s inspiration in Piloso Tasyo’s character?
a. Paciano Mercado
b. Teodora Alonzo
c. Marcelo del Pilar
d. Himself
106. Two buses leave the same station at 8:00 pm. One bus travels north at the rate of 30 kph
and the other travels east at 40 kph. How many kilometers apart are the buses at 10 pm?
a. 100
b. 50
c. 150
d. 200
107. A Toyota car travelling at a rate of 70 km. per hour leaves the house 2 hours after a Kia
car has left and overtakes it in 5 hours. At what rate was the Kia car travelling?
a. 20 kilometers per hour
b. 30 kilometers per hour
c. 40 kilometers per hour
d. 50 kilometer per hour
108. If 40% of a number is 48, what is 30% of the number?
a. 28
b. 32
c. 36
d. 42
109. A perfume company claims its best-selling perfume contains at most 25% alcohol. To
test the claim of the perfume company at the 0.5 level of significance twenty bottles were
selected and found to have mean of 29.7% and standard deviation of 4.8%. To test the null
hypothesis, the best-selling perfume contains at the most 25% alcohol.
a. Ho: æ = 25
b. Ho: æ > 25
c. Ho: æ25
d. Ho: æ < 25
110. The grades in English of the students in section B are as follows: 80, 75, 60, 95, 100.
What is the population variance of their group?
a. 264
b. 206
c. 230
d. 270
111. Sonja is 3 years old than Sofia. In 6 years, Sonja will be 3 less than twice Sofia’s
present age. What is Sonja’s present age?
a. 6
b. 12
c. 15
d. 18
112. A coin is tossed twice. What is the probability that at least two tails appear?
a. 0%
b. 25%
c. 50%
d. 75%
113. Complete the series: 112, 98, 82, 64, _____, _____
a. 46 & 20
b. 44 & 22
c. 42 & 20
d. 40 & 18
114. How many different letter arrangements can be formed from the word Mississippi?
a. 34, 650
b. 28, 350
c. 6, 300
d. 24
115. The average of 5 numbers is 26. If the first four numbers are 31, 24, 32, and 18, what
will the fifth number be?
a. 24
b. 25
c. 26
d. 30
116. 7 3 % in fraction form is _________.
a. 10
b. 100
c. 3
d. 300

117. The GCF of 92 and 115 is ________.

a. 46
b. 23
c. 13
d. 6
118. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. Scalene
b. Isosceles
c. Equilateral
d. Equiangular
119. The interior angle of a right triangle follows the ratio 1:3:5. By how much is the largest
angle greater than the smallest?
a. 100 degrees
b. 80 degrees
c. 60 degrees
d. 50 degrees
120. What is the total surface area of a shoe box with dimensions 10 inches by 15 inches by
8 inches?
a. 150 in2
b. 350 in2
c. 700 in2
d. 1500 in2

121. Ano ang pokus ng pandiwa sa pangungusap na ito?

“Namili ng bagong sasakyan si Hector.”
A. Pokus sa Benepaktib
B. Pokus sa Aktor
C. Pokus sa Layon
D. Pokus sa Gamit
122. Ito ang nagsasaad ng probisyon sa Konstitusyon ng 1987 na nagtatakda sa
wikang Filipino bilang wikang Pambansa?

A. Artikulo 14 , Seksyon 13
B. Artikulo 14 , Seksyon 7
C. Artikulo 6, Seksyon 14
D. Artikulo 14 , Seksyon 6

123. Anong uri ng pang-uring pamilang ang DALAWAHAN, TATLUHAN,

A. Patakda
B. Patakaran
C. Palansak
D. Panunuran

124. Anong teorya ng wika na nagsasaad na maaring ang wika raw ng tao ay mula sa
panggagaya sa mga tunog ng kalikasan dahil dito ang mga bagay-bagay ay tinagurian
ayon sa mga tunog na nililikha nito?
A. Teoryang Yo-he-ho
B. Teoryang Dingdong
C. Teoryang Pooh-Pooh
D. Teoryang Bow-Wow

125. Ano ang tungkulin ng wika kung ang wika ay ginamit sa pagpapahayag ng
A. Heuristik
B. Personal
C. Inter-aksiyonal
D. Impormatib

126. Ito ang tawag sa panghalip na inihahalili o ipinapalit sa pangngalang itinituro.

Halimbawa ng panghalip na ito ay dito, iyon at doon.
A. Panao
B. Pananong
C. Pamatlig
D. Panaklaw

127. Alin sa mga akda ang nagkamit ng unang gatimpala sa Timpalak Palanca noong
A. Planeta, Buwan, Mga Bituin
B. Mabangis na Kamay
C. Kuwento ni Mabuti
D. Maamong Lupa

128. Ito ang bantas na ginagamit upang paghiwa-hiwalayin ang mga salitang
A. Tuldok
B. Kuwit
C. Tuldok-kuwit
D. Tutuldok

129. Bawat tao ay ____ kanya-kanyang talento.

A. May
B. Mayroon
C. Meron
D. Mayron

130. Anong uri ng panlapi ang ginamit sa salitang “pinagsumikapan”?

A. Unlapi
B. Kabilaan
C. Hulapi
D. Laguhan

131. Walang umayon sa kanyang sinabi. Anong uri ito ng pangungusap na walang
A. Modal
B. Eksistensyal
C. Temporal
D. Penomenal

132. Sino ang may akda ng “Dugo sa Bukang Liwayway “?

A. Edgardo Reyes
B. Rogelio Sikat
C. Lazaro Francisco
D. Rogelio Mangahas

133. Siya ay nakatakdang ____ mamayang gabi.

A. Operahan
B. Operahin
C. Opera
D. Oopera

134. Anong uri ng panitikan na kadalasang tungkol sa politika, ritwal, at moralidad

na ayon sa batas ng kanilang mga diyos at diyosa?
A. Alamat
B. Epiko
C. Pabula
D. Mitolohiya

135. Anong ponemang suprasegmental na tumutukoy sa lakas ng bigkas sa pantig ng

A. Hinto o Antala
B. Intonasyon
C. Diin
D. Haba

136. What is the type of subject when an artist chooses to portray an object in an
abstract form?
A. Representational
B. Non-representational
C. Both representational and non-representational
D. Utilitarian

137. Who coined the expression “art for art’s sake”?

A. Plato
B. Kant
C. Montaigne
D. Locke

138. Which is not true about Applied Art?

A. Has utility
B. Is based on aesthetic properties
C. Examples could be those found in the household like plates and utensils
D. Has no utility

139. Who is the first GAMABA Awardee? He is also known for his expertise in
ambahan poetry?

A. Alonzo Saclag
B. Ginaw Bilog
C. Samaon Sulaiman
D. Masino Intaray

140. What do you call a line that suggests height and strength because they extend
towards the sky and seem unshakeable?

A. Horizontal
B. Diagonal
C. Curved
D. Vertical

141. In art, what do pattern and repetition create?

A. Rhythm
B. Variety
C. Movement
D. Harmony

142. If Renaissance music covers the period 1400-1600, what period does the
Baroques period cover?

A. 1820-1900
B. 1600-1750
C. 450-1400
D. 1750-1820
143. Which term deals with a combination of sounds and silences?

A. Art
B. Harmony
C. Dance
D. Music

144. Which term refers to that activity where an individual does an exploration and
application of the imagination in active way-that is to say, in a good or productive

A. Creative work
B. Exploratory process
C. Soul-making
D. Imaginative mindset

145. The following are artworks of Fernando Amorsolo, except:

A. The Making of the Philippine Flag

B. Planting Rice
C. Dalawang Isda
D. Dalagang Bukid

146. To which form does art refer?

A. The way an object moves

B. A document you fill out
C. 3-dimensional aspect of the object
D. Shape of an object

147. Which is not an element of art?

A. Balance
B. Texture
C. Color
D. Space

148. In art, the sense of stability achieved through the weight of an object is called
A. Harmony
B. Emphasis
C. An art principle
D. Balance

149. What a European style of architecture that values height and exhibits an
intricate and delicate aesthetic?

A. Modern Architecture
B. Gothic Architecture
C. Baroque Architecture
D. Neoclassical Architecture

150. Representation, according to the Aristotelian tradition, is the notion where the
artist ______.

A. Makes an effort to adjust his work according to established standards

B. Makes no effort to include in his work something that is uniquely his own
C. Recreates reality in a manner that alleviates the emotions of the audience
D. Strives to make his work acceptable in the midst of criticisms
1. The first Spanish Governor General in the Philippines
A. Miguel Lopez De Legazpi
B. Jose V. Basco
C. Fernando Primo De Rivera
D. Eulogio Despujol

2. He is the last Spanish Governor General in the country.

A. Ramon Blanco
B. Fernando Rivera
C. Camilo Polavieja
D. Diego Delos Rios

3. Which order of the presidents correctly applies to Philippine history.

I. Elpidio Quirino
II. Manuel Roxas
III. Ramon Magsaysay
IV. Carlos Garcia

4. Who was the first Filipino National Artist for Literature awarded in 1973?
A. Nick Joaquin
B. N.V.M Gonzales
C. Bienvenido Santos
D. Jose Garcia Villa

5. Which does not belong to the excretory organ?

A. Arteries
B. Skin
C. Lungs
D. Liver

6. Breathing is controlled by the part of the brain called the _______.

A. Cerebrum
B. Pons
C. Medulla Oblongata
D. Spinal cord

7. Elements are made up of very small particles called:

A. Solid
B. Atoms
C. Substances
D. Solutions
8. Which of the following process takes place when ice cubes form vapor without passing
through the liquid state?
A. Condensation
B. Evaporation
C. Sublimation
D. Deposition

9. Some bacteria are classified as saprophytes because they are organisms which:
A. Contain vascular bundles
B. Feed on other living things
C. Feed on dead organic matter
D. Manufacture food for photosynthesis
10. It is the process by which heat is transmitted through a substance from one particle to
another by the amount of heated particles:
A. Insulation
B. Conduction
C. Radiation
D. Convection

11. The product of a reaction between alcohol and organic acid is:
A. Ester
B. Ether
C. Ketone
D. Aldehyde

12. The removal of broken pieces of rocks from the parent rock by the action of wind or
water is termed:

A. Erosion
B. Deposition
C. Weathering
D. Silting

13. During Hispanic days up until the 18th century, Filipino women who had no intention to
marry or who were unfortunate in their romances enter the ____________.

Civil societies
B. Public service
C. Nunnery
D. Professions
14. The Basi Revolt (1907) in Ilocos was caused by Spanish prohibition of the basi which
was a popular Ilocano _______________.

A. Tobacco
B. Dance
C. Wine
D. Song

15. Who was known as the “Tagalog Joan of Arc” because of her exploits during the

A. Gregoria de Jesus
B. Agueda Kahabagan
C. Trinidad Tecson
D. Teresa Magbanua

16. To govern is to rule and the government rules by laws. Whose main duty is the
enforcement of laws?

A. Police department
B. Judiciary department
C. Legislative department
D. Executive department

17. If Gregorio del Pilar was the hero in the Battle of Tirad Pass, then who was the leader in
the Battle of La Loma?
A. Antonio Luna
B. Miguel Malvar
C. Francisco Dagohoy
D. Macario Sakay
18. The city which has the biggest land area in Mindanao:
A. General Santos City
B. Davao City
C. Cagayan de Oro
D. Iligan City

19. Ang pagtama sa lotto ay parang isang “suntok sa buwan.” Ano ang kahulugan nito?

A. Maaari
B. Pangarap
C. Imposible
D. Maaabot

20. Ang kauna-unahang aklat na nalimbag sa Pilipinas:

A. Pasyon
B. Barlaan at Josaphat
C. Doctrina Christiana
D. Florante at Laura

21. What is the figure of speech in the sentence: “My love is like a red rose”.

A. Metaphor
B. Simile
C. Onomatopoeia
D. Personification
22. 25 girls and 15 boys joined a contest. What percent of the participation were boys?
A. 37.5%
B. 26%
C. 60%
D. 62.5%
23. The rod-shape type of bacteria is called:
A. Spirillum
B. Bacilli
C. Exoskeleton
D. Spiral

24. The growth of roots towards water is an example of?

A. Chemotropism
B. Hydrotropism
C. Phototropism
D. Geotropism

25. A group of tissue working together to perform a complex task:

A. System
B. Organ
C. Network
D. Skin
26. Who was the literary figure known as " Huseng Sisiw"?

A. Jose Dela Cruz

B. Francisco Baltazar
C. Juan Matapang Cruz
D. Jose Corazon de Jesus
27. Which of the following planets is considered to be the largest planet.
A. Mars
B. Venus
C. Mercury
D. Jupiter
28. Anong uri ng panlapi ang ginamit sa mga sumusunod na salita: limutin, tukuran,
A. Kabilaan
B. Hulapi
C. Gitlapi
D. Unlapi

29. Ang wastong salin sa " You are the apple of my eye“
A. Ikaw ay mahalaga sa akin
B. Mansanas ang paborito ko
C. Katuwa-tuwa ka
D. Masayahin ka pala

30. The National Mapping and Resource Information Authority ( NAMRIA) of the
Philippines has officially issued that the total number of islands in the Philippines is:
A. 7,641
B. 7,107
C. 7, 601
D. 7, 106

31. The Spanish Expedition responsible for naming the archipelago Filipinas.
A. Magellan's Expedition
B. Loarca Expedition
C. Legazpi Expedition
D. Villalobos Expedition

32. The 17th century teen missionary who was canonized as the Philippines second saint.
A. Pedro Kalungsod
B. Perdo Calunzod
C. Pedro Calungsod
D. Pedro Calungsud

33. What do you call to the point of the earth's orbit when the earth is nearest to the sun?
A. Aphelion
B. Perigee
C. Perihelion
D. Apogee

34. The following were among the five ships involved in Ferdinand Magellan’s voyage
A. Concepcion
B. Cartagena
C. Trinidad
D. Victoria

35. Who officiated the first mass in Leyte on March 31, 1521?
A. Father Pedro de Valderrama
B. Father Viero de Guerrero
C. Father Gonzalo Ronquillo de Penalosa
D. Father Guido de Lavezaris

36. What is the first Philippine satellite?

A. Diwata
B. Bathala
C. Bataluma
D. Maya

37. Which is the hardest substance that is natural occurring on Earth?

A. Gold
B. Diamond
C. Coal
D. Iron

38.What layer of atmosphere in which weather occurs?

A. Stratosphere
B. Troposphere
C. Mesosphere
D. Exosphere

39. Who is known as the founder of local government code of the Philippines?
A. Joey Lina
B. Jovito Salonga
C. Aquilino Pimentel
D. Joseph Estrada

40. Filipino pianist who is internationally-renowned.

A. Rosie Farol
B. Ingrid Sta. Maria
C. Teresita Agada
D. Cecil Licad

41.The biggest among the seven continents of the world is:

A. Asia
B. Australia
C. Africa
D. Europe

42. It is being recognized as man-made wonders of the Philippines.

A. Manila bay
B. Taal Volcano
C. Rice Terraces
D. Mount Makiling

43. The West Philippine Sea is formerly known as the:

A. South Vietnam Sea
B. Philippine Sea
C. South China Sea
D. Celebes Sea

44. What Philippine city is known as “the City of Waterfalls”?

A. Koronadal
B. Iligan
C. Pagsanjan
D. Alaminos

45. Who is the first animal who went to space?

A. Neil
B. Laika
C. Buzz
D. Michael

46. What is the powerhouse of the cell?

A. nucleus
B. ribosomes
C. mitochondrion
D. cilia

47. Which of the following is the lowest rank of coal and is otherwise called brown coal?
A. Bituminous
B. Anthracite
C. Lignite
D. Charcoal

48. What type of clouds produces thunderstorms?

A. cirrus
B. cumulonimbus
C. cumulus
D. stratus

49. How many elements are in the Periodic Table of Elements?

A. 110
B. 112
C. 116
D. 118

50. What do you mean by G in PAG-ASA?

A. Geological
B. Geophysical
C. Geometrical
D. Geochemical

Answer key – General Education

1. A
2. D
3. A
4. D
5. A
6. C
7. B
8. C
9. C

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