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DCMA/ PSAT (Preliminary Scholastic Assessments Test) / 2023 Date: 6 Sept. 2023

Subject: Importance of the PSAT (Preliminary Scholastic Assessments Test) and Its Benefits for Your Child's Academic
Journey which we are going to start in DCM Group of Schools.
Dear Parents!

We hope this message finds you well. As we embark on a journey to empower your child's academic success and future
prospects, we'd like to shed light on the significance of the College Board and the PSAT exam in paving the way to
prestigious Ivy League universities.
The College Board is an esteemed organization recognized for their expanding access to quality education. It offers a range
of programs and assessments aimed at helping students navigate their path to higher education. The SAT exam, one of
their flagship initiatives, plays a pivotal role in the college admission process and can get attractive scholarship.

The Importance of the SAT Exam.

The SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) is a standardized exam for grade XI-XII used by many universities, including renowned
Ivy League institutions. It serves as a crucial tool in evaluating students' readiness for college. By taking the SAT, students
can showcase their academic abilities, critical thinking skills, and preparedness for higher education.
High PSAT score on other hand High can make your child eligible for National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC)
scholarship programs. These scholarships can open doors to prestigious universities and alleviate the financial burden of
higher education.
Ivy League universities are synonymous with academic excellence, innovation, and a global network that opens doors to
unparalleled opportunities. These institutions are highly competitive, and the SAT exam often plays a key role in their
admission criteria. A strong SAT score can set your child ahead and enhance their chances of securing a spot in these
esteemed universities.

Preparing for Success

We encourage you to support your child in preparing for the SAT exam. Encourage consistent practice, time management,
and familiarization with the exam format. Many resources are available, including official College Board study guides and
online tools. As partners in your child's educational journey, we believe that every effort counts. The College Board and the
SAT exam offer a gateway to remarkable opportunities,and with your support, your child can shine brightly on this path.
As DCM Group of Schools embarks journey with college board affiliation we would like to inform you that your child will get
required assistance from their educators in order to excel in PSAT its resources and workshop too.
The PSAT will be administered in the month of October in school premises. If you have any questions or concerns about
the PSAT, please don't hesitate to reach out to our guidance department.

Thank you for entrusting us with your child's education. Together, we can pave theway for a future full of promise.

For More Information Contact:

Mr. Ajay Nathwani

Deputy Head Training

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