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1. Can you please introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your background and
what led you to start your Fashion Tech startup?
2. What inspired you to combine fashion and technology in your entrepreneurial
3. Could you share the story behind the creation of your startup, including how
the idea originated and evolved into what it is today?
4. What specific areas within fashion and technology does your startup focus on,
and what sets it apart from others in the industry?
5. How would you describe your role within the company, and what are your main
responsibilities as an entrepreneur in this field?

Journey and Lessons Learned:

6. Looking back, what have been the most significant milestones for your startup,
and how did they shape the direction of your journey?
7. Can you share a specific challenge you faced during the early stages of your
startup, and how you overcame it?
8. What do you believe are the key factors that have contributed to the success of
your startup so far?
9. In your experience, what are some of the common myths about running a fashion
tech startup?
10. How do you approach innovation within your company, and what strategies do
you use to stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly evolving industry?
11. What role does customer feedback play in shaping your product offerings, and
how do you incorporate it into your decision-making process?
12. Can you share a memorable experience that encapsulates the essence of your
entrepreneurial journey so far?
13. How do you balance creativity and practicality when developing new products
for your startup?
14. What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs who are interested in
entering the intersection of fashion and technology?

15. Reflecting on your experiences, what are some of the most important lessons
you’ve learned as an entrepreneur in this industry?
16. How do you foster a culture of collaboration and innovation within your team,
and what role does diversity play in driving creativity and problem-solving?
17. Can you discuss the role of sustainability and ethical practices in your startup,
and how they influence your decision-making process?
18. What are some of the emerging technologies that you’re excited about in the
Fashion Tech space, and how do you see them shaping the future of the industry?
19. Looking ahead, what are your goals and aspirations for the future of your
startup, and how do you plan to continue growing and evolving in the years
to come?
20. Finally, what motivates and inspires you to keep pushing forward despite the
inevitable challenges and uncertainties of entrepreneurship?

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