English Spelling Bee

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Pronunciation: / ˈlēg /
Meaning: an association of nations or other political entities for a common purpose.
Sentence: The two men were not in the same league.


Pronunciation: / skēm /
Meaning: an elaborate and systematic plan of action.
Sentence: Police uncovered a scheme to steal paintings worth more than $250,000.


Pronunciation: /ˈprejədəs/
Meaning: preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.
Sentence: Delay is likely to prejudice the child's welfare.


Pronunciation: /ˈdetrəm(ə)nt/
Meaning: the state of being harmed or damaged
Sentence: He saw the new regulations as a detriment to progress.


Pronunciation: /əˈblivēən/
Meaning: the state of being unaware or unconscious of what is happening
Sentence: His name will fade into oblivion.

Pronunciation: /käpəˈCHēnō/
Meaning: a drink made of equal parts of espresso and hot milk.
Sentence: An extra coffee or a cappuccino is now duly noted..


Pronunciation: /əˈstound/
Meaning: shock or greatly surprise
Sentence: The magician will astound you with his latest tricks.


Pronunciation: /ˈboist(ə)rəs/
Meaning: noisy, energetic, and cheerful; rowdy
Sentence: They're boisterous students, but they work hard.


Pronunciation: /kəˈrikyələm/
Meaning: the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college.
Sentence: Mathematics is my favourite subject in the curriculum.


Pronunciation: /myo͞ol/
Meaning: (especially of a baby) cry feebly or querulously; whimper.
Sentence: To mewl is to cry in a feeble way, like a tired baby or a sick cat.


Pronunciation: /ˌänəˌmädəˈpēə,ˌänəˌmadəˈpēə/
Meaning: is a sound device use by poets to suggest actions, movements, and meanings (such
as buzz, hiss)
Sentence: The sounds of living, onomatopoeia and words, were the purpose of that voice.


Pronunciation: /ˈliməˌzēn,ˌliməˈzēn/
Meaning: A limousine or limo for short is a large, chauffeur-driven luxury vehicle with a
Sentence: They travel in a bullet-proof limousine"


Pronunciation: /ˌperəfə(r)ˈnālyə/
Meaning: personal belongings, furnishings, apparatus, miscellaneous articles, especially
the equipment needed for a particular activity.
Sentence: Both of my boys have been raised around computer paraphernalia and tools.


Pronunciation: /ˌtaˈblō/
Meaning: a group of models or motionless figures representing a scene from a story or
from history; a tableau vivant.
Sentence: The portrait is a tableau of the Queen as a young girl.


Pronunciation: /əˈlipsəs/
Meaning: that indicates an intentional omission of a word, sentence, or whole section from
a text without altering its original
Sentence: Use an ellipsis to omit whole sentences from quoted sentences.

Pronunciation: /səˈliləkwē/
Meaning: an act of speaking one's thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any
hearers, especially by a character in a play.
Sentence: Edmund ends the scene as he had begun it, with a soliloquy.


Pronunciation: /ˈblasfəməs/
Meaning: sacrilegious against God or sacred things; profane
Sentence: A student once came to me troubled with blasphemous thoughts racing through
his mind.


Pronunciation: /ôɡˈzilyərē,ôɡˈzil(ə)rē/
Meaning: providing supplementary or additional help and support
Sentence: There were no allied or auxiliary troops to be concerned about..


Pronunciation: /amˈbiɡyəwəs/
Meaning: unclear or confusing because it can be understood in more than one way
Sentence: It was an ambiguous sentence that could be taken in two ways.

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