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General Guideline

1. There will be six (6) competition categories in Indonesian Medical

Students’ Training and Competition (IMSTC) AMSA-Indonesia 2024 as


a. Scientific Paper

b. Scientific Poster

c. Public Poster

d. Videography

e. Photography

f. Ideathon

2. The presentations for the competition categories should follow the main

theme of, “Initiative in The Cure and Prevention of Blood Disorder

Diseases in Pediatric Life” (INCREASE) and the following subthemes:

a. Anemias, coagulation, and hemorrhagic condition in pediatric.

b. Neoplastic hematologic disorders (malignant and non-malignant) in


c. Epidemiology and diagnosis of hematologic disorders in pediatric.

d. Implementation of technology in hematologic disorders in pediatric.

e. Preventive, curative, and rehabilitative programs of hematologic

disorders in pediatric.

3. The presentations should avoid any topics that are related to sensitive,

offensive, or discriminatory to certain ethnicity, religion, race, and

inter-group relations (SARA), socioeconomic, sexuality, and/or political


4. Plagiarism is not acceptable. Any copyrighted material included in the

academic work requires permission from the original author or given

proper credit, including citation. Submitted work with any form of

plagiarism will be eliminated automatically.

a. Any copyrighted materials used require permission from the original

artists or given proper credit (with appropriate citations).

5. Institutional and AMSA-university affiliations (eg.

University/AMSA-university name, logo, or any identifiable trait) must

not be included in the presentation.

6. Finalists along with the waiting lists announcement will be announced

through AMSA-Indonesia Mailing list and IMSTC official Instagram

account @imstc2024.

7. For each competition category, top 10 teams will be selected as finalists

and 3 teams will be in the waiting list.

● Finalists must confirm their availability for attending IMSTC

AMSA-Indonesia 2024 to the respective contact person within the

Academic Delegate registration period and pay registration fee. If not

doing so, finalists will be disqualified and the slot will be given to the

waiting list team.

● The first author will be automatically counted as the Academic

Delegate and is required to present the academic work in IMSTC

AMSA-Indonesia 2024. The presenter in the final round is a minimum

of 1 person and a maximum of 2 people. One (1) corresponding author

may join as Academic Delegates and present the academic work with

the first author.

○ Every finalist can only present one (1) of their academic work in

IMSTC AMSA-Indonesia 2024.

○ If proceeding as a finalist, Special Seat Delegates are not allowed

to present the academic work in IMSTC AMSA-Indonesia 2024.

● Authors who are not counted as Academic Delegates may join IMSTC

AMSA-Indonesia 2024 as General Delegates, even so they are not

allowed to present their academic work.

● Should the first author have registered as a General Delegate

beforehand, the first author will have to cancel his/her General

Delegate seat and re-register as an Academic Delegate. Registration

cancellation must be done by the representative of the respective

AMSA-university. Representatives are required to contact the

contact person according to the competition branch. No refund can

be given, but the General Delegate seat can be given to other

members from the same university with the same gender 13 days

prior to IMSTC AMSA-Indonesia 2024, on 18th January 2024 (in

accordance to Standardisasi Kegiatan Nasional AMSA-Indonesia


● Team members aside from the first author who have already

registered themselves as a General Delegate, are not able to register

as an Academic Delegate.

8. The top 10 finalists submission will be uploaded in the official IMSTC

2024 Instagram page and would be assessed via the number of likes to

determine the People’s Choice Award (PCA) winners (for Public Poster,

Videography, and Photography)

9. Violation of any rules aforementioned above will result in immediate


10. All decisions made by the judges are final.

11. For further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us through or through the contact person of each competition

General Submission Procedure

1. Finalists are required to send the presentation files through e-mail with the subject

Category_First Author_AMSA-university_PPT


SciPap_Winston Christopher_AMSA-UAJ_PPT

2. Finalists must bring a copy of the files through a removable disk as back

up with full responsibility of their personal property.

3. All presentation files should be in both PPT and PDF format.

4. The files should be renamed as per described in each competition

category below.

5. If the files are too big, kindly submit in a compressed zip. file format

under the same file name as described in each competition category


6. Presentation files must be submitted before January 29th, 2024, 23.59


7. Finalists should confirm their submission to the respective contact

person within 1 x 24 hours after submission.

Competition Timeline

Stage Event Date

● Early : 13 — 26

December 2023
1 Submission
● Late : 27 December — 2

January 2024

Judging Period 3 — 10 January 2024

Top 10 Announcement 12 January 2024

Technical Meeting 1 15 January 2024

Voting Period (Public Poster,

2 16 — 21 January 2024
Videography, and Photography)

Technical Meeting 2 23 January 2024

3 Final Round 3 February 2024

Winner Announcement 4 February 2024

Day 2 IMSTC 2024

Saturday, February 3rd 2024

Time Duration Venue
General & Academics Delegates

04.30 - 05.30 60' Wake Up Call

05.30 - 06.30 60' Breakfast

06.30 - 07.30 60' Bus Mobilization to FKIK UAJ

07.30 - 08.00 30' Participants Arrival

08.10 - 08.20 10' Opening

Lecture AMSC 2024: Water-Borne

08.20 - 09.20 60' Infectious Diseases Associated with
Flood Exposure

09.20 - 09.50 30' Coffee Break & Ice Breaking

Talk Show I: A Perspective in Stem-Cell

09.50 - 10.50 60' Therapies as a Potential Treatment for
Patients Affected by Blood Disorders

Auditorium Talk Show II: Family-Centered

Services: Sending Families Forward
10.50 - 11.50 60'
Engaged, Equipped, and Empowered in
Confronting Blood Disorder in Pediatrics

11.50 - 12.30 40' ISHOMA

12.30 - 12.45 15' Mobilization

12.45 - 18.00 315’ Competition Session

18.00 - 18.30 30' ISHOMA

18.30 - 18.50 20' Mobilization

18.50 - 19.50 60' Culinary Night

19.50 - 20.40 50' Bus Mobilization to the Hotel

20.40 - end - Hotel RTM & District Performance Practice

Competition Session

Time Duration Description

12.30 - 12.45 15' Opening

12.45 - 12.55 10' Presentation 1

12.55 - 13.10 15' QnA 1

13.10 - 13.15 5' Mobilization

13.15 - 13.25 10' Presentation 2

13.25 - 13.40 15' QnA 2

13.40 - 13.45 5' Mobilization

13.45 - 13.55 10' Presentation 3

13.55 - 14.10 15' QnA 3

14.10 - 14.15 5' Mobilization

14.15 - 14.25 10' Presentation 4

14.25 - 14.40 15' QnA 4

14.40 - 14.45 5' Mobilization

14.45 - 14.55 10' Presentation 5

14.55 - 15.10 15' QnA 5

15.10 - 15.15 5' Mobilization

15.15 - 15.25 10' Presentation 6

15.25 - 15.40 15' QnA 6

15.40 - 15.45 5' Mobilization

15.45 - 15.55 10' Presentation 7

15.55 - 16.10 15' QnA 7

16.10 - 16.15 5' Mobilization

16.15 - 16.25 10' Presentation 8

16.25 - 16.40 15' QnA 8

16.40 - 16.45 5' Mobilization

16.45 - 16.55 10' Presentation 9

16.55 - 17.10 15' QnA 9

17.10 - 17.15 5' Mobilization

17.15 - 17.25 10' Presentation 10

17.25 - 17.40 15' QnA 10

17.40 - 17.45 5' Closing

Ideathon Session

Time Duration Description

12.30 - 12.45 15' Opening

12.45 - 12.55 10' Presentation 1

12.55 - 13.10 15' QnA 1

13.10 - 13.15 5' Mobilization

13.15 - 13.25 10' Presentation 2

13.25 - 13.40 15' QnA 2

13.40 - 13.45 5' Mobilization

13.45 - 13.55 10' Presentation 3

13.55 - 14.10 15' QnA 3

14.10 - 14.15 5' Mobilization

14.15 - 14.25 10' Presentation 4

14.25 - 14.40 15' QnA 4

14.40 - 14.45 5' Mobilization

14.45 - 14.55 10' Presentation 5

14.55 - 15.10 15' QnA 5

15.10 - 15.15 5' Mobilization

Technical Meeting

1. Technical meetings for Academic Competition Finalists will be conducted

twice on January 15, 2024, 19.00 (GMT+7) and January 23, 2024, 19.00

(GMT+7) through Zoom Meeting.

2. All finalists are obligated to at least send 1 (one) representative for the

technical meeting.

a. Finalists confirm their availability for the technical meeting to each

Liaison Officer (LO).

b. Those who do not send any delegate on the technical meeting date will

be automatically considered to accept all the regulations and decisions

made during the technical meeting.

3. The technical meeting would consist of deliberations regarding the oral

presentation mechanism and drawing of the presentation order.

4. Finalists are allowed to ask questions during the technical meeting.

5. Finalists are obligated to maintain their behaviour during the technical

meeting. Any sort of commotions made by finalists would lead to

immediate action taken by the competition committee.

6. All decisions made during the technical meeting are final. Other requests

for changes after the technical meeting by the finalists will not be

considered by the committee.

Finalist Registration

1. Representatives of the group should fill in the Google Form attached in

the link below before January 19, 2024, 23.59 (GMT+7).

2. Finalists must pay the registration fee and submit the payment receipt in

the form provided:

a. Fee for the registration are Rp 565.000,00

b. Please make a payment before accessing the registration link to


BCA Digital

(a.n. Michelle Frorentio)

3. Representatives of the group should provide correct information and an

active phone number/e-mail.

4. Finalists that do not make any registration will not be allowed to attend

the final round.


Competition Categories Prizes

1st : Rp1.250.000,00 + certificate

Scientific Paper 2nd : Rp1.000.000,00 + certificate

3rd : Rp750.000,00 + certificate

1st : Rp1.250.000,00 + certificate

Scientific Poster 2nd : Rp1.000.000,00 + certificate

3rd : Rp750.000,00 + certificate

1st : Rp1.250.000,00 + certificate

Public Poster 2nd : Rp1.000.000,00 + certificate

3rd : Rp750.000,00 + certificate

1st : Rp1.250.000,00 + certificate

Photography 2nd : Rp1.000.000,00 + certificate

3rd : Rp750.000,00 + certificate

1st : Rp1.250.000,00 + certificate

Videography 2nd : Rp1.000.000,00 + certificate

3rd : Rp750.000,00 + certificate

1st : Rp1.250.000,00 + certificate

Ideathon 2nd : Rp1.000.000,00 + certificate

3rd : Rp 750.000,00 + certificate

Scientific Paper

General Rules for Scientific Paper

1. Finalists of scientific paper are participants who received the top 10 (ten)

scores during the preliminary round.

2. All finalists are to follow the guidelines stated in this document.

3. Finalists are given 10 minutes for Oral Presentation and 15 minutes for


4. Finalists are obligated to make a PowerPoint presentation, that should

include at least:

a. Introduction

b. Methodology

c. Results

d. Discussion

e. Conclusion & Recommendations

5. References used MUST be attached at the end of the presentation, written

in Vancouver referencing style.

6. The top 3 winners will be determined by the final score which is made up of

40% Preliminary scores and 60% Oral Presentation scores.

a. The final score would be given to all the finalists after the winner’s

announcement to uphold transparency in marking.

b. All scores and decisions by the judges are final, with no sort of appeal

allowed after the scores have been published.

PowerPoint Slides Format

1. Slides should be written in English only, with local terminologies italicized

and explained if unavoidable.

2. Finalists are to present the presentation slides in English only.

3. Author’s affiliation/AMSA-university must not be included in the

presentation slides to ensure blinded scoring.

4. There are no limitations to the number of slides used by the finalists,

although keep in mind that the finalists are only given 8 minutes for


5. Finalists are allowed to include supporting images, videos, or diagrams

deemed suitable.

6. The AMSA-Indonesia logo and IMSTC AMSA-Indonesia 2024 logo should be

included in the title slide of the presentation.

7. Participants are required to send the presentation files through e-mail and must bring a copy of the files through a

removable disk.*

8. Presentation files are to be renamed as:

SciPap_First Author_AMSA-university_PPT.pdf


SciPap_Winston Christopher_AMSA-UAJ_PPT.pdf

Contact Person

Svetlana Etania Awaloei

Phone Number: +6282277130082

LINE ID: lntnia

*Kindly refer to the general submission procedure for further details.

Judging Criteria for Scientific Paper Final

No Assessment Criteria Maximum Points

Presentation Slides

1. Use of appropriate text size, figures, and 5



Study methodology 10

Arguments brought relating to urgency of the 4


Arguments brought relating to impact of the 4

2. study.

Arguments brought relating to applicability of 6

the study.

Novelty of the study 6

Critical analysis and presentation of results 15

Systematic flow of the presentation 5

Presentation Delivery

Appropriate use of language, vocabulary, and 5


Creative use of presentation materials (figure 10

and diagrams) in the presentation.

Clarity, intonation, and engaging presentation 5

Punctuality 5

Question and Answer (QnA)

Comprehensiveness of answers given 5

4. Accuracy in answering questions and defending 10


Punctuality 5

Total 100
Scientific Poster

General Rules for Scientific Poster

1. Finalists of scientific poster are participants who received the top 10 (ten)

scores during the preliminary round.

2. All finalists are to follow the guidelines stated in this document.

3. Finalists are given 10 minutes for Oral Presentation and 15 minutes for


4. Finalists are obligated to make a PowerPoint presentation consisting of their

submitted scientific poster ONLY, that should include at least:

a. Introduction

b. Methodology

c. Results

d. Discussion

e. Conclusion & Recommendations

5. References used MUST be attached at the end of the presentation, written

in Vancouver referencing style.

6. The top 3 winners will be determined by the final score which is made up of

40% Preliminary scores and 60% Oral Presentation scores.

a. The final score would be given to all the finalists after the winner’s

announcement to uphold transparency in marking.

b. All scores and decisions by the judges are final, with no sort of appeal

allowed after the scores have been published.

PowerPoint Slides Format

1. Slides should be written in English only, with local terminologies italicized

and explained if unavoidable.

2. Finalists are to present the presentation slides in English only.

3. Author’s affiliation/AMSA-university must not be included in the

presentation slides to ensure blinded scoring.

4. There are no limitations to the number of slides used by the finalists,

although keep in mind that the finalists are only given 10 minutes for


5. Finalists are allowed to include supporting images, videos, or diagrams

deemed suitable.

6. The AMSA-Indonesia logo and IMSTC AMSA-Indonesia 2024 logo should be

included in the title slide of the presentation.

7. Participants are required to send the presentation files through e-mail and must bring a copy of the files through a

removable disk.*

8. Presentation files are to be renamed as:

SciPost_First Author_AMSA-university_PPT.pdf


SciPost_Winston Christopher_AMSA-UAJ_PPT.pdf

Contact Person

Audrey Faustina Liu

Phone Number: +6282210482328

LINE ID: audreyfaustinaliu

*Kindly refer to the general submission procedure for further details.

Judging Criteria for Scientific Poster Final

No Assessment Criteria Maximum Points

Presentation Slides

1. Use of appropriate text size, figures, and 5



Study methodology 10

Arguments brought relating to urgency of the 4


Arguments brought relating to impact of the 4

2. study.

Arguments brought relating to applicability of 6

the study.

Novelty of the study 6

Critical analysis and presentation of results 15

Systematic flow of the presentation 5

Presentation Delivery

Appropriate use of language, vocabulary, and 5


Creative use of presentation materials (figure 10

and diagrams) in the presentation.

Clarity, intonation, and engaging presentation 5

Punctuality 5

Question and Answer (QnA)

Comprehensiveness of answers given 5

4. Accuracy in answering questions and defending 10


Punctuality 5

Total 100
Public Poster

General Rules for Public Poster

1. Finalists of public paper are participants who received the top 10 (ten)

scores during the preliminary round.

2. All finalists are to follow the guidelines stated in this document.

3. Finalists are given 10 minutes for Oral Presentation and 15 minutes for


4. Finalists are obligated to make a PowerPoint presentation, which should

include at least:

a. Introduction and background of making the poster.

b. Explanation of the content.

c. Explanation of the philosophy behind the design.

d. Conclusion and impact towards society.

5. Finalists are able to be creative with their presentation eg. drama, etc.

6. References used MUST be attached at the end of the presentation, written

in Vancouver referencing style.

7. The top 3 winners will be determined by the final score which is made up of

40% Preliminary scores and 60% Oral Presentation scores.

a. The final score would be given to all the finalists after the winner’s

announcement to uphold transparency in marking.

b. All scores and decisions by the judges are final, with no sort of appeal

allowed after the scores have been published.

PowerPoint Slides Format

1. Slides should be written in English only, with local terminologies italicized

and explained if unavoidable.

2. Finalists are to present the presentation slides in English only.

3. Author’s affiliation/AMSA-university must not be included in the

presentation slides to ensure blinded scoring.

4. There are no limitations to the number of slides used by the finalists,

although keep in mind that the finalists are only given 10 minutes for


5. Finalists are allowed to include supporting images, videos, or diagrams

deemed suitable.

a. Use of materials and elements directly from the poster is highly


6. The AMSA-Indonesia logo and IMSTC 2024 logo should be included in the

title slide of the presentation.

7. Participants are required to send the presentation files through email and must bring a copy of the files through a

removable disk*

8. Presentation files are to be renamed as

Pubpost_First Author_AMSA-university_PPT.pdf


PubPost_Winston Christopher_AMSA-UAJ_PPT.pdf

Contact Person

Jesslyn Vianesa Susanto

Phone Number: +6285878734472

LINE ID: Jesslyn_susanto

*Kindly refer to the general submission procedure for further details.

Judging Criteria for Public Poster Final

No Assessment Criteria Maximum Points

Presentation Slides

Consistency of content with the title. 5

Use of appropriate diagrams/materials from 15

the poster.


Arguments brought relating to urgency and 10

background of the poster.

2. Thoroughness of content explained from the 10


Ability to visualize the impact and 15

applicability of the poster.

Presentation Delivery

Appropriate use of language, vocabulary, and 5

Creativity during presentation. 10

Clarity, intonation, and engaging presentation 5

Punctuality 5

Question and Answer (QnA)

Comprehensiveness of answers given 5
Accuracy in answering questions and defending 10


Punctuality 5

Total 100

General Rules for Videography

1. Finalists of videography are participants who received the top 10 (ten)

scores during the preliminary round

2. All finalists are to follow the guidelines stated in this document

3. Finalists are given 10 minutes for playing the submitted video + Oral

Presentation and 15 minutes for QnA

4. Finalists are obligated to make a PowerPoint presentation, that should

include at least:

a. Introduction and background of making the video

b. Explanation of the content

c. Explanation of the philosophy behind the design

d. Conclusion and impact towards society

5. References used MUST be attached at the end of the presentation, written

in Vancouver referencing style

6. The top 3 winners will be determined by the final score which is made up of

40% Preliminary scores and 60% Oral Presentation scores

a. The final score would be given to all the finalists after the winner’s

announcement to uphold transparency in marking

b. All scores and decisions by the judges are final, with no sort of appeal

allowed after the scores have been published

PowerPoint Slides Format

1. Slides should be written in English only, with local terminologies italicized

and explained if unavoidable

2. Finalists are to present the presentation slides in English only

3. Author’s affiliation/AMSA-university must not be included in the

presentation slides to ensure blinded scoring

4. There are no limitations to the number of slides used by the finalists,

although keep in mind that the finalists are only given 10 minutes for


5. Finalists are allowed to include supporting images, videos, or diagrams

deemed suitable

a. Use of materials and elements directly from the video is highly


6. The AMSA-Indonesia logo and IMSTC 2024 logo should be included in the

title slide of the presentation

7. Participants are required to send the presentation files through email and must bring a copy of the files through a

removable disk*

8. Presentation files are to be renamed as

Videography_First Author_AMSA-university_PPT.pdf


Videography_Winston Christopher_AMSA-UAJ_PPT.pdf

Contact Person

Gracia Angela Calista

Phone Number: +6289524495471

LINE ID: graciacia06

*Kindly refer to the general submission procedure for further details.

Judging Criteria for Videography Final

No Assessment Criteria Maximum Points

Presentation Slides

Consistency of content with the title. 5

Use of appropriate diagrams/materials in line 15

with the video.


Arguments brought relating to urgency and 10

background of the video.

2. Thoroughness of content explained from the 10


Ability to visualize the impact and 15

applicability of the video.

Presentation Delivery

Appropriate use of language, vocabulary, and 5

Creativity during presentation. 10

Clarity, intonation, and engaging presentation 5

Punctuality 5

Question and Answer (QnA)

Comprehensiveness of answers given 5
Accuracy in answering questions and defending 10


Punctuality 5

Total 100

General Rules for Photography

1. Finalists of Photography are participants who received the top 10 (ten)

scores during the preliminary round

2. All finalists are to follow the guidelines stated in this document

3. Finalists are given 10 minutes for Oral Presentation and 15 minutes for


4. Finalists are obligated to prepare an presentation, that should include at


a. Introduction and background of making the photo

b. Explanation of the content

c. Explanation of the philosophy behind the design

d. Conclusion and impact towards society

5. The top 3 winners will be determined by the final score which is made up of

40% Preliminary scores and 60% Oral Presentation scores

a. The final score would be given to all the finalists after the winner’s

announcement to uphold transparency in marking

b. All scores and decisions by the judges are final, with no sort of appeal

allowed after the scores have been published

PowerPoint Slides Format

1. Finalists must make a PowerPoint presentation as creative as possible, with

at least displaying the submitted photo and references attached at the end

of the presentation, written in vancouver referencing style.

2. Slides should be written in English only, with local terminologies italicized

and explained if unavoidable

3. Finalists are to present the presentation slides in English only

4. Author’s affiliation/AMSA-university must not be included in the

presentation slides to ensure blinded scoring

5. There are no limitations to the number of slides used by the finalists,

although keep in mind that the finalists are only given 10 minutes for


6. Participants are required to resend the presentation files through email and must bring a copy of the file through a removable


7. The photography file should be renamed as

Photography_First Author_AMSA-university_PPT.pdf


Photography_Winston Christopher_AMSA-UAJ_PPT.pdf

Contact Person

Aurelia Callista

Phone Number: +6289675754018

LINE ID: aurelialvina

*Kindly refer to the general submission procedure for further details.

Judging Criteria for Photography Final

No Assessment Criteria Maximum Points

Presentation Slides

Consistency of content with the title. 5

Use of appropriate diagrams/materials in line 15

with the photo.


Arguments brought relating to urgency and 10

background of the photo.

2. Thoroughness of content explained from the 10


Ability to visualize the impact and 15

applicability of the photo.

Presentation Delivery

Appropriate use of language, vocabulary, and 5

Creativity during presentation. 10

Clarity, intonation, and engaging presentation 5

Punctuality 5

Question and Answer (QnA)

Comprehensiveness of answers given 5
Accuracy in answering questions and defending 10


Punctuality 5

Total 100
All competitions are managed by one specific contact person. If there is an

urgent matter, please contact below.

Contact Person

Winston Christopher Wiweko

Phone Number: +6287840017883

LINE ID: @winstonchristopher_

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