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Table of Contents


1 Introduction 1-2

2 Technical Content

2.1 Intelligent Building Index 3

2.2 Why Building Energy Management System is Essential

2.2.1 Global Warming 3-4

2.2.2 Energy Efficiency 4

2.2.3 Energy Conservation 5

MP 2.3 Lighting System 6

2.3.1 Digital Addressable Light Interface (DALI) 6-7

2.3.2 Light-Emitting Diode (LED) 7

2.3.3 Daylight 7

2.4 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Control 8-9

2.5 Building Management System (BMS) 9-10

2.5.1 Controlling Illumination Level by BMS 10-11

2.5.2 Chiller Plant Control by BMS 11-12


3 Analysis

3.1 Design of the Low Energy or Passive Lighting System and

HVAC System under Intelligent Buildings 13

3.2 Low Energy or Passive Lighting System 13

3.3 HVAC System 13-14

3.3.1 Open Loop Control Valve 15

3.3.2 Sensors 15-16

3.3.3 Controller 16-17

3.3.4 By-Pass System 17

3.3.5 Variable Speed Drive 17-18

3.4 Building Management System 18

4 Integration and Analysis under IBs 19-20

5 Conclusion & Recommendations 21-22

References 23-28

Appendix 1: Energy Consumption in a Modern Office Building 29

Appendix 2: IBI Model and Weighting 30

Appendix 3: Luminous Efficacy 31

Appendix 4: Sampling of Lumen Output Data 32

Appendix 5: Price for a Different Type of Lamp 33

Appendix 6: Common and Recommended Light Levels Indoor 34

Appendix 7A: Chiller Plant Sequencing Control 35


Appendix 7B: Chiller Sequencing Control 36

Appendix 7C: Chiller Start / Stop Sequencing Control 37

Appendix 7D: Chilled Water Pump Request Sequencing Control 38

Appendix 7E: Chilled Water Pump Start / Stop Sequencing

Control 39

Appendix 7F: By-pass Valve Control and Chiller Water Pump

Speed Control 40
Appendix 8A: Detail Information for the Chiller Unit 41

Appendix 8B: Detail Information for the Chiller Unit by Power

Analyzer 42

Appendix 9: Percentage of Set Point to be controlled by BMS 43

Appendix 10: Power Meter 44

Appendix 11: Point List for BMS 45

Appendix 12A: Chiller Supply Temperature Set Point Reset 46

Appendix 12B: Chiller Supply Temperature Set Point Reset Flow

Chart 47

Appendix 13: Remote Repeater Station 48

Appendix 14: IBs connection diagram 49

Appendix 15: Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human

Occupancy 50

Appendix 16: Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality 51

Appendix 17: Heating System Control Loop Diagram 52

Appendix 18: Temperature vs Time Diagram 53

Appendix 19: Improved Temperature vs Time Diagram 54

Appendix 20: Sensors 55

Appendix 21: Temperature Sensors 56


Appendix 22: Humidity Sensors 57

Appendix 23: Three Port Control Valve 58

Appendix 24: CO2 Sensors 59

Appendix 25: Variable Speed Drive 60

Appendix 26: Active Harmonic Filter 61

Appendix 27: Different Type of Service Controlled by BMS 62

Appendix 28: Detail of BMS Controlling Elements 63

Appendix 29: Table of Energy Saving by Intelligent Technology 64

Appendix 30: Financial Tables – Net Present Value 65


1 Introduction

From the past few years, more people are interested in the topic of the Intelligent

Buildings (IBs) since it can improve the functionality of the built environment. One of

the paramount things is that the IBs is the application of technology. It improves the

comfort, safety and quality of life. By using this technology, it improves environmental

friendly and minimizes energy consumption.

Addy (2014) mentioned that for designing a new building or doing building

rehabilitation, it aims to minimize carbon footprint, save energy, effective use of

resources and improve systems efficiency. When some automatic technologies are
applied to the building systems, which is called Smart Buildings or Intelligent Buildings

and this will become a new fashion for building services.

According to the European IBs Group, the definition of IBs is creates an environment

which maximizes the effectiveness of the building occupants while at the same time

enabling efficient management of resources with minimum lifetime costs of hardware

and facilities. In July 1983, IBs became a reality. After that, it was developed to have

an automation service, using local area networks, digital private automatic branch

exchanges and computers (Addy, 2014, p. 125)

Also, Cempel (2012) mentioned that IBs will be considered for three fundamental

factors: (i) healthy environment, (ii) low energy consumption and (iii) good

management. Now a day, being a building services engineer is not an easy job because

it needs to design, develop and manage the new technologies into the new or existing


Huang (2008) said that the lighting system, building management system (BMS) and

heat, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system will be considered for the

intelligent system operation. It can make good use of it. Both systems will be integrated

and share their information for centralized controlling, monitoring and management. It

can reduce the workload for the facilities management office. If these two systems have

an integration, the energy use for the lift can be more efficient and convenient.

According to Appendix 1 space conditioning is 48% of energy consumption. For the

lighting system, it is 19%. If this case can improve, it can reduce a lot of energy.

Therefore, the IBs cannot be ignored.


2 Technical Content

2.1 Intelligent Buildings Index

Lagace (2011) indicated that intelligent buildings index (IBI) is to assess that how the

level of the IBs is achieved. All existing construction of the building must be to separate.

Dorf (1998, p. 213) mentioned that the range of IBI is between 1 to 100, which is shown

that the level of the IBs. If the building gets a score from 80 to 100, it can get distinction

buildings. The score from 60 to 79.9 can get credit buildings; From 50 to 59.9 of the

score can get fair buildings. If from 1 to 49.9 of the score, it shows that the building

should be to improve. IBI is according to ten indexes of Quality environment modules.

These items all based on ten modules such as green, comfort and working efficiency.

Different items have their weights for each module of the IBs (Appendix 2).

2.2 Why Building Energy Management System is Essential?

2.2.1 Global Warming

Global warming is a critical issue in the whole world due to urban development,

greenhouse gas emissions and human activities (Bulkeley & Betsill, 2013). It refers to

climate change which means the increase in temperature and relates to human activities

that lead to higher levels of greenhouse gases emission in the atmosphere (Bradley,

2011). According to Coley (2008), global warming occurs due to a build-up of carbon

dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and the use of carbon-based fossil

fuels emanate the majority of pollutants. It creates impacts from sea level rise to

increased incidence of storms, heatwaves, droughts and flooding.

Houghton (2009) stated that carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse gas that is

increasing in atmospheric concentration due to human activities. It is a strong absorber

of heat radiation that acts as a blanket to cover the Earth’s surface. Increased in the

emission of carbon dioxide means more blanketing is provided and leads to a higher

temperature. Besides, Black and Weisel (2010) mentioned that electricity is mostly

produced from fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and natural gas. Electrical technology is

developing rapidly and humans rely on fossil fuelled power mainly for appliances like

air conditioners and light bulbs.

2.2.2 Energy Efficiency

Kayakutlu & Mercier-Laurent (2017) stated that energy efficiency is the golden

keyword in technologies and it is the most important goal of technological development

in energy consumption. It is also a concept of utilizing modern technologies,

redesigning and upgrading the processes of energy use, developing energy management

and control systems, optimizing power generation, heating and cooling system, and

applying the right measures.

Houghton (2009) suggested that various ways for energy saving: turn off lights when it

is not needed, turn down the thermostat by one or two degrees and apply more

insulation. Greater energy saving can be achieved by integrated buildings design of


separated heating, air conditioning and ventilation systems. Integrated building design

connected the opportunities for energy saving and the synergies between many aspects

of the overall design. Moreover, it is necessary to minimize the amount of energy used

for lighting to achieve energy efficiency (Hall, 2010). Apart from using energy efficient

lamps or LEDs, luminaries and the whole lighting system can influence the energy

consumption for lighting.

2.2.3 Energy Conservation

Energy conservation refers to the quantity of energy use under efficiency ways (Xu &

Cheung, 2014). It relates to the reduction of energy by using few energy services and

adjusting human behaviours. According to Law (2013), energy conservation requires a

limited demand for energy which has to be supplied efficiently. The energy demand

includes cooling, heating, air circulation, refrigerant and water; while the energy

supply includes temperature and flow, efficient plans and systems, timing control and

energy consumption metering.

Gardner & Stern (1996) mentioned that there are two types of human activity that can
be related to energy conservation, which are efficiency activities and curtailment

activities. Efficiency activities refer to one-shot activities and represent the purchase of

energy efficient equipment, such as adoption and insulation of appliances with higher

efficiency labelling, while curtailment activities refer to repetitive efforts in minimizing

energy use, such as lowering thermostat settings (Abrahamse, et al., 2005).

Moreover, the application of high technology is adopted in energy conversation to

achieve the effectiveness of energy consumption (Su & Thomson, 2016). In order to

maintain both energy conservation and human comfort, the ideal solution is to utilize

the centralized cooling system. Waters (2003) also stated that both internal and external

lighting systems should be provided by appropriate lamps with sufficient controls for

applying energy conservation. It is the cheapest, fastest and most environmentally

friendly approach to lower the demand for energy and resources.

2.3 Lighting System

Bernard (2004, p. 12) indicated that it cannot work in the dark without light. For

buildings, lighting system is very important, but it is a part of the building system. It is

19% of the energy consumption in a modern office building.

To provide a good quality lighting system, Hall (2010) said that it needs to consider

glare, uniformity of illumination, colour rendition and colour temperature. If we cannot

provide a good quality lighting system, it will affect the working environment and the

workers. After years and years, lighting system engineer has been designing a lot of

equipment and new methods to reduce energy for a lighting system to develop low
energy or passive lighting system. Good low energy or passive lighting system is not

just about providing the best quality visual environment, but it can minimize the impact

on the natural environment and the users.

The following items are the common technologies applied in our daily life for low

energy or passive lighting system.

2.3.1 Digital Addressable Light Interface (DALI)


Borer (1994) mentioned that it is a digital control lighting protocol, which is developed

by the lighting industry to be an open standard. For open standard, it can be connected

to different BMS. It can be a bridge between different types of dimmable lighting

products, devices and sensors and other.

There are some advantages if we install DALI, such as universal voltage input, precise

dimming curve, individual addressable lighting control and monitor systems, as well as

offer maximum flexibility and functionality. Also, the DALI standard is the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 62386. It can be easily installed and

connect to other controller and equipment.

2.3.2 Light-Emitting Diode (LED)

Hamsira (2014, p. 96) said that a light-emitting diode is a two-lead semiconductor light

source. Also, it is popular lighting equipment. It is applied in our day for a while,

especially LED Multifaceted Reflector (MR) 16 and reflector lamps. LED high bay

fixture can reduce around 83% energy consumption compared to the traditional

incandescent lamp. Also LED has a useful life of 30,000 to 50,000 hours or even longer.

It is longer than a typical incandescent lamp, which only has around 1,000 hours only.
It can find that the price per lumen and the price per wattage. LED MR16 lamps and

luminaires show that the price of LED MR16 lamps and luminaires are very much

higher than conventional lamps and luminaires. The price per lumen is higher than the

projections of LED lamp prices (Appendices 3 to 5).

2.3.3 Daylight

Lau (2011) said that daylight is free and environment-friendly. If we can make good

use of it, it can reduce the electric light. On the other words, it can fulfil the low energy

or passive lighting system. The most building can receive daylight from the sun through

the window in the daytime, but it has some disadvantage when applying daylight.

The biggest issue is whether, if it is raining, it will become useless. It may affect the

lighting system sensors. While applying daylight into the lighting system, the

calibrations for all the sensors after installation are required. (Appendix 6).

2.4 Heat, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Control

Lehman (2011) said that HVAC control can combine with another system. Also, the

cooling load temperature difference calculation method had been applied for a long

time. However, engineers will spend a lot of time on calculation and some of the

information may not be suitable for now. It was tedious and not efficiency. Bill (2011)

pointed out that before personal computers were widely available, simple procedures

were even more important to have, as doing calculations by hand is slow and tedious.

Using personal computer and software to calculate cooling and heating load can reduce

human errors, time and cost. Not only that, it can provide much accuracy loading
information. Using software, engineers can consider the outdoor environment while

having a design. Also, BMS can connect to the observatory to have real-time

monitoring of the outdoor environment. Thanks to the advancement of technology

especially the personal computer and engineering software, it has changed our daily life,

help engineers in designing and real-time monitoring. There is a huge difference

between designing and real-time monitor than the pass.

Huang (2008, p. 67) indicated that for the intelligent HVAC system, it should have the

following items: (i) network; (ii) sensor for automatic control the chiller, air handling

units and other HVAC equipment; (iii) pump flow; (iv) indoor and outdoor temperature

and (v) humidity different. It should be connected to the central control monitor system

so that engineers can get the first-hand data for system analysis. For one more step,

engineers can modify the system while maintaining the services, such as below:

i. Adjust indoor air quality

ii. Monitor temperatures, and adjust according to a usage profile

iii. Permit individual occupants to adjust workspace temperatures, airflow

On the other side, engineers can manage and recover the energy, which is mean the

energy consumption can be reduced thanks to the intelligent HVAC system. For

example, engineers can use a heat-recovery chiller to reclaim the heat from the

refrigerant for space heating or other heating application.

2.5 Building Management System (BMS)

Cempel (2012) said that BMS is not a visible System. It is no function if not work with

any mechanical and electrical services. Every service will be getting stronger when

meeting BMS. The reason is BMS predominate all of the condition of the services in

the building. It knows what are the best things for each service. This action just like our

human brain, but the difference controls all building services not feet or legs.

Bushby (1998) mentioned that all design services also want to maintain the factor in

the comfort zone and provide a suitable condition for human or some equipment. BMS

mainly cooperate with HVAC System, Closed-Circuit Television System (CCTV),

smoke detection system, security system and escalator. Therefore, the BMS seems like

a manager who groups up all services and manages easily. Taking action and operations

is the most important point in this system. It also forms group monitoring, group control

and makes optimize the service. BMS can connect to the observatory to have real-time

monitoring of the outdoor environment. It has changed our daily life, help engineers in

designing and real-time monitoring. There is a huge difference between designing and

real-time monitor than the pass.

Moreover, the BMS must be the major component of the consultant design plan and

combines the technology of computer and logic control system and application on

electrical and mechanical equipment in building services. BMS use much of computer

technology and the maintenance team or management office must keep the good

computer condition. When the system failed, it needs to provide much workforce to

operate the building services.

2.5.1 Controlling Illumination Level by BMS

Kibert (2014) said that controlled lighting and mechanical systems can save much

energy and minimize building’s energy consumption. Lighting control modes include
on/off control, scheduling, occupancy detection and dimming. More advanced schemes

include daylight harvesting, task tuning and demand response. Daylight harvesting

involves measurement of how much ambient light is present and harnessing ambient

light to reduce the amount of artificial lighting required to keep the amount of light at

a preset level.

Task tuning involves adjusting the light output in accordance with the function or tasks

which will be performed in the lighted area. Demand response is the dimming of

lighting output in response to signals from the utility. Intelligent lighting control

systems combine digital control with computation and communications capabilities.

Adding daylight to a building is one way to achieve an energy-effective design.

Natural daylight ‘harvesting’ can make people happier, healthier, and more productive.

And with the reduced need for electric light, a great deal of money can be saved on

energy. Lau (2011, p. 53) mentioned that nearly every commercial building is a

potential energy saving project, where the electric lighting systems can be designed to
be dimmed with the availability of daylight. Up to 75% of lighting energy consumption

can be saved. In addition, by reducing electric lighting and minimizing solar heat gain,

controlled lighting can also reduce a building’s air-conditioning load.

2.5.2 Chiller Plant Control by BMS

There is sequencing control by BMS for the chiller plant to control the chiller units,

chilled water pumps with Variable Speed Drive (VSD), by-pass system and modulating

valve. Therefore, the system helps to maintain better control for the chiller plant to

avoid any misuse of energy to generate the cooling load. According to the building load

requirement to add or drop the chiller unit to provide a suitable condition to the user
and save the energy at the same time. There is the designated detail control sequence

for equipment to start or stop and the control flow chart to have better control for the

chiller plant (Appendices 7A to 7F).

There are some skills to save more energy such as operating the chiller unit with the

part load because it is more efficient than using full load. It means operating two chiller

units by 50% part load are more efficient than operating one chiller unit by 100% full

load. (Appendices 8A & 8B).


For the VSD, by-pass system and modulating valve, it can be controlled by BMS to

adjust the percentage of power and water flow rate in order to adjust the condition for

the chiller plant to change the temperature as required and save more energy which is

unnecessary (Appendix 9).

According to Appendix 10, all the instantaneous data will be collected by the sensors

such as temperature, the status of the equipment, power meters and timer to have correct
feedback in order to control the chiller plant. It can also show the status of the chiller

unit, such as the operation percentage of the compressor, the condition and running

hours. There is a point list for the data collection for all the equipment and sensors

(Appendix 11).

Besides, the set point for the chiller unit can be changed according to the ambient

temperature by BMS outdoor temperature sensors, which refers to the higher set point

in the winter and lower set point in the summer to suit the thermal comfort for the users

to avoid the misuse of cooling (Appendices 12A & 12B).

Apart from that, the remote repeater station can be installed on a designated location

for easy controlling and monitoring. The data will be interfaced to repeater station via

fax link instantaneously. The setpoint can be changed by remote control from another

location and data is shown on the remote station (Appendix 13).


3 Analysis

3.1 Design of the Low Energy or Passive Lighting System and HVAC System

under IBs

It cannot work without network. The network is like a bridge, which can connect the

gateway, Direct Digital Control (DDC) and Central Control and Monitoring System


Taylor (2014) indicated that DDC will connect the field equipment, such as sensors,

valves, air handling units and exhaust air fans. Engineers can control all the equipment
by DDC and set up a program for the IBs. The IBs will take over the control and operate

the whole system automatically. If there are any incidents happened, the IBs system can

send a message to engineers and facilities management workers so that it can monitor

the system anytime anywhere (Appendix 14).

3.2 Low Energy or Passive Lighting System

Schuetter (2014) said that DALI will be applied in the IBs system. It has a universal

voltage input, precise dimming curve and other functions. The most important thing is

DALI can be connected by lighting hubs and gateways allow connection into BMS,

which means engineers can control the lighting system by using the BMS. DALI can

provide central configuration and feedback for maintenance. It can also provide an

automated emergency test, reporting and logging.

3.3 HVAC system

People spend most of the time in the office, home or shopping centre. Indoor Air

Quality (IAQ) is being more important than before. In order to improve air quality, the
Hong Kong Government publishes a guideline, which is called IAQ. When engineers

design the new HVAC system, their design should be under the IAQ guideline.

Lehman (2011) mentioned that in the morning, the outdoor temperature is lower than

the indoor temperature. Engineers can turn on the air handling unit and the fresh air

damper is fully open so that the fresh air can get into the indoor environment. It can

reduce the indoor temperature, improve the IAQ and save energy which means it can

reduce the cooling load for some of the rooms in buildings (Appendices 15 & 16).

The air conditioning system capacity is designed for the prepared spare situation. Most
of the operation is the partial load, because of the variables like a solar load, the quantity

of occupancy, temperature, daylighting equipment and hold the variable loadings. The

design deviation may cause serious fluctuation or imbalance because in most operating

conditions, design the capacity is bigger than the real capacity. Without the control

system, it becomes unstable. There will be a hot or cold air zone. The benefits of using

a control system are maintaining thermal comfort and good IAQ, providing safe

operation of the plant and reducing energy use with the labour cost.

Simpson (2003) said that control is defined as the heating, cooling ventilation and air

conditioning to start, stop and adjust. Involves three different steps to control the HVAC

system, such as measurement variables and data collection, processing and other

information data, and lead to control action. The function is composed of sensors,

control device and control equipment control sequence can be found as follows

(Appendix 17).

3.3.1 Open Loop Control Valve

Ma (2009) said that the controller can control and operate the actuator and the timer. It

is called continuous or open-loop control. Furnace temperature can be controlled by the

heating element. The timer is set by the operator and in the operation of the circuit. The

timer will open or close the actuator to adjust the temperature to the set point (Appendix


Wang (2008) mentioned that most HVAC control valves are controlled by adjusting the

flow of hot or chilled water, so its size, characteristics and selection of the equipment

are very important and effective.

For the sake of maintaining a stable temperature of the furnace, the operation device

element is opened or closed by the actuator through preset timing equipment. The

temperature has a wide range which is not stable and constant because of the changes

at the steady state. In order to have a more accurate control, it is desirable to hold the

temperature between an open and close switch with a narrower bandwidth. It is

important to maintain less time between switching cycles (Appendix 19).


3.3.2 Sensors

Spataru (2012) mentioned that the sensor measures the average of the data and provides

an accurate and repeat the way to change the conditions of the controller. The variables

data monitor like temperature, pressure, relative humidity and water flow rate have to

be monitored (Appendix 20).

Temperature sensor - The principle of temperature measurement is including the

calibration of the expansion and electrical properties of gas and metal (Appendix 21).
Humidity sensor - The percentage of all kinds of detecting methods are used to check

and monitor the relative humidity by resistance, capacitance, impedance and frequency

changes. Changes in fabric size and humidity are used as a measuring element, It can

provide the variation of resistance and moisture absorption. The corresponding polymer

membrane element sensor is used to produce resistance change or capacitance change

(Appendix 22).

Flow sensor - The liquid flow can be measured by the flow sensor by the cross-sectional

area of the pipeline or the fluid in the pipe or tube obtained. The commonly used method

for measuring liquid flow including a differential pressure flow restriction, volume
sensor, flow sensor, turbine flow sensor, magnetic sensor and ultrasonic flow sensor.

The position of the sensor is the key to have good control. The device cannot be put

under the sun or on the material surface. Otherwise, the data is inaccurate. In the piping

system, the sensor has to be arranged and related to the fluid position. In some cases,

the average unit is used to measure the average variables reading such as in a big zone

and a plurality of device for the average signal.


3.3.3 Controller

Sun (2005, p. 91) said that the controller receives the signal from the sensor, the input

instruction set, the logic of control and generates for the output signal. It can be passed

through to a control device or other logic control to have a function. The type of

controller has electrical, pneumatic, electronic or electronic digital. The signal can be a

voltage or current output. The output voltage can be 0 to 10 volts, 2 to 15 volts, or on

other range in the controller. The disadvantage of the output voltage is that the voltage

signal distorts more long distance than the current signal. The output current modulation
range is 4 to 20 mA.

The controller usually requires feedback from the sensor. Some of the input circuits

receive a Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) sensors such as BALCO or platinum

and other elements, including the thermistor sensor input circuit. The controller setpoint

is marked at F or C and throttle range scale.

3.3.4 By-Pass System

Taylor (2014) indicated that the control valve is used to keep the space temperature by

changing the chilled water flow rate. The valve should be two positions or adjust the
three port configuration. The bidirectional valve has two ports, for the control of flow

rate of the variable flow system. The three-way valve has three ports, and it can be used

in hybrid the bypass pipeline or transfer service. The by-pass (transfer) applications are

often used in the constant flow system in the whole coil is in full flow because part of

system load conditions does not need. By controlling the flow of the terminal unit is

usually through the use of a motorized modulating valve. There are two basic levels:

the three-way valve and mixing valve. The selected type of valve has determined the

position in the system (Appendix 23). It can have a by-pass system between the return

and supply for the water pipework or air pipework. It can save energy and easy to

control the quality of the final supply water to avoid high water pressure and water

hammer (Appendix 7F).

3.3.5 Variable Speed Drive

It can install the carbon dioxide (CO2) sensor (Appendix 24) for the measuring the index

in the office and using the VSD (Appendix 25) to control the frequency of air handling

unit or other equipment to operate. Also, it can control the operation percentage of the
chilled water pump to control the water flow rate to comply with the different situation

for the chiller plant to save more energy. VSD creates the harmonic current which

affects the efficiency. Therefore the harmonic current will be eliminated by the

harmonic filter (Appendix 26).

3.4 Building Management System

Kibert (2014) mentioned that a BMS involves a control system in a computer-based

operation installed in buildings. BMS controls and monitors different mechanical and

electrical equipment such as air ventilation, lighting, electrical power systems, fire

services system and security systems. Generally, BMS consists of both software and
hardware. The software programme is usually be configured in an intelligent automatic

manner which can be specified using some tools like C-bus, Profibus, and BACnet.

Nowadays, vendors can produce BMS for buildings that integrate different internet

protocols and other technologies.

Robb (1996) said that BMS is a critical component for management in energy efficiency.

Apart from controlling the building’s environment, the system is also linked to access

control to enter the building. On the other hand, another security system CCTV is also

commonly be used. In some cases, motion detectors can be adapted to a security system

as well.

According to Appendix 27, BMS can be applied air conditioning, electric power,

plumbing and drainage, lift, fire alarm system and security. This application can save

time and money, increase productivity, improve reliability and lead to effective

monitoring (Appendix 28).

4 Integration and Analysis under IBs

Addy (2014) said that new technology had been widely adopted in many different

applications such as wireless networks to achieve a self-organizing and self-

configurable. It is important to connect with the observatory to obtain information

including the weather condition in the present and upcoming week. It is important to

implement a green interior design. The sensor can be installed the window lamp and

digital address ballast when reflecting the light surface area.

Nidditch (2001) mentioned that for the office which would be used for a different

purpose, can set out different lighting and air-conditioning mode to suit each purpose.
For example, when there is a meeting, the lighting will fully open and air-conditioners

will automatically be turned on. A sensor can detect people’s body temperature to

maintain a comfort level. For the reception and corridor area, it is better to apply a focal

design with solar energy. Besides, an electronic actuator can be installed in the radiator

and connected to a temperature sensor near the door. This sensor can ensure the lights

and air-conditioners be automatically switched off when the last person leaves the


Cempel (2012) mentioned that energy performance is a broad concept and the

realization of improvement in a key measure of the effectiveness of energy management.

The energy performance index is together with an energy baseline which are keys to

the measurement of energy performance continual improvement. It is important to

apply an updated energy management system to monitor intelligent buildings. The

system assists data integration, reduction in the manpower and error (Hamsira, 2014)

If a detector detects the fire occurs, the fire service control panel will send the signal to

the BMS, it will shut down and control all the air-conditioning equipment, power

distribution equipment, lifts and elevators.

The security management system acts as a security guard. The security manager can

easily control every camera through the central control room. It can manage and view

the video at different zones on some workstation. It can zoom out a specific area on a

separate monitor for detail look. Also, the alert system can increase the security level

by deterring the malicious behaviour, as with visual and sound alarm which can alert

the intruder and alarm to the security guard.

If the image of the CCTV is breaking up or rolling suddenly, the security guard can

manually adjust other CCTV to check the situation of that particular area. The CCTV

will record the daily activities for future record finding. If a criminal happens, video

and event report can be viewed to find out the security problem.

5 Conclusion & Recommendations

To conclude, BMS can control many important items in a building, like air-

conditioning, electric power, lifts and illumination level. It assists to save time and

money, increase productivity, improve reliability and lead to effective monitoring. As

mentioned in chapter 1, more than 65% energy is used for the air conditioning and

lighting. Therefore, it is an efficient way to use BMS to save energy.

IBs is a new technology which has been widely adopted in networks to achieve a self-

organized of setpoint. The system can assist the data integration and reduction in

manpower and error. It can offer various functions for building control and management,
which can reduce the building maintenance cost and increase the building lifetime.

The purpose of using the BMS and applying IBs in daily life is to create a more

comfortable and user-friendly environment. Therefore, this report recommends the

management to improve the buildings by achieving the advantages of BMS and IBs.

Since energy saving is very important to slow down the effects from the global warming,

BMS in IBs can assist to minimize this issue.


Apart from that, there are some items which can be improved such as the type of cables,

sensors and communication methods. The twisted pair cables should be used for

interfacing in order to avoid the interference. Also, the sensors which are highly

sensitive and more accurate can reduce the error and the reaction time, to ensure the

action can respond immediately to the BMS station. Besides, the BACnet high-level

communication is recommended instead of Modbus as it is a universal communication

language for all equipment. Also, the high-efficiency chillers or chilled water pump can

be chosen for the new chiller plant.

As stated in chapter 2, the improved methods can save around 30% energy and cost for

the above technology and improve for the whole building life cycle, including initial

cost, rehabilitation cost and maintenance cost by assumption with 3% net present value

(Appendix 30). Also, it can minimize the emission of greenhouse gases, in order to

protect our environment. In relation to the speedy development and technology

enhancement, IBs will become a trend and being linked with the future life.



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Appendix 1: Energy Consumption in a Modern Office Building

MP (Source from Environmental Protection Department, 2016)

Appendix 2: IBI Model and Weighting


(Source from IBI Modelling, 2016)

Appendix 3: Luminous Efficacy

Luminous Efficacy

Product Type (in lm/W)

LED A19 lamp (warm white) 78

LED PAR38 lamp (warm

white) 67

LED troffer 2'x4' (warm

white) 93
MP LED high/low-bay fixture

(warm white) 90

High-intensity discharge

system (high watt) 115

Linear fluorescent system 108

High-intensity discharge

system (low watt) 104

Compact fluorescent lamp 70


Halogen 20

Incandescent 15

(Source from DOE SSL Multi-Year Program Plan, 2017)

Appendix 4: Sampling of Lumen Output Data

(Source from HK Engineer, 2017)


Appendix 5: Price for a Different Type of Lamp

(Source from HK Engineer, 2017)

Appendix 6: Common and Recommended Light Levels Indoor

(lux, lumen/m2)

Public areas with dark surroundings 20 - 50

Simple orientation for short visits 50 - 100

Working areas where visual tasks are only

100 - 150
occasionally performed

Warehouses, Homes, Theaters, Archives 150

Easy Office Work, Classes 250

Normal Office Work, PC Work, Study Library,
Groceries, Show Rooms, Laboratories

Supermarkets, Mechanical Workshops, Office


Normal Drawing Work, Detailed Mechanical

Workshops, Operation Theatres

Detailed Drawing Work, Very Detailed Mechanical

1500 - 2000

Performance of visual tasks of low contrast and

2000 - 5000
very small size for prolonged periods

Performance of very prolonged and exacting visual

5000 - 10000

Performance of very special visual tasks of

10000 - 20000
extremely low contrast and small size

(Source from Engineeringtoolbox, 2017)

Appendix 7A: Chiller Plant Sequencing Control


(Source from Self-created, 2018)

Appendix 7B: Chiller Sequencing Control


(Source from Self-created, 2018)

Appendix 7C: Chiller Start / Stop Sequencing Control


(Source from Self-created, 2018)

Appendix 7D: Chilled Water Pump Request Sequencing Control


(Source from Self-created, 2018)

Appendix 7E: Chilled Water Pump Start / Stop Sequencing Control


(Source from Self-created, 2018)

Appendix 7F: By-pass Valve Control and Chiller Water Pump Speed Control


(Source from Self-created, 2018)

Appendix 8A: Detail Information for the Chiller Unit

(Source from Self-created, 2018)

Appendix 8B: Detail Information for the Chiller Unit by Power Analyzer

(Source from Self-created, 2018)

Appendix 9: Percentage of Set Point to be Controlled by BMS


(Source from Self-created, 2018)

Appendix 10: Power Meter


(Source from Self-created, 2018)

Appendix 11: Point List for BMS

(Source from Self-created, 2018)

Appendix 12A: Chiller Supply Temperature Set Point Reset

(Source from Self-created, 2018)

Appendix 12B: Chiller Supply Temperature Set Point Reset Flow Chart


(Source from Self-created, 2018)

Appendix 13: Remote Repeater Station

(Source from Self-created, 2018)

Appendix 14: IBs Connection Diagram

(Source from Building Automation, 2017)

Appendix 15: Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy

(Source from ASHRAE 55, 2017)

Appendix 16: Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality

MP (Source from ASHRAE 62.1, 2017)

Appendix 17: Heating System Control Loop Diagram

LE (Source from Self-created, 2018)


Appendix 18: Temperature vs Time Diagram

(Source from Self-created, 2018)

Appendix 19: Improved Temperature vs Time diagram

LE (Source from Self-created, 2018)


Appendix 20: Sensors

(Source from Self-created, 2018)

Appendix 21: Temperature Sensors


(Source from Self-created, 2018)

Appendix 22: Humidity Sensors

(Source from Self-created, 2018)

Appendix 23: Three Port Control Valve

LE (Source from Self-created, 2018)


Appendix 24: CO2 Sensors

MP (Source from Self-created, 2018)

Appendix 25: Variable Speed Drive


(Source from Self-created, 2018)

Appendix 26: Active Harmonic Filter

(Source from Self-created, 2018)

Appendix 27: Different Type of Service Controlled by BMS

(Source from Self-created, 2018)

Appendix 28: Detail of BMS Controlling Elements

(Source from Self-created, 2018)

Appendix 29: Table of Energy Saving by Intelligent Technology

Items Energy saving (%) Remarks

By-Pass system 10% Calculated from the

power meter

VSD 25% Calculated from power

meter for feeder

Part Load 37% 50% COP 4.35

100% COP 3.17

High efficiency 15% Compare COP with

traditional system
Lighting 35% Dimming system and

motion sensor

Overall 30% Approximate

(Source from Self-created, 2018)


Appendix 30: Financial Tables – Net Present Value


(Source from Self-created, 2018)


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