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The Challenges of Canadian Immigration

Article Review: 1
The Challenges of Canadian Immigration
Harshal Pokar
St Clair College
SSC121G: Celebrating Cultural Diversity
Prof. Melissa Kakuk
DATE: February 04, 2024
The Challenges of Canadian Immigration

Article Title: The complexities of immigration and families: Theoretical perspectives and
current issues.[1]
Summary of Article:
The article chosen for review will discuss the various impact of immigration in Canada. The
article mainly focuses on the cultural and economic challenges faced by the immigrants, how
it’s integrated across Canada and the importance of cultural diversity. It highlights the effects of
the filling jobs, housing crisis and paying high taxes. Even though Canada helps immigrants in
many ways but still some immigrants even decide to leave after many years.

Reflection on issue:
As a student, these issues make me think a lot as I too have been facing similar issues. It made
me realise that it’s very hard to become a part of new society as there is discrimination. After
all this makes me feel sad and to take actions which can lead to create a society where
everyone is treated fairly and respectfully.

Possible solutions to the issue in the article:

According to me the solution the article are as follows: -
❖ We can create more programs that can help immigrants become part of the Canadian
culture. For example: If festivals from different cultures and countries are celebrated in
workplace it could create more engagement and inclusiveness among employees.
❖ We can work to stop discrimination and unfair treatment. In smaller communities this is
a significant problem so they must be treated more respectfully.
❖ We can invest more in things like housing, healthcare, and transportation. As the
population is increasing due to immigration more budget must be allocated for the
construction of this infrastructures.
❖ Special Government programmes must be introduced for skill development of
immigrants which helps in reduce the unemployment.
❖ Promote diversity and inclusion in all parts of society by creating more activities and
engagement among immigrants.
The Challenges of Canadian Immigration

Alternative resources:
As per history, Canada has always been a nation of immigrants. It always had welcome a wide
range of people from diverse background. Its approach is to always emphasize multiculturism
and provide economic benefits to a diverse population.
The following are the alternative resources to provide further insight into the cultural issues in
day-to-day life of immigrants: -
1. Statics Canada’s Ethnic Diversity Survey[2] , which provides data on the ethnic and
cultural background of Canadians and provides detailed report on the experiences of
2. Research on the social integration of immigrants and the role of policy. [3]
3. Studies on the effect of immigration on social cohesion in Canada. This article
discusses pride Canadians take in the welcoming people from different cultures and

Conclusion: Immigration plays a very important role in affecting Canadian society. It has
different privileges and oppression, diversity among people. It’s contribution to the GDP is
significant and culturally bonds the nation together. There are also challenges that comes along
to its integration. To resolve this challenges, it requires a wholesome approach that includes
more cultural integration programs, strategies to reduce discrimination, increasing budget of
infrastructure and changes in government policies to provide more relief.


1. American Psychological Association. (Chuang, 2019) Apa PsycNet. American

Psychological Association.
2. Prejudice and discrimination in Canada. The Canadian Encyclopedia. (2011,
February 10).
3. Laurentsyeva, N., & Venturini, A. (1970, January 1). The social integration of
immigrants and the role of policy – a literature review. Intereconomics.
4. The effect of immigration on social cohesion in Canada. Immigrant Economic and
Social Outcomes in Canada: Research and Data Development at Statistics Canada.

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