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14 F

Open response test that evaluates the ability to write proper emails in English . The test
provides scores on content, grammar and email etiquette

Your name is Linda Roberts. You work at VebbKart Inc., an e-commerce company, as a
customer sales executive (CSE). You receive a call frm

Subject: Urgent: Customer Return Request - Need Your Guidance

Hi Sarah,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention a
customer situation that requires your guidance and expertise.

Today, I received a call from a customer named Mr. James Anderson, who
purchased several products from VebbKart Inc. approximately three months
ago, including a hair-dryer. Unfortunately, he reported that the hair-dryer he
received was defective, and he is now seeking to return it for a refund.

As per our company policy, we do not accept returns after two weeks from the
date of purchase. I explained this policy to Mr. Anderson, but he became quite
upset and insisted on speaking with a manager. Understanding the importance
of customer satisfaction, I assured him that I would escalate the matter to you
for further consideration.

I have attached a summary of the purchase details and our conversation for
your reference.

Purchase Details:

 Customer Name: James Anderson

 Order Date: [Date]
 Product: Hair-Dryer
 Issue: Defective product, seeking a refund

I would appreciate your advice on how to proceed in this situation. If there are
any exceptions or alternative solutions that could be considered, please let me
know. I want to ensure that we handle this matter in a way that aligns with our
policies while also addressing the customer's concerns to the best of our ability.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing
your guidance on how to proceed.

Best regards,

Linda Roberts Customer Sales Executive VebbKart Inc. [Your Contact


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