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I have worked at a company called Phantom I have been there for
the past four years and it has been great working here my boss is
great my colleagues are aowsem
Last month my boss hired his assistant his name is Kamran now
my boss has stopped interacting with all office employees
including me and we have to go through Kamran to actually talk
to my boss
Now the problem is Kamran is very aggressive and harsh he is
really heartful and believes my contribution is not going forward
to the boss with my name
I am worried what should I do?
Could you give me some ideas?
Create a video for me promoting my sunglasses which are
available for RS2000 in our online store at a
limetted%50 off is currently live
tell me 10 blog ideas for the topic of migraine

Create a social media calendar for my business, IDM Pakistan I

will be using Facebook and Instagram channel
product: -8month digital marketing training product which is the
thought from the perspective of AI audience: Pakistani usually
between 45-23 years old majority of males
interest: entrepreneurs, people who want to start their home
business, people ho want to improve there marketing
create a 7 day content calendar

I run a business called Enak. pk I sell sunglasses only and I have

been selling for the past 5 year successfully in Pakistan, the way
I drive sales are usually via Facebook add now I am planning to
add more products in my store witch are related to my core
product. give me some ideas and also give me idea promote
those product.
I am giving you an example YouTube add. Your job would be to
create a YouTube add script for my perfume brand, called Zikraa
You should use your own creativity as well.
Explane add:١٨٠-b-demo١٣٥٩٤٩٦١?visit_id=٦٤١٢٢٣٦٦١-٦٣٨٣١٣١٠٦٠٢٥٥٤٧١٦٤&p=lm_ext_data&rd=#١bard_ext&zippy=٢٪Cwhat-happens-with-my-data-when-i-use-bard-extensions١VLgrBo_p٤hnonZ٣blk١k--nIndMnxs٧Mazi٢T-zwXvM/edit
a butterfly in a forest during sunrise, Realism, epic detail,
octane render, 4k
I created a landing page I want you to write a headline and a
sub-headline My lead magnet which I am offering on the
landing page is a 30 minute free one o one AI consultation call
the benefit of this lead magnet for the prospect I will go into
detail with the potential client and will give them ideas to
implement AI in their online business so that they can make
more sales and get better results online
make a creative headline considering the above benefits and
give me only one headline and subhead line and youse your
maximum creativity for making one for me
The line is good thank you however mentioning the word call
youse easy word don’t youse hard words like blueprint unlock
makes the headline so simple and effected

very good headline use som how ai integration like this call will
help them to intrigreat AI in there busnes free of cast

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