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(Prepared by: Salcedo L. Eduardo, DVM, MS, PhD) Copyright Protected



1. Castor bean tick or sheep tick is: (A). Ixodes ricinus (B). Margaropus
winthemi; (C). Ixodes persulcatus; (D). Boophilus decoloratus.
2. It is also called the tropical fowl mite characterized by a dorsal plate that
tapers gradually to a blunt posterior end: (A). Dermanyssus gallinae; (B).
Ornithonyssus sylviarum; (C). Ornithonyssus bursa; (D). Allodermanyssus
3. Also known as ox warble fly: (A). Hypoderma lineatum; (B). Cuterebra
americana; (C). Gasterophilus nasalis; (D). Callitroga hominivorax.
4. It is called the shoulder tick or blacklegged tick: (A). Ixodes persulcatus;
(B). Ixodes persulcatus; (C). Ixodes scapularis; (D). Ixodes persulcatus.
5. This mite causes scaly leg in fowls: (A). Sarcoptes scabiei; (B).
Cnemidocoptes mutans; (C). Trombicula autumnalis; (D). Dermanyssus
6. Lone star tick: (A). Amblyomma americanum; (B). Margaropus winthemi;
(C). Ixodes scapularis; (D). Amblyomma variegatum.
7. These fleas have both pronotal and genal ctenidia, EXCEPT: (A).
Ctenocephalides felis; (B). Leptopsylla segnis; (C). Ceratophyllus gallinae;
(D). Spilopsylla cuniculi.
8. Also known as the Philippine foot maggot fly: (A). Callitroga hominivorax;
(B). Booponus intonsus; (C). Sarcophaga canaria; (D). Auchmeromyia
9. The following arthropod parasites belong to Pentastomida EXCEPT: (A).
Armilifer armillatus; (B). Linguatula serrata; (C). Raillietiella spp. (D).
Raillietia auris.
10. African blue louse of sheep: (A). Haematopinus tuberculatus; (B).
Linognathus vituli; (C). Linognathus africanus; (D). Polyplax spinulosa.
11. Among the adults of these flies, the shortest-lived (one to two days) is that
of: (A). Horse botfly; (B). Ox warble fly; (C). Housefly; (D). Sheep nasal
12. This myiasis fly employs, by capturing, a blood sucking insect to carry its
eggs to its hosts: (A). Callitroga hominivorax; (B). Dermatobia hominis;
(C). Cuterebra emasculator; (D). Auchmeromyia luteola.
13. Also known as anchor parasites or anchor worms of fishes: (A). Achtheres
spp.; (B). Lernaea spp.; (C). Ergasilus; (D). Salmincola.
14. The following are pentastomid genera EXCEPT: (A). Porocephalus; (B).
Armillifer; (C). Polymorphus; (D). Linguatula.
15. The following arthropods have their entire life cycle occurring on the host
EXCEPT: (A). Demodex canis; (B). Ctenocephalides felis; (C).
Melophagus ovinus; (D). Cnemidocoptes gallinae.

16. The following mites have unjointed pedicels EXCEPT: (A). Psoroptes
ovis; (B). Otodectes cynotis; (C). Chorioptes bovis; (D). Notoedres cati.
17. The following are three-host ticks EXCEPT: (A). Rhipicephalus
sanguineus; (B). Haemaphysalis leachi leachi; (C). Dermacentor variabilis;
(D). Boophilus decoloratus.
18. Culicoides are vectors of the following EXCEPT: (A). Onchocerca
cervicalis; (B). Manzonella ozzardi; (C). Bluetongue virus; (D). Thelazia
19. The following are pupiparous insects EXCEPT: (A). Lipoptena sp.; (B).
Pseudolynchia canariensis; (C). Musca domestica; (D). Melophagus ovinus.
20. The following are ornate ticks EXCEPT: (A). Amblyomma variegatum;
(B). Dermacentor andersoni; (C). Haemaphysalis cinnabarina punctata;
(D). Dermacentor variabilis.
21. Anchor parasites or anchor worms that affect freshwater fishes belong to the
genus: (A). Ergasilus; (B). Lernaea; (C). Argulus; (D). Anisakis.
22. Air sac mite: (A). Cheyletus eruditus; (B). Cytodites nudus; (C). Pyemotes
tritici; (D). Laelaps jettmari.
23. The vector of Babesiosis in cattle in the Philippines is: (A). Boophilus
microplus; (B). Boophilus decoloratus; (C). Dermacentor andersoni; (D).
Ambylomma americanum.
24. The pupae of the insects below are of the coarctate type EXCEPT: (A).
Housefly; (B). Fleshfly; (C). Botfly; (D). Mosquito.
25. The larva of ticks has: (A). Four pairs of legs; (B). Three pairs of legs; (C).
Two pairs of legs; (D). None of the above.
26. The following arthropods are wingless EXCEPT: (A). Melophagus ovinus;
(B). Goniodes dissimilis; (C). Pseudolynchia canariensis; (D).
Rhipicephalus sanguineus.
27. All of these are arthropods EXCEPT: (A). Lernaea; (B). Boophilus; (C).
Pulex; (D). Strongylus.
28. The following are soft tick genera EXCEPT: (A). Ornithodoros moubata;
(B). Otobius megnini; (C). Ixodes ricinus; (D). Argas persicus.
29. The following are ear mites EXCEPT: (A). Otodectes cynotis; (B).
Raillietia auris; (C). Notoedres cati; (D). Otobius megnini.
30. In the dipterous insect, the posterior pair of wings is reduced and is called:
(A). Elytra. (B). Halteres; (C). Hemelytra; (D). Tegmina.
31. The stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans serves an intermdiate host for: (A).
Habronema majus; (B). Setaria equina; (C). Onchocerca volvulus; (D).
Capillaria plica.
32. Also known as the “air sac” mite: (A). Psoroptes ovis; (B). Chorioptes
cuniculi; (C). Cytodites nudus; (D). Laminosioptes cysticola.
33. The following are arthropods EXCEPT: (A). Flesh flies; (B). “Anchor
worms”; (C). Mites; (D). Hookworms.
34. The cause of scaly leg in parakeets is: (A). Cnemidocoptes gallinae; (B).
Dermanyssus gallinae; (C). Cnemidocoptes pilae; (D). Ornithonyssus
35. Only the female of this arthropod is a bloodsucker: (A). Aedes aegypti; (B).

Ixodes ricinus; (C). Ornithonyssus bursa; (D). Riphicephalus sanguineus.

36. The larvae of this fly cause the condition called “grubby hide or back’ in
cattle: (A). Hypoderma lineatum; (B). Cordylobia anthropophaga; (C).
Xenopsylla cheopis; (D). Gasterophilus inermis.
37. These fleas have no pronotal and genal ctenidia, EXCEPT: (A). Pulex
irritans; (B). Echinophaga gallinacea; (C). Ceratophyllus fasciatus; (D).
Xenopsylla cheopis.
38. Pacific coast tick: (A). Dermacentor occidentalis; (B). Amblyomma
variegatum; (C). Boophilus decoloratus; (D). Amblyomma cajennense.
39. The pupae of this insect below is of the obtectate type: (A). Musca
domestica; (B). Lucilia serricata; (C). Gasterophilus inermis; (D). Tabanus
40. The following are sucking lice of their respective hosts EXCEPT: (A).
Haematopinus tuberculatus; (B). Linognathus setosus; (C). Trichodectes
canis; (D). Pediculus humanus.
41. Subcutaneous mite: (A). Acarus siro; (B). Tyrophagus putracentriae; (C).
Laminosioptes cysticola; (D). Neotrombicula autumnalis.
42. The number of claws per legs in amblycerate lice of mammals is: (A). Two;
(B).Zero (C). Three; (D). One.
43. A fly whose arista is plumose on the dorsal side only is: (A). Sarcophaga
haemorrhoidalis; (B). Glossina morsitans; (C). Musca sorbens; (D).
Calliphora vomitoria.
44. Hourglass spider, most poisonous: (A). Clubiona; (B). Lactrodectes; (C).
Trichodina; (D). Loxosceles.
45. The following are lice of poultry EXCEPT: (A). Goniocotes gallinae; (B).
Menopon gallinae; (C). Lipeurus caponis; (D). Cnemidocoptes gallinae.
46. In Psoroptes ovis, the life cycle is completed in: (A). One month; (B). Five
days; (C). 12 days; (D). None of the above.
47. Also known as the jigger or chigoe: (A). Ceratophylus gallinae; (B). Tunga
penetrans; (C). Xenopsylla cheopis; (D). Ctenocephalis canis.
48. The following arthropods are intermediate host of Dipylidium caninum
EXCEPT: (A). Trichodectes canis; (B). Ctenocephalides felis; (C).
Sarcoptes scabiei; (D). Heterodoxus longitarsus.
49. The 3rd stage larval stigmal plates of these flies have slit-like spiracles,
which are directed obliquely downward & towards the median line
EXCEPT in: (A). Calliphora erythrocephala; (B). Musca domestica; (C).
Sarcophaga hemorrhoidalis; (D). Lucialia serricata.
50. Chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides are not safe to apply to this host
because it is especially susceptible: (A). Cattle; (B). Dog; (C). Poultry; (D).
None of the above.
51. Adult insects are also called: (A). Marita; (B). Coracidum; (C). Imago; (D).
None of the above.
52. Hyalomma truncatum secretes a toxin while sucking blood, causing a
condition known as sweating sickness in: (A). Ruminants; (B). Horses; (C).
Dogs; (D). Humans.
53. Simple or gradual metamorphosis is exhibited in the life cycle of: (A).

Stable flies; (B). Blue bottle flies; (C). Bedbugs (D). Fleas.
54. It is called the elephant throat botfly. (A). Gasterophilus pecorum; (B).
Cephenemyia trompe; (C). Hypoderma lineatum; (D). Pharyngobolus
55. The specific burrowing flea of (A). Echidnophaga gallinacea;
(B). Myodopsylla insignis; (C). Leptopsylla segnis; (D). Xenopsylla astria.
56. Yersinia pestis, the pathogen of bubonic plague, is transmitted by: (A).
Nosopsyllus fasciatus; (B). Tunga penetrans; (C). Xenopsylla cheopis; (D),
Psychoda albipennis.
57. Most cases of demodectic mange in dogs are evident in ages between: (A).
15 to 30 days; (B). 3 to 9 months; (C). 1 to 2 years; (D). 1.5 to 2 years.
58. The transmitter of tropical canine pancytopenia transtadially and malignant
jaundice (A). Rhipicephalus sanguineus; (B). Ixodes
ricinus ; (C). Rhipicephalus appendiculatus; (D). Amblyomma sp.
59. Tropical cattle tick: (A). Ixodes ricinus; (B). Dermacentor andersoni; (C).
Boophilus microplus (D).Margaropus winthemi.
60. In trombiculids or chigger mites, the stage that is important to domestic
animals is the: (A). Adult; (B). Egg; (C). Nymph; (D). Larva.
61. Ixodes holocyclus, the paralysis tick of Australia is mainly important in:
(A). Poultry; (B). Dogs; (C). Rodents; (D). Cattle.
62. Amblycerate lice of birds have: (A). Two; (B). One; (C). Three; (D). Zero,
claws per leg.
63. Long-nosed cattle louse: (A). Polyplax spinulosa; (B). Haematopinus
eurysternus; (C). Linognathus vituli; (D). Linognathus pedalis.
64. Variegated tick (A). Amblyomma cajennense; (B). Dermacentor
nigrolineatus; (C). Amblyomma variegatum; (D). Boophilus decoloratus.
65. In Chorioptes the life cycle is completed in: (A). One week; (B). 3 weeks;
(C). 2 months; (D). 3 months.
66. These ticks are associated with tick paralysis EXCEPT: (A). Argas
persicus; (B). Otobius megnini; (C). Ixodes andersoni (D). Ornithodorus
67. Horse flies, breeze flies: (A). Tabanidae; (B). Culicidae; (C).
Ceratopogonidae; (D). Phoridae.
68. The cause of wet feathers in ducks is: (A). Megninia cubitalis; (B). Trinoton
anserinum; (C). Holomenopon leucoxanthum; (D). Anaticola crassicornis.
69. Body louse or blue louse of sheep: (A). Trinoton anserinum; (B).
Linognathus ovillus; (C). Hoplopleura pacifica; (D). Linognathus vituli.
70. This insect has segmented proboscis: (A). Stablefly; (B). Blue bottle fly;
(C). Bedbug; (D). Tsetse fly.
71. Harvest mite, aoutat, lepte automnale in Europe is: (A). Leptotrobidium
deliense; (B). Helenicula sp.; (C). Trombicula akamushi; (D). Trombicula
72. In cats, miliary dermatitis and many small papules associated with pruritus
is indicative of: (A). Demodecosis; (B). Otodectosis; (C). Flea
hypersensitivity; (D). Mite sensitivity,
73. The short-nosed cattle louse is: (A). Linognathus vituli; (B). Hematopinus

eurysternus; (C). Linognathus africanus (D). Hematopinus suis.

74. This insect has short antenna: (A). Culicoides; (B). Aedes; (C). Blatta
orientalis; (D). Simulium.
75. The eggs of black flies or buffalo gnats are deposited in: (A). Running or
flowing water; (B). On hair of the host; (C). Under leaves; (D). Stagnant
76. The following arthropods have three pairs of legs when emerging from the
egg stage EXCEPT: (A). Boophilus microplus; (B). Damalinia limbata;
(C). Dermanyssus gallinae; (D). Rhicipcephalus sanguineus.
77. Grain itch mite is: (A). Pediculoides ventricosus; (B). Fannia scalaris; (C).
Triacarus diversus; (D). Caparinia tripilis.
78. The only horse botfly, which does not lay its egg on the body of the host is:
(A). Gasterophilus intestinalis; (B). Gasterophilus pecorum; (C).
Gasterophilus enermis; (D). Gasterophilus hemorrhoidalis.
79. Hippobosca equina attacks: (A). Equines only; (B). Cattle & equines; (C).
Cattle only; (D). None of the above.
80. Tabanids are holoptic in: (A). the male only; (B). the female only ; (C). both
the male & female; (D). None of the above.
81. Demodex penis protrudes out on the: (A). Ventral side; (B). Lateral side;
(C). Dorsal side; (D). Posterior end.
82. The most common cattle tick in the Philippines is: (A). Boophilis
decoloratus; (B). Rhipicephalus sanguineus; (C). Amblyomma sp.; (D).
Boophilus microplus.
83. Head louse of poultry; (A). Cuclotogaster heterographaus; (B). Menopon
gallinae; (C). Lipeurus caponis; (D). Ricinus tugarinovae.
84. Biting midges, punkies, no-see-ums : (A). Simulium; (B). Culicoides; (C).
Tabanus; (D). None of the above.
85. It is a type of disease transmission wherein the pathogenic organism
develops, changes in form and size but no increase in number in the
arthropod body: (A). Mechanical; (B). Direct; (C). Cyclo-developmental;
(D). Indirect.
86. Fish louse: (A). Haematopinus; (B). Argulus; (C). Linognathus; (D).
87. This genus of large robust dipterous flies has clear wings and the 3rd & 4th
longitudinal wing branch like a fork: (A). Tabanus ; (B). Musca; (C).
Psudolynchia; (D). Cordylobia.
88. It is a virus of man transmitted solely by Aedes aegypti. (A). Chinkungunia
virus; (B). Circoviruses; (C). Dengue virus; (D). Bluetongue virus.
89. Fluff louse: (A). Goniocotes gallinae (B). Menacanthus stramineus; (C).
Liperus caponis; (D). Polyplax spinulosa.
90. It is a portion of the ingested food mixed with saliva and crop fluid being
regurgitated by the housefly, which serves as an important mechanism in
the spread of pathogenic organisms. (A). Expelled feces; (B). Vomit drops;
(C). Excess saliva; (D). Chyme.
91. Cayene tick (A). Dermacentor nigrolineatus; (B). Amblyomma cajennense
(C). Dermacentor occidentalis; (D). Boophilus decoloratus.

92. In Demodex the life cycle is completed in: (A). 18-24 days; (B). 5-10 days;
(C). 30-40 days; (D). 2 months.
93. Wing louse of poultry: (A). Menopon clayae; (B). Goniocotes gallinae; (C).
Lipeurus caponis; (D). Goiodes gigas.
94. It is the term given to a group of hard ticks with bright spots or areas on the
their scutum. (A). Glossy; (B). Inornate; (C). Hard; (D). Ornate.
95. Red-legged tick: (A). Rhipicephalus appendiculatus; (B). Rhipicephalus
evertsi; (C). Margaropus winthemi; (D). Boophilus decoloratus.
96. It refers to the removal of the soiled wool from the hindlegs of sheep to
prevent myiasis. (A). Cutting; (B). Crutching; (C). Mulesing; (D). Shaping.
97. It is a louse, which the French call “papillons d’amour” because it is readily
transmitted through coitus. (A). Trichomonas vaginalis; (B). Trypanosoma
equiperdum; (C). Phthirus pubis; (D). Heterodoxus longitarsus.
98. Tropical horse tick: (A). Amblyomma americanum; (B). Dermacentor
occidentalis; (C). Dermacentor nitens; (D). Cuclotogaster heterographaus.
99. Yellow dog tick: (A). Rhipicephalus sangineus; (B). Boophilus decoloratus;
(C). Haemaphysalis leachi leachi; (D). Cuterebra emasculator.
100. Hooked process in the last abdominal segment of flea larva used for holding
on the substrata or for locomotion. (A). Tail; (B). Posterior process; (C).
Anal strut; (D). Cephalopharyngeal skeleton.
101. American dog tick: (A). Dermacentor variabilis; (B). Boophilus annulatus;
(C). Dermacentor nigrolineatus; (D). Amblyomma cajennense.
102. False gid is caused by: (A). Oestrus ovis larva; (B). Hypoderma lineatum
larva; (C). Gasterophilus pecorum larva; (D). Oestrus ovis adult.
103. In Dermanyssus gallinae the life cycle under optimal condition is
completed in: (A). 30 days; (B). 2 months; (C). 3 weeks; (D). 7 days.
104. Gulf coast tick is: (A). Boophilus decoloratus; (B). Haemyphysalis
cinnabarina punctata; (C). Amblyomma maculatum; (D). Ixodes ricinus.
105. Harvest, chigger mites belong to the family: (A). Trichodectidae; (B).
Trombiculidae; (C). Prosthogonimidae; (D). Cimicidae.
106. Tongue worm: (A). Linguatula serrata; (B). Rhyncoptes grabberi; (C).
Notoedres musculi; (D). Schelerobates sp.
107. In Otodectes cyanotis the life cycle is completed in: (A). 8 days; (B). 15
days; (C). 3 weeks; (D). 6 weeks.
108. Anchor worms of fresh water fish: (A). Argulus; (B). Actheres; (C).
Lernaea; (D). Trichodina.
109. Black widow spider: (A). Brachypelma smithi; (B). Clubiona obesa; (C).
Loxosceles reclusa; (D). Lactrodectes mactans.
110. Rocky mountain wood tick: (A). Dermacentor nitens; (B). Amblyomma
variegatum; (C). Amblyomma cajennense; (D). Dermacentor andersoni.
111. The worm-like larvae of dipterous insects are commonly called. (A).
Marita; (B). Coracidia; (C). Spargana; (D). Maggots.
112. If solenocytes are for trematodes then what structures are for insects? (A).
Tracheal tubes ; (B). Malpighian tubules; (C). Ventricular sac; (D).
Spiracular tubes.
113. The pupa is the quiescent phase in life cycle of an insect and it is also

called: (A). Hypobiotic egg; (B). Chrysalis; (C). Suspended nymph; (D).
114. Brown winter tick: (A). Amblyomma americanum; (B). Dermacentor
nigrolineatus; (C). Hyalomma sp.; (D). Margaropus winthemi.
115. Shaft louse of poultry: (A). Goiodes gigas; (B). Menopon gallinae; (C).
Lipeurus caponis; (D). Goniodes disimilis.
116. Short-nosed cattle louse: (A). Polyplax spinulosa; (B). Haematopinus
eurysternus (C). Haematopinus tuberculatus; (D). Haematopinus
117. Foot louse of sheep: (A). Linognathus pedalis; (B). Linognathus vituli; (C).
Solenopotes capillatus; (D). None of the above.
118. Sandflies, owl midges: (A). Phlebotomus; (B). Uranotaenia; (C).
Culicoides; (D). Culiseta.
119. Potu fly: (A). Culicoiedes insignis ; (B). Simulium dannosum; (C).
Prosimulium decorum; (D). Simulium indicum.
120. Bots or bot fly: (A). Calliphora; (B). Sarcophaga; (C). Gasterophilus; (D).
121. Tumbu fly: (A). Auchmerpmyia luteola; (B). Cordylobia anthropophaga;
(C). Cuterebra fontinella; (D). None of the above.
122. Philippine foot maggot fly: (A). Hypoderma tarandi; (B). Booponus
intonsus; (C). Oestromyia sp.; (D). Rhinoestrus purpureus.
123. Sheep nasal fly: (A). Oestrus ovis; (B). Cephenemyia trompe; (C).
Tracheomyia macropi; (D). Wohlfartia vigil.
124. Ox warble flies: (A). Auchmerpmyia; (B). Hypoderma; (C). Oestromyia;
(D). Cuterebra.
125. Berne, nuche, forcel & torsalo: (A). Lipotena depressa; (B). Melophagus
ovinus; (C). Dermatobia hominis; (D). Ornithonyssus bursa.
126. Sheep ked: (A). Pseudolynchia canariensis; (B). Melophagus ovinus; (C).
Hippobosca variegata; (D). Lipotena depressa.
127. Northern mite of poultry: (A). Ornithonyssus sylviarum; (B). Dermanyssus
americanus; (C). Liponyssoides sanguineus; (D). Ophionyssus natricis.
128. Tropical fowl mite: (A). Dermanyssus gallinae; (B). Ornithonyssus bursa.;
(C). Chiroptonyssus robustipes; (D). Ornithonyssus sylviarum.
129. Spinose ear tick: (A). Otobius lagophilus; (B). Ornithodoros tholazani; (C).
Hyalomma asiaticum; (D). Otobius megnini.
130. Eyeless tampan of Africa: (A). Hyalomma truncatum; (B). Ornithodoros
tholazani; (C). Ornithodorus moubata; (D). None of the above.
131. North American tick : (A). Boophilus annulatus; (B). Ixodes ricinus; (C).
Hyalomma truncatum; (D). Amblyomma americanum.
132. This specieds may cause parasitic castration: (A). Dermatobia hominis; (B).
Cuterebra emasculator; (C). Ixodes persulcatus; (D). Margaropus
133. Blue tick (A). Hyalomma truncatum; (B). Ixodes scapularis; (C). Boophilus
decoloratus; (D). Bophilus annulatus.
134. Argentine tick (A). Rhipicephalus evertsi; (B). Margaropus winthemi; (C).
Amblyomma americanum; (D). None of the above.

135. Brown ear tick: (A). Rhipicephalus sanguineus; (B). Rhipicephalus

appendiculatus; (C). Amblyomma americanum; (D). Boophilus annulatus.
136. Common brown dog tick: (A). Rhipicephalus sanguineus; (B). Ixodes
persulcatus; (C). Rhipicephalus evertsi; (D). Otobius megnini.
137. Shoulder tick or blacklegged tick: (A). Rhipicephalus appendiculatus; (B).
Rhipicephalus evertsi; (C). Ixodes scapularis; (D). Ornithophysalis
138. Tick that may cause parasitic castration: (A). Amblyomma americanum; (B).
Cuterebra emasculator; (C). Ixodes scapularis; (D). None of the above.
139. Brown ear tick: (A). Ornithophysalis lahorensis; (B). Boophilus
decoloratus; (C). Rhipicephalus appendiculatus; (D). None of the above.
140. Rabbit tick: (A). Haemaphysalis leporis-palustris; (B). Otobius megnini;
(C). Rhipicephalus evertsi; (D). Rhipicephalus evertsi.
141. Equine botfly is : (A). Hypoderma lineatum; (B). Strongylus westeri; (C).
Gasterophilus nasalis; (D). Callitroga hominivorax.
142. This tick may cause paralysis: (A). Argas persicus; (B). Otobius megnini;
(C). Cnemidocoptes mutans; (D). Rhipicephalus evertsi.
143. Long-nosed cattle louse is named: (A). Hematopinus eurysternus; (B).
Linognathus vituli; (C). Hematopinus tuberculatus; (D). Linognathus
144. Spined rat louse: (A). Echinolaelaps echidninus; (B). Laelaps nuttali; (C).
Polyplax spinulosa; (D). Linognathus setosus.
145. Another name for spinose ear tick is: (A). Hematopinus tubeculatus; (B).
Rhipicephalus evertsi; (C). Argas persicus; (D). Otobius megnini.
146. This mite causes depluming itch: (A). Sarcoptes scabiei; (B).
Cnemidocoptes gallinae; (C). Trombicula autumnalis; (D). Cnemidocoptes
147. The intermediate host of Leishmania donovani is: (A). Aedes sp.; (B).
Phlebotomus sp. (C). Simulium sp.; (D). Culicoides sp.
148. Biting lice of birds belong to the Order: (A). Orthoptera; (B). Hemiptera;
(C). Siphunculata; (D). Mallophaga.
149. Tropical cattle tick: (A). Boophilus microplus; (B). Argas persicus; (C).
Ornithodoros. lahorensis; (D). None of the above.
150. This arthropod causes scaliness in legs of fowls due to extreme itchiness:
(A). Trombicula autumnalis; (B). Notoedres gallinae; (C). Psorergates
galli; (D). Cnemidoptes mutans.
151. Common brown dog tick: (A). Haemaphysalis leporis-palustris; (B).
Rhipicephalus sangineus; (C). Rhipicephalus evertsi; (D). Ornithodoros
152. Crab louse: (A). Linognathus setosus; (B). Phthirus pubis; (C). Pediculus
corporis; (D). Tricholipeurus parallelus.
153. Sucking lice belong to the Order: (A). Orthoptera; (B). Hemiptera; (C).
Siphunculata; (D). Mallophaga.
154. Black flies or bufflalo gnats: (A). Culex; (B). Fannia; (C). Simulium; (D).
155. Asian cockroach: (A). Blatta orientalis; (B). Periplaneta americana; (C).

Blatella adsahinai; (D). None of the above.

156. A good example of a paurometabolous insect is the: (A). Cockroach; (B).
Housefly; (C). Flea; (D). Tick.
157. The opercular side of the egg of lice has a patch of holes or thin areas
through which the developing embryo respires and is called: (A).
Micropyle; (B). Polar plug; (C). Polar sieve; (D). None of the above.
158. The biting louse of cat is: (A). Linognathus setosus; (B). Hoplopleura
pacifica; (C). Felicola subrostrata; (D). None of the above.
159. The following are other names for the stable fly EXCEPT: (A). Face fly;
(B). Beach fly; (C). Lawn-mower fly; (D). Dog fly.
160. A padlike structure between two tarsal claws among cockroaches that aid in
walking on smooth surfaces: (A). Mesoderm; (B). Pulvilli; (C). Arolium;
(D). Tarsus.
161. Cattle tail louse: (A). Polyplax spinulosa; (B). Haematopinus eurysternus
(C). Solenopotes capillatus; (D). Haematopinus quadripertusus.
162. Mating among bedbugs is referred to as: (A). Direct copulation; (B).
Tubular insertion; (C). Traumatic insemination; (D). None of the above.
163. The following diseases are transmitted by sandflies EXCEPT: (A).
Vesicular stomatitis; (B). Chandipura virus disease; (C). Leishmaniasis;
(D). Dengue.
164. Sucking lice are vessel feeders, imbibing blood through a hollow dorsal
stylet thus sometimes are called: (A). Coprophagus; (B). Voracophagus;
(C). Enterophages; (D). Solenophages
165. What is that highly elastic protein in the pleural arch among fleas that
makes them high jumpers: (A). Resilin; (B). Tannin; (C). Casein; (D).
166. Which pair has short antennae? (A). Anopheles - Oestrus; (B). Tabanus -
Musca; (C). Phlebotomus - Culex; (D). Aedes - Culicoides
167. This louse can parasitize laboratory rabbits: (A). Polyplax spinulosa; (B).
Haemodipsus ventricosis; (C). Bovicola ovis; (D). Solenopotes capillatus.
168. The following are holometabolous insects EXCEPT: (A). Ctenocephalides
felis; (B). Lipeurus caponis; (C). Lucilia serricata; (D). Xenopsylla cheopis.
169. The following are wingless insects EXCEPT: (A). Dermanyssus gallinae;
(B). Rallinyssus prionituri; (C). Echinolaelaps echidninus; (D). None of the
170. The following protozoans are transmitted by biting midges EXCEPT: (A).
Leucocytozoon smithi; (B). Leucocytozoon caulleryi; (C). Hepatocystis
kochi; (D). Haemoproteus meleagridis.
171. Lice found on atypical hosts are termed: (A). Resident; (B). Visitor; (C).
Stragglers; (D). None of the above.
172. The louse-borne relapsing fever or epidemic relapsing fever cause by
Borrelia recurrentis is transmitted by: (A). Pediculus humanus; (B).
Amblyomma americanum; (C). Demodex folliculorum; (D). Phthirus pubis.
173. The following have long antennae EXCEPT: (A). Blatta orientalis; (B).
Phlebotomus papatasi; (C). Cetenocephalides canis; (D). Aedes aegypti.
174. The following organisms are transmitted by Culicoides EXCEPT: A).

Onchocerca gibsoni; (B). Japanese encephaolitis virus; (C). Bluetongue

virus; (D). Rift valley fever virus.
175. A person with chronic body louse infestation may exhibit a generalized skin
thickening and discoloration called: (A). Dermatitis; (B). Vagabond disease;
(C). Wayward disease; (D). None of the above.
176. The following arthropods have wings EXCEPT: (A). Cimex lectularius;
(B). Pseudolynchia canariensis; (C). Booponus intonsus; (D). Hippobosca
177. The principal vector of poultry leucocytozoonosis is this species that breeds
in rice paddies: (A). Culicoides arakawae; (B). Simulium damnosum; (C).
Phlebotomus papatasi; (D). None of the above.
178. The following are hemimetabolous insects EXCEPT: (A). Cimex
lectularius; (B). Trichodectes canis; (C). Musca domestica; (D).
Haematopinus suis.
179. Dhobie itch in horses in thePhilippines is caused by the bites of: (A).
Simulium; (B). Culicoides; (C). Phlebotomus; (D). none of the above
180. Both the male and female of the following arthropods feed on blood
EXCEPT: (A). Ixodes ricinus; (B). Dermacentor andersoni; (C). Tabanus;
(D). Glossina palpalis
181. The respective causative agents of the following diseases are transmitted by
the human body louse EXCEPT: (A). Trench fever; (B). Epidemic typhus;
(C). Louse-borne relapsing fever; (D). Boutoneusse fever.
182. The following parasites are transmitted by blackflies EXCEPT: (A).
Manzonella ozzardi; (B). Leucocytozoon caulleryi; (C). Splendofilaria
fallisensis; (D). Leucocytozoon smithi.
183. Mosquitoes that complete only one generation per year are called: (A).
Nulliparous; (B). Multiparous; (C). Univoltine; (D). Vitellogenin
184. Volatile substances serve as chemical hosts cues for tabanids. The best
known and most effective attractants for tabanidas is: (A). Methane; (B).
Carbon dioxide; (C). Sweat; (D). Oxygen.
185. The following insects have segmented proboscis (labium) EXCEPT: (A).
Cimex hemipterus; (B). Triatoma saguinsuga; (C). Anopheles maculipenis;
(D). Rhodnius prolixus.
186. Members of this group hold the greatest promise of the biological control of
Simuliidae: (A). Annelids; (B). Culicids; (C). Hippobocids; (D).
187. The mechanical vector of Moraxella bovis is: (A). Haematobia irritans (B).
Musca vetustissima; (C). Musca autumnalis; (D). Hydrotea spp.
188. This distinctitive diagnostic sign for sleeping sickness in a peson who has
been exposed to tsetse flies where the trypanosomes then spread to the
lymphatics and the resulting lymphadenopathy in the back of the person is
called: (A). Negro lethargy; (B). Nuche; (C). Nodular prominences; (D).
Winterbottom’s sign.
189. Kasen disease of horses in Japan is caused by: (A). Sandflies; (B).
Blackflies; (C). Biting midges; (D). None of the above.
190. The following are mosquito-borne viruses in the Philippines EXCEPT:

(A). Chikungunya virus; (B). Akabane virus; (C). Semliki forest virus; (D).
Japanese encephalitis virus.
191. Members of the following genera cause myiasis in nesting birds EXCEPT:
(A). Actinoptera; (B). Philornis; (C). Alloattamyia; (D). Mydaea.
192. The arthropod vectors of equine allergic dermatitis are species of the genus
(A). Culicoides; (B). Aedes; (C). Phlebotomus; (D). Simulium.
193. The causative agent of onchocerciasis or riverblindness is solely transmitted
by (A). Horseflies; (B). Myasis flies; (C). Blackflies; (D). Sandflies.
194. Following each blood meal, a female mosquito develops one mature clutch
of eggs, a process known as: (A). Autogenousity; (B). Gonotrophic
concordance; (C). Nulliparic process; (D). None of the above.
195. Members of this genus cause myiasis in frogs: (A). Actinoptera; (B).
Chrysomyia; (C). Batrachomyia; (D). None of the above.
196. The horse nose bot fly is: (A). Oestrus ovis; (B). Rhinoestrus purpureus;
(C). Cephenemyia trompe; (D). Neocuterebra squamosa.
197. A generalized skin thickening and discoloration as a result of chronic
infestation with Pediculus humanus humanus is called: (A). Chagas disease;
(B). Loeffler’s syndrome; (C). Hobo disease; (D). Ileitis.
198. Haller’s organ is present in: the following EXCEPT: (A). Hyalomma; (B).
Rallicola; (C). Ixodes; (D). Dermacentor.
199. Pinkeye or infectious bovine kerato-conjunctivitis is transmitted by: (A).
Bush fly; (B). Buffalo fly; (C). Stable fly; (D). Face fly.
200. Members of the family Tabanidae transmit the following organisms either
mechanically or biologically EXCEPT: (A). Bluetongue virus; (B). Loa
loa; (C). Hog cholea virus; (D). Trypanosoma evansi.


Soulsby, EJL. 1982. Helminth, Arthropods and Protozoa of Domesticated Animals. 7th
edition. Lea & Febiger: Philadelphia
Mullen, G. and Durden, L. (Editors). 2002. Medical & Veterinary Entomology.
Academic Press: New York.



Egg – larva (maggot, caterpillar) – (nymph) – pupa (cocoon) – adult (Imago)

Metamorphosis – Incomplete (Hemimetabolous)

Complete (Holometabous)
Phthiraptera (lice)
Mallophaga – Chewing lice
Mammals (one claw): Damalia (Bovicola), Trichodectes, Felicola,
Birds (twoclaws): Menacanthus, Lipeurus, Chelopistes, Goniodes,
Columbicola, Anaticola, Goniocotes, Trinoton, Holomenopon,
Anoplura (Siphunuclata) – Sucking lice (Haematopinus, Linognathus,
Solenopotes, Polyplax, Hoplopleura, Pediculus, Phthirus)
Cimicidae – Bedbugs (Cimex)
Reduviidae – Cone-nosed bugs (Triatoma)
Siphonaptera – Fleas (Ctenocephalides, Tunga, Pulex, Xenopsylla, Echidnophaga,
Ceratopjhyllus, Spilopsyllus, Dasypsyllus)
Diptera – Flies
Ceratopogonidae (Obtectate) – Biting midges, punkies, no-see-ums (Culicoides)
Simuliidae (Obtectate) – Black flies or buffalo gnats (Simulium)
Psychodidae (Obtectate) – Sandflies, owl midges (Phlebotomus)
Culicidae (Obtectate) – Mosquitoes (Aedes, Culex, Anopheles)
Tabanidae (Obtectate) – Tabanus, Chrysops, Hematopota
Hippoboscidae (Coarctate) – Melophagus, Pseudolynchia, Lipotena
Glossinidae (Coarctate) – Tsetse flies (Glossina)
Gasterophilidae (Coarctate) – Gasterophilus, Cobboldia
Oestridae (Coarctate) – Oestrus, Hypoderma, Pharyngobolus
Muscidae (Coarctate) – Musca, Stomoxys, Haematobia, Fannia, Hydrotaea
Calliphoridae (Coarctate) – Blow flies (Calliphora, Chrysomyia, Callitroga,
Cordylobia, Booponus, Auchmeromyia)
Sarcophagidae (Coarctate) – Flesh flies (Sarcophaga, Wohlfartia)
Cuterebridae (Coarctate) – Dermatobia, Cuterebra

Ixodoidea – Ticks
Argasidae – soft ticks (Argas, Ornithodorus, Otobius)
Ixodidae – hard ticks (Ixodes, Boophilus, Rhipicephalus, Dermacentor,
Amblyomma, Hyalomma, Margaropus)
Ornate, Inornate; 1-host, 2-host, 3-host
Mesostigmata (mites) – Dermanyssus, Ornithonyssus, Pneumonyssus, Rallietia

Trombidiformes (mites) -Trombicula, Leptotrombidium, Demodex, Psorergates,

Sarcoptiformes (mites) - Demodex, Psoroptes, Chorioptes, Sarcoptes,
Otodectes, Cnemidocoptes, Notoedres, Cytodites, Laminiosioptes,
Megninia, Pterolichus

PENTASTOMIDA – Tongue worms

Lingutula, Porocephalus, Armillifer, Raillietiella

Ergasilus, Salmincola, Lernaea, Argulus


Piercing or biting species -
Stinging species – Hymenoptera, scorpions, spiders (Lactrodectes mactans)
Nettling species – Hairy caterpillars
Cryptotoxic species - Blister beetles (Spanish fly)

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