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ChemBioEng Reviews

NOTE: This is only a formal template, please follow our author guidelines for manuscript preparation.

((Full names of all authors including their academic titles, followed by a superscript number for the affiliation; correspondence
author marked by an asterisk))

Title of the manuscript ((max. 100 characters or 12 words))

Abstract Text ((max. 1200 characters, including blanks))
Keywords: ((max. 5, in alphabetical order))

Author affiliations
[1] University, Department, Street, Postal Code, Country.
[2] University, Department, Street, Postal Code, Country.
Email corresponding author:
((Full postal address for all authors, Email of corresponding author only))

1 Heading 1st Order

Main Text Paragraph.

1.1 Heading 2nd Order

Main Text Paragraph.
1+1=2 (1)
((pls insert equation here (Mathtype or Word Equation Editor). Note: Please do not combine equation and number in a textbox
or table))

1.1.1 Heading 3rd Order

Main Text Paragraph.
Table 1. Table Caption. ((Note: Please do not include the table in a textbox or frame))

Head 1a) Head 2 Head 3b) Head 4c) Head 5

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5

a) b) c)
Footnote a; footnote b; footnote c.

ChemBioEng Reviews
Main Text Paragraph.
((Insert Figure here. Note: Please do not combine figure and caption in a textbox or frame.))

Figure 1. Figure Caption.

Supporting Information
Supporting Information for this article can be found under [Link provided by Wiley]. This section includes
additional references to primary literature relevant for this research [XX–XY].

Acknowledgment ((optional))
Acknowledgment text

Symbols used ((in alphabetical order, please delete unused categories))

Greek letters
Sub- and Superscripts

References ((in the order in which they appear in the text, for format pls. see author guidelines))
[1] Reference 1
[2] Reference 2
[3] potential references from the SI

Table and Figure captions

Table 1. Table caption.
Figure 1. Figure caption.
Figure 2. Figure caption.

Entry for the Table of Contents

Table of Contents text. Title

A. Author, B. Author, C. Author*

ChemBioEng Rev. 20XX, XX (X),

The max. dimensions of the
xxxx…xxxx TOC picture are
45 mm (height) × 53 mm (width).

((Pls. indicate if Supporting Information are available))

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