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Implications GOAL Objectives Policy Options

Observed Explanations
when (Sector/Sub- (Sector/Sub- Strategies
Conditions (Causes) Legislative
Unresolved Sector) Sector) Programs/Projects Services CapDev
Existence of Not repaired Vehicular To rehabilitate To make the Lobbying funds to Rehabilitation of
Damage on immediately accidents may the Barangay transportation safe concerned office. Road
Barangay Road occur. Road. and convenient.

Lack of source Lack of Water Health problem To provide To avoid health Water System Installation of Water
of water of the Source may occur. enough source problem and installation on System
residents of water. scarcity of water. sitios who lacks
water source.
Absence of Lack of funds to Patient may put To acquire a Convenience of the Lobbying funds to Purchased of
Service vehicle buy ambulance in danger if not vehicle Patient the concerned Ambulance.
for health brought office.
emergency immediately to
purposes the nearest
Dark Lack of Accidents may To lighten the Convenience of the Installation of Installation of Street
road/pathways Streetlighting occur. pathways of the residents Street Lights to Lights
at night system residents. pathways.

Lack of income Lack of Poverty To prove Less poverty Accurate Livelihood training
of residents opportunity incidence may livelihood to incidence selection of poor
and skills increase the residents residents

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