Exercise 1

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Exercise 1

Exercise 1
Due date: week 1
Objective: To improve your use of the 4 skills at an A2 level and get used to the
OET exam while practicing the simple present and present continuous tenses
and common phrasal verbs.
Topic / competencies to achieve: To develop listening, speaking, reading, and
writing at an A2 level according to the CEFR while practicing the simple present
and present continuous tenses and common phrasal verbs.

This activity consists of 5 parts. You will upload ONE word document with what is asked in each
of them.

PART 1: Listening

I. Listen to the audio “changing a meeting time” from the following link

II. Complete the two tasks that appear on the same link, take a screen shot when you complete
them, and post your screen shots on your Word document.

III. Match the following phrasal verbs to their meanings. Write your answers in your Word

1. ( ) Bring forward
2. ( ) Look forward to
3. ( ) Put off
4. ( ) Talk about
5. ( ) Call off

a. Await with excitement

b. Discuss
c. Cancel
d. Postpone
e. Reschedule for earlier

PART 2: Reading / Writing

IV. Complete the following text using only ONE word. Write your answers in your Word
Exercise 1

Have you Heard of the new actor, Henry Depp, who 1. ____ conquering the movie industry now?
He has acted in several movies so far, but a couple of years ago he had to put 2. _____ his career
as he got involved in a car accident. In 3. _____ of the fact that he was severely injured, he
managed to recover and a few months ago he got the main role in the new Superhero movie
everyone is talking 4. _____. I’m looking forward 5. ___ seeing him in action again!

PART 3: Grammar: Present simple vs present continuous.

V. Complete the following sentences with present simple or present continuous. Write your
answers in your Word document.

1. ____ Anna ______ (cook) dinner every day?

2. George never ___________________________ (walk) to school.
3. _______________ (be) you 19 years old?
4. They _____________________ (study) English right now.
5. I _____________________ (not/understand) this topic! It’s so difficult!
6. We ___________________________ (go) to a Harry Styles concert next year!
7. Kate ___________________________ (listen) to her favorite band right now.
8. My mother _______________________ (see) the doctor at 5:00.
9. Damiano always ___________________________ (listen) to music when he works out
at the gym.
10. What ___ you _____ (do) now?

VI. Play the following game: https://wordwall.net/es/resource/33639052/idioma-en-

ingl%c3%a9s/present-simple-vs-present-continuous When you finish, take a screen shot of the
confirmation message and post it in your Word document.

PART 4: Speaking: Talking about my activities.

VII. Record a 2 - 3-minute video where you talk about your weekly routine and about what
you’re doing this weekend using simple present and present continuous accordingly. You can
use TikTok, Reels, or any other app of your choice. Post the link to your video in your Word

PART 5: OET Practice.

VIII. Answer the following Google Form https://forms.gle/UWoZJhgQzDdhoota6 When you
finish, take a screen shot of the confirmation message and post it in your Word document.

Hand in a Word document with what is asked in each exercise. Number the answers according to
the exercises.
Exercise 1

For example:

Part 1. Exercise II

(Paste screen shots).

Type: Word document

Format: docx
Characteristics: Follow the report template from University Tecmilenio.


Make sure your activity complies with the following characteristics:

Part 1. Exercise II: Include the two screenshots of the 2 completed tasks from
Part 1. Exercise III: Include the answers to the matching the columns exercise.
Part 2. Exercise IV: Include the answers to the fill in the blanks exercise.
Part 3. Exercise V: Include the answers to the fill in the blanks sentences.
Part 3. Exercise VI: Include the confirmation message screen shot of the game.
Part 4. Exercise VII: Make sure:
• Your video lasts between 2 and 3 minutes.
• You use present simple to talk about your routine (be careful with the third person
singular -s and with using the verb in base form with auxiliary verbs).
• You use present continuous when you talk about your activities this weekend (remember
to use the verb to be and the main verb in -ing form).

Part 5. Exercise VIII: Include the screen shot as evidence that you completed the form.

Additional resources
To learn more about simple present and present continuous, watch the following videos:

• Arnel’s everyday English. (2021, Sept 15). Present simple and present continuous
[Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3HdjN3cLiM

• Logus. (2021, Jun 15). Simple present vs present progressive (easy rules, lots of
examples). [Video file]. Retrieved from
Exercise 1

• British Council. (2021, June 10). Changing a meeting time. LearnEnglish. Retrieved June
24, 2022, from https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening/a2-
• Martahidal. (2022, June 16). Present simple vs present continuous. Wordwall. Retrieved
June 24, 2022, from https://wordwall.net/es/resource/33639052/idioma-en-

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